reply to post by mystiq
While thinking about what to share with you about "Evil", I realized that if I followed my usual tendency, I would embark in a long discourse on the
Instead, avoiding ontological discussions that although useful, cannot convince some people and make them think differently of their own experiences,
I would like to appeal to your patience and share a couple of thoughts.
First, when speaking about "Evil", it is of the utmost importance to differentiate between Evil EFFECTS and Evil SOURCES, for they are quite clearly
not the same.
There are certainly duality-based Universes such as ours, where due to the lessons we are "putting ourselves through", we WILL experience some
junctures that most can interpret as evil EFFECTS.
When I shared about my "viewing", I stated clearly that at certain levels, I meet NO EVIL, neither frontally or by default, meaning that there are
no discernible sources which ARE evil in themselves as far as my mind can perceive.
In addition, when examining, or rather, reveling about the Nature of the Divine that gives us, our Souls themselves, Existence and eternal sustain, I
do not meet as a part of Creation the existence of "Evil" souls, energy centers, or evil beings with any kind with formal or objective existence,
for the very characteristic of "Evil", violates the very reason of ANYTHING existing: the infinite expanding of the Mind of the Divine through
So, to say it in short, "making" Souls which are evil is a contradiction. How can something evil learn, for example? If anything, destroy would be
the directive, and this is impossible at certain levels, which are precisely the ones I describe as being completely "Evil Free".
Please remember that, for example, an "evil" human or "alien", is an EFFECT of deeper realities, not an independent being propagating "Evil" as
its true source.
A deeper belief in the Nature of the Divine can already give you a simple glimpse into this. I realize it is not always the most intuitive direction
to seek, but eventually, when presented with it, I encourage you to follow it and see where it might take you.
Sooner than later it will all be clear for everybody, but making this information available, at the very least can help some into not perpetuating any
further these ideas and sentiments that do NOT reflect faithfully the Heart of the Divine.