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The Christians hating gays contradiction

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posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 10:41 AM
basically the hating Christians need to go live their lives in their hypocritical Christian world and stay the hell out of other peoples lives.
I could care less what you think of the gay community.

I have read tons of responses to this post, and it seems that the posters point has been proven by these hypocritical, uneducated, ridiculous, responses.

Its not a hard concept. Everyone is different and for one group to tell another group that they are less of a person, not natural, not right, a second class citizen is WRONG!

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 10:51 AM
Wolf I have said numerous times ..ANIMALS are HORNY ..they do not care if you are a tree ..or a couch ...male or female ..they would hump it anyway ....

Seriously though I really cant believe that some of you would actually equate yourselves as being just like animals ....but hey maybe some of you really are just like them at least in behaviour was created a LITTLE HIGHER than animals and made a LITTLE LOWER than angels ...

Anyway as I said before ..enough already ..I dont want to give anymore of my two cents ...I still have some hair left and I want to keep it .....

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 10:54 AM
reply to post by Quaght

So you don't eat shell fish, either? That's an abomination, too, apparently.

Can you stop differentiating between homosexual and normal? They are the same thing - homosexuality is normal. You are making Christians look bad by spouting that nonsense.

Tolerance. It's not just for Jesus.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by Simplynoone

as I have said numerous times ..ANIMALS are HORNY ..they do not care if you are a tree ..or a couch ...male or female ..they would hump it anyway

That may be true for a few dogs, but not for all animals. Have you ever seen cats, horses, monkeys, or any animals hump anything that moves? Didn't think so.

And, um, aren't humans horny too? Hey, there are even some humans who hump anything that moves or doesn't move

enough already ..I dont want to give anymore of my two cents ...I still have some hair left and I want to keep it

We ATSers giving you a little hard time?

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by Simplynoone

Horny animals would explain it away IF it wern't for the fact we aren't simply talking sex here, we are talking courtship, bonding and life partners.


Roy and Silo, two chinstrap penguins at the Central Park Zoo in Manhattan, are completely devoted to each other. For nearly six years now, they have been inseparable. They exhibit what in penguin parlance is called ''ecstatic behavior'': that is, they entwine their necks, they vocalize to each other, they have sex. Silo and Roy are, to anthropomorphize a bit, gay penguins. When offered female companionship, they have adamantly refused it. And the females aren't interested in them, either.

At one time, the two seemed so desperate to incubate an egg together that they put a rock in their nest and sat on it, keeping it warm in the folds of their abdomens, said their chief keeper, Rob Gramzay. Finally, he gave them a fertile egg that needed care to hatch. Things went perfectly. Roy and Silo sat on it for the typical 34 days until a chick, Tango, was born. For the next two and a half months they raised Tango, keeping her warm and feeding her food from their beaks until she could go out into the world on her own. Mr. Gramzay is full of praise for them.
NY Times

This isn't uncommon. This isn't the result of a couple of horny penguins either, they're devoted to each other. Face facts. It's natural and it's not something that needs to be vilified.

By the way, humans are animal thru and thru. From a medical standpoint, sex has many many physiological functions and reproduction is just one of them. It's good for you basically, it's a cardio-workout, it lowers blood pressure, helps prevent afflictions to the reproductive organs and can even help fight depression (all these are also true of bashing the bishop).

[edit on 8/12/2008 by Good Wolf]

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by Simplynoone

I stated my thoughts on this way back when...I held the similar position as you. I too feel we must come away from the 'animal' like lifestyles and accept that we are a higher embodiment of the spirit.

Self discipline is a 'itch sometimes but with much reward.

Peace to all,

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 07:40 PM

Categorically one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. The mechanism of Love are no different no matter who you are. And by the way, many opposite-sex couples are unable to reproduce for numerous complications, they are no more handicapped in love than same-sex couples.

This thread appears to be about "Christians hating gays". I was giving the biblical reasons for fundamentalist Christians hating gays (which is a contradiction as the OP said). Biblically the only physiological result of sexual contact between same-sex couples is the satisfaction of sexual desire, since they can't reproduce. Therefore it was an abomination to the lord since there was no reproducing of the species. Call it dumb if you want to, but that's the way it was.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by dave420
reply to post by Quaght

So you don't eat shell fish, either? That's an abomination, too, apparently.

Can you stop differentiating between homosexual and normal? They are the same thing - homosexuality is normal. You are making Christians look bad by spouting that nonsense.

Tolerance. It's not just for Jesus.

You must've read a different post than I wrote. As a matter of fact I believe one my points was that there are many examples in nature (here I'll type it again so you can see it: NATURE) of homosexuality. I never made a distinction between the two. I was simply giving the biblical view of it. Read before reply. It's awesome.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by Quaght

This thread appears to be about "Christians hating gays". I was giving the biblical reasons for fundamentalist Christians hating gays (which is a contradiction as the OP said). Biblically the only physiological result of sexual contact between same-sex couples is the satisfaction of sexual desire, since they can't reproduce. Therefore it was an abomination to the lord since there was no reproducing of the species. Call it dumb if you want to, but that's the way it was.

Apologies. I thought it was your own opinion, with all the other religious people on here calling it wrong and attempting to justify it by drawing on the bible I didn't get you intent.

On this count the bible is at a variance from reality.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 08:02 PM
S'ok. I'm one of those weird Christians. Heck, I believe in evolution!

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 08:11 PM
reply to post by Quaght

Cheers. A theistic evolutionist eh? Nice to hear there is progressive thought defying dogma.

posted on Dec, 8 2008 @ 08:46 PM
reply to post by Quaght

*laughs* me too

worth one line also

posted on Dec, 11 2008 @ 03:42 PM
If we didn't wear our political, religious, racial viewpoints and sexual orientation on our shirt sleeves we might get along. It seems like too much to overcome. I sure would like more friends than enemies.

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 01:17 AM
reply to post by Parabol

Christians are to hate sin. Sin is defined in the Bible. One of the sins is homosexuality. There are many more. The reason that sins are pointed out in the Bible is for human beings to have a better life. Read and study the whole bible; many have, in an attempt to disprove Christianity, I know of no one who has proved/disproved. I know of many who now have faith in something greater than themselves

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 08:47 AM
Which is the problem with taking the bible literally, instead of using it as an historical document, steeped in the mores and traditions of its time, as an addition to a personal, progressive faith. Homosexuality is not a sin. God doesn't make a fact of birth, the way a person is wired, sinful. The bible cannot be used the way fundamentalists are doing, because its an ancient, and primarily a political tool that attempts to corner the spirituality of its day, within the dogma of politics and power. To follow such a thing today is hateful and any kind abuse of human rights, or lack of respect for their difference at birth, should be punishable crimes, though I don't even really believe in punishment, more reformation, and sometimes protection of society from really dangerous types.
You can't use the words in that book to harm anyone.

[edit on 14-12-2008 by mystiq]

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 11:11 AM
Look in a nutshell ..if you have come across a Christian who actually hates gays ..then you have not come across a christian ..because Christians are not supposed to hate ...If someone is hating gays ..then it is the PERSON THEMSELVES from their own hate filled heart that causes them to hate another.and that person is not a CHRISTIAN >...
I was never TAUGHT to hate anyone from anyone Church ever said to me you must hate gays bible does not tell me to hate gays ...and my Lord tells me DO NOT HATE ANYONE if someone is hating gays is because they have HATE in their heart and was more than likely taught that from their parents or peers ........In the south where I live many Texans still HATE blacks ...if they hate blacks they will HATE OTHERS > is HATE in the INDIVIDUALS HEART and it is NOT FROM GOD ...HATE IS NOT FROM GOD >. ........and I will say it again ....IF THEY HATE anyone ..They do not have the LORD in their heart .......

Then you also have the Gays ..when anyone even posts anything along the lines of saying homosexuality is wrong ..makes the claim that your hating them ...WELL THATS NOT TRUE >...
We all know what HATE IS and just talking with gays about this is not HATING THEM >...

posted on Dec, 14 2008 @ 06:25 PM

posted on Dec, 15 2008 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by Simplynoone

Then you also have the Gays ..when anyone even posts anything along the lines of saying homosexuality is wrong ..makes the claim that your hating them ...WELL THATS NOT TRUE >...
We all know what HATE IS and just talking with gays about this is not HATING THEM >...

I have not seen much of this. All I see is people telling gays that homosexuality is wrong, and other people coming in and explaining why the 'it is wrong' statement is false. Any incorrect accusations of hate are likely from the stress that the gays are under because of what they are, because of how people treat them.

It's not wrong is what we're saying.

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 03:49 AM
I really didn’t want to be a part of any of this STUPID thread, but after reading through most of this, I just have to say I am astonished by many of the truly warped, self-species hating, bigoted people that have posted here. These so-called Christians are obviously so afraid of themselves, and fearful of everything around them, that it’s as though they are trapped inside their own heads like a dark cave, snarling at anything that threatens to blow their little ego-candle out. And they can’t wait to drag us all back to the dark ages with them.

The Bible taken as a whole does NOT focus on homosexuality and having “believers” spend their time and energies segregating groups of people (blacks, people of other faiths, gays and women (well, maybe women just a little…..)and hating on them). Jesus in fact preached just the opposite. If you say you are a believer in Christ, then why do you not follow his example? Why do you not follow the Bible as a whole that you profess to take so literally?

I always find it very telling about someone when it comes so easy to cast their fellow man into hell for eternity. You know they enjoy it. That’s it in a nutshell (no pun intended).

[edit on 18-12-2008 by warza]

posted on Dec, 18 2008 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by Parabol

1. I will stop you at B. There is no genetic link. The "I was born that way" idea was debunked decades ago. It's a lifestyle choice often made as a result of poverty, parental neglect, parental abuse, or a result of molestation by an adult male.

2. Christians don't hate gays. Or they shouldn't. They follow the scriptures, put on the new nature of Christ, and "imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promise".

3. The scriptures say that homosexuals will not enter the kingdom of heaven. The scriptures also say that no one is worthy of entering. Like any sinner, homosexuals can experience the rebirth, receive and put on the divine nature, and enter the kingdom too.

4. Those that are homophobic are likely "born that way". But all of us should "seek no harm to come to anyone" and "do to others as you would like them to do for you".

5. Homo sexuals should really stop advertising and trying to control the majority. Why air your sex life in public. Shut up and enjoy your life.

6. Traditional marriage is a scam that feeds divorce lawyers, judges, court staff, police, flower shops, grief counselors, churches, social workers, etc. Live together, ask God to bless your commitment to each other and have a nice life. Only an idiot would want a traditional marriage, which is really man's design anyway. You can have a family and love each other without the law of the unjust involved in it.

6. I don't like to have to explain to my kids how homosexuals have sex. I don't like to answer questions about how they propagate instead of procreate(see number 1 for recruitment and prorogation techniques).

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