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Another look at the Doubletree video(s)!

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posted on May, 18 2009 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by Soloist
That's right, the actual speed of the plane in the video does not matter to me.

That's probably why you incorrectly stated that it could take a value of 100 mph.

The only destruction of logic comes from the flyover fantasy, when this video clearly shows no plane flying over the Pentagon.

Off topic. Find a fly over thread.

100 to 500 mph is anything but an "infinite number of speeds". Thanks for being over dramatic in your ridiculous claim however.

Thanks for showing your complete ignorance about continuous variables and intervals. Speed is a continuous variable. It can be ANY value between 100 to 500 mph, within the continuous interval.

You might wish to consult any high school mathematics text book, or perhaps a Mathematics Department within a University.

Did you know that there's an infinite amount of numbers between 0 and 1? Measure theory and cardinality are apparently lost on you...

Perhaps, as well as enrolling in a course on logic, you could do with some brushing up on number sets and measure theory.

The topic is the video, which disproves the flyover theory, so it's right on in my opinion. I don't really care much what anyone else thinks who is not offering up anything remotely useful to this thread.

The fly over topic is your distraction to avoid admitting that you can't provide a numerical speed.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 01:19 AM

Originally posted by tezzajw
That's probably why you incorrectly stated that it could take a value of 100 mph.

I did not. You incorrectly interpreted what I said, and still are continuing to do so. There is no more need to explain this, you are the one with the comprehension problem, not I.

Off topic. Find a fly over thread.

LOL, I like how you won't address this. Is it because you now know in the video the plane is NOT seen flying over the Pentagon? I bet that's it.

Thanks for showing your complete ignorance about continuous variables and intervals. Speed is a continuous variable. It can be ANY value between 100 to 500 mph, within the continuous interval.

Bwahahahahha, nice way to attempt to wiggle your way out of your own silly comment. It will not work on me, however.

The fly over topic is your distraction to avoid admitting that you can't provide a numerical speed.

Did it fly over or not? The video proves that it did not. That is ALL that matters, not your distracting need for a "numerical speed". You want that do bad why don't YOU figure it out, although I'm sure you might have problems measuring it's "infinite" speed! BWahahahaha

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by Soloist
I did not. You incorrectly interpreted what I said, and still are continuing to do so.

Neutral readers of this thread will note that Soloist clearly stated that he allowed a speed of 100 mph to be valid. In fact he further stated that he didn't care what the speed was, as it hit the building.

LOL, I like how you won't address this. Is it because you now know in the video the plane is NOT seen flying over the Pentagon? I bet that's it.

Off topic. Take it to a fly over thread.

Bwahahahahha, nice way to attempt to wiggle your way out of your own silly comment. It will not work on me, however.

Neutral readers of this thread will note that Soloist's response to me debunking his claim that there is not an infinite amount of numbers between 100 and 500, is the above quote. Soloist is trying to claim that my assertion that there is an infinite amount of numbers between 100 and 500 is 'silly'.

Soloist has shown his lack of experience with logical proofs and he is now showing his ignorance of mathematics. Many great human minds have constructed mathematics over hundreds of years and Soloist is single-handedly trying to destroy everything that they have worked for.

Soloist, when you claim that it doesn't matter if the speed is 100 or 500 mph, then you validate 100 mph as being a legitimate option. This, however, contradicts the official FDR speed, which you so dearly cling to, as part of the official story.

Yes, Soloist, there are an infinite amount of speeds possible in the set of continuous values from 100 mph to 500 mph. Only someone ignorant or prepared to look silly, would deny this.

Did it fly over or not? The video proves that it did not.

Off topic, take it to a fly over thread.

That is ALL that matters, not your distracting need for a "numerical speed". You want that do bad why don't YOU figure it out, although I'm sure you might have problems measuring it's "infinite" speed! BWahahahaha

Again, Soloist has shown how he can not comprehend that there are an infinite number of speeds between 100 mph and 500 mph. All that I have asked him to do is to provide his calculations to show which one of those speeds he thinks is accurate, within a specified error bound.

When pressed for a good estimate for the speed of the object that he claims is an 'extremely fast moving tail', Soloist fails to do so.

His conjecture that the object is an 'extremely fast moving tail' is scientifically worthless.

[edit on 18-5-2009 by tezzajw]

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 09:23 AM

posted by Swampfox46_1999
reply to post by SPreston

Explain how your story is too goofy for words and does not match any of the evidence? No, I cannot do that.

Of course you cannot explain how the 9-11 Pentagon OFFICIAL STORY is too goofy for words. You cannot even explain how the 44 foot tall tail of Soloist's aircraft in the Doubletree Hotel video could be above the 77 foot high roof of the Pentagon when the alleged aircraft was supposed to knock down five light poles on the ground and bury itself in the Pentagon 1st floor.

You cannot even explain how an alleged 124 foot wingspan 90 ton 535 mph aircraft could hurl a 200+ pound light pole on its right side into a 40 mph taxicab windshield on its left side.

You cannot even explain how a heavy 200+ pound 30+ foot long light pole could smash through a 40 mph windshield and magically stop itself in the back seat without destroying the roof and hood and injuring the driver.

You cannot even explain why nobody bothered to take a photo of the light pole through the windshield.

You cannot even explain how an aircraft PROVEN to be flying Over the Naval Annex and North of the Citgo and high above the light poles in its path and banking right and high above the Pentagon 1st floor, could magically knock down the light poles south of it and create the exact official damage path through the Pentagon 1st floor. A miracle from GOD? Yet another 9-11 miracle?

You cannot even explain why the FBI would release the Doubletree Hotel video to the public without fixing it first. They had it for years. Maybe they were afraid the inept FBI lab would screw it up just like they screwed up the parking lot security videos.

You cannot even explain why your fellow government loyalists cannot even find one south flight path eyewitness or one heavy white smoke trail eyewitness or one light pole through windshield eyewitness and interview them.

Does that about sum up your inability to explain anything Swampfox?

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by tezzajw
Neutral readers of this thread will note that Soloist clearly stated that he allowed a speed of 100 mph to be valid.

Why do you keep posting absolutely false information?

In fact he further stated that he didn't care what the speed was, as it hit the building

There was no "further" that is what I stated, which is why your previous quote is completely and undeniably false. It makes you look desperate.

Off topic. Take it to a fly over thread.

NO thanks, why won't you answer? Hmm? Is it all your false accusations about my posts have come full realization that you need to constantly try and twist them to avoid the obvious fact that the plane did not fly over the building in THIS VIDEO (yaknow, the topic)

Neutral readers of this thread will note that Soloist's response to me debunking his claim that there is not an infinite amount of numbers between 100 and 500, is the above quote. Soloist is trying to claim that my assertion that there is an infinite amount of numbers between 100 and 500 is 'silly'.

Wow, you truly fail and comprehension. First of all I'm pretty sure there are no 'neutral readers of this thread', it is the 9/11 forum after all. Second, go re-read my post, you quoted it then completely got the meaning wrong, AGAIN.

You have failed an infinite number of times in this thread!

BLAH BLAH *SNIP* Soloist is single-handedly trying to destroy everything that they have worked for.

Ok, drama queen!

Soloist, when you claim that it doesn't matter if the speed is 100 or 500 mph, then you validate 100 mph as being a legitimate option. This, however, contradicts the official FDR speed, which you so dearly cling to, as part of the official story.

No it doesn't and no I didn't. You look silly yet again.

Did it fly over or not?

Why must you keep avoiding this?? This video is proof, the more you skirt around it the more desperate you look.

His conjecture that the object is an 'extremely fast moving tail' is scientifically worthless.

You're the only one concerned about it, so prove it wrong then! I know you won't because you're all about talking, blah blah blah. You have proven nothing. Even the CT'ers admit this is a plane. It hits the building, not flyover, that is all that matters. Period.

I don't care if you don't like it, if you won't address the problem this presents to the flyover crowd, then maybe troll a different thread.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 01:55 PM
Hello Weedwhacker and Swampfox46_1999,

My apologies, you are correct, it is not the entrance hole as I thought. It is a hole through the SIXTH wall of reinforced concrete. Which when you think about it is even worse. Tests they had done before had shown that a plane would not even penetrate the first wall.

Please See :

Here is a picture of the front before it collapsed :
( from )


Again, small hole, huge plane? Also, why is the truck on fire on the right and not the building ?


posted on May, 18 2009 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by SPreston

I cannot explain why you continue to believe misleading and false information, in that, you are right.

posted on May, 18 2009 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by mumblyjoe


Not sure why people keep posting the F-4 test, because its quite different from Flight 77 hitting the Pentagon. Try reading the book "Pentagon" you will discover that they found a few things about the original construction of the Pentagon that actually made it easier for a plane to breach the outer wall. Keep in mind the reconstruction that was going on did not replace the original outer wall. In addition, the only reinforced wall that the plane slammed through, was the outer wall. The inner wall in your photo wasnt reinforced.

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by Soloist
Why do you keep posting absolutely false information?

Originally posted by Soloist
You are a liar.

Originally posted by Soloist
Ok, drama queen!

I've been accused by Soloist of being a liar and posting false information. Now he's decided to call me a drama queen.

I guess that's how Soloist acts when he's run out of ideas to defend his illogical claims? I guess he likes to test the terms and conditions of this website to see what he's allowed to get away with?

Soloist claimed: It doesn't matter if the plane was going 500 mph or 100 mph, it still smashed into the building.

Soloist also stated: Once again, it does not matter, the plane still ended up in the Pentagon, period. Arguing about the actual speed is pointless.

When I pointed out to Soloist that he permitted a speed of 100 mph, his response was: Nowhere in there did I say I believe the impact speed was between 100 to 530 mph,

Yes, you did, Soloist. You said it didn't matter if the plane was going 100 mph.

Soloist still seemed confused about what he stated, as he claimed that: I did not say nor in any way, shape or form imply that the plane MAY have been traveling at 100 mph.

Yes, you did, Soloist. You said it didn't matter if the plane was going 100 mph.

I informed Soloist that a range of speeds from 100 mph to 500 mph actually represents an infinite number of speeds. Soloist, being ignorant of mathematics, replied with this: 100 to 500 mph is anything but an "infinite number of speeds". Thanks for being over dramatic in your ridiculous claim however.

It's quite obvious to anyone who has done at least Year 12 level Mathematics that a continuous interval between 100 and 500 does contain an infinite number of values.

When I pointed out to Soloist that he was in error, he replied with this comment: Bwahahahahha, nice way to attempt to wiggle your way out of your own silly comment.

Neutral readers to the thread can evaluate Soloist's claims that I am a liar and that I have been spreading false information.

[edit on 19-5-2009 by tezzajw]

posted on May, 19 2009 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by tezzajw

Everything I've been saying that you have been doing you managed to prove in one single post. Awesome! Good job!

posted on May, 21 2009 @ 09:05 PM
its been two days and still no counter-argument or evidence proving or disproving what soloist claims... Nothing but silence, ad homs and rhetoric.

The typical behaviour of someone who's lost all arguments. So I declare Tezz the winner by default and this thread ended.

Originally posted by tezzajw

Originally posted by Soloist
Why do you keep posting absolutely false information?

Originally posted by Soloist
You are a liar.

Originally posted by Soloist
Ok, drama queen!

I've been accused by Soloist of being a liar and posting false information. Now he's decided to call me a drama queen.

I guess that's how Soloist acts when he's run out of ideas to defend his illogical claims? I guess he likes to test the terms and conditions of this website to see what he's allowed to get away with?

Soloist claimed: It doesn't matter if the plane was going 500 mph or 100 mph, it still smashed into the building.

Soloist also stated: Once again, it does not matter, the plane still ended up in the Pentagon, period. Arguing about the actual speed is pointless.

When I pointed out to Soloist that he permitted a speed of 100 mph, his response was: Nowhere in there did I say I believe the impact speed was between 100 to 530 mph,

Yes, you did, Soloist. You said it didn't matter if the plane was going 100 mph.

Soloist still seemed confused about what he stated, as he claimed that: I did not say nor in any way, shape or form imply that the plane MAY have been traveling at 100 mph.

Yes, you did, Soloist. You said it didn't matter if the plane was going 100 mph.

I informed Soloist that a range of speeds from 100 mph to 500 mph actually represents an infinite number of speeds. Soloist, being ignorant of mathematics, replied with this: 100 to 500 mph is anything but an "infinite number of speeds". Thanks for being over dramatic in your ridiculous claim however.

It's quite obvious to anyone who has done at least Year 12 level Mathematics that a continuous interval between 100 and 500 does contain an infinite number of values.

When I pointed out to Soloist that he was in error, he replied with this comment: Bwahahahahha, nice way to attempt to wiggle your way out of your own silly comment.

Neutral readers to the thread can evaluate Soloist's claims that I am a liar and that I have been spreading false information.

[edit on 19-5-2009 by tezzajw]

posted on May, 22 2009 @ 01:49 AM

Originally posted by Orion7911
its been two days and still no counter-argument or evidence proving or disproving what soloist claims... Nothing but silence, ad homs and rhetoric.

That's right, no one can disprove that the plane did NOT fly over the Pentagon.

This video is seriously damaging to all the "flyover" believers. Since they cannot seem to address the obvious they try to find some minute detail that means nothing in the larger context and try to completely deflect from answering the main question. This theme is repeated over and over, not just in this thread but many many others along this same topic (flyover nonsense).

The typical behaviour of someone who's lost all arguments. So I declare Tezz the winner by default and this thread ended.

Yay? He wins at the internet? Without offering any proof that the plane did not crash into the Pentagon? LOL!


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