posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 10:18 PM
Please explain then, since you know all there is to know about scripture, the healings. Explain how after I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, people
are healed. For example, the other night, someone had a broken foot (obviously you have to go into depth and would like to know details) so he
recently broke his foot, didnt have his cast on yet. A friend of mine and I laid hands on him and prayed for healing and he was jumping on his foot
after that and had to call his mother for another shoe. Can you please explain that? Or how this man Jesus Christ has delivered and set me free of
homosexuality and has used me to heal his people and spread his good news? Jesus did know our name before we were born, he has given us life but he
has given us free will to chose what is right, he came to the earth gently and humbly as a little child, not to demand that love but to capture it
once again in the beauty of his creation. God wants us to willingly choose him and we set our one "stone" and chose the gates that we enter. God is
completely outside of "time" thats why we will live eternal life when we go to heaven, our minds cant fathom what that means to live eternal life
because all we know here on earth is that there is a begining and an end. If we cant comprehend the fact that God is outside of time or comprehend how
every organism or every piece of earth is put together then how can you question that the God of the bible is real? how can you question him at all or
anything that would confuse you about him after seeing his good works. you may think that God is bad because of the awful things going on in this
world but that is what his coming is for, and God wants a relationship with us so bad that he goes to extremes (not saying he makes these things
happen) for example, a friend got into a car accident and ended up dying and then coming back to life and then dying again and then coming back to
life again but then into a coma. After that hundreds of people gathered together during lunch and prayed together. Dont you see what happned out of
that? there were people who called themselves atheist out there praying. So when it comes down to it and you are desperate, thats when people decide
that the christian God is real, isnt that interesting? Notice, 9-11 families were brought closer and people were praying. God always turns bad into
good. He longs for that intimate relationship with us. The bible is the truth. read more scripture and tell me that the bible isnt correct on it. The
bible promotes submiting to authority and peace and loving kindness and purity. How could anyone be against that? that really shows how pervurted the
world has become. peoples minds have been so twisted that we would turn against Life and purity and love joy peace and righteousness, almost as if its
to cover up our own convictions to make it seem as if they arent that bad.