All said researched and recollected properly, this is my sum up:
I'm starting to believe the entity which i think is an individual "gatekeeper" of the spiritual realm(s), is a Form.
And that Form takes on attributes and appearances you grant it, whatever your greatest fear is involving unwelcome visitors in your bedroom at night,
this is what manifests.
Hence, some women experience rape, some people see aliens, some people see demons, some people see goblins, some people see ghosts.
Which do YOU have a good mental picture of?
THAT is what appearance this Form will take to fulfill its task of keeping the fearful from a spiritual realm in which we manifest our reality with
thought immediately.
If nothing was there to keep the fearful yet empowered mind that exists, when the body is nearly shut down(paralyzed), from exploring this realm then
people would be consumed by real entities of darkness and not perceived entities of darkness which is what i believe this 'gatekeeper' is often
mistaken as.
It's willingness to do its job and keep you here goes as so far as to shortening your breathe to alert and awaken you in your body and keep your
spirit from unsafely exploring in a state of complete fear.
It must take a strong understanding and compassion for this being to take all the heat our imagination forces on it, we literally force our fear and
evil thoughts onto it.
Our mind is the projector and this gatekeeper entity is the screen onto which our greatest fears are projected.
For some people they have no visual projection to make, only the objective thought of 'something bad' being nearby for others its projected as an
alien, goblin, ghost, demon, and the list goes on. Whatever we believe 'bad visitors' would do to us in the night, the mind projects that experience
outward(visually) as well as inward(physically).
Now imagine with all these shared experiences from people who were silenced in their attempt to yell and scream, JUST HOW MANY screams we would hear
in the night if the experience didn't include silencing of the voice until the fear subsides. Half the world would be screaming out every night and
NO ONE would be sleeping.
The enemy NEEDS you to sleep, thats how it holds control over you. If we did not sleep we would not be susceptible to attack as such. Keep in mind
this attack from the 'enemy' does not have to be from something outside yourself, YOU can be the vessel through which fear is made manifest. You can
be the enemy, 'your own worst enemy' if you allow yourself to be controlled by your fear.
Do you think you would recognize the enemy as yourself if this was the case? I think not, i think your brain would attempt to project that enemy
outwards, NEVER giving thought to the fact that you might be the one leading the attack.
Now about ending these spiritual attacks on yourself....
Like VelmaLu said to do during the paralyzing fear:
I mentally said, "I'd rather be flying" and I was. That was all it took. I was flying. The dream (or experience) was wonderful and really
Still others must mentally say "Be gone in the name of X"
X = the being/god/power you trust is capable of removing the enemy, fear.
The prayer/incantation/mantra to change the experience from one of fear to wonder is as personal as the fears themselves and are defined by the
beliefs the person has in any other being/god/power to ward off that fear, including themselves.
That is why everyone's being/god/power's prayer/incantation/mantra is as affective at removing the enemy as anyone else's.
The thing I am most excited to learn next is who/what is waiting patiently in the spirit realm for me to break my fears and fly free. Right now I am
inclined to believe I have many beings I would call allies and friends awaiting my arrival. I get the feeling one or more of them has waited a long
time and longs for my embrace.
I look forward to that moment when fear no longer holds me in bondage and love has set my spirit free.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You ALL for taking time to read and write and share your experiences and offer your criticism and offer your blessings!
Be Blessed!