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Russian communist told me in 1992 that America's first communist president would be Black man named

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posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 10:20 AM

Russian communist told me in 1992 that America's first communist president would be Black man named Barack

"What if I told you that you will have a black president very soon and he will be a Communist?"
"Yes, it is true. This is not some idle talk. He is already born and he is educated and being groomed to be president right now. You will be impressed to know that he has gone to the best schools of Presidents. He is what you call "Ivy League". You don't believe me, but he is real and I even know his name. His name is Barack.

(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 10:20 AM
The First Time I Heard of "Barack"
By Mr. Tom Fife
California businessman

During the period of roughly February 1992 to mid-1994, I was making frequent trips to Moscow, Russia, in the process of starting a software development joint-venture company with some people from the Russian scientific community. One of the men in charge on the Russian side was named V. M. He had a wife named T.M.
V. was a level-headed scientist while his wife was rather deeply committed to the losing Communist cause - a cause she obviously was not abandoning.
One evening, during a trip early in 1992, the American half of our venture was invited to V. & T.'s Moscow flat as we were about to return to the States. The party went well and we had the normal dinner discussions. As the evening wore on, T. developed a decidedly rough anti-American edge - one her husband tried to quietly rein in.
The bottom line of the tirade she started against the United States went something like this: "You Americans always like to think that you have the perfect government and your people are always so perfect. Well then, why haven't you had a woman president by now? You had a chance to vote for a woman vice-president and you didn't do it." (She was referring to Geraldine Ferraro.)
The general response went something along the lines that you don't vote for someone just because of their sex. Besides, you don't vote for vice-president, but the president and vice-president as a ticket.
"Well, I think you are going to be surprised when you get a black president very soon."
The consensus we expressed was that we didn't think there was anything innately barring that. The right person at the right time and sure, America would try to vote for the right person, be he or she black or not.
"What if I told you that you will have a black president very soon and he will be a Communist?"
The out-of-the-blue remark was met by our stares. She continued, "Well, you will; and he will be a Communist."
It was then that the husband unsuccessfully tried to change the subject; but she was on a roll and would have nothing of it. One of us asked, "It sounds like you know something we don't know."
"Yes, it is true. This is not some idle talk. He is already born and he is educated and being groomed to be president right now. You will be impressed to know that he has gone to the best schools of Presidents. He is what you call "Ivy League". You don't believe me, but he is real and I even know his name. His name is Barack. His mother is white and American and his father is black from Africa.
(snip racist comment) And he's going to be your President."
She became smug as she presented her stream of detailed knowledge and predictions so matter-of-factly - as though all were foregone conclusions. "It's all been thought out. His father is not an American black so he won't have that social slave stigma. He is intelligent and he is half white and has been raised from the cradle to be an atheist and a Communist. He's gone to the finest schools. He is being guided every step of the way and he will be irresistible to America."
We sat there not knowing what to say. She was obviously very happy that the Communists were doing this and that it would somehow be a thumbing of their collective noses at America: they would give us a black president and he'd be a Communist to boot. She made it quite obvious that she thought that this was going to breathe new life into world Communism. From this and other conversations with her, she always asserted that Communism was far from dead.
She was full of little details about him that she was eager to relate. I thought that maybe she was trying to show off that this truly was a real person and not just hot air.
She rattled off a complete litany. He was from Hawaii. He went to school in California. He lived in Chicago. He was soon to be elected to the legislature. "Have no doubt: he is one of us, a Soviet."
At one point, she related some sort of San Francisco connection, but I didn't understand what the point was and don't recall much about that. I was just left with the notion that she considered the city to be some sort of a center for their activity here.
Since I had dabbled in languages, I knew a smattering of Arabic. I made a comment: "If I remember correctly, 'Barack' comes from the Arabic word for 'Blessing.' That seems to be an odd name for an American." She replied quickly, "Yes. It is 'African'", she insisted, "and he will be a blessing for world Communism. We will regain our strength and become the number one power in the world."
She continued with something to the effect that America was at the same time the great hope and the great obstacle for Communism. America would have to be converted to Communism and Barack was going to pave the way. So, what does this conversation from 1992 prove?
Well, it's definitely anecdotal. It doesn't prove that Obama has had Soviet Communist training nor that he was groomed to be the first black American president, but it does show one thing that I think is very important. It shows that Soviet Russian Communists knew of Barack from a very early date. It also shows that they truly believed among themselves that he was raised and groomed Communist to pave the way for their future. This report on Barack came personally to me from one of them long before America knew he existed.
Although I had never before heard of him, at the time of this conversation Obama was 30+ years old and was obviously tested enough that he was their anticipated rising star.




Look, I didn't say I believed it, or I didn't.
I'm looking for discussion on the possibility.

I wouldn't put it past the NWO to *know* and *groom* whoever they wanted for the presidency.

It wouldn't be the first time.

My point in posting this is *IF* it's true - *WHY* would it be?
Why would the NWO want a (as said) *Communist* President?
(visit the link for the full news article)

[edit on 17-11-2008 by silo13]

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 10:27 AM
This is the same formula...

Someone who might be credible "a california businessman" Hears about something from some unknown source which can't be verified. This something has to do with whats going on right now!


These are so lame...

I'm sorry I even replied to this thread.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 10:28 AM
One of the greatest benefits and at the same time one of the worst problems of the internet is that anyone can say anything they want.

We don't always get who we vote for. It's setup that way for a reason...let's get on with our lives people.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 10:29 AM
Well look at it this way...

Maybe America is the only country in the world that can do communism right!

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 10:36 AM
Why can't people claim these things before they happened? This guy is basically just smearing Obama and doesn't reveal anything (he would if he could have said this 3 years ago).

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 11:04 AM
Why did they not come forward before the “dirty commie” became President? Does that make sense to you?

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 11:14 AM
reply to post by silo13

This is neo-nazi racist b.s. and I've got to wonder why it was posted.

There was also subliminal anti-semitic material at the same site. Note the weird spelling of 'jew' next to the picture of the destruction of Washington D.C.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 11:46 AM
I give this as much credence as the apocryphal 'grateful Arab' stories.

The narrative where some middle-Eastern man is so grateful to the person who ran after him in the street to return the wallet he dropped that he gives a strange nonsensical piece of advice about not travelling on a particular plane or bus, or being in a particular building on a particular day. The person who returned the wallet thought it was odd and the time but forgot about the event until, a few weeks later, they see on the news about the terrible tragedy!

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 11:56 AM
Yes isn't it funny this didn't come up at the supposed time it was said,not unlike the so called prophets always hear about it after the fact

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 11:59 AM
Like all good "prophecy" stories, I bet this came out after Obama was elected president right?

Sorry, not a dig at you Op...

Lol, no way he's a communist

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 12:00 PM
I find this funny. I have a Russian friend that is ex-communist border guard. Retired Russian officer living the American dream.

He has told me more than once the first communist president will be Jewish. Color never came into the discussion. Must be a communist thing.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 12:03 PM
If a Russian had told me this and later I saw a Barrack running for President...well,

I would have took off to Vegas and bet everything I had on Obama. No doubt the odds of him winning at the get go was very low. I would have made quite a fortune.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 12:31 PM
What better person to be in office in 2012 ? Maybe the golden age will be when everyone turns yellow?
As likely as it is that BO has been chosen and groomed for this position, than just as likely it was for McCain to have picked Palin and his loss in the race as if thrown like a wrestling match.

It does show the dominos falling into place for martial law and the NWO that's now knocking at our door.
It's all scripted as if some Matrix. So, sit back and watch the show.

Let's not forget the alleged fact that it was the Soviet Union that originally had it's own remote viewing program. Their sudden fall from a super power just didn't pass the smell test either.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by counterterrorist

There was also subliminal anti-semitic material at the same site. Note the weird spelling of 'jew' next to the picture of the destruction of Washington D.C.

Great Find!

These are the things I'm trying to find out.

Will rip through TruNews and see what else I find along these lines.

I sent a email DEMANDING more info on the man who's behind the article...

Will post any reply I get.


[edit on 17-11-2008 by silo13]

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

How can you positively say he is not a Communist.....? No one knows that much about Obama. He only gave vague answers to the questions he was asked. And you certainly cannot go by his voting record......"here" is not much of a record.

I don't believe the story that he was planted by Russia years ago......but the jury is still out on Obama.........and you have to ask yourself a very important question.............With the US of A facing an economic crisis of the century.....wars in Iraq, Afghanistan........big problems with Russia, Iran, N. Korea, China, Venezula, Cuba, Mexico and others.......WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD WANT TO BE PRESIDENT....?

It is a great time to be will not be a dull 4 years.....of that I assure you my friend.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

" Lol, no way he's a communist "


Because the news would expose that like all the other truths they share with us on a regular basis? [cough,choke,puke ]


People who support the state taking from the haves and sharing it with the no real American.

That concept smacks of socialism/communism.

But don't let that stop you from thinking it's ridiculous, and I won't let your comments change my mind either.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 09:58 PM
No date on the article?

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 10:02 PM
Nostradamus told me that the guy who wrote that article was conceived in a dumpster.

posted on Nov, 17 2008 @ 10:07 PM
A communist.... Obama is an extra demensional being... get your facts straight....

Serious though.... no evidence.

Hell people knew about 9/11 before it happened, so who know, Evidence like that is hard to come by.

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