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Science (15 Billion years) vs Creation (6 days) maybe they are saying the same thing

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posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by noobfun

With regards to your comment Quote your words:-

'but unlike gods they dont demand we pray and follow thier rules why they willingly and knowingly break them

the god you appear to be talking about seems more like the type metioned by physacists not an allknowing all seeing bieng but an ultimate law of nature its self

or am i missunderstanding? "

It is many on earth that, "demand we pray and follow thier rules why they willingly and knowingly break them", is remember demanded by religious leaders (As Like the behaviour of the old Pharisees and fanatics) .

When I refer to The "Word" God I am not referring to a god as it is taught incorrectly by religious leaders on a crazed power trip or ego trip.

The Word God is precisely that a Word.

In The Book of John Quote:-

Chapter 1 Verse 1

In the beginning was The "Word"!

And The Word was With God,
and The Word was God!

Verse 4.


In Him was Life,
and the Life was
The Light of men.

The English word Light was translated from the Greek word " fos or as it is spelt in Greek; "phi" "Omega" "Sigma" having association with, 'Bright Light, the Light Bringer, in Latin Lucifer, ie the morning Star. It comes from the Root "phi" "Alpha" "Omicron" "Sigma" and in Epic Greek Light or Day Light, Light from the Sun....

This is why the Day Star in the books of Peter "Let the Day Star Rise in your Hearts", and in the book of Malachi "The Sun of Righteousness."

But putting this aside the Fact is that God was a Word.

So to find out what the Word is you have to translate back through the original language that this came from which is the Lost Language of Zionic!

The Zionic Language was originally an unutterable language in Geometric Structure!

This Language can in fact be "Back Engineered" if you have some knowledge of Geometry as all the fonts used in other Languages including Sanscript came from Zionic....

So the Word God does Not mean what many think today but is rather a word that has changed through the ages in both Language and Translation between Languages.

The Zionic representation of the Word God actually denotes a Geometric Algorithm Not an entity of what is presented today!

So I do Not see a god as represented in Roman Doctrine as you would know about today!

The Zionic word of what you call god today is actually a component of the All and is in fact a Lattice Work of Light that is used similar to a Drawing Machine and Geometric Processing System.

If you are trying to make sense of what I am saying, You Can't look at it in the way you would understand as is taught by Roman Doctrine of today.

Roman Doctrine is totally different from the knowledge that was known 5,000 to 6,000 years or more ago!

I would say that the "Roman Doctrine" would be the biggest curse to Humankind, in that it has Bastardised the Original Zionic knowledge into a Lie.

The World has been Deceived through the Roman empire!

The Pharisees and Scribes of the Hebrew people are as much to blame.

It is Not all Romans or Hebrew people that have done this, but the Pharisees (Hebrew) and Scribes of both peoples, that have taken the keys of Knowledge and Hidden them.

It is the Academics that have Bastardised the True Knowledge through Roman Religion!

[edit on 1-12-2008 by The Matrix Traveller]

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 07:27 PM
Appreciate the good discussion on this topic

I see some good points from both sides. Bottum line though we don't have a time least yet..

posted on Dec, 1 2008 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by BlackProjects
Appreciate the good discussion on this topic

I see some good points from both sides. Bottum line though we don't have a time least yet..

Hopefully we will have this technology available in the not too distant future!
Referring to "time travel"!

If we do, then I guess we can check out those theories, regarding history and how we got here once and for all!

My belief is, that we will find a past history we were not expecting.

There is so much blindly accepted today, as being so called fact, or truth but all our theories are full of worms.

Both to do with Creation and Evolution.

Personally I see evolution not in the way others see it but rather see adaptation rather than evolution speaking environmentally, but I do see Evolution in our attitudes and beliefs, I guess part of that adaptation.

I don't have the Answers, but I have made an effort over the last 15 to 16 years, to put all my experience from the past, into looking at new developments, outside the square as to say.

I spent 12 years in designing and manufacturing automotive control computers, for the racing industry and retired, but only to be brought into R&D again, still involved with processing systems. but unconventional according to today's beliefs.

This field took me into uncharted areas, involving ancient writings and this is where I found that most of the writings have been Bastardised, for one reason or other, usually for Religious reasons involving Political motives!

I think the truth about the Universe and Creation, is totally different than anyone can imagine today!

Since I have been playing with Optical Interfaces with The True Mind, what others call the mind, or Conscious State, I have had to abandon many of my beliefs, over the last 50 to 60 years!

What I have both seen and experienced, won't allow me to readopt my old beliefs or return to my understanding, I have had in the earlier days of my life.

The bible that has been argued over, especially on these threads, people have been too flippant in their reading and assumed too much, which is based on incorrect information and accepted ideas passed on from one person to another.

The understanding has changed as people wanted to find some security in their Belief system either for evolution or religious reasons.

But essentially what drives this condition is driven by the same underlying psychology of insecurity and trying to find our roots or merely justify our own beliefs!

The bible has been bastardised and I can give many many examples but I would be just another giving opinions.

So I have made it my business, to explore in a different way, and in doing so, have rediscovered an ancient technology, which the peoples of earth had lost.

There is nothing religious, or of theology, or involving belief about this technology.

It is something you can both see with your eyes and Mind!

What I and others have found, is a way of being able to see the soul!

Not only finding this, but being able to study its workings.

I have a library of over 30,000 Geometric drawings now that describe both the Structure in exact detail and also in detail the workings of the Soul.

The Soul is Not what people believe it to be today!

It is in fact, a huge Lattice work of light, that the so called universe and your body is manifested in as a holographic experience or adventure.

This is done through a processing system, based on interactive geometry.

In fact the bible has a huge amount of information, on this structure but is in the form of a parable.

The shape and all the measurements are given in the book of Ezekiel!

My avatar is a drawing of what is known as the "Man Child" or Son of Man.

The drawing is the Partition Map of the inner Core of the Soul.

The Mother or "Outer" Partition Map is very similar.

The same number of Octagons are in both structures.

So if you read the book of Ezekiel, very, very, carefully you will be able to recognise the drawing in my Avatar.

Most of the description on the lattice work of Light, can be found from Chapter 40 onwards in the book of Ezeiel.

You will find a lot of corruption in the writing, but generally the theme is still there.

Most of the corruption, is around words to do with so called sacrifices and other weird practices introduced by human religion and other unrelated material to do with this Lattice work which I call The Matrix!

You can find all over the Earth Pattern work in Windows, Ceilings, floors and exterior of buildings from Government Buildings, Palaces, Temples, churches to mosaics, that show components of this system I and others have found!

[edit on 1-12-2008 by The Matrix Traveller]

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 10:47 AM
sorry for the late reply matrix i wrote a nice long one and hit back space to remove word i wante to change and it wiper the lot, and other threads ahve eaten my time so not had chance to do redo it until now

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller

Please read the whole text and understand it, before attempting to write back.

As I have told you, in answering your U2U, I am Not against You!
they view point are conflicting but that doesnt in anyway mean WE are

This is Not intended to be a competition!
there can be no winner just better understanding for both parties compeition doesnt lead to win win situations so it deffinatlkey isnt a competition

"Nothing" is actually "Something", but do you understand this "Nothing" in its entirety????

I am referring to Quantum Mechanics!

No offence intended!
non taken

You think you understand but do you really in fact understand?????

Or are you ( I don't mean just You. The Word "You" is used in referring to the "Human Species", including my body also) like the ape, where the ape can't perceive the understanding of Maths and Calculus, we have trouble understanding concepts of immaterial subjects as Logic in abstract areas ourselves unless you are somehow the exception?
we are all exceptions thats what makes us individuals

The Component "Nothing" has, or can exist, otherwise you would Not have this "word" Nothing in your Dictionary!
ahh your mixing the quantum deffinition with the everday common meaning

quantum redefines it slightly, so even though its called nothing it is still a kind of somthing

real world deffintion is a complete ansence of anything, not a thing in its self

All, has in fact come from "Nothing".
Quantum mechanics also sees this to be the case.

But do you really understand the Component "Nothing"?

Even yourself believes this, or you and I would Not be here right now nor would we be discussing this.
no one really does thats why quantum is all theoretical were exploring possabilities

In other words We (that is the All) have come from "Nothing" in the beginning, if in fact a Beginning exists at all with regard to The All and not to this Planet Earth.

Quantum mechanics recognise this.

But the whole question really revolves around the understanding of The Component of "Nothing", its make up and behaviour, because which ever way you look at it, All has come from "Nothing"!
in a quantum sense yes

If this is Not the case. then you must believe in a god of your own!
nope else i couldnt be an athiest

And You and I know this is Not the case!
But what is This "Nothing"?

The Subject of The Component "Nothing" is in fact very very complex and there is fare more to this Subject than what humankind is capable of fully understanding.

I mean if I ask one of my Professors to sit down and discus Nothing, when he has know knowledge in this subject, he will think I am crazy until he learns a little about the subject.
why would you be discussing quantum's redffenition of nothing with a proffessor that doesnt know quantum theory? no wonder he was confused

We can recognise when Nothing, is there or something is their can't we?
we can recognise when there is a lack of anything and give that lack a name but that is does not make it a thing, unless your using the quantum deffinition

Often one says I see Nothing there or I can see Nothing!

So you see unconsciously we are able to recognise Nothing as Something!

The opposite, of what you have today being "Something", is "Nothing" but this is very strange this "Something/Nothing".
your using miused language to prove somthing it doesnt realate to

they should actually say i dont see anything out of the ordinary, i dont see what i should be seeing, i dont see what your telling me is there

which is why the examples fail, and why i pinted out its poor language syntax not proof of quantum hypothesise

Its a bit like claiming that 0 (Zero) doesn't exist bout you and I both understand 0 (Zero) is a component of Maths.

It is of the similar nature where "Nothing" is also one of the components of the All.
your switching from quantum to real world at will here

and the examples of real world dont neccesarily support the quantum, maybe a better metaphor is needed?

But look, can you stop bring god into all this, because Our understand of The "Word" God is totally different in each of our cases.
Your understanding of god is in human termes and is Nothing at all like my knowledge of the "Word" God.
yes but often carries many similarities and its these we can examine

The "Word" God is a Component of the All and is Not human or any other Person, but is a Function in Geometric terms, from the lost Zionic Language, that was Unspoken but was instead a language that communicated on a Geometric Level.

The True Meaning of The "Word" God has been lost!
for that you have to believe there ever was a god for it to work as an example

i see not that the meaning of god has been lost but god was a form of meaning thrust on to the natural to explain it

Unless you understand the Workings of The Geometry of any Geometric Language, it is impossible for you to understand Zionic or the Back engineering, of the unspoken Zoinic Language.
but language is evuidence only of language

But anyway if you want to understand the universe, then you must first understand the Infinite component that is called "Nothing".

But as I have said "Nothing" and "Something" are two components that exist as one.
in quantum yes becasue nothing has been made a somthing inorder to model it

As far as I am aware, this is the only pair of 'Opposite' components that exist as one!
but quantum redefines the absences of anything as a thing in and of its self making them no longer opposites, it becomes a descriptive name for a somthing

This is why in Quantum mechanics, the component of "Nothing" is said to be Unstable and this is absolutely true.

But if "Something" and "Nothing" are Opposites then what is the "third component" that binds these Opposites together?

This bond is something totally different, than "Something" and "Nothing"!

This third component is in the nature of, 'the comparing these first two Components', "Something" and "Nothing".

This is where humankind, is having great difficulty, understanding, because this ability to compare two components, with regard to each other, comes back to the Question of Awareness.

It appears that Awareness, came about from the Instability of The Component of "Nothing" brought on by the existence of "Something" being the component of "Nothing".

But this is a huge subject on, or of its own!
its observation of not awareness of that effect things at a quantum level from what we understand of it

like firing protons at twin slits, a single proton forms wave patterns were aware of that it doesnt lead to any changes, but when we observe it to find out why it stops

and for nothing to be unstable needs the redeffintion of nothing to make it something we can study, so nothing in quantum is not the same nothing as language and none quantum understanding

Yes I know it sounds like Madness to humankind, but try and disprove this if you can?????
...... getting bored of saying this, the burden of proof lies on the proposer, its not for us to disprove its for YOU to prove

Science and other uses
Outside a legal context, "burden of proof" means that someone suggesting a new theory or stating a claim must provide evidence to support it: it is not sufficient to say "you can't disprove this." Specifically, when anyone is making a bold claim, either positive or negative, it is not someone else's responsibility to disprove the claim, but is rather the responsibility of the person who is making the bold claim to prove it. In short, X is not proven simply because "not X" cannot be proven (see negative proof).

Negative proof, the fallacy of appealing to lack of proof of the negative, is a logical fallacy of the following form:

"X is true because there is no proof that X is false."
It is asserted that a proposition is true, only because it has not been proven false. The negative proof fallacy often occurs in the debate of the existence of supernatural phenomena, in the following form:

"A supernatural force must exist, because there is no proof that it does not exist".
However, the fallacy can also occur when the predicate of a subject is denied:

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 10:47 AM
Part 2

You may be able to write all sorts of things against what I have said, but if you look at a Video mentioning Quantum Mechanics on this thread, the guy mentions that "Nothing" was in the beginning and that this Nothing is Unstable!
but as i say your mixing 2 seperate nothings into 1

1 is the absences of anything , so not a thing just a label

and the other is a redefine to allow us to explore somthing, it is not nothing it is a thing reclassified and reffered to as nothing

So to understand all this you can't use Philosophy nor can you understand this in the Physical sense.
but thats EXACTLY what quantum theory is doing, attemnpting to understand it in a physical sense as it underlies all our physical reality

But this is Not to say it is spiritual either!
Nor does Not involve anything of so called Spirituality!

You are dealing with a form of Logic, that is immaterial and Abstract.
but still bound by logic and laws

the concept may be abstract but it still needs logic

So you could say what produced your universe and others, is a liar or a deceiver in the way you put it, in your Understanding!

But this word deceiver is Not intended to be used in the context of Betrayal when I agree with you on this!
if a god is given as a seperate creator figure then betrayl is correct, if you use goin the physics sense then it is not as it is nature and natural in its very actions

But so too, is the TV or Computer is a deceiver of sorts.

It converts from an electrical nature to a Picture or movie on screen.

So your TV and Computer are Converters or Decoders or translators.

The TV and Computer is also a deceiver, in that it produces pictures in front of you which is made from different workings than what is in the electronic components and software...

But you don't complain about your computer or TV now do you?
what happened to the no philosophy rule?

it doe not decieve it displays in its best ability, to decieve is to intentionally be untruthful

if used in a young earth creationist context thier version of god must be a deciever in the things he did, i know you dont hold to this model of unreality but your words were sugestive of a similar premise

The only time it betrays you, is when it breaks down.... LOL..

your metaphors dont hold true and the language you use leads readers to a false conclusion by thier use, its not intentional im sure but you can see it leading your train of thought also

maybe remodel the metaphors and a better use of language will egt the mesasage you hope to across better

posted on Dec, 4 2008 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by noobfun

All you have are Human Beliefs at the End of the Day????

But your Difficulty is in understanding "Nothing".

I suggest you find in a dictionary!

The Total meaning of the Word "Nothing" has to be taken into account, as you have to look at All the Cross References.

Another Definition of the Word "Nothing" is a Void.

Check out the word "Void" ???

As it refers to the Word "Nothing".

The problem you have, is that you are far to hasty at times, and jump to conclusions. This often shows others you are trying to convince your self of your own beliefs and shows an unstable foundation but complex...

This is reflected in your writing. (No offence intended. It is just what I and others, See in you and in fact is quite normal human behaviour...)

Now something can only exist as a "void" if that void is in something!

And if that Void exists in something, that Something puts boundaries on that Void!

Even if it is Material or just in your imagination abstract or not.

Look you are just Earth bound and at present unable to look beyond the Material that your body is made of but this is just a part of your own experiences.

When you take your last breath this is when you enter the other experience of yourself which is opposite to what you experience now.

Right now your thinking is the way it is because You are Not informed of the other half of your experience to come.

You only have a very small amount of knowledge at this stage to understand what you really are or what All is really about!

You cant understand the story of a book until you have read the whole book and you have only red 1 page of your own book!

You haven't read or experienced the rest of your own book so you can't possibly know what is ahead of you nor what you are really about untill you have experienced the rest of your life.

In 1975 I was given a set of IQ tests by our Government and I was advised to enter into Computer Sciences but at that time because I was anti computer I laughed at the advice they gave me.

But in 1988 I entered into my own Company Designing and Manufacturing Automotive Control Computers.....

What I am say here is I was convinced at the time that I would never be involved with computer systems but this turned out to become the opposite of my thinking in 1975.

Yes I know you are totally convinced of your own understanding of yourself and what is your universe but there is a little problem All your knowledge and Understanding comes from the human Primate!

Yes I know you are going to tell me this is about Physical facts, but it is the human interpretation of this environment.

As I have said, "tell me your thoughts when you enter the other half of your experience when you have No physical body.

You can't understand this nor know of it, because it is yet to happen to you and you can't escape this part of your experience no matter what you shout out to the world trying to convince yourself, this other part of you experience can't possibly exist in front of your self!

This on your part is only a human reaction to the fear of your own death experience to come, which you can't escape from!

Your greatest shock will come when you find out that the death of your consciousness is a myth.

You see when you die you find yourself, I mean the outer of your consciousness and this changes your whole perspective of both yourself and what all is really about.

And this I suppose you can call the evolution of your own understanding.... LOL

The True place of conflict is actually in yourself and your Ideas and beliefs are only the denial of yourself!

As you get older in understanding you will come to know of these things, it is part of the all of things which you are powerless to change.

It is the All that will mould you!

You can't Mould the All you are powerless so Stop trying.

It is The All that wins in the End, as you have Lost that war, before you even though of starting it.... LOL.

But I trust in Intelligence of the Mind and Not the trivia of the Primate species You are of!

Look further and you will find what is before you.

Close your Mind, and you kill your very self.

But for me, I Love Life more than you can ever know!

[edit on 4-12-2008 by The Matrix Traveller]

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller

All you have are Human Beliefs at the End of the Day????
im so gonna copy and paste this a lot i feel it comming

But your Difficulty is in understanding "Nothing".
the dificulty is in not being able to use 1 deffinition for the appropriate thing

switching from one deffintion to another at will to prove a point is not understanding either

I suggest you find in a dictionary!

The Total meaning of the Word "Nothing" has to be taken into account, as you have to look at All the Cross References.

Another Definition of the Word "Nothing" is a Void.

Check out the word "Void" ???

As it refers to the Word "Nothing".

wow really? and what is a void? an absence of anything

not a thing but a lack of things

The problem you have, is that you are far to hasty at times, and jump to conclusions. This often shows others you are trying to convince your self of your own beliefs and shows an unstable foundation but complex...

The problem you have, is that you are far to hasty at times, and jump to conclusions. This often shows others you are trying to convince your self of your own beliefs and shows an unstable foundation but complex

All you have are Human Beliefs at the End of the Day

i deal not in belief and fiath but what is

This is reflected in your writing. (No offence intended. It is just what I and others, See in you and in fact is quite normal human behaviour...)
yes even your prone to it it seems

Now something can only exist as a "void" if that void is in something!
the exact opposite is true

a void can only be when there isnt a somthing, this doesnt make it a thing

just a lack of anything

And if that Void exists in something, that Something puts boundaries on that Void!

Even if it is Material or just in your imagination abstract or not.
false basis leads to a flase conclusion

Look you are just Earth bound and at present unable to look beyond the Material that your body is made of but this is just a part of your own experiences.
but you are not?

All you have are Human Beliefs at the End of the Day

When you take your last breath this is when you enter the other experience of yourself which is opposite to what you experience now.
or i cease to be anything

All you have are Human Beliefs at the End of the Day

no evidence except experience which can and are often false yes even near death experiences

the experience is real as it is an experience but it is not reality, often it is a reflection of

Human Beliefs at the End of the Day
it is not universal or restrictive it is random, people of all faith and no faith experience similar, some meet god some meet friends some meet no one, some meet friends that are still alive, some travel up with people that are concious and alive

some see things before that arnt real too many have no experience at all

some go to heaven some go to hell

it is only evidence of an experience not that they experience is real, the brain cannot tell the differance

it convinces its self the flase is true all the time

Right now your thinking is the way it is because You are Not informed of the other half of your experience to come.

All you have are Human Beliefs at the End of the Day

The problem you have, is that you are far to hasty at times, and jump to conclusions. This often shows others you are trying to convince your self of your own beliefs and shows an unstable foundation but complex...

You only have a very small amount of knowledge at this stage to understand what you really are or what All is really about!

You cant understand the story of a book until you have read the whole book and you have only red 1 page of your own book!

and you have read more? you have experienced more? you know more? you are more knowing then anyone else?

All you have are Human Beliefs at the End of the Day

You haven't read or experienced the rest of your own book so you can't possibly know what is ahead of you nor what you are really about untill you have experienced the rest of your life.
your arguments work against your own view point and belief

i work with what is not what what i want it to be, else id believ all life and human kind was peaceful and loving

i know it isnt its proven with evidence and facts so i accept

no belief no faith just what is

Yes I know you are totally convinced of your own understanding of yourself and what is your universe but there is a little problem All your knowledge and Understanding comes from the human Primate!
and so does yours

but again no belief and no faith nothing i imagine to be real through lack of evidence or dispite the evidence

Yes I know you are going to tell me this is about Physical facts, but it is the human interpretation of this environment.

As I have said, "tell me your thoughts when you enter the other half of your experience when you have No physical body.
prove there is anything beyond it then we can discuss it

other wise it is no more real or relavnat then heaven of hell - constructs of the imaginary of the primate mind

You can't understand this nor know of it, because it is yet to happen to you and you can't escape this part of your experience no matter what you shout out to the world trying to convince yourself, this other part of you experience can't possibly exist in front of your self!
as you shout at the world your belief and faith must be real and cnvince yourself and others it must be right becasue you believe it

This on your part is only a human reaction to the fear of your own death experience to come, which you can't escape from!
i have no fear of death, i dont really wnat to die but if it happens it happens

acceptance not belief not faith not imaginigs of a primate mind

Your greatest shock will come when you find out that the death of your consciousness is a myth.
the only myth is that it carries on

no evidence no acceptance

it reliese on denial and faith and belief

or on experience that is faulty and misrepresntaitional

You see when you die you find yourself, I mean the outer of your consciousness and this changes your whole perspective of both yourself and what all is really about.

And this I suppose you can call the evolution of your own understanding....
or a fabrication of the mid that fears death so needs to create somthing after, not acceptance just belief and imaginings and faith

The True place of conflict is actually in yourself and your Ideas and beliefs are only the denial of yourself!

All you have are Human Beliefs at the End of the Day

As you get older in understanding you will come to know of these things, it is part of the all of things which you are powerless to change.
as the time gets closer the reality of death gets closer the fear breeds faith and belief in the hope theres somthing more

It is The All that wins in the End, as you have Lost that war, before you even though of starting it....
is it better to fight and fail at understanding or self delusion? it isnt realy a war nothing happening we dont die we go on

But I trust in Intelligence of the Mind and Not the trivia of the Primate species You are of!
the intelegnece of a primate mind

so yours is as flawed as mine and anyone else

but while i try to remove the flaws through understanding youaccept and embrace them

Look further and you will find what is before you.

Close your Mind, and you kill your very self.
and your ability to really see what is happening not just what you wnat to be, not just what you imagine it to be

But for me, I Love Life more than you can ever know!
as do i which is why i accept that when it ends it ends i have no need to imagine and create that which isnt to further it

i love it because it is what we have it may be fleeting but its ours and whn its gone its over and maybe just maybe if your lucky somthing you said or did will help someone be a better person and do somthing to improve thier life and understanding so they might pass it on and be them selves rembered if only for a short while by making the world a better place

posted on Dec, 5 2008 @ 11:52 PM
Hi noobfun.

Remember I am Not against You but for You!!!!

You hide behind a game of words.

You can twist my words to suit your own thoughts, but in the end you have to face your own struggle within yourself.

Changing the meaning of others words to do this, is Not the answer.

It is yourself that has to find the Truth within yourself.

You and I both know your own demise and all your twisting of words is Not going to change your situation at all.

Is I have said you are looking at a book and can't understand the first page and therefore can not understand anything at all of the book yet.

You are like a young chimpanzee, on top of a pile of bones throwing bones at everyone around the bottom of the pile.

I laugh at this as it reminds me of a very sad movie by Arthur C Clark which probably got a award for being a worse movie than Cat Woman... LOL

Suddenly you have noticed another hill that has cast a shadow on your little pile of bones...

So you have thrown a couple at it.

The primate is so funny, it thinks it can change the truth by throwing bones at others but really it is only a little primate making noises, in its own display of protest to trying so hard to convince weaker chimpanzees, you really are in control, but you know in your own heart, your delusions, and one day you will come to that moment which you can't see beyond, but only in your feeble beliefs making yourself feel safe for now in ignorance, where the thoughts of your physical self no longer has a part in Consciousness.

This has Nothing to do with Philosophy or your religion, but merely to do with your own being.

You are about to enter a time, that is personal, involving your sleep and the dreams you shall experience, I am sure you will find very educational for yourself.
Enjoy this education as it will awaken your sense of being.
You may find these dreams a little disturbing and perhaps a little frightening at first, but in time maybe a year or two???

You will find peace again, but in a totally different situation than you are in right now.

But I would Love you, to let me know every now and then, how you are coping.....

All that speak or write to you are a part of your education program as All are the other end of yourself.

When you rant to others, you are only whispering out to the other end of yourself....

The Universe and its contents is the other end of your self and that which is educating you.

Your Inner thoughts are at war with your outer being.....

"He who has found the World,
has only Found a Corpse,
and He who finds a Corpse,
is Superior to the World".....

Not My Words but I agree with them 101%.....

posted on Dec, 12 2008 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by noobfun

"the moon was formed when a planetoid collided with the earth, the earth expelled large amounts of matter which was then trapped in our orbit, this formed over time into the moon as the earth became water covered(not entirely sorry noah) the tides began to lock the moon slowing its orbit"

looks like u were there when things took place that way. First of all, ur statements are completely wrong, because you read about big bang theories and the formation of our solar system, and u take them as facts; the reason for ur bold affirmative statements!!! a theory is not a fact.

secondly, what has noah got to do with this?

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by noobfun

look what you've done - you got him started again - he's a preacher - you can talk but he does not hear all he does is preach....beware....

posted on Feb, 4 2009 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

u again

[edit on 4-2-2009 by n0tsympl]

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by BlackProjects

your on the right track.

the hebrew word ¨yowm¨ is not fixed to a 24 hour period. in fact ¨yowm¨ is used to describe all the creation days as one day.

gen 2:[4] These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made the earth and the heavens,

so literalists who say that a day must = 24 hours are not really reading into what its saying.

however, there are a few datails you missed.

Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

the 6 creation ¨days¨ do not include the creation of the universe and the formation of our lovable rock known as earth. when the first day starts, these are already made.

another thing is that Genesis chapter 1 was written from the perspective of a person standing on earth watching the creation. likely it was a vision given to moses and he simply wrote what he saw. this changes ALOT the way one sees genesis.

for example.

1:2 ¨let there be light¨ - from the context of verse 1, light is already in existence. the ¨heavens¨ and the earth are already created. the earth would not have formed without the sun. so the verse is not saying that now is when god created light.

it isnt until modern times that we can fully understand what this verse is saying. early in earths history, the atmosphere was thick with volcanic activity and gases. likely, if you were standing on the surface, you would not be able to see anything. around this time too, microscopic life was feeding off those gases and converting them to oxygen. this process took millions of years, but as they did, the atmosphere slowly cleared up. if you would have had a time lapse camera taking a picture every year or so, you would gradual see more and more light.

this light would be ambient, like that of a cloudy day. also, as soon as one would be able to see this light, obviously the rotation of the earth would make day and night aparent which is also in the first ¨day¨

by the fourth day...

[14] And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
[15] And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
[16] And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.

.... which was millions of years after, the atmosphere would have cleared up enough that you could see the stars at night, and the moon and the sun would be clearly seen.

its apparent that moses wasnt being dictated to about genesis, he was merely writing what he saw. to him and his limited understanding, the stars were likely ¨created¨ the 4th day, even though they werent, they were just made aparent.

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 07:19 AM
reply to post by miriam0566

i've never heard that tract before . . . excellently said. What do you make of G*d alluding to another person in geneses?


"and G*d said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness"

curious of your take on it.

[edit on 2/5/2009 by JPhish]

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by JPhish

"and G*d said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness"

curious of your take on it.

[edit on 2/5/2009 by JPhish]

its hard for me to answer that question in a short simple answer.

god and jesus are separate people.

jesus was said to be the ¨firstborn¨of creation implying that he was the first thing created, even before heaven and the universe.

jesus is also described as a master worker. in john, it says all things were made by him for him.

john also calls jesus god´s ¨only begotten¨. (ask me for all the acriptures if you like)

what this means is that jesus was the first creation of god. he was made in the image of god (just like we were too). he is also the only creation made directly by god himself. all other creation may have been designed by god, but was actually created by his ¨master worker¨, jesus.

so likely god is saying let us (god and jesus) make man in our (jesus was created in god image too) image

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by n0tsympl

i know done this a few times in a few threads and usually taks a few of u to beat him down to a position his nonense wont fly and we want real answers usually thats when he makes a quick exist

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by miriam0566
Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

the 6 creation ¨days¨ do not include the creation of the universe and the formation of our lovable rock known as earth. when the first day starts, these are already made. [...]

here we are getting to the threads OP...
equating the 15byo cosmos = the 6 biblical days of creation

it would make better sense trying to equate the 4byo planet earth =
the 6 biblical days of creation.

since the Earth & solar system was born from the nebula cloud of a 2nd generation star which exploded Nova, billions of years after the big-bang

keeping in mind that the moon was consolidated from parts of the
mostly molton planet Earth that was then millions of years old already

so the groundwork conditions of the 6 'stages' of world creation do not
even coincide with the 4byo Earth.

I always liked that 'canopy' explaination, where water in the atmosphere blocked out points of light in a night or day sky...& that a water 'canopy'
would explain 'dry' land beneath the waters 'of-the-deep'.

but... all these allusions & deft explainations stretch the Logic---a simple fact:
->> That the 'creation' project was the process of the building of a habitat area, called Garden of Eden, involving 7 seperate stages...

by the ancient spacefaring Creator & his teams of terraform specialists,
genetic engineers, ...
putting the Adam, Eve progenetors in a chaotic World co-inhabited with other hominids & neanderthals...


posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by St Udio
I always liked that 'canopy' explaination, where water in the atmosphere blocked out points of light in a night or day sky...& that a water 'canopy'
would explain 'dry' land beneath the waters 'of-the-deep'.

gen 1 doesnt say that it was the canopy that was blocking the light, in fact the canopy was created later

posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by miriam0566

Originally posted by St Udio
I always liked that 'canopy' explaination, where water in the atmosphere blocked out points of light in a night or day sky...& that a water 'canopy'
would explain 'dry' land beneath the waters 'of-the-deep'.

gen 1 doesnt say that it was the canopy that was blocking the light, in fact the canopy was created later

... ""And Darkness was upon the Face of the deep..."

in reading the whole verse 1:2, which should be read in tandem with 1:1
the 'canopy' is a solid, logical explaination for the lack of a division of
the Day into part Light and part Dark.

the rotation of the earth was there, but the thick canopy of water vapor, kept any observer from noting the distinction/division of what would be
known as time...(& the later named human condition of a circadian rhythm)


posted on Feb, 5 2009 @ 03:21 PM

Originally posted by St Udio

Originally posted by miriam0566

Originally posted by St Udio
I always liked that 'canopy' explaination, where water in the atmosphere blocked out points of light in a night or day sky...& that a water 'canopy'
would explain 'dry' land beneath the waters 'of-the-deep'.

gen 1 doesnt say that it was the canopy that was blocking the light, in fact the canopy was created later

... ""And Darkness was upon the Face of the deep..."

in reading the whole verse 1:2, which should be read in tandem with 1:1
the 'canopy' is a solid, logical explaination for the lack of a division of
the Day into part Light and part Dark.

the rotation of the earth was there, but the thick canopy of water vapor, kept any observer from noting the distinction/division of what would be
known as time...(& the later named human condition of a circadian rhythm)


gen 1:[6] And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
[7] And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
[8] And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

canopy wasnt formed until the second day.

the reason for the darkness is not explained in genesis.

likely it was volcanic activity coupled with dense greenhouse gasses

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by miriam0566

alright . . . makes sense to me.

thank you for your take on it.

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