posted on Dec, 13 2008 @ 06:36 AM
It looks like some of us are still trapped in the Cold War false dialectics. Communism was created to oppose Capitalism and to divide world
populations into antagonistic factions to facilitate their control and manipulation. Fear and enmity were exploited to increase power of the same
class of Illuminati guardians. This is why the Soviet Union quickly and easily dissolved into thin air. There were indeed many dedicated communists in
the country, but did they have the real power? Obviously not, or never would the regime have simply vanished. We know that it muted into something
else, a former KGB GRU NVD totalitarianism with criminal Russian mafia tentacles extending operations worldwide.
Rockefeller and European bankers are known to have financed Lenin's drive to power, and the reversal of the 'real' communists, diverting the
revolution and creating a monster regime which would be sure to put fear in our hearts of anything communistic. It worked. Who likes communism these
days? Just ask someone who lived in the former Soviet Bloc.
The Illuminati know communism well, having also financed Mao Zedong in what Rockefeller called "an interesting social experiment". They also tested
urban depopulation thanks to Illuminati Pol Pot who after advanced studies at the Sorbonne went back home to Cambodia and purged a large percentage of
the population with total impunity from the international community. A regrettable incident of the reconditioning and brainwashing of an entire
population and the genocide of 3 million people in "The Killing Fields" (see the movie by the same name) but which was quite instructive in
detailing the best methodologies to reduce world population.
Does it matter that Obama is Communist or Capitalist? After all, either system can work with or without individual liberties. We are getting bent
around our wallets, looking only at the material incidence of a system, who gets the money and how. What really matters, in case you didn't notice
yet, is what THEY do to us under whatever system they impose upon us by force or by cunning.
If you fail to consider how communists can infiltrate the USA and enter our government at the highest offices, read the Soviet Art of Brainwashing
available at my signature link. It is a pre-war scientific analysis of the best methodology to penetrate the country and become an established part of
its social, political and economic structures. You can notice that this is not exclusive to communists. The Nazi continuum did much of the same thing
with the infiltration of the CIA, NASA and even the White House. Brush up on the true history of the Bush family and even in this website alone your
eyes will pry open.
Once again, this is not exclusive to ideology, be it National Socialist (Nazi), Capitalist, Communist, Islamic (or other religiously driven secular
dogma) or Royalist (yes, that breed still thrives and hides behind secret societies). What they have in common is a mindset which was made public to
an extent by the Tavistock Institute and which was either associated, instrumental or the originator of quite a few socio-political upheavals
throughout the 20th Century. Not to mention the psychological control of world populations through media brainwashing and scientific orienteering.
The Illuminati selected Obama, and probably groomed him, either from birth (likely if you believe in bloodlines and his cousin connections) or at some
later stage of his advancement. After considerable implication at Tavistock, Aleister Crowley claimed to have taken much time reviewing the profiles
of countless German WWI soldiers prior to selecting Adolph Hitler as his Magic Child. One may wonder if Obama was not a planned parenthood from his
motivational dynamics (reconciliation with African heritage by claimed fatherhood, heritage of civil rights militancy by biological father),
connection with Islam through his early tour of Kenya and Indonesia and integration into Judeo-Christian Ivy League America.