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I'm Not So Sure I Want Everyone To Know About UFOs

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posted on Nov, 28 2008 @ 11:08 AM
You dont do those funny hand signs do you???

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:08 PM
I don't see how anyone will discover that UFOs fly by static electricity.
Old Ben Franklin never thought of it.
Also with gravity centric science the Electric Universe does not
exist along with ether, free energy, Tesla and UFOs.
All denied by the Illuminati controlled mass media that has no explanation
for gravity along with the rest.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by MsSmartypants

Is Ed Mitchell being used by the US Goverment as a Dupe ? He makes claims that he cannot back up with Proof other than his Word . Does anyone here Believe him ? ..........I just can't ..........

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 05:44 AM

Originally posted by MsSmartypants
I was just watching a new episode of Unexplained Mysteries UFOS:The Best Evidence on the on which Edgar Mitchell talks very frankly and earnestly about UFOs and seems to indicate that disclosure could happen. I suddenly realized I wasn't so sure I wanted everyone in the world in on this. I kind of pride myself on knowing just about everything there is to know about the history of American Ufology and how it is related to different occurances in our society,...but if everyone knows then knowing all this stuff won't be special anymore and we ATSer's won't be an elite group of in-the-know intellectuals anymore.
It will no longer be our exclusive information.
It will be (shudder)...common knowledge.
Do you think it's too late to stop this disclosure stuff?

And that would be a problem why? That's exactly what is needed. To be common knowledge accepted as fact. If all this stuff remains secret without any disclosure and without contact, what are we fighting for? You want the planet and humanity to evolve, don't you? Disclosure is needed if we want to as a race to travel among the stars and become afriend with benevolent aliens. I think you want to remain with your Ego. I don't feel exclusive, i feel different. And i feel trapped sometimes. When all this stuff goes out mainstream, it will make us free. Get it?

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 06:41 PM
Knowing about UFOs is not up to us.

THE ACHILLES HEEL OF THE ILLUMINATI - “Ether Physics” and Flying Saucer Propulsion Since so many of the Trilateral/IllumiNazi/Coercivists’ ill-gotten gains are in the motor fuel and transportation fields (ships, autos, trucks, trains and planes), I believe the truth concerning flying saucer technology, and use of it by the public, is their “Achille’s Heel”. Why else would they have labored so diligently for over fifty years keeping such technology secret, ostensibly under the guise of “national security”, except to perpetuate their coercive socio-economic, technological and political monopoly?

Later on

Unfortunately, everything on national media is under FCC control and subject to “national security” screening, to insure that “classified” information is not disclosed Each transmitter has a specially trained N.S.A. employee, in a remote room which contains a listening post and a switch to the transmitter. The job is called “transmitter watch”. The employee’s job is to listen, with orders to turn the transmitter off whenever anything ‘prohibited’ by N.S.A. guidelines is being attempted to be transmitted. I had a friend years ago who prepared for the job, after a stint in U.S. Army Intelligence communications, in Southeast Asia He really wanted the job so that he could get paid tor sitting around playing his guitar, while supposedly listening to broadcasts and checking for classified leaks or other ‘no-nos’.

Transmission of no-nos such as what?
What would be the big secrets that can't be transmitted.

The locations of gold mines in government territory.
Or the location of technological of carbon less energy sources.
Or the free energy UFO that they insist can't exist.

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