posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 05:32 PM
An experience in Parallel Realities and Time Manipulation
I had a serious problem. While trying to “protect” (according to my knowledge in those times) a person from my own feelings of pain and anguish,
I mishandled some of my strongest emotional energies, and since I would not express that energy and “let it out”, it stayed and did its number on
This created a serious physical condition, with which I struggled for a long time.
I would treat it in different ways, and because of my levels of energy “potential” it would even baffle doctors for its “strength and
I was able, with time, effort and much study, to understand the roots and mechanisms that triggered the condition, and eventually, with the right
treatment and knowledge, I was able to cut it from the roots.
This is why I was sort of surprised when it “came back” years later. The emotional conditions that gave birth to it were not there anymore, so
what was going on?
My Teacher said it was a test, and left it at that.
I have to admit I was baffled, and for a few days, I lived with it while feeling sorry for myself and sad at being “there” again.
(SOME THEORY, before I continue:
-There are infinite time-lines, where our possibilities are examined to the FULLEST by the Soul. There are therefore, for every Life the Soul
“decides” to experience, an infinite number of Probable Selves taking probabilities to all their extent.
-The nature of Time in 3D is discontinuous, in the sense that it is composed of infinite “frames” that put together yield the ILLUSION of
-Communication between all aspects of the Self is possible, since “separation” is an illusion as well.
I mention the above for clarity. As a corollary, I had been “practicing” and deepening my understanding of some of this material, in many and
varied ways. For example, to name only one, I had been perfecting my technique as a musician by contacting a FUTURE CC (Myself, for those who did not
read the first installment), who had arrived to a level of comfort which I wanted to emulate.
I also have, which is trickier and would require more explanations, changed my past on a few occasions, to reach more steadily and easily some wanted
results that, within the Time-line I WAS in, were not as reachable.)
To continue, I was completely taken aback by my sudden “fall” into the condition, and even felt that it was unfair for me to be tested like this.
After all, I was already at ease with my continuous being very much in contact with my HS (Higher Self) regularly, working at very profound levels in
some areas, etc. So, in essence, I was throwing a pretty nice fit.
As the days went by, I started to switch my mode, and started thinking more “maturely”, or, I started looking, as was my practice since being very
young, in finding the SOLUTION to the situation, rather than thinking “why me?” and the other sorry-for-myself scripts.
A sort of aggressive desire to wipe this thing out began to sweep me. So by a certain moment, let's way I was very highly motivated.
Then I had a flash, to try something that I had never considered or had seen written before.
I KNEW that we create the conditions of our lives, and that we can, within some parameters and according to our level of desired experience,
manipulate our environment with the right understanding and tools at hand, so I decided to go to the very bottom, to the root of the roots, of where
this could be coming from.
I decided to go to the “Central” CC, to the core of myself, and see what I could find and do there. I wanted to communicate with FUTURE or
PRESENT CCs that were NOT suffering the condition, and see what they had to say, and see what the other CCs that were, and see what could be done.
In a moment of extreme motivation and exceptional clarity, I went into a meditative process, a very deep one indeed.
This is what I saw:
I saw what seemed and infinite number of CC to my “right” and to my “left”, and future ones “ahead” (this is just a way of explaining it,
because it goes half-way between what I perceived, as well as the normal possible distortions due to my own interpretation).
I “saw” some of us that were “affected” by the condition, as well as many others that were not.
Seeing “ALL OF ME” like that, I began to “say” what became sort of a CHORUS: “I-WE do NOT have to carry this condition on with us, it is
not necessary, and we can make it stop, we can eliminate it”. Contacting those who were not “affected”, I saw that it WAS part of CC to not
have to suffer the condition anymore.
Then, in that moment, we put “OUR” energy together, and “acquired” a new state where this condition was no more.
I am not entirely sure if it was an individual switch in Time-lines, because it felt like an actual “collective correction”, but I know that I was
immediately relieved, and the condition was gone.
I “came back” from what had been a very lucid “travel” into myself to begin with, and very happily ascertained that indeed, the condition was
not a part of me anymore.
Since that moment, when new avenues were tried and discovered for myself, I continue to explore those levels I became more acquainted with, thanks to
some SERIOUS motivation and desire.
To finish, My Teachers only comment was: Test was passed successfully, aren't you happy?”
I was and I am. I have learned more about “not letting my guard down” also, but having explored new possibilities for the human mind left me just
a little more hopeful than I was before.
P:S: Let it be clear: IN NO WAY WHATSOEVER do I condone or suggest treatments and trials of any kind to be used or to supplant verified methods that
work in the now for each individual, especially when dealing with one's own health and well-being.
My experience was the result of a long path and a quantity of knowledge not mentioned here.
An Italian saying goes, “NEVER make the step longer than the leg”... unless you REALLY know what you're doing.
Each Life and its characteristics are unique, and some individual problems, conditions or difficulties are product of the individual's own Soul and
Self's decision to LIVE some possibilities of human nature, for the purposes that are the same of ANY Life: to BE, experience and learn.
Choose to see what is behind the frameworks and environment of your individual life, and work with diligence and love with what is given to you.
Every Life has Meaning and Purpose, no matter the appearance.
[edit on 27-11-2008 by citizenc]