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Teenager commits suicide live online while 1,500 people watch

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posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by Runningtobabylon
i was there and watched it
was funny at first because you get 100's off peoplea week on vlog sites saying "oh get me a few 100 viewers and il kill myself (an hero)" suppose we shoulda done somthing
but eh, if he was going to do it anyways there would be no way for us to stop him i suppose

"Ah well, I watched him take the pills and I guess I could have clicked on the "alert" (or whatever the site has) but I don't feel like it. Oh well."

You are now guilty of murder via reckless indifference. Better hope there isn't really a Hell.

I think there is another thread about this- I don't know if this thread is the duplicate or the other though.

[edit on 21-11-2008 by raven bombshell]

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by HunkaHunka
reply to post by juveous

More than likely, he wanted people to witness it live because suicide is , by and large, a selfish act which means nothing without an audience.

It's all about the impact on the survivors.

"This will show them!"

Bah.. whatever, I have no use for the suicidal.

that's pretty well the sum of it, wish i could give you 10 stars instead of one.
is my reaction so bad because of psychological reasons? perhaps...i dunno for sure, but i see suicide as a very selfish act when one is in good physical health, he no doubt has left his family with great pain and confusion. i believe 100% in the right to off yourself if you are suffering everyday, but the way he did this tells me that he WANTED this reaction.

[edit on 21-11-2008 by Enigma Publius]

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by RetinoidReceptor
Don't be so harsh with this dude. His questions are very valid as are yours...

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by thebox

I couldn't agree with you more on your second post in this thread. I have thought about this for years.

Have you seen the two new reality shows on Scifi channel? Estate of Panic and Chase? Although engrossing, they are one step away from the Colosseum and the 'games' that people used to watch live in Rome.

The obvious direction is taking people to an extreme of desensitization and lack of respect for human frailty and life.

Although shows like CSI where human decapitation being shown while the stars discuss whats for lunch is the same dis-ease which is steering our pathetic direction into extremely dangerous waters.

Propaganda has taken a wicked turn for the devious to be certain. It is also apparent in the past 16 years that the courts and Police can now treat people outside the perimeters of what was once considered shocking with shows like COPS and Judge Judy.

It is very sad that this child chose to take his life in this manner, it only goes to show the extremes of what controlled his mind in this life, I hope that in the next he finds peace and joy.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by all2human
IMO This is the kinda crap that is going to take down the internet or regulate it to the max!
Egging this young man, obviously crying out for help,to kill himself is a freaking crime and should be prosecuted as so!

Hear hear!

It wouldn't be hard to find out who was watching and even what they typed if you knew how and had the govt. go ahead. It would be possible to persecute these animals. What a sad sad story...

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 07:08 PM
lets do some research before we go nuts the kid already took the pills before he made the thread so noody encouraged him to do it and apparently he had already made 5 different threads threatening suicide in the past and was known for seeking attention

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 07:14 PM

Originally posted by Nicolas Flamel
Not surprised at all. I remember reading stories about people about to jump off buildings while the "people" on the street below chanted Jump Jump Jump.


posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 07:36 PM
I watched it live...he posted on a bodybuilding site under the name candyjunkie...Honestly, we are shocked he did this. He always made threads about ODing...we just blew it off as bull# like all his other threads. He linked us his site and gave us a front row seat...still cant believe he went through with it. No one really nagged him on...just thought he was frauding and trolling around..

heres the thread where CJ (the kid who overdosed) posted his last words.


for some reason the link isnt working... You can go to the actual BB site and read all the threads about this though...its #n nuts!

BTW i stumbled across this site looking for more info about this... Its crazy that the national media is just now picking up on happened a few days earlier.

[edit on 21-11-2008 by AmericanMuscle]

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by andy1033

First of all, if you're watching something on the internet who knows if it is real or not. The people should be charged with murder for egging it on? Get real. This kid had problems im sure his parents were aware of. Those watching were not responsible for him. How could you as a viewer know if it was legitimate or a hoax? You're watching a screen for goodness sake. Second of all if i decided to commit suicide why should you care? My death is not going to affect your life one way or the other. And generally when one decides its time for it to be over they arent going to blast it to everyone in the world. Its as if the kid figured if he could not be famous in real life he would do it in death. I only know because i was a suicidal teen and when i decided it was going to be over i didnt WANT anyone trying to stop me and didnt WANT anyone to know.
It may sound harsh but i would have been one to tell him to do it. I have heard too many "woe is me im gonna kill myself" stories. The few that would have never said such a thing, and the few that i watched go downhill without ever uttering such things were the few that got my sorrow. Not those who blasted it to the world and wanted attention. To the rest i say go ahead. Your death is not going to affect me any no more than mine will affect yours. The people who are the ones yelling go for it dont believe its going to happen so why put them in jail for murder? Thats outrageous. I can tell you that this kid and all the others thought about the consequences of what people were going to think after they blasted their own death worldwide. They were hoping people would say to themselves " oh i shoulda did or said something." Well i wouldnt. I have been in that dark hole before but like millions of others I somehow managed to make it through the hormonal changes and cant feel sorrow for so so many so called suicidals that cry wolf. To the others i can only give the advice that got me here today. You dont know what tomorrow will bring. You could win the lotto and your whole life will change. But you wont know that unless youre here to see. I also realized that my life is what I make it. To the teens that hate their parents i say sorry about your luck.When youre grown you can live your life as you see fit so hold your breath until you turn 18 which is not that far away.
This kid was like the columbine shooters. They were losers that could not get famous any other way. Because he did this in front of people i see it as the last resort to get the attention he wanted. Too bad he isnt here to see it. I see him as a loser. Probably had it in his head one of the viewers would get help to him before he actually died and it didnt happen the way he planned. Now he is dead. Thumbs down to you for saying the viewers should have murder charges put on them for egging it on. Most so called suicidals want a pity party and wouldnt commit suicide if you gave them a loaded gun and if they are advertising like that its generally to just get attention. Please. And probably most people reading this have ran into those types. Im sure those watching have too and that is why they told him to do it. Not because they wanted to see this guy off himself as it seems most people posting in here have assumed.
I would have told him to do it not to watch it but because i would have seriously doubted he was going to do it. And if i watched him take the pills i would have doubted they were real. In fact i probably would have told him to do it then went elsewhere to surf or chat because i would not have been one to give him the attention he wanted so bad.
I sound harsh.
I know it.
But i have no sorrow for such weak minded people.
I have had 3 very close friends kill themselves. I dont wonder why. Instead i say i beat you at life cause im still here and youre not! You lose.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 07:51 PM
heres a cnn video about it.

its funny how the media is totally relaying a diff message by making up theoretical scenarios that never existed... This kid made several threads in the past that he himself deleted about killing himself...this among several other threads where he did not delete them...

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by AmericanMuscle

Thanks for the link. Hope I can find the threads you are referring to. Also hope the people on this forum that may follow them show respect for that forum.

I thought he posted this on paltalk? Did he hit more than one forum?


Here is the thread with the original suicide post. Sheesh he sounded like he was buzzing when he first posted, the initial post does not sound serious at all. He probably had his suicide note typed out in advance and cut/pasted it after he was already doped up.

For all the judgemental posters here that blame the users of the other forum for "not saving him" 98% of the people online would NOT take this seriously especially if this individual had posted suicidal rantings before.

Link is too long to work, so if anyone wants to see the thread cut and past the whole thing manually into your browser.


[edit on 21-11-2008 by Sonya610]

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by Sonya610
reply to post by AmericanMuscle

Thanks for the link. Hope I can find the threads you are referring to. Also hope the people on this forum that may follow them show respect for that forum.

I thought he posted this on paltalk? Did he hit more than one forum?

[edit on 21-11-2008 by Sonya610]

we're a pretty rowdy crowd over there...I would worry more about them disrespecting your site..had no idea it was a conspiracy message board!

I have no idea if he posted on any other forums...Just know that he did it on that one. His original thread on the site was locked then deleted by the mods. His JTV account is no longer accessible either.

The dude just cried wolf to much...its that simple...sure, I feel hella bad for what happened. Maybe he was hoping someone would call the cops, which there were several posters who were trying to, but we didnt have enough info on his whereabouts.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by AmericanMuscleThe dude just cried wolf to much...its that simple...sure, I feel hella bad for what happened. Maybe he was hoping someone would call the cops, which there were several posters who were trying to, but we didnt have enough info on his whereabouts.

Personally I do not think the posters on that forum should feel guilty. If he was a 15 year old kid that had been harrassed and taunted endlessly until he broke that would be different, but this individual had his own issues and he made his own decisions.

If he was looking for sympathy he would have been wise to try another type of forum.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by thebox

We hear of crazy things like this everyday and yet we seem to be shocked at them ( I still am anyway ) I can't imagine what can be going through a persons mind as they can sit and watch another human being take their own life. Someone should have been trying to help this boy and try to atleast make the effort to try and talk him out of going through with it.
Kids think different now-a-days or something. Seems as if each generation grows more and more troubled. I can't imagine what reason this boy would have had to force him to take his life and why he chose to do it in front of 1,500 people. Is this nothing more then just a joke? Why wasn't anyone taking this boy seriously ?

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 08:26 PM
Not to stray off track but this reminds me of a george carlin bit called, the all suicide channel. were he basicly said that in the future we just may have a channel of people commiting suicide right on live TV and that it would get amazing ratings because of how sick people are, but i digress.

I am not at all surprised that a group of people would sit and watch and even encourage this guy to take his life. Most of them probly thought it was a farce or the guy was just playing but....................... Suicide is a personal choice that anyone is free to persue and thats is up to them, but when they step out into a public forum and commit the act it is plainly a cry for help.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by motherof2two
reply to post by thebox

We hear of crazy things like this everyday and yet we seem to be shocked at them ( I still am anyway ) I can't imagine what can be going through a persons mind as they can sit and watch another human being take their own life. Someone should have been trying to help this boy and try to atleast make the effort to try and talk him out of going through with it.
Kids think different now-a-days or something. Seems as if each generation grows more and more troubled. I can't imagine what reason this boy would have had to force him to take his life and why he chose to do it in front of 1,500 people. Is this nothing more then just a joke? Why wasn't anyone taking this boy seriously ?

what the hell do you expect people to do? We didnt have his personal telephone number, we had no idea where he lived, WE HAD NO INFO ON HIM AT ALL!!! So tell me, since you seem to think your so high and mighty, how would you have went about "helping" him?

Enough ppl are sad and distraught by this. Imagine, trying to help a total stranger that is thousands of miles away from you.....its pretty #n near impossible...

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 09:37 PM
Like others have said, this is extremely disturbing, as a avid computer gamer, I see this anti-humanity code all the time, because it's the internet no one really cares about what they say or do to others

I personally am flawed in that regard, I develop deep attachments to those I play with, and how could you blame me? I have been playing with the same group of people for over 3 years, there is no way you can avoid developing relationships with these people.

Another flaw...I believe in "treat others they way you want to be treated". So logically I interact with upmost respect for other online, albeit sometimes it runs away from me just because there is so much stupidity associated (and with every right) with online gaming.

Aside from all that, and heading towards where I was going with this whole response, yes, definitely some sort of detachment towards real life and your "e-life" has occurred. People are so insensitive towards these things because we constantly shove as much information as possible on viewers, people, society, whatever. It's like an overflow of information, and sooner or later your audience is going to develop a taste for something more.

We are a active, ever-changing society, you can't expect the same thing to work now as it did back in the 90's. The same goes for what's on the interwebs.

edit: crossing my t's and dotting my i's

[edit on 21-11-2008 by bandaidctrl]

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 10:00 PM
...and nothing of value was lost.

Line 2.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by thebox
What drives a teenager to kill himself in front of a live audience? And furthermore, what drives viewers to encourage such a thing?

Attention, I'd say. Probably had been suffering due to problems in his life and was upset that no one cared about it.

The viewers reactions, unfortunately, are pretty normal. When most people are confronted by someone they don't really care about saying "I'm going to kill myself", it forces them to give that person attention. Some people don't react kindly to being put in this position, so they react in the opposite way the person wants. "Do it, do it!", etc.

Reminds me of a story I heard about a woman on a building who threatened to jump off. A crowd gathered below yelling "jump, b*tch, jump!". Eventually, she did.

The sad part is most of these people just need someone to listen to them talk about their problems. When they can't get anyone to, they tend to try and force people to listen, and it backfires. Sad, really.

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 11:06 PM
i heard about this to, and agree it is disturbing. however how many sit by and could'nt care less about the countless other deaths due to needless wars etc?

how many encourage hate towards different groups of people because they think differently?

i'm not saying anybody here does but it just something worth thinking about before judging others.

the guy who killed himself obviously had issues to even consider it, it's not clear if he would of gone through with it if he was'nt encouraged. some of the rumours i've heard is he was hurt by some girl, but i have no way of confirming it. but those encouraging it should still be ashamed.

ive seen plenty of hatefilled comments even on places like youtube or even in online games that could lead to that sort of thing happening.

mainly though i think it is the development of relationships with strangers either by game name, name tag, or via chatting face to face over the net that leads to most wanting to take their own lives. the relationship ends or someone is let down when they built all their hopes up and fully believed they were considered a best friend by somebody else, to only later find out they were not. if that relationship was male/female, then some people may of believed that the other person loved them.

some people cannot seperate real life relationships with people from internet socialising, and if you spend most of your time on the internet or a game then you have to wonder which reality becomes more real and important to that person. real life relationships would be neglected and brake down whilst the online game or internet ones develop and replace your real life friends and family.

watch this: to understand what i mean.

edit: to add if anybody has been feeling the same or think they need help here are some links to advice(just incase).

[edit on 21-11-2008 by lifeform]

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