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Just wondering, why do so many of you seem to hate Jesus?

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posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by Essan

What did Paul say that was nonsense? He was chosen by Jesus to preach the gospel just as the 12 disciples were called.


posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by seek4 truth

The pope is god if you actually read AND UNDERSTAND WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS. This also is why he constantly decides what is exceptable for man.

I think you might need to read it again. Besides only Catholics follow the pope. The rest of christianity does not, many of the other Christian sects, are of the belief that they should only follow the word of god and not any mortal representation. I believe there exists corruption in every part of the Earth that man is involved including religion.

I have read the bible many times, and I have also questioned my faith a few times through my lifetime, but the one thing that always remains is the message of Jesus.... do unto others as you would have them do unto you

Hate should not be directed at Jesus, or anyone for that matter. But if you must hate. Hate the evil that men do.

forgive them father for they know not what they do

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 08:09 PM
I don't hate the guy. I don't even know him, never met. But what I heard and read about him is just a big bag full of horse radish. I mean lets say this guy actually is still alive and we met. I ask him seriously. Did you do all that stuff? He then look me back deep into my eyes, a smile, nah, more like a grin he'd nod and say:"Pass me that joint back, will ya." we walk off laughing euphorically.

It's not the guy I don't like. It's the crazies making up and spreading this as some sort of guide for life. I am glad Harry Potter took over, he's at least using real magic...

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 09:49 PM
I don't hate people I don't believe existed. That and I "walked the path" for more than five years, and have since abandoned it.

I think you are mistaken to say that so many people "hate" Jesus I haven't seen that so much on ATS. In fact I think many atheists are biting their tongues when it comes to christians and the christian tendency to use the threads as a pulpit.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 09:50 PM
Satanists hate religion and jesus. lots of people here are the puppets of devil. this is a group with dark agenda. thats why!

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 10:13 PM
I know a guy called Jesus Moreno, but it's not me. Everyone hates him.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by mary noory

Satanists hate religion and jesus. lots of people here are the puppets of devil. this is a group with dark agenda. thats why!

Satanism is a religion to some who follow it.And some sects don't hate Jesus at all,many don't even believe he existed.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by jakyll

Or more commonly just don't believe he was divine.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 11:06 PM
Jesus is supposedly God incarnate, yet it appears to me that the God of the bible is a pretty vindictive and cruel individual. When he says that he is a 'Jealous' God, it is wise to ponder how HUMAN an emotion as jealousy is. Surely the great source of all life and consciousness in the entire universe (whose attributes are supposedly Love and Mercy) is beyond being constantly pissed off at petty human misdeeds and jealous of what other Gods we worship; Gods that he himself must have created-that is of course, assuming there is any truth in the various doctrines of Deism.

Remember the 'sin of Onan?' Onan's brother was killed and Onan was ordered to take his brother's wife as his own. God ordered Onan to procreate with his new wife and Onan absolutely REFUSED, as he felt something was inherently wrong with hitting it with his dead brother's wife. So to spite the 'creator', he jerked off in front of Jehova and Jehova struck Onan dead (how's that for 'turning the other cheek?') In German, masturbation is still called, "Onanie."

The old testament, if you read it in Hebrew, reads, "We created man in our image and likeness." The operative word here is, "We," translated from the PLURAL 'Elohim."
In my opinion, the God(s) of the bible were various extraterrestrials (so far fetched, right?) posing as 'Gods.' Really, WE ALL KNOW that it takes a male and a female to produce offspring (unless yr an odd hermaphroditic amphibian, or something). When Mary gave birth, as a virgin, I would call that a red-flag for artificial insemination.

The God of the bible is so far from being anything close to 'compassionate' and 'merciful.' He has ordered plenty of death, famine, war, etc., and one of the commandments is "THOU SHALT NOT KILL!' The bible is not a book of Mercy, Love, Tolerance or Compassion; it is a mass of contradictions.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 11:14 PM
I Love this thread.

It seems like there are so many different opinions on this matter its so amazingly interesting to me. From what I could gather so far, the majority are saying that:

1. They only hate the Christians representing Christ
2. He never existed so I dont hate him
3. Few other miscellaneous reasons

Personally, for myself, those that say he never existed, I just can't take seriously. But for everyone esle, big thumbs up for your honesty

Being a Christian Mystic myself, I do agree that allot of so called "Christians" are a bunch of punks, I myself get attacked by "Christians" for being a Christian Mystic.

I started taking it all on faith in the beginning, I prayed 1 day and asked God if he's real, next day a Pastor came to my house

After that, all my Mystical Enlightenments' (Many that Jesus preached about) happened to me, and til this very day its my ongoing Divine experience that solidify for me, tha the Christian Path, albeit an extremely razor's edge narrow, and difficult one, is indeed real.

The mystical experiences I got from being a Christian have been the highlights of my life, and it has been the best decision (being an ex-atheist) that I ever made!!!!!

I'm not here to preach, or convert anyone, instead I will say I truly do Love all you guys soooooo much, even those that don't believe my best friend and savior ever existed/exists.

Hats off!!!!! Cool thread!!!!!!

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 11:43 PM
I can't hate someone who didn't exist. I hate the pushers of his so-called teachings. Some have been posted already. What kind of god and son are we talking about here. Pretty destructive for no "good" reason.
And, who is god anyways? He was Satan also... He even says in Rev's, 'I am the bright morning star.' Check up Lucifer in the bible... and he also states that he will be revered above all other gods. Seems to me he's letting you know that there were others along with him(if he existed). He even states that Satan was a fallen god/angel and cast from heaven. So, another god was removed from god's realm, thereby leaving him the sole ruler over his dominion.
Also, how many did god destroy/kill compared to Satan. Satan 2, god over 33million. And the two that Satan killed are questionable as to whether it should be attributed to god's challenge to Satan....

Wow... the evidence is unbelievable.... I believe this is why people have a problem with religion as a whole... there is no logic to where you get the "good" values that are supposedly being spread as religion. I am speaking from experience. I have 46yrs as an RC. And finally really REALLY looked at the bible. It's scary to think people use this to justify good.

Great discussion.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 12:20 AM
Don't hate Jesus, never met him. But the propaganda around Jesus is that he represents a spiritual being of a very high order. I don't see any evidence of that and it's clear the life events ascribed to his are part of a pattern of propaganda repeating every so often for 1,000s of years. What Jesus was doesn't matter any more, he's dead, he can't help anyone anymore than a dead doctor can fix a broken leg. If someone understands the basics of how the spiritual benefit of an adept works they would not lean on dead people. Many, many, many high class spirits have come to earth and continue to come to this very day and the Jesus story works only in the context of not knowing about the others or having experience with the real thing. That said, Jesus and the old religions have, in the past, served a useful purpose in giving people good social direction. IE Be a good person and all that, but in reality it has nothing whatsoever to do with true "Salvation" and real spiritual practice.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by crazyjames65
maybe God or Jesus hasn't touched them yet.

You know, you really should have thought that out a bit more, before posting it

Something just not right about referring to 'touching' people, when talking about christianity.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by dominicus
Just wondering, why do so many of you seem to hate Jesus?

I dont think its right to hate Jesus because allot of "so called" Christians give him a bad name.

Also, I dont think its right to say "because he's religion." Jesus was himself bashing religion and teaching a way of life that leads to enlightenment and allowing you to experience God directly, beyond words, selfless Love, and all that other good stuff.

It just seems soooo many of you here hate him, or try to use the minority .0001% argument that he never existed, meaning you'd be up against 99.999% of academia on that one.

I argue that if you genuinely and sincerely followed what he preached, then you would directly experience these enlightenments and they would be sufficient enough for you to realize all this God stuff, incl. Jesus, is real talk.

Whereas if you haven't walk the Christ path sincerely and genuinely, then your're merely speculating, as an outsider, about a direct experience that you have no clue about.

Why do so many of you hate/attack what you don't, directly as an experience of the Divine, understand???????

sorry - been there and done that for a few years and then I started reading and things no longer added up

i dont see that christianity is the way for me - and this is form someone who grew up with christianity and christians

its not that people hate jesus - they just dont think christianity if anything valid - just like i dont

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by seek4 truth

The pope is god if you actually read AND UNDERSTAND WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS. This also is why he constantly decides what is exceptable for man.

Please explain to me where in the Bible it states that the Pope is God. I have actually read and do understand the Bible and what you are claiming is very off base.
Also, who constantly decides what is exceptable for man, the Pope or God?
The Pope is not God, he is simply the leader of His Church here on Earth.
Please explain as I truly do not understand?

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 02:45 AM
I am actually wondering where the OP got this idea from. Where are people expressing hate for Jesus anyway? Where are all the Jesus haters. I know some pretty anti-religious people and I am a Satanist and not one of us ever talks about hating Jesus. Never said it, never heard it. Who hates Jesus so much? Christians, sure, I can see that, but they are not Jesus.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 03:48 AM

Originally posted by dominicus
Just wondering, why do so many of you seem to hate Jesus?

I dont think its right to hate Jesus because allot of "so called" Christians


I have been here on Earth for 2 days now and I noticed nobody respects HenryZpoc. Nobody seems to acknowlegde him. Why are you all such big Haters? HenryZpoc is total LOVE, he really rocks. He gave as everything we have on our planet. Why don't you see that? I must be the HATE that blinds you.
Has there been ONE Zpocian that ever did anything to you to hate our Henry so much?

(I am trying to put forward the logical stance of this post, this is not a flaming or whatever, and I don't hate anything or anybody, I am just trying to understand)

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 03:58 AM

Originally posted by angel of lightangelo
I am actually wondering where the OP got this idea from. Where are people expressing hate for Jesus anyway? Where are all the Jesus haters. I know some pretty anti-religious people and I am a Satanist and not one of us ever talks about hating Jesus. Never said it, never heard it. Who hates Jesus so much? Christians, sure, I can see that, but they are not Jesus.

I think, as was suggested earlier by another poster, that it's a strawman argument set up to talk about Jesus.

This thread has shown some fairly strong views and yet how much of it actually confirms the question asked in the OP? Time and time again, it appears that the issue isn't with Christ but with Christians. Now if I was a self-professed Christian, I'd be going away and be seriously thinking on that, because there's a big problem there for Christianity.

If Christianity was a political party or a big corporation (and some would argue that is the case anyway) then really, they should be looking at firing their campaign managers or sales team because they appear to be going about it the wrong way.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 04:24 AM
"why do you hate jesus"

let me think here..

how can I hate a composite character that was created to be the first version of a media superstar.

I don't hate this character in your book.
that's impossible for me to do.
do i hate what he represents?
I stand for many of the things he stood for.

i am completely against
what your religion has done and still does today, at the extremist edge.

your religion abuses, tortures, and suppresses what it means to be human.

you think it's sick what radical islamists do to punish people for doing things against what it says in the koran, then do some research and check out the salem witch trials or the inquisition... or what missionaries did to native peoples to force them into converting into christians... would you like to drink some boiling oil too, OP?
i didn't think so.

sick sick sick..

also even today..the leadership of your clergy are perverted child raping psychos.
you really think they "caught them all" ?? you think that jsut because a few of them were sued, that thats "it" .. no more?

sick sick sick.

you cling to the book because it's the reality you've wrapped yourself in since childhood, and you cannot see any other way of looking at reality.

because without what you "think is real" .. means it's all "godless" right?

doesn't have to be that way.

you're the victim of a cruel form of mind control.

and you can't even look into the symbolic aspects of the holy union...what EASTER is.. and this character who called himself Jesus called himself the morning star.
you defy ultimate intellectual pursuit as "playing god" and set limits around yourself as an invisible prison as to how you can't gratify urges your body tells you it wants.

sick sick sick.


so while i don't hate the symbolic character "Jesus" in your book...

I detest any religion that limits mankind's infinite potential.



posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 04:43 AM

Originally posted by dominicus
Just wondering, why do so many of you seem to hate Jesus?
I dont think its right to hate Jesus because allot of "so called" Christians give him a bad name.

He's just like any other great man in history, is how I see him. He left his impact, made his statement. I don't hate him, but there's absolutely no logic in worshipping him.

Also, I dont think its right to say "because he's religion." Jesus was himself bashing religion and teaching a way of life that leads to enlightenment and allowing you to experience God directly, beyond words, selfless Love, and all that other good stuff.

I agree, he was just trying to say that we don't need anyone or any religion in order to access God. That was his message. Not, "bow down and worship me instead of offering sacrifices at the temple"...etc.
Maybe he was tired of all the wasting of animals?
How can you hate a guy who loves animals?

[edit on 19-11-2008 by mmariebored]

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