Here is the list so far of supporting links provided by Chemtrail Theorists on ATS PART2 - geocities site - timeline dynamics nato aerosol defence aerosol defence 2 aerosol defence 3 HAARP earthquakes hurricanes - reason for chemtrails - concern over chemtrails
Books Etc
Amazon books on chemtrails
Dr. Len Horowitz, "Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare".
A.K. Johnston, PhD. "UFO tactics: Weather Shield to Chemtrails".
K. Ya. Kondratyev, : "Climatic Effects of Aerosols and Clouds".
William Thomas, "Chemtrails Confirmed".
Tim Swartz and Timothy Beckley, "The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla: HAARP-Chemtrails and Secret of Alternative 4".
Ed Regis, "The Biology of Doom: America's Secret Germ Warfare Project".
J.D. Aber and K.J. Nadelhoffer, "Nitrogen Saturation in Northern Forest Ecosystems." Bioscience, 39 (1989) pages
American Geophysical Union, "Jet contrails to be significant climate factor by 2050," AGU press release no. 99-19,
R.B. Ames and W.C. Malm, "Estimating the Contribution of the Mohave Coal-fired Power Plant Emissions to Atmospheric
Extinction at Grand Canyon National Park." In Visual Air Quality" Aerosols and Global Radiation Balance, Air and
Waste Management Association, Pittsburgh, Pa., 683-697, 1997.
Marcus Dalton, "Chemtrails Are Over Las Vegas." Las Vegas Tribune, vol. 7 Issue 3, 8/19/05
S.L. Baughcum, "Subsonic aircraft emission inventories, In:Atmospheric Effects of Aviation:First Report of the
Subsonic Assessment Project." NASA RP-1385, pp. 15-29, 1996
Bill Gallagher, "Chemical Aurora Keyhole Surveillance." Arizona Indymedia, May 2004
Laura Kelly, "Mysterious powder shrouds area." The Alpenhorn News, Feb. 2006
D.M. Hunten, "Residence Times of Aerosols and Gases in the Stratosphere." Geophysical Research Letters 2(1): 26-27,
A.C. Mueller, "The Effects of Particulates from Solid Rocket Motors Fired in Space." Advances in Space Research 5
(2): 77-86, 1985.
U. Schumann, "In Situ Observations of Particles in Jet Aircraft Exhausts and Contrails for Different Sulfur-
Containing Fuels." Journal of Geographical Research, Vol. 101, Issue D3, 1996.
weather mod patents
6569393-5/27/03-Method and Device for Cleaning the Atmosphere.
6520425-2/18/03-Proces and Apparatus for the Production of Nanofibers.
6412416-7/2/02-Propellant-Based Aerosol Generation Devices and Method.
6315213-11/13/01-Method of Modifying Weather.
6263744-7/24/01-Automated Mobility-Classified-Aerosol Detector.
6056203-5/2/00-Method and Apparatus for Modifying Supercooled Clouds.
6030506-2/29/00-Preparation of Independently Generated Highly Reactive Chemical Species.
5984239-11/16/99-Weather Modification by Artificial Satellite.
5762298-6/9/98-Use of Artificial Satellites in Earth Orbits Adaptively to Modify the Effect that Solar Radiation
Would Otherwise Have on Earth's Weather.
5628455-5/13/97-Method and Apparatus for Modification of Supercooled Fog.
5286979-2/15/94-Process for Absorbing Ultraviolet Radiation Using Dispersed Melanin.
5104069-4/114/92-Apparatus and Method for Ejecting Matter from an Aircraft.
5038664-8/13/94-Method for Producing a Shell of Relativisitic Particles at an Altitude Above the Earth's Surface.
4999637-3/12/91-Creation of Artificial Ionization Clouds Above the Earth.
4873928-10/17/89-Nuclear-Sized Explosions without Radiation.
4686605-8/11/87-Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in the Earth's Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and/or
5218374-6/8/93-Power Beaming System with Printer Circuit Radiating Elements Having Resonating Cavities.
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