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I'm Not So Sure I Want Everyone To Know About UFOs

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posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 05:50 PM
Well, let me ask this. What are you afraid will happen if everyone knows the truth about aliens and ufos? I dont think it will cause anywhere near as much panic or danger as some might have you believe. It may effect some peoples religious and spiritual views, but is that so bad? My spiritual views have changed many times through out the years. Im not effected negatively by that.

When I read your post I had the feeling that a part of it was that you feel you are a part of an elite ( for lack of a better word) who are in on alot of things that most people dont know about. I had a feeling that your knowledge about this subject might not seem so special to you anymore if everyone knows as much as you do.

I see nothing wrong with disclosure.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by gimme_some_truth

Those of us who take ufology seriously and do our research feel that we hold a knowledge and awareness that will surely have a profound effect on mankind. The information is there for all to find but we take the time to do it.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 07:05 PM
This kind of knowledge should be passed to everyone, no exceptions.

Information shouldn't be controlled, it just results in corrupted governments, people wanting to get money for it, mis-information, hoaxes, etc etc etc.

No, 'sharing' is the keyword. We (humanity) should cooperate to evolve further. We don't need some so called elites controlling information and bringing out their "special and easy to read" version of the truth.
(if they would bring it out in the first place)

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 07:58 PM
reply to post by jsn079

Of course we don't need that, but there's a good chance that the decision to disclose or not, and what and how much to disclose is probably in the hands of a very powerful few.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by MsSmartypants
Do you think it's too late to stop this disclosure stuff?

No fears THEY are already ahead of you on this one. They are using Youtube, Ipods and Video Games to program the minds of the sheeple to keep them in forums and chat rooms where they cannot do any harm...

Once they have them there they can control the info and disinfo at a whim... keep everyone confused and unsure of who is telling the truth.

Just look at the recent GFL light ship issue and look at the posts in the alien section over the past few months and you will see that I am correct.

So don't worry... all is cool... the sheeple will NEVER know what we know

So about Ed Mitchell... wanna see the neat sketch he made of a 'visitor' and his craft?


[edit on 22-11-2008 by zorgon]

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by zorgon

Well of course I want to see the sketche! Is it the one that landed in front of him and three other men with cameras? Though I was never really clear on whether Mr. Mitchell was actually there.

[edit on 11/22/2008 by MsSmartypants]

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 10:42 PM
it's too soon for disclosure people!! we have'nt developed spiritually enough for it to happen.I think people are just too optimistic, while there has been more coverage in the media with stephenville,the vatican, and edgar mitchell it's not likely anytime soon. You've got to cut the crap out of ufology first by getting rid of the prophet yahweh's and the david icke's and the other nutcases in this field.In other words when ufology becomes more homogenous than the chances of disclosure will go even higher, most people have a superficial view of this whole phenomenon in the first place; we have to educate the public throughly about the ufo phenomenon and tell them its not just about little green man and anal probes.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by MsSmartypants
but if everyone knows then knowing all this stuff won't be special anymore and we ATSer's won't be an elite group of in-the-know intellectuals anymore.
It will no longer be our exclusive information.
It will be (shudder)...common knowledge.
Do you think it's too late to stop this disclosure stuff?

[edit on 11/22/2008 by MsSmartypants]

[edit on 11/22/2008 by MsSmartypants]

I'm hoping, based on the last line, this is completely a joke post. But just in case, you might want to take a look at the thread where the genius ATS sleuths go back and forth over whether the sun peeking through clouds is actually another sun.

And the threads about Greer.

And the threads about Lear.

And the threads about Icke.

And the threads on and so forth into short bus oblivion--before deeming this an exclusive club of intellectuals.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 11:20 PM
not to be blunt but what the hell is wrong with you? Its this type of selfish thinking that got our species into the position that its in right now.

This knowlege maybe relatively esoteric but our race deserves (well almost) to know how we have been lied to.

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by Jeremy_Vaeni
And the threads about Greer.
And the threads about Lear.
And the threads about Icke.
And the threads on and so forth into short bus oblivion--before deeming this an exclusive club of intellectuals.

Not sure I get your point... since few people believe what those people say I would say it supports the OP's idea

posted on Nov, 22 2008 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by MsSmartypants
Well of course I want to see the sketche! Is it the one that landed in front of him and three other men with cameras? Though I was never really clear on whether Mr. Mitchell was actually there.

Hmmm... Well any particular question you would like answered? I am almost done my list

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by MsSmartypants
Is it the one that landed in front of him and three other men with cameras? Though I was never really clear on whether Mr. Mitchell was actually there.

[edit on 11/22/2008 by MsSmartypants]

I think you perhaps confuse Edgar Mitchell and Gordon Cooper. This is Cooper's experence:

The incident took place in the late 1950s, either 1957 or 1958 - as Cooper can best recall; and to this day, the photographic evidence of an actual UFO touching down upon the Earth is being kept under wraps.

During this period, Cooper was a Project Manager at Edwards Air Force Base, just three or four years before entering America's space program. After lunch this particular day, Cooper had assigned a team of photographers to an area of the vast dry lake beds near Edwards.

In a taped interview with UFOlogist Lee Spiegel, the former Astronaut disclosed that while the crew was out there, they spotted a strange-looking craft above the lake bed, and they began taking films of it.

Cooper says the object was very definitely "hovering above the ground. And then it slowly came down and sat on the lake bed for a few minutes." All during this time the motion picture cameras were filming away.

"There were varied estimates by the cameramen on what the actual size of the object was," Cooper confesses, "but they all agreed that it was at least the size of a vehicle that would carry normal-sized people in it."

Col. Cooper was not fortunate enough to be outside at the time of this incredible encounter, but he did see the films as soon as they were rushed through the development process.

"It was a typical circular-shaped UFO," he recollects. "Not too many people saw it, because it took off at quite a sharp angle and just climbed straight on out of sight!"

Cooper admits he didn't take any kind of poll to determine who had seen the craft, 'because there were always strange things flying around in the air over Edwards.' This is a statement Lee Spiegel was able to verify through his own research efforts, having obtained closely guarded tapes of conversations between military pilots circling the base and their commanding officers in the flight tower, tracking the presence of unknown objects.

"People just didn't ask a lot of questions about things they saw and couldn't understand,' notes Cooper, who adds that it was a lot simpler to look the other way, shrug one's shoulders, and chalk up what had been seen to 'just another experimental aircraft that must have been developed at another area of the air base."

But what about the photographic proof - the motion picture footage - that was taken?

"I think it was definitely a UFO," Cooper states, as he makes no bones about it. 'However, where it (the object) came from and who was in it is hard to determine, because it didn't stay around long enough to discuss the matter - there wasn't even time to send out a welcoming committee!

After he reviewed the film at least a dozen times, the footage was quickly forwarded to Washington. Cooper no doubt expected to get a reply in a few weeks' time as to what his men had seen and photographed, but there was no word, and the movie *vanished* - never to surface again...

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 04:04 AM

Originally posted by ziggystar60
I think you perhaps confuse Edgar Mitchell and Gordon Cooper.

Uhmmmm no... were not
As far as I know Gordon Cooper never met them in person

But shhhh we don't want EVERYONE to know

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 04:08 AM

Originally posted by zetamafia911
not to be blunt but what the hell is wrong with you? Its this type of selfish thinking that got our species into the position that its in right now.

Well just look around you here at ATS. Anyone trying to 'spread the word' is ridiculed. So if they don't want to know... why disclose anything? Let the sheep be sheep... we need SOMEONE to fleece every now and then

Ignorance is bliss they say... the sheep are very blissful

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 04:09 AM
OP, have you ever thought that instead of feeling "common" again by knowing that all the world now knows, you could just as well go "heh, I told you a long time ago". Wouldn't it be time to turn back to all the naysayers and feel special again?

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by zorgon

I think we are all talking a bit past each other here. I guess I misundestood what the OP meant.
And I think I will shut up now before I confuse myself any further.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 04:40 AM
Hoarding knowledge is for gangsters and hustlers. It's for gamblers who just want to win. It's not for community, or betterment, or even any positive change. It's regressive and destructive behavior.

The thing about knowledge is that it doesn't belong to anyone. Do you hold the wheel over a chimps head and feel better about yourself because you put it to use despite the fact you both have similar DNA and opposable thumbs?

Just think about what you'll fill your head with if aliens are outed someway as being as real as us. You probably will be exploring so many other things that you won't miss knowing a little about what it is you know about right now. You won't even remember being the guy who knew everything. You'll be devouring new knowledge so much that you won't realize that you can't eat yourself sick of it. Knowledge is everywhere and you can't own any of it. It's not yours to consume, because without others and community there is no need for knowledge. Before I get ahead of myself and really start rambling...

Just say that when you were a child you probably knew lots about matchbox cars. You knew more than every kid on the street about them. Would you miss knowing more about matchbox cars as a kid than your contemporaries at age 50? I would guess that your answer is 'no' because you grew up.


posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 05:12 AM
reply to post by MsSmartypants

I hear what you are saying, and I share many of your sentiments. For as long as I can remember, I've been a believer in UFOs/ET visitation (could have something to do with E.T. being the first film I saw as a child) and have been eagerly awaiting confirmation or full disclosure. Personally, I would love to discuss these things with my friends and family - or even random strangers on the street - without feeling like the local weirdo. I generally keep my opinions on this stuff pretty private in the real world...unless I've had a few drinks - then: beware! Those who know me are fairly accepting of my "wild ideas", and I'm given a little credit because I am perceived as being reasonably intelligent, but it would be so nice to have a real conversation with hard facts and information to back it up.

The internet is new territory for me, but I see how online communities develop. People may lose their "X-Files" identities, but I think there would be so much more to gain if these topics achieved real mainstream acceptance.

Interesting topic, thank you.

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 07:32 AM
Not to worry I'm sure if the government discloses any information it will be minimal at best,there will still be plenty to question like are they all friends or foe,chances are we won't know till handwriting is on the wall,I know there out there don't need to hear it from the media

posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by MsSmartypants

This is bogus.

There will not be any "disclosure". Especially when the folks doing the deciding have way more advanced technology than you do and don't want you to find out anything like that.

But, I mean, really. Even if a hundred people saw some aliens running through a downtown somewhere, all the "news caster" would say is "Don't rush to judgement anyone, until we find out what 'really' happened".

So if you want disclosure, the most disclosure we'll get is what we have now.

Thats the end of this "disclosure" topic.

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