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Originally posted by TrueLies
You think the scales of justice are equally balanced??
Give me a break...
And if you think that the American Government acts like Mrs. Beaver Cleaver, your wrong! I know you have a duty to uphold the law, thats what you guys do.
But sometimes, the law isn't always right, sometimes the laws are unequally balanced.
And yes believe it or not, you know damn well part of your tactics is to "intimidate" common man.
It's not a rant it's the truth. If you don't want to believe this, you don't have to. I'm not asking you to, obviously you wouldn't believe the truth if it hit you over the head because you've been brainwashed by the few that are running this country into the grounds of a totaltarianism regime.. But don't worry you'll still get to keep your job.
Just don't forget the words Operation Northwoods.
We're all supposed to be on the same teams here, but somewhere along the lines, law enforcement has gotten brainwashed by the people at the top. It's a trickle down effect.
It's not the people at the bottom... It's the people at the top... You think there is fair and equality within capitalism, think again.. We're the only country with a high percentage of people on anti depressants....
Are these the people who are creating what you speak of?? Or are these people trying to find a way to cope with what they have to deal with... Psychology 101 dude.
Obviously thats a class you failed to attend.
Judge a tree by the fruit that it bears; by its fruit will you KNOW whether the tree be good or evil." Not by what they say. The FACTS speak for themselves. In fact it is SO obvious; unless you are one of the "blind being led by the blind" (ALL heading straight for the Pit) and "there are none so blind as those who do not WANT to see"; that the FACTS don't just speak; they SCREAM at you
[Edited on 2-4-2004 by TrueLies]
Originally posted by TrueLies
Just wondering, if America is so "free and brave" why do people fear their own government, police forces, and government agencies?????
Aren't people supposed to "trust" these guys??
I know in New Zealand, the police officers don't even have guns on their belts.. And these guys are working with the public... You know what the crime rate is there? Next to nothin... These guys are friendly with the citizens, why isn't it here???
Notice how these people use tactics to "intimidate" so that you "fear" them.... It's like they need to show their dominance over the people...
Soooooooooooo, for those of you who "trust" these people to GIVE YOU what you want... Your crazy!
Wake up and smell the rotten eggs, they will do and SAY anything so that we the SHEEPLE, yes sheeple, will vote them in, so they can hoard as much money as they can, while expressing their dominance over others...
When they have NO BUSINESS doings so....
Please, stop asking what they can do for you....
That's why so many people sign up to work with these people... Many people have control issues, and it seems the ones that do end up in police forces, government agencies, and in washington... It's a power hungry attitude, and the people have to fear these guys?
And if you don't show fear, they will use another tactic to enforce their superiority???
How is this free and brave??? We're like little mice runnning from a cat.Which brings me back to my first point...
How are we supposed to trust these guys? So many people keep voting them in, unless the elections are rigged. But notice how they've SLYLY conditioned us to believe that this is the way. Look at the congress.
Their all corrupt! These guys will do and say anything to get in there for their oh so wonderful benefits and great pay! Senators/congress/presidents/agents/police/ you go all the around the circle and their all the same...
We have the WRONG people running this country!
Wake up people! They've conditioned you, and you fell for it! Look at these guys' track records, their criminals!
Not only are they criminals, they are power hungry, which alot of criminals are... Power hungry, power tripping, dominant/controlling people...
And see how they express themselves to the rest of the world???
Exactly how I just described... And even we fear them!
Oh yes, and if you think these guys don't have special privelages when it comes to the law, THINK AGAIN!
EX/ Condelsleeza rice has a privelage she can use that we can't??? Same with Clarke??? What about Hillary Clinton?? Why didn't she go to jail when stole, yes stole, all that money? the one lady went to jail remmeber because she wouldn't speak??? She even wrote a book about it!
"The woman who wouldn't speak"
What about Clinton? Why isn't he in the slammer?? What about what happened at Ruby Ridge??? Waco??? Helllooo!!!
Please, wake up...
If you ever watch the legislator it's a joke!
People sit there in the expensive black suits with a frown on their face, it's all drawn out boring and you can tell they are bored... But they are getting a paid a # load of money! These aholes are making OUR decisions for us!!! For US!!
Is this not backwards????
[Edited on 2-4-2004 by TrueLies]
[Edited on 2-4-2004 by TrueLies]
Originally posted by sigung86
Second... I'll take you at your word. If you will provide your phone number and promise to respond ASAP, the very next time I'm accosted by a mugger, robber, thief, rapist, or murderer, I'll call you. I just know you'd come running immediately to provide aid.
What THE HELL does that have to do with anything I just said??? How about not belittling the issue, if you believe that the government is fair game, the scales are equally balanced, they don't have control issues, fine, it's your freedom... I want to know if people are afraid of their government?? Is that really such a hard question?? So I went on a rant, big deal, it's not like I was lying about anything.... This is the mud pit, feel free to pick and choose what side your on, just debate me on the issue at hand, not belittle it and ask for my number because you KNOW that I will come running to your aid, when that has NOTHING to do with what i'm saying...
I'm not saying there aren't problems. Lord knows there's more than enough to go around for everyone who wants to be involved. However, if you'd simply rather sit on the sidelines and scream how society is part of some large conspiracy, that the police are there to beat you and take away your toys, etc. etc. etc. And ... You aren't willing to get involved in change other than giving the appearance of a ranting goofball, then you have nothing to offer. You have no added value to a solution, and that, makes you part of the conspiracy and the problem.
Oh and to let you know something: black arts is an occult..... I take it self defense that you teach has to be some kind of martial arts... By that you are invoking the demons... Crazy as it may sound, but the will eat you up in the end...
Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
No, I don't mind, Regs.
But I did think Jethro was being a bit mean and not really contributing to the topic of the thread. Bad Jethro! No biscuit!
Originally posted by Amuk
Oh and to let you know something: black arts is an occult..... I take it self defense that you teach has to be some kind of martial arts... By that you are invoking the demons... Crazy as it may sound, but the will eat you up in the end...
Truelies usualy I am in your corner but on this I dont understand what you are saying.
Honey, I don't even know, I was drinking that day.
I'll have to withdrawl my comment on this for I too have taken martial arts and meditation classes.
Sorry I was going off on a tagent, that happens when you drink too much lol . sorry.
Originally posted by regs
Truelies, I think that you need to practice what you are spewing need to realize that you are going to get mud slung at you in this forum. That's ok, I don't mind, tis why i am here after all... What your next point.Don't go off on people for slinging it, I don't, read my posts... They throw, I throw back.. two way street my dear.but just wait for your shot if that's what you are hell bent on doing.what is your problem again?? You seem to not stay with the topic... Seems like you are just pointing out the obvious and what people are doing, instead of staying with the topic.. I personally don't believe that you have all your Biblical fact's right.Your right I don't, nor have I claimed to. Yeah, I believe that credit is a bad thing. Good..I don't think that a person should be so dependent on a paycheck that if something happened they wouldn't eat till the next pay day, but, I disagree with you on the point that we shouldn't have to work "cause it's against God's word." I never ever said that once...... I know this, and have never said not to.That's just plain wrong, and, if you would read the Bible, you would know it. What ever happened to "if you don't work, you don't eat"? Did that go out the window when you decided to create your own version of what freedom meant? Not my own version, and again, your putting words into my mouth, I never said any of this... You are forgetting the whole premise of what freedom costs. It cost's a lot, even if you go back to Biblical times into the days of Moses. To free themselves from the Egyptians, the Israelies had to wander in the desert for 40 years. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater dude.I know this also... Read my damn posts... You just want to bitch... bitch bitch bitch bitch... please spare me. It don't work that way. Also, don't you suppose that in those days, everyone had a job to do? Or do you think that they brought their butlers and maid's out with them? That is so silly i'm not even going to answer that.You don't hold all truth in your head, Never claimed I did... I would appreciate if you didn't put words into my stop acting as though you are all knowing and all seeing..I'm not, but it appears you think you are.... umm self projection??.only one man ever was,That is true... So why don't people invest more time in reading about him then john kerry and george bush?? Are they not false prophets?? I think God talked about this as well, how come people don't research it??? Because they've been conditioned to think it's silly, stupid, and a waste of time... they have been taught it's just not true... who could of done this?? I'm going to say the false prophets?? and you don't impress me as one who walked with him them and know his thoughts.No your right, thats just cuz i stumbled on the truth not so long ago, i'm still learning so get off my asz. Oh, before I forget, do you have a job? read below.If so, then you aren't being true to yourself and better go quit real fast...Was that necessary? You apparantly don't even know what i'm talking about... Maybe you should hold your breath..
regs out...
(btw, TC and colonel...mind if i lurk around and help a bit?)
Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
I dont really fear the govornment. I have no qualms about breaking laws I find unsuitable. Well, then good for you.I have no fear, despite whatever tactics they attempt to employ, because Im beyond thier reach. I have nothing to take. what do you mean nothing to take??
Cops in America need guns because Americans are violent. My question is WHY are they so violent????? I'm a graduate from criminal psych and behaviour, i'm asking on a deeper higher level of WHY you think they are violent, no psychological bs answer.We DID descend from criminals and losers, after all. Its not like were very civil. This is an outlandish statement if i've ever heard one.
But a one world govornment would.I agree
Originally posted by TuesdayMourning
...What are you even saying?
I'd be completey willing to listen to what you have to say if you'd make statements based upon some sort of fact to your beliefs. I have rewritten my first post... Does this suffice?No one is denying that you should be able to think what you want about things...but you aren't even telling us what you're 'free' from.Free from??? What? Please elaborate on what you mean by this? You just keep rambling on and on about how you've found 'truth'. Please indulge me in what this truth is. My truth is that the government/military/agencies/corporate pond scum/media are all liars, they have seduced the masses and have gotten them to follow them on a wild goose chase... My truth is that since i've come to find the truth which is God, i'm simply stating that our society lives in a charade... And i'm just merely pointing out some thoughts that may cross people's minds sometimes, but don't really give it a second thought... I want to provoke, and get people to actually think on a deeper scale, then just what the gov/mil/agencies/media/corporations want yous to.
If you'd simply write out WHAT you believe, then we can talk about it. Thats why i'm here... Read again, maybe we can talk more...
Originally posted by KrazyJethro
That is a huge deal for me too.
I think we should change a few things:
1) Disallow all companies to contribute to candidatesI agree
2) Eliminate lobbyists
3) Create "free" airtime for candidates for campaign adds. Agreed, but I want them to back up their "theories" and "information" they collect with "facts" unlike john kerry...
4) Citizens can hold public office twice in the state and twice on the federal level (one term limit on all offices)I think regular joe's should be able to run for office......... But I dont know if that will ever happen since you have to have lot's of money.....
This would be a nice first step. I'd like to see big business the hell out of Washington. I totally agree.......... They are greedy and they put the greed in the candidates with bribes and possibly blackmail.... So they lie to us because we are so impressionable... Well some/most of us are anyway..