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posted by djeminy
Hi Preston,
you wrote in another thread:
posted by SPreston
"After viewing the video again and again in small and large video sizes, and the input from other people, I have decided that bright object was a light colored car reflecting the sun, traveling faster than what appears to be a truck also reflecting the sun. Of course I could be quite mistaken, but an aircraft even at landing speeds coming at an angle to the camera from North of the Citgo should appear to travel across the screen much faster than that (at least 4 to 5 times faster than the truck)."
posted by djeminy
Pehaps not, if its distance is further away from the truck - from the observers point of view!! (A planes apparent speed slows down proportionally in relation to its distance further and further away from the viewer).
posted by djeminy
Is it possible for you to bring the CNN Doubletree video to this new thread together with the Doubletree video presented by cogburn!!
Originally posted by cogburn
For what it's worth... my video comes directly from the evidence in the Moussaoui trial, all I did was upload it to YouTube with the best quality possible. If no government evidence is to be trusted then just ignore it completely.
[edit on 24-11-2008 by cogburn]
A security camera atop a hotel close to the Pentagon may have captured dramatic footage of the hijacked Boeing 757 airliner as it slammed into the western wall of the Pentagon. Hotel employees sat watching the film in shock and horror several times before the FBI confiscated the video as part of its investigation. It may be the only video available of the attack. The Pentagon has told broadcast news reporters that its security cameras did not capture the crash. The attack occurred close to the Pentagon’s heliport, an area that normally would be under 24-hour security surveillance, including video monitoring.
posted by djeminy
Brilliantly spotted Preston!
Now I'm completely convinced that the white object in the cogburn video is in fact
the white plane all the witnesses saw at Sitco and the Annex.
For why in heavens name would they go to so much trouble 'doctoring' a video tape, if they had nothing to hide!!
Obviously it must be something of the highest importance, and what else but the concealment of the plane all the witnesses adamantly state with 100% conviction they saw fly over NOC!
Without a doubt, this categorically proves the fly-over as far as I'm concerned. No ifs and buts.
The more mature of the pseudo-sceptics (if such exist) must surely come over to our side, one would imagine.
Yeah indeed, even if just by one little tiny step to begin with!
Or am I just dreaming now!!
Originally posted by TrueOrFalse
Extended Doubletree video - lenght is 4:22
[edit on 27/11/08 by TrueOrFalse]
Originally posted by TrueOrFalse
Extended Doubletree video - lenght is 4:22
posted by djeminy
The pseudo-sceptics, shills, de-bunkers, or whatever other name they're known by, would by now have combed through both videos with a fine toothbrush, trying to find faults in or with the evidence presented.
They would have been looking extremely careful to find reasons to debunk. But finding our observations to be true, must have decided that the best course of action would be to meet the challenge with their usual dirty tricks: by simply ignoring the data, followed by deadly silence!
You will all see them in other threads continue in their usual nasty merry ways, pretending at the same time that this thread never existed.
This is OK with me, for it will clearly show everybody and everyone with some sense, how truly thoroughly dishonest these people are when you see them....... like, in their unmasked naked 'reality'!
Indeed, a strange 'reality' it must be, where honour and self-respect are completely unknown concepts! -Or, at the very least, are willfully and totally ignored... as well!
Originally posted by SPreston
Where are all the defenders and supporters of the Bush Regime OFFICIAL STORY 9-11 official conspiracy theory on this thread? Do they all agree that the Doubletree video was intentionally altered and manipulated? Are they just pretending this thread and this Doubletree video evidence of deliberate fraud by our government does not exist? That is intellectual dishonesty of the worst sort. How do you people go home and look at yourselves in the mirror? How do you look your wives and children in the eye; knowing that you have deliberately betrayed them by believing and supporting a lie? What will your children think of you when they eventually find out?
Originally posted by SPreston
Oh where oh where have our OFFICIAL STORY supporters gone?
How odd. Is this the only thread that jthomas has been avoiding like the plague?