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Nothing in chemtrails... yeahhh riiiiight...Photos

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posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:00 AM
I see now how blind many of you are.. there is ACTUAL physical evidence... just because you don't want to beleive in this.. does makes the evidence disappear.. all i hear is thats crazy! that doesn't happen! how about DIRECTLY refuting the FACT that Barium is being found from these "contrails" unless you are bringing evidence that contrails in FACT contain barium then please don't say anything.. I can see all of you would be very bad in any legal field.. I can see it now in court(prosecutor your honor the knife that was used to murder this person was found!!(defendants attorney) no thats crazy!!! my client would never do such a thing! therefore that knife does not exist!
I can see the jury let the defendant go in this case... yea right!

[edit on 14-11-2008 by thefreepatriot]

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by Fatality

Barium dries up water.
We've had a VERY bad drought in Georgia.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:04 AM
Chemtrails are likely a result of the NATO Aerosolized Defense Grid That was implemented in the late 1990’s.

Countries who have recently joined NATO are also being subjected to this grid and are not happy about it; Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. As the others just before (Hungary, Poland and Czech Republic in 1999, East-Germany in 1990) are all obligated to follow certain policies and allowing the defense grid to be applied in their aerospace. The citizenry is not consulted and does not have a say in these type of operations.

Whenever a country joins NATO - you will see that their citizenry quickly becomes aware of the chemtrail phenomenon and will begin to form groups to inform others and protest the spraying. These groups often lobby politicians aswell as create websites and leaflets to inform others.

It is likely that the planes spraying the chemicals that facilitate the operation of the NATO Aerosolized Defense Grid are from other NATO countries. The planes that create chemtrails are likely not piloted by members belonging to the military of the country over which they are applying the Grid. This ensures a certain level of detachment from the crime being committed.

The operations appear to be highly classified, and pilots told their actions are benevolent - it is likely they are told they are “Saving the environment” or something to that effect. I have no doubt they would face immediate court martial if they were to leak any data pertaining to this man-made phenomenon.

here are some interesting patents that will indicate some of the military uses for chemtrails.
-This technology is used to amplify and increase the effectiveness of this technology:
-this weapons system’s ability to detect and destroy an object is vastly increased with heavy metal particulate in the air...

The proof is there for all to see.

“Experts” to help you deny the reality and to sideline and derail people who have pertinent and important information to release concerning the man-made, and dangerous chemtrail phenomenon.

The reality is so frightening that having an ‘accredited’ expert on hand to create a meme of plausible deniability is actually an effective way of causing people to dismiss the chemtrail phenomenon. You may have noticed this activity on forums such as this one.

But then you take a look at the evidence, and the malevolent intent becomes self-evident. planes (either NATO or Private) are spraying something on the densely populated areas in the countries that are a part of NATO.

*Keep in mind, there are NO LAWS against or even about weather modification in North America. If you are a billionaire and you want it to rain on city where your ex-wife lives, you can. If you want to cause a drought or flood your farming competitions and you have the money - there is NOTHING stopping you.

There are no laws prohibiting Weather modification in the United States. Every country that joins NATO has their weather modification laws repealed or altered to suit the purposes of NATO and the Aerosolized Defense Grid

[edit on 14-11-2008 by TruthTellist]

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:09 AM
Very entertaining site, good for a few laughs. Some of my favorite excerpts from that site are

- Showing pictures of yellow/orange clouds and saying that they are that color because the clouds have chemicals in them... when the photos are taken at sunset. Durr.

- How the columbia motion pictures logo supposedly has chemtrails in it according to that website, even though that logo has been in use since 1919 way before the government could have possibly been creating chemtrails.

- How they explain that sun halos are because of chemicals in chemtrails, when really they have been happening since the dawn of the earth, again way, way before the government could have possibly started spraying chemtrails. Sun halos are caused by Cirro-stratus clouds, and are quite normal and natural, they have nothing to do with chemicals.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by TruthTellist

That is not evidence. That is pure speculation devoid of supporting evidence.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by TruthTellist

I beleive(and I don't have much evidence for this this is my opinion) That it is being used to numb as down., weaken our immune system, and shorten our lifespans... I doubt it has anything to do with global warming and it may be just a cover for it in case someone decides to dig it up...If a senator decides to go searching the Air Force will let him see what he wants to see... and show him its for the benefit of mankind.. blabla bla.. he will then go back satisfied..

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by Meteorologist

that's funny did you join this site only to post here? I noticed you just signed up recently with the name "meteorologist" looks pretty desperate

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by dave420

No however finding barium in the lab IS EVIDENCE... can you explain how barium at 3 times the legal epa limit is being found right after these "contrails" are seen? I still don't see what evidence you have bought to refute this.. so I wouldn't be talking..

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:15 AM
Contrails are water vapor or ice crystals. These ordinary vapor trails dissipate after about 10 minutes, sometimes less. They do not stay around for an entire day.

Chemtrails start out looking like normal narrow contrails, but around 5 to 6 hours later they have become a thin manufactured cloud base covering an entire populated city area. I live in Phoenix AZ and I can tell you I have seen plenty of these chemtrails. They are done in very precise and specific grid patterns to effectively cover the maximum amount of sky.

There has been a great deal of field analysis and collecting under these chemtrail skies. The results show very high levels of barium and heavy metals. However these barium and metals have a signature all their own and have been found to be identical when collected from different areas. Samples taken in France showed the same metals and barium signature as samples taken in Texas.

I am also convinced that chemtrails are responsible for Morgellons disease. The thread like material growing inside those suffering from Morgellons is very unique and unlike anything known. Were these threads created to bind together in order to keep the barium and metals in the atmosphere longer helping in modifying weather patterns? Or is it something much more sinister and secret?

I feel that these Morgellon threads are a type of living but manufactured Bio-Nano entity. When viewed under a microscope at different magnified levels these threads seem to interact with one another. They may use humans to feed and reproduce at the cellular level. This now brings me to the connection of Morgellons and Grey’s.

Perhaps the Grey’s (if they exist) are in some way our future selves. It has been reported that Grey’s seem to be both living beings and machine like in their behavior. In the future we have become more integrated with these Morgellon threads and have integrated ourselves with technology.

The craft and technology:
The craft are also both machine “and” a carbon/silicon based programmed living biological source and at every level. This is going to be hard to explain and even harder to understand.

Imagine symbols being used as a program. Interconnecting symbolism that is functional and very specific in what it was programmed to do. We think of symbols as shapes or designs, but with meaning.

The symbol code is very advanced, but below I use a simple star symbol as an example. If you want to know how complex the technology is look up "CARET programCARET program

Now think of future symbols as a type of highly advanced source code manufactured into something and it then becomes a functional technology. Let’s say you have a block of solid carbon. On the surface of the carbon block there is a symbol of a star. You then chip a small piece off of that carbon block and look at it under a microscope and there you see a repeating pattern of the same identical star. You could take a piece off anywhere and of any size but there is the same star pattern because it has been programmed and created for one designed technological purpose. Think of it as a Mandelbrot set but with a very specific technological purpose.

In the future we are fully connected to this craft technology through our own long term and intentional Government controlled Bio-Nano exposure in the environment, and we can now through this Nano integration process thought to each other and to the craft design itself. We know the purpose of the symbols in the integrated network of living carbon based technology and it just works. The fact that we have become grey (pigmentation) and our eyes have become very large and nocturnal in appearance must be due to some type of environmental surface Earth change that has forced us underground and we have gone through a period of extreme and maybe intentional evolutionary change.

[edit on 14-11-2008 by arizonascott]

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by Meteorologist
Very entertaining site, good for a few laughs. Some of my favorite excerpts from that site are

- Showing pictures of yellow/orange clouds and saying that they are that color because the clouds have chemicals in them... when the photos are taken at sunset. Durr.

- How the columbia motion pictures logo supposedly has chemtrails in it according to that website, even though that logo has been in use since 1919 way before the government could have possibly been creating chemtrails.

- How they explain that sun halos are because of chemicals in chemtrails, when really they have been happening since the dawn of the earth, again way, way before the government could have possibly started spraying chemtrails. Sun halos are caused by Cirro-stratus clouds, and are quite normal and natural, they have nothing to do with chemicals.

Thats funny I don't see anyone here posting the theory of how the columbia motion picture logo has been used since 1919? why did you bring this up? you state"that site" which site?.. and unless anyone has bought this up I find it interesting that you would use this in your post in your attempt to discredit it..nice try how about explaining to us "laymen" why barium being found at suspected chem trail locals? is it also the sunset causing this?

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:30 AM
These are all just contrails, the wider trails are just fighter jet contrails after an afterburner burst. Usually you have them criss-crossing due to interceptions of ufos picked up on radar, and they chase 'em down from air bases in different locations.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

You know, I am always telling people that! Somedays I look up, and there are completely clear skies, and you know there are planes flying all the time, but somedays, the skies are full of these "trails". Also, they diminish differently than what I would consider "normal". They seem to get bigger and fluffier and hang in the sky alot longer than I would expect a vapor (or smoke) to.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by arizonascott

I also believe that chemtrails are being used for multiple reasons

Exposing an entire population to new strains of influenza or other illnesses and then recording and documenting the outcome of these military field tests

Sometimes - it's for the greenhouse effect or weather modification

And sometimes - it's just to increase the metals and contaminates in a city causing higher levels of illness and death - Eugenics or population reduction

So it is not just simple contrails - this is a big business for the military industrial complex. Just because a few know nothing pilots and meteorologists (spooks in disguise) tell you there is nothing going on is exactly why you should believe that there is something is going on.

Its like going to a blog about the Government and someone starts talking about taxes and amendments not being properly ratified, then all of a sudden you get these individuals that come on with all this specific tax code information (that no real American citizen would bother knowing) and they tell you that the amendment was ratified correctly and that you better pay your taxes or you go to prison.

I mean really, can you tell me one real American citizen that would be all happy or gung ho for supporting income taxes and that they would know all the tax code information. And would any American really tell another American to just shut up and pay the taxes or go to prison?

There is always some disinformation specialist on every public forum, those black op tenticles spread farther than anyone even realizes!

[edit on 14-11-2008 by arizonascott]

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:45 AM

Originally posted by arizonascott

Contrails are water vapor or ice crystals. These ordinary vapor trails dissipate after about 10 minutes, sometimes less. They do not stay around for an entire day.

Chemtrails start out looking like normal narrow contrails, but around 5 to 6 hours later they have become a thin manufactured cloud base covering an entire populated city area. I live in Phoenix AZ and I can tell you I have seen plenty of these chemtrails. They are done in very precise and specific grid patterns to effectively cover the maximum amount of sky.

They are the same exact thing, except the reason they spread out on some days is because of this newfangled thing called wind, which isn't always there.

Originally posted by arizonascott

There has been a great deal of field analysis and collecting under these chemtrail skies. The results show very high levels of barium and heavy metals. However these barium and metals have a signature all their own and have been found to be identical when collected from different areas. Samples taken in France showed the same metals and barium signature as samples taken in Texas.

Yes, I'm sure that plastics plant in Texas emitting chemicals into the air doesn't emit very different chemicals than the one in France.

Basically, there's no connection between contrails in the sky and chemicals you collect in a pan in your backyard. You are trying to make a connection/association, but there simply is none.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by thefreepatriot

Thats funny I don't see anyone here posting the theory of how the columbia motion picture logo has been used since 1919? why did you bring this up? you state"that site" which site?.. and unless anyone has bought this up I find it interesting that you would use this in your post in your attempt to discredit it..nice try

Uhh, try the very first post in this thread, the person who started this thread. I guess you skipped out on some vital reading before replying to this topic.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by scrubsnstuffkim

You know, I am always telling people that! Somedays I look up, and there are completely clear skies, and you know there are planes flying all the time, but somedays, the skies are full of these "trails". Also, they diminish differently than what I would consider "normal".

Congratulations, you found this wonderful thing called weather.

Originally posted by scrubsnstuffkim
They seem to get bigger and fluffier and hang in the sky alot longer than I would expect a vapor (or smoke) to.

Amazing scientific knowledge on display here people. Clouds are apparently now the same thing as smoke.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by thefreepatriot
reply to post by dave420

No however finding barium in the lab IS EVIDENCE... can you explain how barium at 3 times the legal epa limit is being found right after these "contrails" are seen? I still don't see what evidence you have bought to refute this.. so I wouldn't be talking..

That's a giant leap. Contrails are in the sky at the same time chemicals are found in your collection pan in your backyard, there must be some association there. I'm sure the chemicals just couldn't be from your local friendly factory pumping chemicals into the air.

Ahh, the wonderful world of correlation.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:53 AM
reply to post by arizonascott

And you believe all of that without any evidence what so ever. That is called being 'irrational'.

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by Meteorologist

I don't read every single post ... that's why I asked you to reference it.. off coarse that is really stupid..

posted on Nov, 14 2008 @ 10:55 AM
If I made a site claiming horrible things about chemtrails. No real science to back it up, and all of it is paranoid speculation, how long do you think it would take me to be used as a valid source on these threads?

People are buying into everything they see nowadays, and it's crazy. If you fear chemtrails so much, why not just live in some caves and send all air through some purifiers? Oh right, because the mole men will get you.

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