posted on Nov, 25 2008 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by theRiverGoddess
People are so misguided,it breaks my heart.The Bible IS the true Word of God Almighty,our Creator and JUDGE. God is Holy, which is why sin must be
punished. Wake up people,only God,Our Jesus Christ,Savior of the world, who sacrificed His Holy self to pay the final offering to wash us of our
sins,(if we ask for His forgiveness,which He freely gives) is the only one who can save us,there is only one way to God and that is through Jesus
Christ, Emmanuel(means God with us) His only begotten Son, born of God and is equal to God in every way. Christianity is not a religion, but a
personal relationship with the Lord. All of us are written in the Book of Life.He doesn't want to blot out our names. God doesn't want any of us to
perish, which is why He sends missionaries to educate people in the truth.Satan is the father of lies,and people are falling for his doctrine. We are
battling evil forces of spiritual darkness, not against people, we love all people because we love God. If anyone has ever done any studying and
researching,like I have, a former newager,you will see the Bible is true.King James Version. Kent Hovind's material is very eye opening. I beg you
people if you are reading this,don't let this opportunity go by without at least taking a look and decide for yourself what you believe. Above all,
trust in God for all things.
In Christ, forever His servant.