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All US Army Retirees Being Recalled To Active Duty

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posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 11:22 PM
Like others here I have listened to the tape of John Moore talking and It will have to be verified for me to believe this, on the other hand I was researching and came upon this...

(This is from

Recall to Active Duty

In an event where Congress declares a state of war or national emergency, the Secretary of Defense can authorize the Secretaries of the Army, Navy, and Air Force to recall retired military personnel. Retirees may be recalled up to age 64 for general officers, age 62 for Warrant Officers, and age 60 for all others. Retirees are placed into one of three categories for recall purposes.

Category I (usually called first) includes retired servicemembers who meet the age and grade criteria, were not retired for permanent disability, have a US address, and have been retired fewer than five years.

Category II (usually called after Category I) includes servicemembers with the same qualifications as the first category, but retired for more than five years.

Category III includes all other retired servicemembers, including permanently disqualified disability retired servicemembers. Category III will generally not be recalled. A member of the Retired Reserve who returns to active duty may only receive one type of payment. Presently, there has been no indication that recall of military retirees is even being considered.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 11:22 PM
I doubt it. But if true, this would indicate that they absolutely, positively, know that a national tragedy is in the making.

You don't recall troops unless it's a national emergency, and usually not even then. This action would precipitate a catastrophic event.

I think I'll be hitting my reloader pretty hot this week, and break out my "bug-out" bags to ensure everything is in place.

Geez. This has to be BS. It has to.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 11:30 PM
Maybe the government can attach tripod mounted machine guns to walkers and make walking cane-shotguns, among others.

Any ideas?

The government will be needing some good ideas when they start dipping in the nursing home pool.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 11:46 PM
Hmmmm....O.K. I think what we got here is a "replenish the ranks" type deal.

This little piece came from CNN in 2004, could be possible.

Army to recall former military members

Tuesday, June 29, 2004 Posted: 12:43 PM EDT (1643 GMT)

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Army is preparing to notify about 5,600 retired and discharged soldiers who are not members of the National Guard or Reserve that they will be involuntarily recalled to active duty for possible service in Iraq or Afghanistan, Army officials said Tuesday.

It marks the first time the Army has called on the Individual Ready Reserve, as this category of reservists is known, in substantial numbers since the 1991 Gulf War.

The move reflects the continued shortage of troops available to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to fight the ongoing war on terrorism as well as Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Lt. Gen. Frank Hagenbeck, the Army's deputy chief of staff for personnel, said earlier this month of the Army's troop strength, "We are stretched but we have what we need."

Pentagon officials have echoed that statement explaining that while the military is reaching deep into its resources, war planners have long had contingency plans such as this for when troops are really needed.

Several hundred members of the ready reserve have volunteered for active-duty service since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

Those who are part of the involuntary call up are likely to be assigned to National Guard or Reserve units that have been mobilized for duty in Iraq or Afghanistan, according to Army officials. An announcement is planned for Wednesday.

Members of Congress were being notified of the decision Tuesday, the officials said.

Unlike members of the National Guard and Reserve, the individual reservists do not perform regularly scheduled training.

Any former enlisted soldier who did not serve at least eight years on active duty is in the Individual Ready Reserve pool, as are all officers who have not resigned their commission.

The Army has been reviewing its list of 118,000 eligible individual reservists for several weeks in search of qualified people in certain high-priority skill areas like civil affairs.

In the event that it is not, we will never know until the letters start flowing in.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 12:04 AM
Okay, I'll let you know if I get a letter. First, though, due to mail times, I probably will get mine after you know one way or another; and second, according to the above standards (and thank you for posting them), I'm last in line to get a recall. So, if I do get a letter, THEN you can really worry.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 05:13 PM

Obama calls for US military mobilization
By Patrick Martin
13 September 2008

Did a google and found above, I don't agree disagree with site or content but just found it interesting considering the topic.

posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 10:17 PM
Perhaps the administration is aware of some type of "unpopular" decision soon to be announced, or even a declaration of martial law. Recalling inactive military may serve two purposes: first, it creates a standing army domestically; and second, it means more people on the side of government and the military and fewer available to stage a revolution.

Just a theory.

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 08:26 AM
I had a feeling something was going on when I seen the military in full force a few days ago setting up a massive amount of tents, military trucks and other gear at a private fenced in lot area just a few KM from my house... I was gonna take a picture but I figured maybe they were just putting on a gun show or something... I think they're just rendezvous at that position as a staging area for something bigger...

posted on Nov, 19 2008 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by star in a jar

lol, why not draft tony soprano and scarface while they are at it? i think pacino could handle a bang stick.

posted on Nov, 20 2008 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by Spock Shock
I had a feeling something was going on when I seen the military in full force a few days ago setting up a massive amount of tents, military trucks and other gear at a private fenced in lot area just a few KM from my house... I was gonna take a picture but I figured maybe they were just putting on a gun show or something... I think they're just rendezvous at that position as a staging area for something bigger...

What area you in? Could be nothing, but when there's MANY could be's with the options of nothing at all or something extreme, every little fact helps.

posted on Nov, 24 2008 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by TheAgentNineteen

Actually it depends on when you retired and what the law says when you retired. At my 20 year retirement, I was informed by my retirement officer that the law states that you are only retired after serving 25 or more years of service. Serving 20 to 25 years puts you in the block of people who can be recalled up to age 65. There are a couple of things that have to happen before they can recall you, national emergency, declaration of war, maybe a couple of other things, but it also said that the draft had to be started back up . The law may have changed since I retired, but the way it was written when I retired is what I have to go by.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 10:19 AM
With all respect to the Vets and retired members of the services due, that have made it OK in their lives after Vietnam Korea and Iraq 1 and 2 and Afghanistan, well if this were true it would mean the following too:

About 1/10th of the "Mental Health In/Outpatients" in the US would have to be pronounced Sane now and ready for service,

Should free up a lot of treatment needed for this underhelped part of the population.

Around 10% to 20% of the Penal population will have to be released from penetentiaries.

Maybe they are going to put all the Non Obama Nazi Camp supporters lol in jail to fill the spaces and allow the shares in the companies running this to continue.

About 20% of the homeless population of America will now have a bed for the night to, and regular meals every day even if they are MRE's...

Lots and Lots of the unfortunate Brave VET's in wheelchairs and such like will be I suppose reasigned to flying Drones from a chair and a portacabin's in desert areas of the USA

Oh yeah and of course those who have not gone Insane, are not maimed, locked up in prison, on anti psychotic drugs or broke and shattered from the lack of aftercare support soo apparent, for all the armed services for those who risked their lives in duty will of course have to be cleared from suffering from Gulf War Syndrome, can they take another lot of Jabs of poison's and survive?

As Wyrd One said too will do wonders for the share prices of healthcare companies, maybe its part of the financial bailout....

The % I posted above vary on the source you go, to but are generally accepted, and I suppose also that someone here or lives or works with VET's etc would have a rough idea of discharged or non active servicemen in the USA I bet its a HUGE number.

I dont think the source would be just one to REPUBLICAN radio station if the letters were going out next week, the logistics of getting the training facilities ready just on food and toilet roll uniform alone would have many mnay sources ready, and it would be a very very large mail shot !!

I dare say would take a couple of months to track down most of the address's of those off the radar since discharge....

Personally until a reliable source comes up this is Tripe and just spin scaremongering...

would be easier and more likely to draft new young blood too, who are less likely to question this action, and also able to handle the 12 weeks boot camp to get ready... Rubbish lol.



posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 10:31 AM
I agree with most posters about the credibility of the source and only time will tell BUT, look at he Factual and Reported recalls that have previously taken place in the last 5 years.

Do you all recall the 56 year old sergeant with glaucoma and cancer and receiving treatments and chemo that was ordered back and was threatened with arrest if he didn't go?

Or do you recall the one that was legally blind in one eye that was recalled and it to was widely reported in MSM.

The source is as of now questionable, the action IS NOT, it is the way it has been since we got into this illegal action on the made up lies of he PTB.

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by MischeviousElf

would be easier and more likely to draft new young blood too, who are less likely to question this action, and also able to handle the 12 weeks boot camp to get ready... Rubbish lol.

Although I think it's possible to recall many vets as we have done recently, I think this is the more likely course of action for the PTB if they need more troops...

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by TheAgentNineteen

I recently inquired of a retired colonel whether they had received "the letter". The reply I received was "not recently. I got one back when the war started, but I didn't meet the requirements". This retired Colonel went on to state that "given the opportunity, I would return in a heartbeat!"

Said "I would be the first to know (after the children were told).

posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 02:49 PM
If this OP is true, It might be to prevent what happened under the Clinton Adminstration and the drain on the officers corp because of lack of confidence in the Executive Office. This was done at the beginning of Bush the First's term and the '91 iraqi war. It may also be a sign that they are looking to have officers be in charge of all these 'Reeducation Camps' we are hearing about from Emanuel!


posted on Nov, 27 2008 @ 11:38 PM
What about this...If they were planning to move on the guns and/or make sweeps to arrest patriots they are classifying as "terrorist" wouldn't it make sense to remove the vets, the single most threatening force they would run into if all out rebellion took place? They recall them, send them out of the country for some trumped up assignment and...Walla...they have just eliminated a huge force to recon with. It will soon be fight or lay down time I think. Makes sense to me.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 08:41 PM
This morning my husband got a call from the army asking him to come back into the military. They offered him $20,000 and he would only have to requalify for small arms. My husband has been out of the military for 25 years and he was Navy.

One of the guys he works with got the call on Wednesday with the same deal. I also have a friend in Germany that was in the German Army who got called back about a month ago. He is permanantly disabled so he said no.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 08:44 PM
link husband will be 54 in February.

He would go back if his health was better.

posted on Nov, 29 2008 @ 09:06 PM
Well, with the election over, anything is possible, I had heard once you are the military they have the right to call you back . . . my brother is ex-marine and 46, I hope this isn't true. But, he'll go if he has to, he is gun ho!

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