posted on Nov, 23 2008 @ 02:29 PM
I think America would be a better place if it were a Socialist-Capitalist, or as I call 'Socio-Capitalist' Government. A Democratic, Left leaning
Government that had more power and oversight and control over every single Company, Corporation, or Business making sales or purchases within U.S.
territory. Not to OWN all the Companies .. but just to be able to come in with the final word and say, "No, we disapprove of your profit margin being
this ridiculously high. You must lower the price of your unleaded gasoline to at least X.XX a gallon to reflect the changing of your profit margin by
such and such percent. This change must be effective by such and such date. Thank you for complying with National Laws and the decision of this
And the same thing goes for any other Company really getting over on people .. getting over so hard on people that while being technically
legal and legit, that they're making a STEAL off the people. Just think of the last most overpriced article of clothing or overpriced
software/gadget/whatever you bought and were thoroughly disappointed with. Now, should that item really cost that dang much? No way. But the critic
will say, Who am I or you to say what that item is really worth and should sell for. I say we are exactly who should be making part of that decision,
not the entire thing, but that our Government would actively look-out for, and stick up for, us the people by regulating such Companies.
And this is just the tip of the iceberg, the rest would deal with free EMERGENCY Healthcare .. certain other types of care that never end until the
patient dies may be under a different rule or system. Prescription medicines would be cheap to fill because the Companies would not be making as big
of a profit margin as they currently are, and would be forced to comply by law to the Government when the Government states that they need to decrease
their price by a certain amount to reflect the cut in profit. In other words, there should be a maximum profit margin percentile in the law
books that is used with buying and selling, and it should be illegal to profit beyond that percentile. The same goes for all Credit Card Companies
and Banks that lend people money. Their APR's and rates would have to be cut to reflect this. Everything would become drastically cheaper for the
average man.
But it won't ever happen this way, even I know this. Why? It's possible, don't let any critic tell you that the above is not possible, it is VERY
POSSIBLE, there are thousands of old, rich men with billions upon billions of dollars sitting around in bank accounts, digitally aquiring dust, that
means nothing more to them than status, the amounts they have are well and far beyond paying for his life expenses, his families, and the next
generation of families three generations deep into the future. And it's not all tied up in Stock investments either. There's literally billions
sitting in bank accounts doing nothing. Who's accounts? The people who OWN these Company and Corporations, and their TOP EXECUTIVES.
A good example is Bill Gates. or maybe Richard Garriot. Just old rich men with too much money to possibly use three times over.
These are the people who would be systematically found through national searches done by national intelligence agencies when the types of laws I'D
LIKE to see pass would pass. These kinds of laws would be the ones that HEAVILY tax people who have a butt-ton of money in their name, to the point of
making being a billionaire CEO something not nearly as profitable. Why let it sit just because people "earned" it through Corporate treachery? Or
even if its all legit .. the point is the same.
Don't redistribute the wealth .. Force the idle wealth to MOVE .. and tax the day lights out of anyone who has more than two million in assets. Yes,
that includes their house and all vehicles. No, it doesnt include boats or airplanes.
Now a super strong powerful assertive leader, the stuff that history is made with, could make something similar to this, with some of these changes
being made, but it could cause uproar like you've never seen. The people who are the richest are the best connected -- they can cause a
disproportionate amount of .. pain on a politician over a decision for the size of their population. A handful of men shouldn't be the ones calling
the shots FOR the politicians .. lol
[edit on 11/23/2008 by runetang]