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The Truth about Aliens and abductions and channeling

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posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 07:01 PM
Dear friends,

I am here to give you some insights on the truth about what you call aliens and alien abductions.

The fact of the matter is that there is no such thing as aliens here, or alien abductions - at least not in the sense most of you think.

On the other hand, these experiences are not physical experiences at all, but rather energetic or spiritual experiences happening in the astral realms - or the spirit world, the other side, you have many names for it.

There are, generally, three different experiences responsible for all reports of alien abductions and alien sightings - with a few exceptions.

These three experiences are as follows:

1. People experiencing sleep paralysis and spontaneous out of body experiences / astral projections. These people will often feel as if they are paralyzed, can't move or scream, as they are being lifted up from the bed etc, something which they really are - but in spirit, by their astral body separating from their physical body, and thus the reason they can not move the physical body. In this state hallucinations are common, both visual and audible ones, and even as physical manifestations such as feelings of being touched and so on. People whom fear aliens or have seen or read too much about such things already got their mind ready to blow out an amazingly realistic experience for them, where they think and feel and really believe that they are being abducted by alien beings. This is however not the case, they are in a state of consciousness where their thoughts and emotions, fears and so on greatly affects their environment and creates and manifests their fears in a dreamlike state, yet in a state of mind that is alert, awake and aware.

2. Almost as above, except in this scenario the person is in actual contact with nonphysical entities on the astral realm and perceive these entities as physical and real "aliens" even though that is far from the truth, yet I suppose you could call these entities "aliens" as they are not human, but on the other hand they are here around us all the time and always have and they do not come from other planets. These entities may act in ways that are perceived as either good or bad, they may have sex with the person, as there is a type of being that feeds on sexual energies called Astral Vampires, often also termed "succubussi", and these are indeed real beings but not physical aliens from other planets. They may also be spiritual ascended masters revealing great insights and information to the person, or they may be negative entities of the sort you call "demons" that can bring very unpleasing experiences to the person encountering them.

3. In a very few percentage of cases there are real physical beings involved, but not aliens, rather humans, mostly from the governments and various sinister organizations carrying out various experiments on the population - these can be happening in both physical form where things such as implants can be received, or in spiritual form manipulating the astral realms, basically a form of mind control and created illusions with a deeper agenda behind it.

In addition to the above real experiences, you have some mentally ill people that simply believe things that are not real at all and imagine it all - and some that simply have nightmares, as normal dreams, that they interpret as alien contact.

There is also another issue that should be addressed, and that is when it comes to the people who claim to be in contact with aliens. Usually this is through channeling. Be very aware of this, in almost all cases no aliens are involved in such communication, but rather lower astral entities here on our earthly plane of existence, such as spirits of the dead, astral entities of various sorts etc, whom enjoy to play tricks on people.

Unfortunately people are usually to gullible and blindly believe what they are told by such entities, one late example being Blossom Goodchild, she was just another victim of such entities.


posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by IX-777

very well put.... I agree with allmost all of it.. except the part about actual physical contact..

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 07:30 PM

Unfortunately people are usually to gullible and blindly believe what they are told

No offense, but you speak of gullibility yet expect us to take this all on faith. They are interesting ideas, but they are difficult to quantify without any context at all. My case in point is what you say here:

In a very few percentage of cases there are real physical beings involved, but not aliens, rather humans, mostly from the governments and various sinister organizations carrying out various experiments on the population - these can be happening in both physical form where things such as implants can be received, or in spiritual form manipulating the astral realms, basically a form of mind control and created illusions with a deeper agenda behind it.

It would help if you were to go into more detail here, so we could do our own research and or form our own opinions independently.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by IX-777

Ok...just so I am not delusional there is one (1) simple question for you.

When you go outside at night and you examine the sheer enormity of the sky and all the stars that inhabit space. Are you willing to "mathematically" conclude that humans are the "only" inhabitants within the vast reaches of space?

[edit on 18-11-2008 by solarstorm]

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 08:03 PM
Oscitate: My friend, I forgot to add my general disclaimer, to call it that, which says "Do not believe anything you are told by anyone - take it into consideration and make up your own mind".

Something which I keep telling people in my posts, do not take my words as The Truth, what I speak is how I see it from my personal knowledge and experience with the matters I speak of.

I do not want to be blindly believed - I want people to question me and think about what I say, reflect upon it, and look within themselves for the true answer.


I never claimed there are no aliens as you call them out in space on other planets - actually, if you've read my previous posts here, I claim to be one of them

But let me expand on that a bit - the aliens among us here are here incarnated in physical human bodies, and not here in alien bodies from their original planets. Actually, most people have been living lives in their past on other planets, though few are aware of this, but some of us have chosen to come here to assist and guide you - but not mislead you as others are doing. It is up to you to take the necessary steps for yourself to assure that you are not being gullible and falling for deceit and lies - I'm warning you against that, and even myself. You make up your mind by your intuition

Blessings and peace be with you

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 08:05 PM
Yeah right, so who was driving the cigar shaped craft i saw land in 1977?

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 08:22 PM
Probably the most common being: People.

Some crafts are not even "crafts" per se, but rather energetically structured "objects" in the astral realm that have an energy so dense that it sometimes is visible in the physical world, mostly as lights or on infrared cameras.

These are often entities on their own, meaning they are alive beings and not artificial crafts at all.

There are however what you can call "crafts" as well, that are structured artificially by other entities in these astral realms, and these as well are sometimes able to be perceived in this physical realm.

Some of them are actually trying to get into this realm, just as some of us are trying to enter their realm - sometimes there are success in both cases.


posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 08:55 PM
So with that said, I will have to go away for a moment but I will return as soon as I have the chance.

Profound peace and blessings be with you all


posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 09:05 PM
Can you produce ANY information that can prove channeling as something other as voices in the channelers head, i.e. scientific models building up on existing theories, astronomic data that can be verified by major telescopes etc.

No spiritual yadda yadda but some ol' fahsion empirical evidence? Can You?

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 09:16 PM
Something I find funny, you are from this realm. But you speak of aliens as if they are from another astral realm, not even reality as we know it.
So what are you? From another astral realm?

Or from this realm?

How do we know you are really a pleiadian?

Well, we don't know that for sure.

How can you make me believe that you are who you say?

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 02:41 AM

Originally posted by cropmuncher
Yeah right, so who was driving the cigar shaped craft i saw land in 1977?

Could be people(no automatically aliens), so you don't think people could build such things? Nikola Tesla have once envisioned a cigar-shaped (space)craft, propelled electromagnetically against the etheric medium by one of his high frequency inventions. You'll be amazed at his plans and many of the projects he undertook.

Back in WW2, the Germans have built the Horten Ho IX flying wing jet fighter with a superficial resemblance to the B-2 Bomber with record breaking performance. Anyone during that time could've easily mistook it as something that came from beyond this world.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by IX-777

Very well written IX-777. Though I know nothing really of your third argument, it sounds plausible, if you have knowledge of it. The first two I agree with in principle. Though I am not willing just yet to say 100% of the time that alien contact is impossible in this realm or others. I simply don't know this. Something is stopping me. Just an inkling.

To me it seems rare that people channel anything other than their subconscious mind. Though in the instances where they do I agree mostly with your summation. At least, true enlightened beings do not communicate this way. To not necessarily believe what anyone tells you, your claims icluded, is excellent advice.

[edit on 19-11-2008 by Cogito, Ergo Sum]

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 08:06 AM
Sionix: No I can not, although others probably can. Extensive research have already been done on this and other so called Psychic Abilities by various researchers and organizations, including your own governments, for hundreds of years - and practiced for thousands.

You may look up something as recent as Project Stargate by CIA and their involvement with remote viewing and psychic activities that are related.

There is a documentary about it with the people who took part of it at

The science on such things are mostly underground science and not something you'll read about in the news for reasons that I don't have time to get into now, but to put it shortly it has to do with keeping the power and control over you and because they do not want you to know yourself. When I say "They" I speak of your leaders and governments.

When it comes to these topic the best way of verification is to learn such things yourself and test it out and experiment with it and then decide for yourself from own experience whether it is real or not - feel free to do that, it might turn out interesting.

There is a lot of suppressed science on many topics, and if you look around some you'll find it.

A lot of the "secrets" are also taught in various institutions such as the "secret societies" and "orders". Freemasonry do not go so deeply into this, as some people think, but other fraternities such a Rosicrucians do, or the Theosophical Society - and virtually anyone can join these orders themselves to get the inside knowledge of what is going on there and what is being taught. You'll find a lot of your greatest scientists, authors, artists, politicians, religious leaders and prominent people of other areas of your society as members within these orders - many of them practicing things in the dark they speak against in the light.

Channeling itself is just basically telepathy, something everyone is doing to some degree whether they are aware of it or not.

Toadmund: Yes I speak of beings from other realms - yes I am from another realm, as I have to be to be able to physically incarnate in the first place. All of you are from another realm in that sense. I am from another planet, but after physical death I decided to incarnate into this physical world do to our connections with each other. I am a pleiadian, and so are many of you - very few of you are aware of it, but a lot of you have had previous pleiadian incarnations. We share a common origin.

How do you know it for sure? Well you don't. And no I can not make you believe me, that's up for you to decide, I'm not here to try make you believe anything - in fact you should be quite skeptical to statements such as the ones I come with and try look more at yourself than me.

Cogito, Ergo Sum: Thanks, and yes a lot of channeling is performed as a connection with the persons own subconscious mind, but that does not necessarily make the channeled information invalid as the subconscious mind has great potentials. However it does also often lead to purely made up things that have no basis in reality.

To completely rule out that other physical aliens from other planets could come here would be a step too far, I certainly do not say that something like that is impossible, but it is not something that is common at all and far from as usual as it seems from all the reports around the world. If it happens at all it is something happening so rarely that I am not aware of it myself, though I am aware of all the other causes for such reports that I've mentioned.

I am of course speaking about the present - there are things that have happened in the past as well which I'm not discussing as it is not really relevant, and there are other non-alien visitors coming even now that I do not speak much about either as they too are not really relevant, the latter being so called time travelers of your own kind.


posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 08:19 AM

Originally posted by IX-777 The Truth about Aliens and abductions and channeling

Originally posted by IX-777
Something which I keep telling people in my posts, do not take my words as The Truth...

So which is it? The Truth or something else? Your opinion maybe?

Your "theories" make as much sense as anything in this area, I guess.
As no-one seems to have any actual evidence to prove the issue one way or another, yours go in the "maybe" file for future consideration.

Interesting thread.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 08:30 AM
As an experiencer, with some memory recall, who now has a teenager telling of his experiences, and we have each seen a grey in the person while awake, that is not in the least bit helpful and is disinfo. We have never experienced sleep paralysis, and their are millions experiencing this, mostly unwanted and intrusive
forced hospitality. Notice, I've called us "experiencers", that is because my base flashes of memory is from childhood, and I know that the group that is working with us, has broken all ties with the government and their contact is with grass roots people primarily.
If you truly had the knowledge you are claiming you would know that what people are experiencing is real, and you would not be speaking in this pseudo spiritual way that does a disservice to ufology in general, abductees/contactees in specific. They already have a hard enough time locating and sharing information with those who are in the same boat, without massive attacks by skeptics.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by IX-777

.... - in fact you should be quite skeptical to statements such as the ones I come with and try look more at yourself than me.

Being skeptic prevents me from being a fool.

I believe there are other beings out there, maybe you really are one of them,one of those from the other realm.
Or you could just be some kid who beats out threads from his keyboard in his mother's basement who likes to pretend he's not human.

And more look at myself?
Sure, I do that a lot, but I am not the one claiming that I am here from another realm. If you are from another realm and can inhabit the human body, come and visit mine, make me believe what you say, my free will is letting you infiltrate my head, I am ready.

What is your purpose here?
How would it benefit humanity?

How big a shovel do I need?

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 09:18 AM
Mystiq: I'm sorry to hear about your experiences, although I do not believe you were in contact with actual physical aliens from other planets. I believe your experience belong to one of the groups I mentioned above.

Even if several people witness the same thing it does not need to be real, as in physical, or even non-physical.

However, when we perceive entities from other realms they may seem as real and physical as anything, so I do not doubt you've experienced something and had a contact with a being, though I do doubt it was a physical being from another planet.

You mention memory flashes etc, which also is very common for astral experiences, just like dreams are often flashy and hard to piece together. This has to do with the way we retrieve the memory from our astral body into our physical body/brain upon reintegrating with the physical body after having been separated from it. It also applies at times when astral sight occurs and you see the astral realms while wide awake, though in such cases the memory is usually better as the impressions are going directly to your awake physical brain.

Here is an interesting interview series about other realms and entities and aliens:

With that said, you can protect yourself from such experiences, though you would have to accept your spiritual self and the powers of your own mind in order to do so.

Best of luck be with you, hopefully you will not have any more unpleasent experiences.

Toadmund: Good, you should be skeptical. And it is good that you look at yourself. You should be more concerned about yourself than me.

My purpose here is to spread some new insights to the people whom are ready to receive it, and help some of you out of the dark and into new light and self-realization.

May peace be with you, and great luck on your own adventures

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by IX-777

This argument fails to consider the physical contacts and abductions such as the Hill case and the contact of the Reverend in Papau New Guinea. There are many other cases that fit into this category, which proves there is more to the nuts and bolts extraterrestrial hypothesis. I also agree that some of the visitors may be able to transport themselves from other dimensions.

The truth is, no one knows the truth, and if they say they do, they are wrong.

Edited to correct grammar.

[edit on 11/19/2008 by kidflash2008]

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 07:15 PM
Indeed, as I have stated, there MAY be a very few amount of real physical aliens from other planets coming here at very in-frequent occasions - but I am not aware of any such myself, I'm only aware of the origins of "aliens" i discussed above.

If there were a frequent amount of visitors from other planets they surely would have been captured by someone by now on camera, photos or even for real - this is not the case and thus the only conclusion must be that if these aliens even come here it is extremely few and certainly not often.

Sure UFOs have been captured photographically many times throughout the decades, but not ONCE have any of the pilots - if any exists - been photographed, at least not one single credible piece of such evidence exists.

Regarding the cases you quote, how do you know they were even real or physical in the first place? And even if they were physical and real, how would you know they do not fit into my previously explanations?

I feel pretty sure when I say at least 90% of all the alien cases can be ascribed to one of my previously mentioned explanations.

Of course I do not hold the Truth of All, but I know my share of things on the matter for various reasons, and I see no signs of real physical aliens from other planets coming here - though there ARE aliens in other forms here, that has come through other means from other planets to this one.

With love

posted on Nov, 21 2008 @ 09:02 AM
Mr Cogito.

It is becoming increasingly obvious to all and sundry that you are suffering from a morbid lack of caffeine .

Whats more, in my opinion, you are inarticulate in your opinion.

Did you have a bad day at work?

Do your workmates hang up on you unexpectedly ( then blame it on holes, shape shifting reptilians, or a need to vent their bladder).

I think at some stage you must SAY something.

I could live with the fact that everything is " fully sick" as you have said on many occasions, but please, for the life of a ground dwelling pleb, specify
what you mean by "fully".

I mean; is it "totally" sick, or "irretrievably" sick, or have you washed your previously gloved hands of all your previous profoundly innocuous,
and pre-masticated statements?

My ball is in your court.

I would like it back when you find it.


[edit on 21/11/2008 by mungodave]

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