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Sleep Paralysis - I just woke up with a Demon atop my bed.

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posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 01:39 AM
Good post. I personally HATE having these experiences but it happens.

First Time I suffered from it was I woke up and saw a dark figure walk by my window. Long story short, felt something put pressure on my pillow, opened my eyes, couldnt move nor breath while a dark figure came walking to me.

I then sat up scared out of my mind.

Good times.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 01:53 AM

Originally posted by anonymousATS

Originally posted by s0ndernet
I don't hope to ever have this happen again and i am certainly not going to go taping my bedroom every night to help disprove the disbelief of a common phenomenon.

The most real explanation i've been offered today as to why i was able to see the being was that in my few seconds of waking i had "spirit vision" where we are able to see part of the spirit plane as we shift in and out of sleep and waking consciousness. I tend to agree with that theory and it would seem that maybe the being didn't disappear i was just no longer able to see it after a matter of seconds, being then fully awake and aware.

If I was experiencing anything like what you folks experience, I would want to know the exact nature of the beast. I'd be taping everynight until I could provide the answer -- was this demon physical or was it a mind-created image?

You've appear to be comfortable with an 'offered explaination', but I don't understand your unwillness to investigate further. I guess it's just differences in people......

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
If you experienced this you would understand its not something that can be physically investigated further. This experience and the entity in it, i believe, would NOT show up in on a video camera nor do i have a video camera to even contemplate that coarse of action.

The 'offered explanation' fits both my world view and my intuition as well as a basic understanding of spirit realm(s). For more on that, read my other lengthy replies.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 01:54 AM

Originally posted by GorehoundLarry
I then sat up scared out of my mind.

Good times.

Hehe, thanks for replying and i enjoy your sense of humor regarding the matter.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 03:39 AM
reply to post by Ironclad

Your friend was probably referring to "djinn". They appear in Islamic and Arabian folklore, i think they're even mentioned in the Qur'an.
These Djinn are described as being made from "smokeless fire", they can be either good or evil and apparently Satan was referred to as a djinn. I've heard them mentioned a few times on this site, particularly concerning sleep paralysis episodes.
If your friend was spekaing so avidly about these beings it's probably because they're a very real race of people to them.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 03:43 AM
All said researched and recollected properly, this is my sum up:

I'm starting to believe the entity which i think is an individual "gatekeeper" of the spiritual realm(s), is a Form.
And that Form takes on attributes and appearances you grant it, whatever your greatest fear is involving unwelcome visitors in your bedroom at night, this is what manifests.
Hence, some women experience rape, some people see aliens, some people see demons, some people see goblins, some people see ghosts.
Which do YOU have a good mental picture of?
THAT is what appearance this Form will take to fulfill its task of keeping the fearful from a spiritual realm in which we manifest our reality with thought immediately.

If nothing was there to keep the fearful yet empowered mind that exists, when the body is nearly shut down(paralyzed), from exploring this realm then people would be consumed by real entities of darkness and not perceived entities of darkness which is what i believe this 'gatekeeper' is often mistaken as.
It's willingness to do its job and keep you here goes as so far as to shortening your breathe to alert and awaken you in your body and keep your spirit from unsafely exploring in a state of complete fear.

It must take a strong understanding and compassion for this being to take all the heat our imagination forces on it, we literally force our fear and evil thoughts onto it.

Our mind is the projector and this gatekeeper entity is the screen onto which our greatest fears are projected.
For some people they have no visual projection to make, only the objective thought of 'something bad' being nearby for others its projected as an alien, goblin, ghost, demon, and the list goes on. Whatever we believe 'bad visitors' would do to us in the night, the mind projects that experience outward(visually) as well as inward(physically).

Now imagine with all these shared experiences from people who were silenced in their attempt to yell and scream, JUST HOW MANY screams we would hear in the night if the experience didn't include silencing of the voice until the fear subsides. Half the world would be screaming out every night and NO ONE would be sleeping.
The enemy NEEDS you to sleep, thats how it holds control over you. If we did not sleep we would not be susceptible to attack as such. Keep in mind this attack from the 'enemy' does not have to be from something outside yourself, YOU can be the vessel through which fear is made manifest. You can be the enemy, 'your own worst enemy' if you allow yourself to be controlled by your fear.
Do you think you would recognize the enemy as yourself if this was the case? I think not, i think your brain would attempt to project that enemy outwards, NEVER giving thought to the fact that you might be the one leading the attack.

Now about ending these spiritual attacks on yourself....

Like VelmaLu said to do during the paralyzing fear:

I mentally said, "I'd rather be flying" and I was. That was all it took. I was flying. The dream (or experience) was wonderful and really surprising.

Still others must mentally say "Be gone in the name of X"
X = the being/god/power you trust is capable of removing the enemy, fear.

The prayer/incantation/mantra to change the experience from one of fear to wonder is as personal as the fears themselves and are defined by the beliefs the person has in any other being/god/power to ward off that fear, including themselves.
That is why everyone's being/god/power's prayer/incantation/mantra is as affective at removing the enemy as anyone else's.

The thing I am most excited to learn next is who/what is waiting patiently in the spirit realm for me to break my fears and fly free. Right now I am inclined to believe I have many beings I would call allies and friends awaiting my arrival. I get the feeling one or more of them has waited a long time and longs for my embrace.
I look forward to that moment when fear no longer holds me in bondage and love has set my spirit free.

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You ALL for taking time to read and write and share your experiences and offer your criticism and offer your blessings!

Be Blessed!

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 05:46 AM

You have answered your own question as to what this was in the first two words of your thread title.


It's been studied,and understodd by the scientefic community for decades.

The was no being or demon in your room.

Incubi,and Succubi,or Old Hag, yes these like old folk-lore terms before science understood the different modes of sleep.

In my laymens ability, since I haven't studied the phenomena, but have seen many a show, and read some about it in books.

Sleep paralysis occures while one awakes, while they are in deep REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. This is when the most vivid dreaming is occuring.

The paralysing is your body way of protecting you from running full speed into the nearest wall of your bedroom when you wake up in the middle of a dream where Jason, Freddy, or Micheal Meyers (pick any you like) is chasing you.

What you experience cannot be sleep paralysis, and a real demonic visitation, at the same time. Your contradicting yourself.

I'm sorry to hear about this because it sounds terribly scary, but really this has been studied, video'd(peop-le swore they had an encounter, nothing on film, just a person starling wakeing),it explained.

Do you know people can also do all sorts of crazy stuff whle asleep. Like drive a car, there's alot of "sleep-eaters", not just sleep walking.

There's no such thing as succubi..., look up the term "Sleep Paralysis". I mean you named it yourself. You don't need a doctor to tell you, you awoke extremely slowly from an intense and vivid dream.

As far as you takeing hallucinagens...,whatever. I don't think that has any bearing . I have too, and I've only have maybe ahandful of "flashbacks" and they all occur during the day and are very intense, and only last a VERY short while. For me most of them were just Deja VU x's like 1,000.

But god luck, I hope you look at the scientific side of explaining this, and not let it bother you any longer.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 05:48 AM
Someone with the Capability to Comprehend what you have described for us to read would not exist in this dimension and wouldn't post it on the internet for Idiots to discuss. This just shows us that you are looking for acknowledgment of some sort in areas of that twisted mind that you should straighten out.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 07:08 AM
reply to post by Nola213

12 pages and you don't think the science of sleep paralysis was discussed?
Thank you for sharing your information with us anyways.
Perhaps you want to see my sum up written on this page.(just scroll up)

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 08:09 AM
I would caution you not to run for the prozac, or whatever the medical community would put you on while taking large amounts of your money. Just because someone has a sheepskin on their wall doesn't mean they know what they are taking about, just that they spent most of their life going to school being indoctrinated into the system.

Maybe this was a visitation from a demon, a multi-dimensional being, a ghost, a particular kind of spirit, a halucination, a manifestation of your own desires, or whatever, remember that you have noting to fear but fear itself.

Did you try to communicate with this apparition. Maybe it wasn't a bad guy, it just looked like a bad guy. I don't know if you mentioned it, but did the energy drain from the groin areas stop before this creature appeared, if so, maybe it came to protect you.

I remember having a dream like this close to thirty years ago. I woke up, or thought I woke up, and there was this child, a boy of about four or five sitting in my bed looking at me. At first I thought it was a neighbors child, and I wondered what the heck was going on, and then I noticed it had very large almond shaped eyes, and thin lips with a twisted smile, and my attitude changed. I wasn't afraid, I was young, thought I was invincible. I tried to ask it what it wanted, and seeming to sense my confidence and growing hostility, it immediately disappeared. I got up for a little while, and then eventually went back to bed, writing it off as just another strange dream. I guess I should add that I didn't experience sleep paralysis with this experience. Never forgot this experience, that is for sure.

Not too long ago, I had a sleep paralysis experience where I dreamed a cat hopped up into bed with me, and sat near my face. It wasn't doing anything, just looking at me. I tried to wake up, but couldn't, it seemed like an eternity before I could move, but it was probably no more than thirty seconds or so. I couldn't see the cat, my eyes were closed, but in a heightened sensory mode, I could feel it, sense it clearly being there physically, hear it walk into the room, feel its impact as it jumped on the bed and walked up next to my face, could feel its breath on my face, hear it pur, yes pur.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 08:30 AM
30% of people here talk about their dreams, even if they were lucid, they are not real. If you say you woke up after that, you apparently dreamd.

68% of the others have experienced sleep paralysis. Tape yourself a few nights and you will see theres nothing in your room on your bed etc. It´s exactly what Nola213 said.

2% of you COULD have seen something which was really there..

[edit on 28-11-2008 by TimeBandit]

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by s0ndernet

sOndernet wrote:

"You mentioned something about causing some excitement over the creator statements.
I was trying to be specific about my experience, i dont usually pray before bed and i don't subscribe to a God of a religion but i do believe in a creator who is God. That's important when mentioning what i felt was a demon(enemy of God) assaulting me.

You mentioned that most sleep paralysis victims are voiceless:
I did not remember crying out but being voiceless until i read an above reply. I did not remember that portion of the experience until now, it was very frightening.
You asked if it was sleep paralysis or hallucination. i was paralyzed and i saw something which was not a hallucination. Science would like to make everyone think this is a matter of hallucination or dream state. I AM CERTAIN of what i saw that is why i said it was not a hallucination.

Your sum up indicates - to me - you are learning quickly. Fear vs love, ect. Manifesting our own fears. Let me add some perspective. Let us consider that a world in which one thing/being can be separate from another is a world of sleep and fear. What we consider to be an awakened state - if it involves 'other' characters "good" or "evil" - is still a sleeping state. The individuated state of being only seems awake relative to the more obvious sleep states. Consider this to be a trick...trick of mind...of our mind...which is one mind. To consider individuated states of being 'real', or 'not a hallucination' to be sleeping, relative to what I will call Reality. Should Reality sleep, it's dream would be one of separation and fear because its reality is one of oneness and love. I would suggest that you are really Reality...sleeping...hallucinating. As such, the entire world of time, distance, an hallucination.

I see a correlation between your prayer to gOd, the creator of the individuated states of being, between your willingness to be a 'warrior' for such gOd's agenda...and the attack you experienced. The gOd of the individuated state of being plays both sides of the "good and evil" coin, and masks its agenda by misdirection. The primary misdirection is to focus your attention upon an axis of "good and evil" instead of on TRuE or FaLse. The entire dichotomy of good and evil is FaLse. The idea that there is a gOd of different individuals is FaLse. If you admit to, or accept such a gOd, you relenquish your Reality as LORd of all experience, both real and unreal. Sleep paralysis can only be for a mind that does not believe itself to be 'lord'. Such a mind must be operating under fear, whether it is obvious or not. This is the fear one must transcend that love may set it free of different, individuated states of being.

To awaken from individuated states is the true...ultimate awakening. To accomplish this, set your mind on remembering your awakened Reality. It is equal to whatever else may be real. If your Realiy has a Creator, it is sTill equal to that Creator. The Creator does not 'lord it' over its Creation. There is no heirarchy. There is no such thing as evil. All is good, all is love, all is awake, all is joy, all is bliss, all is one. The sleeping mind is fairly oblivious to its Reality as such. But if you can remember, you can awaken. Begin perhaps by thinking of all 'other' beings as masks over the real YOU. The masks symbolize your thoughts about yourself, none of which really represent yourSelf.


posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by TimeBandit

Statistical opinions!
This will be carefully shipped, processed, and archived in the 'make up your own data' files.
Really though your estimates are likely pretty close to the truth. Thanks for sharing.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by poet1b

Thanks for sharing!
I could not communicate with it because it disappeared before i could do anything. I turned my head, breaking the sleep paralysis, and saw as it disappeared. Those two elements are congruous in that the fear i was manifesting visually(the entity) ended in conjunction with the ending of fear physically(the paralysis).

Nothing to fear but fear itself

How right you are!

The vibration and energy i felt near my groin was present before i broke paralysis and ended at the same time i saw the entity, and again i saw the entity as it disappeared.

As for the Prozac, ZOMG no! NO NO NO.
No one should ever take that awful stuff, i started taking it when i had severe depression at 18, this was before the manufacturer came out and said it caused suicidal ideation in those ages 18 and younger.
Yahhhhh it takes time(weeks) for that drug to accumulate and have an affect and by the time it started affecting me i was saturated with that # and waking up for the first time ever to incredibly maddening suicidal thoughts followed by a days worth of suicidal thoughts.
Despite that i had a strong sense of longing to be alive, i never wanted to take my life i only thought of it. SO creepy, that drug is Sofa King EVIL!!!!!
I am alive and well today thanks to the healing powers of Cannabis.
I can literally say without a doubt that Cannabis saved my life.
It was the only thing capable of getting me through not only my now drug imposed thoughts of suicide as well as the base level of depression.
It reminds me to plug my very good friend, mentor, and ally:
Prozac is a chemical compound manufactured by people with money in mind.
Cannabis is a plant created by God with the rest of creation in mind.
(Do you see that connection there...manufactured money and created creation. Which is real? AND Which is unacceptable to ingest?

[edit on 28-11-2008 by s0ndernet]

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 11:31 AM
Sounds like the start of an OBE. If you're not well versed on the topic, look into and read some of Robert Monroes books. He descrices your experience very well. He also gives various ideas on exploring this state of sleep paralysis.

Don't worry about the 'Demon' on your bed. Any fear is coming from inside you and once you learn to control that fear you'll realise that you are (astrally) virtually indestuctable and can't be harmed. You can only be harmed if you believe you can be harmed. That last sentence is kinda f*cked up but its true.


posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by s0ndernet

Good, I think you are on the right path. Next time send a psychic explosion around the room, when you find energy being sucked from you. You do this by drawing up anger and sending it out around the room with all the force you can muster. That creature will never bother you again.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 11:53 AM
Sorry for my english
I have never had sleep paralisis, but I have encounter invisible beeings several times this last 5 yeas, mostly at night.
The worst time encounter I have had was when praying for my father, becouse for some family problems, an invisible being struck something through my heart 2 times, like penetring inside. The pain a feelt was not physical, anyway it greew to physical pain a week after and I felt I was like dying and went to an Hospital, And they said I have nothing. Anyway that night after the hospital an energy came inside me and I feelt like I was repaired from inside. It was like 5 hours or so, from wich I sleept the last 3 hours. After a month the pain whent away.
The best encounter I have had was when I went to sleep to the living room becouse of a heavy discution with my girlfriend. After 1 hour or so of praying for me and her, an invisible hand took physical hand and it pull me to the bedroom, into de bed and then it put my arms sorounding my grilfrinds chest. After that see woke up and we made friends again..
How I can generaly feel when some invisible being is near my, Its a low noise inside the head. When some of this being are from a very eleveted spiritual nature like and angel, you feel a burning inside you, like flames, but not physical flames, and a little painfull.. I supose if its a deamon you must feel a chill but I not sure..

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 12:04 PM
No, they don't like fighters (these 4th Dimesional entities), that's true. But sorry to disillusion you or anyone, this will not dissuade them permanently, only for the time. Once unconsciousness occurs, they are free to do what they do (consume/absorb energy/effluvium). This one just got 'caught' (seen).

There are endless descriptions of these encounters, yet almost everyone remains in the unknowing regarding them. OP seems to think this is part of 'the dweller.' That's like blaming God for this n that, because one is not sure.

The entity seen in post#1 was a real self-being, independent of 'imagined' expressions, which one can 'create' with lucid dreams. The lucid created & the actual conditional (in the astral) are like life on tv and life in life. The entity was a vistor, was absorbing energy, and can return when it desires to. It will be more careful if it does.

The 'dweller' in any form will encounter you, not run/evade you. The invading entities are all about mankind on Earth (in the 4th D), man just not being evolved enough to be aware of them. It's a Sea of Awareness (Creation). Ever see a shark with a remora, or other creatures with parasites attached to them? Do you not realize that your energy being is in actuality subject to this and even worse (more conscious) parasitism from fuana alive (& as real as yourselves) in the 4th dimensional levels?

Everything in creation consumes (eats) everything else.

See my previous posts, this thread, for more info.

I also am surprised OP states he doesn't believe crystals are alive. Everything is made of Consciousness! It's all Alive. Come to this Awareness (beyond the solidified concrete general consensus stage), and Creation begins to Reveal Itself.

Yes, protect yourself. Yes, these beings are real & objective within their response fields (3rd-4th D). Camera's? Try a sandbox for the time being. Science can't even find the Ether, though it has mathematecally hypothesized it's existence (unproven, of course!). The Soul-Spirit evolves into this Awareness of Existence of Inner Realms through Intent. Without this level of evolvement/intent, each will remain stagnant in the concrete state. You can see this effortlessly everywhere, especially here on ATS posts. Use the Subtle Nervous System to evolve.

And get ready for the shocks of reality ("I didn't think life would be like this...").

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 01:11 PM
Demon? Lmao stop living in fear. You probably manifested that yourself because you do not understand sleep paralysis. I have been in sleep paralysis many times, just relax and go back to bed. I am pretty sure the paralysis is caused by '___'.

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by s0ndernet

I too once experienced something like this. I was in the service and remember going to bed one evening. Usually, I remember my dreams. But, on this particular night I didn't remember anything. It was like I closed my eyes one minute and were opening them hours later, with no time seemingly elapsed. When I went to open my eyes, I had a very strange feeling that I wouldn't like what I saw when I opened them. Then, I became downright afraid and at that moment realized I couldn't move. I don't even recall breathing!

I slowly opened my eyes and saw what appeared to be an entity of some type that was humanoid in appearance. What strikes me weird about your story is that this entity too grinned in a very eerily fashion before disappearing (actually floating through the ceiling).

I remember praying in my head to make this thing go away. And, it id after praying.

I have seen some shows on sleep paralysis and from what I understand it is not uncommon to feel a presence in the room when this happens. And, depending on your beliefs, people are apt to see demons, spirits, ghosts, aliens, etc..

I thought it was a demon because it went away when I prayed. But, it could have just been a figment of my imagination.

It's just weird how I had this happen to me in 1989 and your story is very similar nearly 20 years later.

[edit on 28-11-2008 by Freenrgy2]

posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 01:35 PM
It is quite possible that this was some emanation or entity form. Although many beings can vibrate at different frequencies, they generally cannot interact with us unless we are vibrating at a different frequency through brain wave patterns (such as different levels of sleep - theta, beta,, etc.) or through the use of substances such as '___', Ayahuasca, etc. Your experience is a likely indicator of internal issues that allow your mind to attract certain energies. It is likely beneficial to explore any historical internal wounding in your life or patterns that you engage in. Role-play with the entity, as if you were him, what is he saying to you. Look underneath the surface appearance world. What is going on inside you... fear (fear of what, where does the fear come from, when did you experience a similar emotional pattern in your life), contemplating like this will likely lead you to discover mental patterns or woundings that you have hidden deep inside the recesses of your mind that need to be brought to your conscious awareness for resolution for your own benefit and the benefit of others. You will not only heal yourself, but attract different vibrational energies and entities to your light that will guide and protect you in skillful and virtuous way to support yourself and others. Explore. There are no accidents.

Good Luck - Peace

[edit on 28-11-2008 by Baracas]

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