posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by letthereaderunderstand
letthereaderunderstand, thx a million for the embedded video. !! I gave ya a starr for just that
The more I watch that video, the more I see that somethings just do NOT add up. Taking in the effect of laws of Physics, which I am no expert period,
but the law of motion is HUGE.
I see the Governor(?) in the front seat which looks like he taking a shoot to his shoulder and/or hears something and turns around to check on the
JFK, but, turns back around which seems to be in response to Jakie's 'possible' statement to Connally 'he's ok' .. when he turns BACK around
to face the front ........I swear it looks like Jakie pulls the trigger and right after, slips something down the seat. Which I presume it is her
purse, but someone that see's her husband get off'd wouldn't 'slide' her purse down in the seat, she should have been screaming and would have
dropped the purse in hysterics Wouldn't she~! ??
Something else that didn't look right to me was the amount of brain matter which protruded and it's direction. Here's something I found interesting
after doing a quick search; is' in PDF format so I can't past it.. but.. none the less..
Gunshot Wounds
How can anyone say that the bloodspatter could have been caused by the Depository when the the direction of the splatter wasn't even close to the
Back and to the left doesn't quite hold here and my only thought at this point is.. who was JFK closet to.......? Jakie