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Should ATS Implement an IQ Registration?

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posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 08:39 PM
Just like the topic suggests should ATS implement an IQ test for incoming members?

I for one don't know where to stand on this issue. One hand you could potentially have the site weed out plenty of idiots who make useless threads that contribute nothing. We would see a lot less traffic here at ATS and see the quality of posts increase. Yet on the other hand we would be infringing on the freedom of these potential members. It wouldn't be for us to decide who could post or not.

If it would be implemented any potential member or member that scored low on the IQ test wouldn't be able to post on the forum.

What are your thoughts? Are IQ test even that sufficient in estimating the intelligence of a person in relevance to what he/she will post about?


posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by Ign0rant

Will you be the first one to volunteer for the IQ test?

Remember that ATS is a board of diverse background from all over the world, it doesn't take much to get to know and understand posters contributions from those that only wants to cause problems.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 08:50 PM

Originally posted by Ign0rant
Just like the topic suggests should ATS implement an IQ test for incoming members?

That is elitist. I recommend you just use the ignore button.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 08:50 PM
Don't confuse idiotic or moronic posting with low IQ scores.

I see postings within this site that fall under those definitions, to me, from otherwise relatively smart people.

Just because you don't believe an alien would travel clear across the galaxy to to gather your sperm in an abduction; while you're drinking fluoridated water and taking pictures of chemtrails. It could happen!

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 08:50 PM
There is relevant information to be gleaned from what may be considered by most the most irrelevant sources/instances.

We all need to be here. A so called 'idiot' may just be indirect proof regarding the effectivness of popular propaganda.

The relevant note on this topic would rather be how people interpret and how they respond.

We need to encourage a cultivation and patience regarding those who are new to the subject matter(s).

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 09:05 PM
While your concerns certainly aren't void merit, it'd be quite difficult to implement little mOar than a virtual "round-hole square-peg" test.

And with a membership that spans not only continents, cultures, and a myriad of languages and intellects, to include an age range of near 8-80, it would seem just as impossible to gauge one's contribution versus another based solely upon WHAT?!

The ability to...


posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by 12m8keall2c
. . . to include an age range of near 8-80

Coincidentally that is also my IQ range.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by hinky

No stinking badgers? OK we'll get back to that.

In the matter of IQ requirements,
I must assume that you have a lower end bar in mind on who will be cut from the site. I must also assume that you feel you are above that bar or know what your IQ score is. So, you get to stay and others get excluded based on your personal feelings that the site is too crowded and there are too many participants of substandard IQ.
There is a group called Mensa that goes by minimum IQ guidelines. Maybe interested parties should try there to get an exclusivity fix.
As for the ATS IQ minimum - get that passed through and you might find that many of the interesting posters suddenly decide to go elsewhere.

Gotta admit that this thread made me mad when I read it. I've got an above average IQ but many of the wisest people I've ever met scored average or less.

I guess if I want to get some interesting threads going then I'm going to have to figure out how to piss everybody off at the same time. Not something I've practiced doing before.

[edit on 15-11-2008 by badgerprints]

[edit on 15-11-2008 by badgerprints]

[edit on 15-11-2008 by badgerprints]

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 09:13 PM

Originally posted by schrodingers dog
Coincidentally that is also my IQ range.

Awww...self denigration.

The staple of a true intellect...

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by 12m8keall2c

This is ATS...and here we're ALL square pegs in the round hole of society...that what makes this place what it is!

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by citizen smith

Couldn't agree more, but how do you measure between one who beats it in via their "mental hammer" and one who "makes it fit" via out of the box thinking, understandings, and or considerations. (?)

I certainly wouldn't want to be the "standard" by which others' thoughts be gauged.


[edit: to add - "be"]

[edit on 15-11-2008 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 10:08 PM

Originally posted by 12m8keall2c
I certainly wouldn't want to be the "standard" by which others' thoughts be gauged.

I think that is the penultimate point in this that we are all different and have different upbringings/perspectives.

This site should never be an IQ test. Rather, it is a collaborative oppurtunity, much like the human species has never experienced in our time.

We should take advantage of this oppurtunity and collaborate instaed of argue and 'push the square in the circular hole'.

Everyone has something to contribute...even if it is the imploration to be 'taught'.

A dangerous concept, but one that works if one has the patience...

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 10:44 PM
I'd be all for it... but then I know I'd be banned.

Of the people I've seen on ATS, several probably have high or average I.Q.s.
Several are also dumb as bricks, or have their ideas so deeply entrenched you couldn't move with a steam dozer.
Their High IQ may give them ability to argue their case better, but it doesn't factor how smart they actually are.

Besides, you know some people would completely dissemble the questions, and show that they were actually proof of a alien conspiracy based on the font size and the space between each character.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 11:02 PM
I wouldn't be for it regardless of whether or not I am "safe" or not simply for the same reason I never put anyone on ignore. To me even if I disagree with someone 9/10 there is always that 1/10 or the potential that they say something that I will agree with or that I hadn't thought about before or bring a topic to light I hadn't noticed.

Also there is another issue, such as surprise findings for example there might be members on here who many people compliment for their thoughts and posts but end up falling under the required criteria to be allowed on here (under the IQ rule) and thus the site as lost that person as a contributor. Alternatively you might have someone who most don't like who happens to have a high (or safe) IQ score but still uses their mind as a tool to cause havoc via trolling or arrogance...etc

Might as well leave it as is and weed out the truly undesirables manually should the need absolutely arise.

posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 11:11 PM
On the one hand I agree that this would turn away members no matter what their IQ is. On the other hand, maybe ATS could have a separate forum such as RATS where you would be required to take and pass a certain score on an ATS sponsored IQ test to be able to post in it.


posted on Nov, 15 2008 @ 11:22 PM
It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.

With that in mind, just enjoy the site

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by 12m8keall2c

IMHO its the " ability " of certain sections of ATS to get round pegs in square holes that concerns me most

if it doesnt fit - they MAKE it fit

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 12:53 AM
I once heard a story about a very clever scientist who wanted to discover the effects of pulling the legs off a flea.

To do this, he took the flea, all legs attached, placed it in a glass chamber then clapped. The flea jumped. Next, he removed the front set of legs, clapped, and again the flea jumped. He repeated the experiment, this time with the middle set of legs removed. Again, when he clapped, the flea jumped. The last part of the experiment, the scientist removed the third, final set of legs. This time when he clapped the flea didn't jump. His conclusion: removing all the flea's legs made it deaf.

Corollary: being clever doesn't mean you will always arrive at the right conclusions.

I used to think that intelligence was important. Then I realized that intellect was just as important. I still didn't get it; so I worked on knowledge then wisdom then communication and perspective. I still struggle with some things.

Sometimes, all that's needed is "common" sense. It varies from person to person, culture to culture, era to era. It's also independent of IQ.

OP, the only real problem that occurs between people with widely varying IQ's is that of understanding and perspective. The onus is on the person with greater understanding to help the less able (I mean able, not capable) to see differently.

It is the insight just as much as foresight that helps us to deny ignorance. It's the place of those with sight to show their vision (version) to others and for others to help the insightful see their vision's flaws.

So, I don't think ATS should have a low (or high) IQ bar.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 12:54 AM
IQ doesn't equal creativity--if someone wants to post their IQ they can. I don't see how it helps in being any more authentic with a person's opinion.

I wish we had something that referenced what a person knows of a subject. I get tired of going to the aliens forum and reading a differing opinon (hard core skeptics) that have done little or no research. Same goes with "believers".

The ATS point system doesn't work for me since extravagant claims\postings seem to garner more points than knowledge. I do like the stars...but I think more could be done to encourage people to educate themselves if they have a passion for a subject.

Not to go MMORPG on anyone but it would be interesting if we could have a level system for our online avatar, ranking us on subject forums. You would level up based on peer review, completion of ATS projects, knowledge tests based on books or other media you've read, posts, etc. People may be spurned on to "level up" so they could gain benefits from it a t-shirt to an invitation to special projects ATS has. Their "level" could be posted so we had something to refer to--not that that means someone is "smarter" or their opinion is more correct, but I'd like to know someone is authentic.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 01:33 AM
Thats all about perception man, you judge them unfit some people too stupid to be posting here according to your beliefs and standards, exactly like big brother judge you and us all unfit for their NWO according to their standards cuz we think for ourselfs. However what makes you believe that we dont think your too dumb to be here and assuming that we would...
What makes your oppignion and belief better then theirs and what make ours better then yours? Why would an IQ test have anything to do with ATS. Intelligence is manifested in a variety of forms and ways you can get a glimpse the person's aptitude to calculate and assimilate information with today's IQ test but ur only going to get a tiny part of the whole picture. Take a look at Kim Peek he can tell you what day you were born precicely just by knowing ur dob calculating it backward in his head, calculate incredible numbers almost instantly and give you the phone number and address of anyone in the whole USA by heart almost instantly yet he rates just about a 5-6 years old child on an IQ test... Im pretty sure you'd get around 100 on an IQ test yet I KNOW you can't do that... what makes u more intelligent then him?

Its all about perception man... everyone as the right to speak

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