I did what I guess I would call a psychic or prophetic reading several years ago in or around June 21st 1991.
It was a major glimpse into the future of what I had seen and witnessed such as on TV on the news and in documentaries. Many of these were past events
such as what we might see on the history channel.
My open commentary was supposedly also being listened to and recorded by certain people such as our government. The commentary also included answering
questions or thoughts by an individual listening in the future.
The power or psychic information was like being plugged into some godlike matrix. Another bizarre and confusing thing also happened; I found myself
speaking through someone who would be living there in the future as well. Kinda like a newsman on CNN explaining details.
Details on certain events were than also manipulated as to alter these events as if to change the future were also commented on, such as was mentioned
by a biblical writer or prophet: "And than it was...in those days." etc. A so-called prophet describing exact details could than also be made to
look like a false prophet or liar.
This has also happened when I went to Chicago and (supposedly) saw Barack Obama at the Pacific Garden Mission while he was there with Reverand Wright
speaking to the homeless in 2002. I recall Obama also spoke to me and asked me if I ever heard of MKultra.
This could also suggest he or "anyone" who is president is a Host or Great host and is possibly protected supernaturally by advanced knowledge. It
may not have even been him either, such as a clone or entity.
I'm assuming this may have to do with the alleged Montauk project and possibly jumpgates through people/places and some scripted godlike agenda such
as the biblical one.
All of these abilities and visions could still be a deception and a hidden agenda by unknowns. ( the devil is in the details?)
Biblically, this would also fulfill the false prophet scenario depending on how you interpret it. This also suggests someone playing both sides.
(because they can)
Deluded or not, it's an interesting story.
As these events unfold, I recall some of it, as if now some retarded psychic.