Ive been noticing a lot of discussion on other threads, particularly by newer members about the persistance and spreading out of contrails and making
the assumption that they are chemtrails. The reality is that contrails, can spread out to cover the sky and can persist for many hours after they are
originally created. All it takes is a basic understanding of how the upper atmosphere works.
Why we see more contrails in modern days
Another point brought up is that contrails never existed or were not as abundannt before a recent date. Then is this photo from the book Cloud Studies
in Colour, by Richard Scorer and Harry Wexler, publsihed in 1967 incorrect?
Is this youtube video, with footage from a 1944 film incorrect?
And this one shows the huge density of aircraft over the USA, which helps to explain criss crossinf contrails and grids
Remarkable that contrails were persisting and spreading out back during world war 2, when many of the chemtrail theorists claim that contrail
persistance and spreading out never occured back in the days when they were younger
And another reason there appeared to be fewer contrails
Contrails are a common sight now, but prior the the advent of commercial jet travel in the late 50s, there was little reason for planes to fly
high enough to form contrails
Now with the large use of jet engines, combined with the lower cost for plane tickets and exponential increase in numbers using air travel, naturally
we see many more contrails along flight paths (pending weather conditions obviously).
How contrails persist
Many chemtrail theorists claim that contrails do not persist while chemtrails do. Then how do they explain snow staying on the ground for long periods
of time. They are both the same thing, ice crystals, only introducing extremely hot engine vapour into a freezing cold environment means that ice
crystals from much quicker than snow forms. The process is known as sublimation.
Sublimation is a chemical process (i know i mentioned chemical) when a vapour/ gas is cooled so quickly that it goes into solid form, skipping the
liquid phase.
If there is little or no water vapour present in the atmosphere, then the contrail will not last for long. If the air already has water vapour present
in it, then contrails will persist longer. The reason for this is because of supersaturation. This occurs when an excessive amount of water vapour is
added into an already moist environment, causing the ice crystals to not sublimate like they usually would, meaning we see them from the ground as a
persistent contrail.
As more planes follow flight paths, they introduce more vapour into the already supersaturated air, and attract more water vapour from the surrounding
air, making the ice crystals increase in size and the contrail to become thicker. Its almost the exact same way clouds are formed, and from a
meteorological aspect, we regard contrails as cirrus cloud (meaning they are physically identical to normal clouds) if they are observed persist for
at least 30 minutes.
How contrails spread out
Now knowing that contrails are able to persist, we now can move on to explaining why they spread out.
An interesting quote first up
It has been estimated that in certain heavy air-traffic corridors, cloud cover has increased by as much as 20%
Yep, thats right, cloud cover. As explained before contrails are regarded meteorologically as cirrus cloud. When they spread out to form a layer of
cloud, its known as cirrostratus cloud.
For a contrail to spread out we need a couple of things. Firstly we need a supersaturated environment. And we also need the high winds that are found
at the altitudes at which planes fly. One such type of wind is known as the jetstream, which has recorded winds in excess of 200mph. So the prevailing
winds in a dry eair environment would normally disspate a contrail quite quickly. In a supersaturated environment. The winds push moisture into other
areas already moist, causing more ice crystals to form and a layer of cloud to from over the sky. As long as there are high winds and mositure, the
clouds will continue to spread
This also explains why spraying a substance at 20,000 to 30,000ft is unplausible. Imagine spraying at a height of say 22,000ft into a wind of 150kph.
The chemical or whatever wont fall gently to the ground on top of you, its more likely to end up miles away in any direction!! Just look at the
changes in wind direction and speed on the links below. The data is from the world wide upper air network which im proud to say im involved in. Its
collected using a weather balloon and raidosonde, tracked with either radar or GPS
Just to note, I have never had any of our weather balloons land back down directly from where our launching zone is......now thats saying something
isnt it
For those interested in how contrail persistence is forecast, use the Appleman chart, overlayed with you nearest upper air sounding met station
(radiosonde sounding/ weather balloon)
In conclusion, its far more reliable to poison the population by spiking the drinking water supply rather than this way
And its also funny to see that all the chemtrails sites on the web, dont use advice from real meteorologists