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Americans FEAR their own government

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posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 09:01 AM
Just wondering, if America is so "free and brave" why do people fear their own government, police forces, and government agencies?????

Aren't people supposed to "trust" these guys??

I know in New Zealand, the police officers don't even have guns on their belts.. And these guys are working with the public... You know what the crime rate is there? Next to nothin... These guys are friendly with the citizens, why isn't it here???

Notice how these people use tactics to "intimidate" so that you "fear" them.... EXAMPLE/ Marching .... Their feet hit the ground in synchronisity, the noise is actually supposed to intimidate people...

Another one... The police cars, everybody seems to slow down when they are around one in FEAR they will get pulled over for a ticket or something...

Another one: Ms.Flowers got her place trashed, and her affiliate got his legs broken because he had info on what Clinton was doing, and they wanted to keep it a secret, so they use intimidation tactics like that.

Also IRS??? Do I need to say more??

It's like they need to show their dominance over the people...
Soooooooooooo, for those of you who "trust" these people to GIVE YOU what you want... Your crazy!

Wake up and smell the rotten eggs, they will do and SAY anything so that we the SHEEPLE, yes sheeple, will vote them in, so they can hoard as much money as they can, while expressing their dominance over others...They want us to worship them like they are Gods or something, the way they talk in their speeches is like they know everything, they knows whats good for us. They brainwash us, they lie in the media, look up CNN and CIA, operation:


Please, stop asking what they can do for you....

That's why so many people sign up to work with these people... Many people have control issues, and it seems the ones that do end up in police forces, government agencies, and in washington... It's a power hungry attitude, and the people have to fear these guys?

And if you don't show fear, they will use another tactic to enforce their superiority???

How is this free and brave??? We're like little mice runnning from a cat.Which brings me back to my first point...

How are we supposed to trust these guys? So many people keep voting them in, unless the elections are rigged. But notice how they've SLYLY conditioned us to believe that this is the way. Look at the congress.
Their all corrupt! These guys will do and say anything to get in there for their oh so wonderful benefits and great pay! Senators/congress/presidents/agents/police/ you go all the around the circle and their all the same...

We have the WRONG people running this country!
Wake up people! They've conditioned you, and you fell for it! Look at these guys' track records, their criminals!
Not only are they criminals, they are power hungry, which alot of criminals are... Power hungry, power tripping, dominant/controlling people...

And see how they express themselves to the rest of the world???
Exactly how I just described... And even we fear them!

Oh yes, and if you think these guys don't have special privelages when it comes to the law, THINK AGAIN!
EX/ Condelsleeza rice has a privelage she can use that we can't??? Same with Clarke??? What about Hillary Clinton?? Why didn't she go to jail when stole, yes stole, all that money? the one lady went to jail remmeber because she wouldn't speak??? She even wrote a book about it!
"The woman who wouldn't speak"
What about Clinton? Why isn't he in the slammer?? What about what happened at Ruby Ridge??? Waco??? Helllooo!!!
Please, wake up...

If you ever watch the legislator it's a joke!
But they are getting a paid a # load of money!

These aholes are making OUR decisions for us!!! For US!!

Is this not backwards????

[Edited on 5-4-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 11:17 AM
This sounds like the type of rant one may have heard in Germany in the ealry thirties, lots of generalities with no substance.... and New Zealand isn't America. The spirit of the country and the people is different. The British Police also don't carry weapons unless specifically needed... Violent crime is on the increase in England, and I venture to say that the police effort in New Zealand isn't as rosey as you would, perhaps, like us to believe.

Frankly, I work with lots of police in that I teach them self defense. This country has a certain element to it that would really keep me from sleeping better if I knew that they knew that the police are unarmed.

Further ... A healthy respect for the law and what it represents for us, as a society, should not be confused with fear as you are trying to make it appear.

No offense intended but if you wish to invoke change, coming off as a wild-eyed anarchist, and using derogatory terms like "sheeple" is not going to make it for most people.

If you want my attention, please come back with intelligent input that I can respond to, but don't call me ignorant, because I don't agree with you, and tend to abide by the law.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 11:51 AM
You think the scales of justice are equally balanced??
Give me a break...

And if you think that the American Government acts like Mrs. Beaver Cleaver, your wrong! I know you have a duty to uphold the law, thats what you guys do.
But sometimes, the law isn't always right, sometimes the laws are unequally balanced.

And yes believe it or not, you know damn well part of your tactics is to "intimidate" common man.
It's not a rant it's the truth. If you don't want to believe this, you don't have to. I'm not asking you to, obviously you wouldn't believe the truth if it hit you over the head because you've been brainwashed by the few that are running this country into the grounds of a totaltarianism regime.. But don't worry you'll still get to keep your job.
Just don't forget the words Operation Northwoods.
We're all supposed to be on the same teams here, but somewhere along the lines, law enforcement has gotten brainwashed by the people at the top. It's a trickle down effect.

It's not the people at the bottom... It's the people at the top... You think there is fair and equality within capitalism, think again.. We're the only country with a high percentage of people on anti depressants....

Are these the people who are creating what you speak of?? Or are these people trying to find a way to cope with what they have to deal with... Psychology 101 dude.
Obviously thats a class you failed to attend.

Judge a tree by the fruit that it bears; by its fruit will you KNOW whether the tree be good or evil." Not by what they say. The FACTS speak for themselves. In fact it is SO obvious; unless you are one of the "blind being led by the blind" (ALL heading straight for the Pit) and "there are none so blind as those who do not WANT to see"; that the FACTS don't just speak; they SCREAM at you

[Edited on 2-4-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 12:04 PM
I know that having to be around people like that will influence you in your way of thinking, but they aren't on the right path... And neither are you.
yup, i'm preachin , but at least i'm not denying the truth, just ignorance. And it's people like you that drive people crazy and want to do something "un lawful"

[Edited on 5-4-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 12:07 PM




No country has fair and balanced laws. There will always be corruption in power, that is the everlong struggle.

We have enough problems without some nitwit bothering to tell us how to operate.

Thanks for the heads up though.

[Edited on 2-4-2004 by KrazyJethro]

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 12:11 PM
The ROOT Cause of YOUR Problem:-

They know that, if you read God's Laws and Economic Policy, you would throw man-made laws out of the window and set yourselves free from their oppression.

So they have purposely kept you in the dark from birth so they can oppress and manipulate you and steal from you under their own laws and make themselves rich and keep you poor and drive you to crime or slavery. An employee is only a polite word for slave.

He said that they would grind the faces of the poor (nose to the grindstone) and oppress and steal (under their illegally made laws) all their (the poor's) share of the Earth's blessings. He said that because of this there would come violence, stealing and times of trouble such as never were from the beginning up until this time, as the poor tried to take back their lost share of the world's resources, from the rich who had become rich by robbing them with false laws and economic policies and taxes.


So I ask this self defense dude, who's side are you really on???

I believe you are truly defending the criminal....

[Edited on 2-4-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 12:38 PM
Ramble ramble ramble ramble.

Have any thoughts of your own?

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 12:42 PM
Do you have any thoughts of your own???

I used to believe the same hogwash you did, until I kept searching... So I may ramble to you, but i'm not rambling the same thing you ramble... You get your information from somewhere, thats fine...

I don't have to believe it as you don't have to believe this.

If you can disprove any of this, please do so here.
As I would be more then happy to hear what you have to say...
To bad it's not the same vice versa...

Oh well... Such is life.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 01:01 PM
I've seen countless cars with the "I love my country but fear my government" bumper stickers attached. I love it how some people always use the "this happens all over, not just in America" bit. Uh, no one is disputing that fact but many people don't seem to acknowledge the problems within our own system.

I fear their misuses of power.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 01:10 PM
Well apparantly A governmental system setup by immoratal people isn't the way to go...
Cuz this is the # that always happens...
Look back in history books.....

Since i've done some research i've turned my brain onto God's law....

He has his laws and snubs his nose at the countries that don't abide by his..... If we all followed his laws, we wouldn't have crime, we wouldn't have to work for money, pay taxes, ect.. ect..

It's not anarchy......... But call it what you feel suits you best...

It's called the covenant, part of it was given to moses on top of the mtn. The reason we have all this corruption is because we are following and listening to the opposer also known as satan... Now i can't believe i'm even talking about this because i've never been one to get into the whole god thing... But it makes perfect sense the more you reserach it...

And i can garantee you, you won't find it on druge report, newsmax, nbc, cnn, fox, or any other media information source.... seek and you shall find, such as I.

Not pushing anything on you just letting you know where i stand now, where I stood before, and why I believe this rather then the false prophets (politicians).

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 01:13 PM

Originally posted by TrueLies
Do you have any thoughts of your own???

I used to believe the same hogwash you did, until I kept searching... So I may ramble to you, but i'm not rambling the same thing you ramble... You get your information from somewhere, thats fine...

I don't have to believe it as you don't have to believe this.

If you can disprove any of this, please do so here.
As I would be more then happy to hear what you have to say...
To bad it's not the same vice versa...

Oh well... Such is life.

I am more than happy, as I'm sure most have surmised, that I am ready and willing to have normal coherent conversations on just about anything.

What I find here, is:

1) rantings
2) totally disorganized
3) based off of another rant which is then based off of the bible
4) obvious in many aspects

to name a few. You're responce (i can only assume since it appeared after my post) was a copy and paste of anothers thoughts and ideas.

I don't know a ton about you, but I am tired of the rantings.

Hey, propose an idea and I will debate it.

I do however know about the fear and compulsion used by not only the government that seems not only to be in concert with but punctuated by the media.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro

Hey, propose an idea and I will debate it.

I do however know about the fear and compulsion used by not only the government that seems not only to be in concert with but punctuated by the media.

Well that was it...

You said it for me... I've been drinking so excuse me if i've been alittle ranty""..
So if you wouldlike debate it go ahead, but it looksl ike we're both in agreement..

Oh and for the religious rantings.. When I was researching the federal reserve I came across this website, and that spews truth..

Since I have a problem with sentence structuring, I feel that this guy could do a better job, so what I do is comment on it, take no credit, post the link so others can read from it and hopefully benefit if they are on the same wave length as I am... So that is what I did..

It's ok if your sick of my rantings, but I feel the need to do so.. It must be obvious that I am not addressing this kind of communication to the types such as yourself, but if you feel you would like to do some research on this topic I would strongly recommed that site, as it is full of wonderful information.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 01:38 PM
"So they have purposely kept you in the dark from birth"
Kept me in the dark from what?

"An employee is only a polite word for slave"
And how would you propose for one to live? In ALL forms of society and economic systems, from COmmunism to Capitalism and even anarchy, people do things in order to have shelter, sustinance, health and other provisions. Whatever tasks they do to achieve this is a job. If you do a job for one who has more than you and they compensate you according to the job you perform that is employment. And you say employment is slavery?
So be it.
I will happily be a slave, you on the other hand can go out in the woods to live off berries and squirrel dung and wear oak leaves over your privates.
Then you will be true to your beliefs.
Tell ya what

Take your anti-depressants or whatever meds you are missing out on and get your senses back.
Stop thinking that everyone who doesn't think the same as you is a "sheeple".
Take the aluminum foil hat off of your pointed little X-files watching head.
There's enough bad in the world for you not to be dreaming up more than is really there.

drooling moronic nwo crap.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 01:41 PM

I'm sorry, that just so funny!!!
Solarix, you truly are a gem!!

Berries!! LOL


I love it!!

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 01:41 PM
Ah, it's ok, sorry for my venom. Sometimes I don't regulate my anger at the fly by night posters that sometimes lurk around here and shoot out retarded junk then run away and never bother to back it up.

Actually, I just listened to an hour clip about jekyll(sp?) island and I can't remember where I got it but it was pretty informative.

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 01:41 PM
[Edited on 3-4-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro
Ah, it's ok, sorry for my venom. Sometimes I don't regulate my anger at the fly by night posters that sometimes lurk around here and shoot out retarded junk then run away and never bother to back it up.

Actually, I just listened to an hour clip about jekyll(sp?) island and I can't remember where I got it but it was pretty informative.

I'd love a link if you have one!! Also read Solarix's post, it's so funny!! I'm serious, I can't seem to stop laughing.. Sorry, but it really funny !!

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by Solarix
you on the other hand can go out in the woods to live off berries and squirrel dung and wear oak leaves over your privates.
Then you will be true to your beliefs.
Tell ya what

Take your anti-depressants or whatever meds you are missing out on and get your senses back.
Stop thinking that everyone who doesn't think the same as you is a "sheeple".
Take the aluminum foil hat off of your pointed little X-files watching head.
There's enough bad in the world for you not to be dreaming up more than is really there.

drooling moronic nwo crap.

That whole thing is so funny! You should be a stand up comedien... Seriously that was awesome!

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by TrueLies
i can't stop laughing!!!!

Admitting it is half the solution...
Take your meds and get your chemicals balanced out, then you can have laughter and yet keep control of your faculties.

It's gonna be ok...
Were's that Lithium?

posted on Apr, 2 2004 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by Solarix

Originally posted by TrueLies
i can't stop laughing!!!!

Admitting it is half the solution...
Take your meds and get your chemicals balanced out, then you can have laughter and yet keep control of your faculties.

It's gonna be ok...
Were's that Lithium?

Take my meds?? Where's your dose of reality?? The one who's going to have the last laugh in the end isn't going to be you... So please spare me your self righteous attitude...
As for lithium, I am not bipolar... My friend was on that while ago because she was screwed up....

Since I found the truth, yes MY truth, maybe not yours, but mine, i've found sanity... It's bittersweet, but I feel better... I don't need you coming on here, denying what it really is... You might not have done research on the nwo, religion, nations, history , ect.. You can believe what you want, but don't come on here and slander people who have a different viewpoint then yours...
It might be 2001 but if you research the bible it certainly up to date more then what next weeks newspapers will be... So you can go back in your home that you pay taxes on, also pay your property taxes, live within the boundries that your oh so perfect government set up for you, pay taxes on whatever you buy, pledge your allegience to their flag, do what you want... It's your life, but don't slander my ideas of a true free and democratic society, when I know yours is wrong. How do you even know the truth when you've been lied to for so many years???
You don't know where the truth starts and where the truth finishes, but I would like you to support your claims with the so called truths you've believe for so many years, and I will HELP you to see that you have been lied to.

And how the hell do you make a loin cloth out of leaves?? I mean really..

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