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Celente Predicts Revolution, Food Riots, Tax Rebellions By 2012!

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posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by Anonymous Avatar

lmao right on!!!

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by wrangell76

Lol when i go down to texas with my girlfriend im going to buy a whole bunch of survivel books, and go live in the woods for a bit and get used to it, i went camping in my gf's backyard once and it started raining and it got cold lollll , but ill manage!!

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 02:06 PM
The reason i posted this article was to show people that this stuff is real.
Bot wow look at this duchebag clemente who is probably part of the elite thats how he knows all this information.

Becuase if i said all this stuff how they plan on destroying our currency and economy and bringing in nafta and the north american union and combining canada mexico and us into one. and calling in martial law.

You'd all call me paranoid or a koookihead lol
And stop trashing on clemente he isnt the only one saying these things they have been said by many people over the last couple of years.

And its so funny how people still think their country is better, or how russia and china are going to fall blah blah.

You know the reason china isnt going to fall??? BECAUSE CHINA IS THE NWO! thats how every country in the world is going to look like!
So stop talking s*it about america, because your country is next.

Stop believing that their are still countries with their own agendas.

There is one government, The Elite, The Rich, who own the whole world
who will make us into their slaves after they've killed 5 billion of us.

So wake up from your dream world of america deserves it or russia deserves it, because your country is being run by the same people!!

fdahgkladghlkjayheliunciuaehncuiaehgjdkaheoincdahgkadgha dhfauiehkdfkd dkfhaklhfie ahhhhhhhhhhhhh i got a tad aggrivated j/k lol

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 02:12 PM
reply to post by sdrawkcabII

exactly its not rocket science on how this guy came up with this stuff lol

On a side note: These Illuminati scum whatever you want to call them,
Have had super computers, that have recorded in them all possible reactions of human beings.

Say for example they want to make you a sad person, they will raise the price of gas!

Its the whole system you spoke about, but theres no more quessing they know the outcome.

And if any has noticed, when gas prices started going to the roof, when u went on aol or anywhere, they asked you questions like

How do you feel about the sky rocketing gas prices?
Happy ect. ect.

Those answers in the polls are actually recorded, and these answers can come from many different sources, but they record everything, and now they can control us in every way they want. they want us to spend more money they know what wil make us do that, the say do this this and this and the result is this.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 02:14 PM
GSE, the World is run by my people the British so we have nothing to worry about, we have spent centuries ordering people about robbing their countries etc. the US is just another country in line with all the others that we have fleeced.

But you are right to warn others because the poop is going to hit the fan big time in the US and the lazy hazy das of dreaming ect. are over. its time to wake up and smell the coffee.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

In times of desperation, new systems birthed from it are never in any form, compassionate. A new system will sprout from the dead one, but it will not be pretty. If history teaches us anything, its that from desperation, comes devolution and degression.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by Realtruth

"All these clairvoyants that are suppose to be so accurate."

Celente does not claim to be a clairvoyant, nor a telepath. He gives us trends. His work can be useful. First;

1. there appear to be tough economic times ahead

2. There are problems with the completion of the Bushehr NPP

3. Russia can't let Iran be smashed, they will be surrounded

4. Russia will resupply Iran, even if airlifts are the only means.

Chew on this analysis. It's OK.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 02:34 PM

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 03:09 PM
Bring on the NwO depopulation please!!!!! I think maybe they've foreseen this, a pre-emtive flu epademic could sort the whole thing out. What's so bad about living in a mud hut in a small community... no stress, no bills, grow what you eat, good community??????

Let's do this people next time you feel ill, drink a beer, get yourself depressed, force your body to mutate the virus and then sneeze on as many freaks on a public bus you can.

Oh.. don't forget to take an hour or so mental meditation to get your immune system back up afterwards, don't want to die yourself

Down with the elite... down with the scummy underclass!

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 03:13 PM
time to start stockpiling the essentials

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 03:20 PM
Here we go again. Another doom and gloom prediction.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by MasterRegal

No doom and gloom, you'll feel more alive in a riot.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by gselsidi

Sounds like the American people are ready to wake up out of their clouds of stupidity. Finally, the viscosity on the back stabbing anal probe of fake democracy is breaking down... and it stings like hell... ouch

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by gselsidi

You're blaming this on Obama? He's not even in office and the economy has been in shambles for the past few years. Is that his fault too?

With Obama's help, people can avoid riots, because they will be able to feed their families.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 03:53 PM
Now people...don't panic. Everything is fine. We are in the early parts of a recession. Just a few months ago Bush said the economy was "Strong" so why all the worry?

Have we all forgotten that the Bail Out Bill was going to help immensely? It was passed to avoid problems like this so why all the worry?

Have you all forgotten that Obama is going to be our new President? He will save the day! He has a a plan so why worry?

Have you all forgotten that it was the Republicans who created this mess? Now that the Democrats have the power, they are gonna fix EVERYTHING so none of this will ever happen, why worry??

Everything above the line is complete sarcasm and a prime example of what I keep hearing and reading. Sad. It really is.

This guy is no fortune teller, he is not some self proclaimed psychic, he is not a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy nut or another Blossom Fraudchild. This is a man who studies trends and has made "predictions" based on those trends. It is what he does for living. I call them more like educated guesses than predictions. Here is a guy who is right more often than wrong and he is a man that powerful people listen to when they have questions. If this is what he is saying, people better listen and keep an open mind. Start paying attention and if you are just now starting, you are on the clock and time is running out.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 04:01 PM
Hmm, is America a developed nation?

sorry for the one liner.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by gselsidi
reply to post by all2human

that MAchine is awesome!!! lol

I was actually thinking if by now and when crap hits the fan, to have a couple of million dollars, and build an underground fortress

with fresh water wells, farm land, everything you need to live under there forever if need be, and completey sealed off, no solar panels nothing,

They have these generators i don't want to say the word, but they use magnets that this australian guy made 5,000 a piece they power a home for 10 years off a battery jump!!! no fuel no nothing.

You get a couple of those and your set lol

EMG... Electro-Magnetic Generator.

I know I have heard people here say tha a self recharging power source is impossible, but they are wrong.

The EMG works very much like all those Windmills, with the exeption tthat Pos-Neg Magnets spin the turbines instead of wind.

THe turbines spin 50 - 100 times faster than the wind can spinn the windmill blades& these things can output a great deal of power. they are compact and easy to make.

I think I have some Linkies around somewhere, to making one, I'll See if I can dig em up. This isn't one of those gimmics that ask you to paay for a set of the plans for these things are already free and findable online.

They do work, I have built one before for camping trips. They do need to be shielded though. Electro Magnetic Generators give off the same sort of Radiation/Energy as those Huge powerlines that ppl keep saying cause cancer.

That all said, this situatuion has me worried (even down here at the Arse end of the planet). If the US goes into Revolution, it means all ties with your allies could be temporarily misplaced.

This could give Indonesia or Malaysia & even China the Excuse & oportunity they need to move South..

If AU were forced to go it alone & fend off an invader atm, we would be hard pressed to win the day. Tech is no problem for us, but manpower is.

I can't see the US Dollar pulling down the Aussie dollar though, that could be the only up side for us down here.

But the fact that AU is surrounded by Islamic States & Communist Countries that would love the oportunity to extend their reach across the region, is very firghtening, if you realise you will have to go it alone.

[edit on 11/13/2008 by Ironclad]

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 04:16 PM

Originally posted by burdman30ott6
My problem with this is he also predicted over the summer that gold would be selling for $2,000 by the end of this year.

When Celente is right, he's eerilly right, but when he's wrong he's waaayyy off.

Well, he may be wrong, or maybe not, this year is not over yet is it ...?


posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 04:46 PM
My own feeling is that we still have a lot going for us……I’m not minimizing the potential pain that a recession will bring but a lot of liquidity is being poured into the system……The 87 Crash was a terrific buying opportunity and the last I knew we still were moving forward on a lot of fronts from an innovation standpoint….The financial system in the US is still basically intact and while it has taken a lot of body blows I don’t see it going away…….The fall of the Soviet Union was in many ways a radical shift from an economy that wasn’t working very well for 50 years toward more of a capitalism based structure with dramatically fewer controls……..I don’t think that predicting its demise reflects that he is smart enough to make the same type of call for the US given our long history of significant improvement in living standards…..

Having said that we are definitely in for a period of adjustment (de-leveraging) where people will need to throttle back on spending……The wealth effect that many folks have been living on may not be around for some time to come……..I’m pretty sure that there is less difference between the haves and have-nots today than in 1900…….I don’t think that we are even close to reverting to an “undeveloped nation”…

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by gselsidi

Again, anyone can predict this type of thing with the events happening today.
Actually what is happening right now in the economy if fairly normal. Yes it has been taken to more of an extreme and has effected more people than usual, but many of the top minds in this country seem not to be worried. I personally have an economics professor with 3 masters degrees from a top 30 university in this nation and am well informed. Three days a week I sit through this class and listen to an hour and a half lecture of why recession is not a bad thing and certainly is not inevitable. I sit through lectures based on some of the research done by top professors at Harvard university explaining the phillip's curve, who and what exactly affects inflation/unemployment and what exactly our government does to counter this compared to other government (specifically south american) where a suitcase is worth more by itself than if it were to be filled with cash. We simply are in a trough, largely due to the housing market. As my professor explained wednesday that this war if anything should be worrysome. War should be profitable and largely due to the oil in Iraq. Opec has been meeting to cut oil production to make prices rise once again. This isn't something you want to see when we are in an oil nation fighting a war. Either way we are in a trough period just as we were in 2001. The dot com bubble finaly exploded and we experienced a recession. Obviously the housing market was still strong then because people could get loans for more than what they could afford still, but at home investors went broke and so did many other groups of people. Still not as big of a scale as this. Right now unemployment is at 6.5 percent compared to 25 percent unemployment in the 1930's. And even at that the unemployment number really isn't accurate in the U.S. It doesn't account for stay at home working mothers, or people above the age of 16 working for their father's farms.

But seriously we will go to war to clear our debt in a last resort option. And according to all you people who have all these conspiracies about all of our government's top secret would we ever lose a war?

What's even more funny is that all these "credible" people keep predicting these things yet none of them seem to happen. For example the guy you guys thought 100% surely was correct about the stock market crashing and our banks closing down for a few days. Sure he predicted that the stock market would tumble one day, but honestly anyone can be lucky with the events that had been going on at the time. You people need to understand how the economy works and stop buying into all these uneducated whistle blowers. They know nothing and you surely would not want them running any part of this country or it would be much worse than it is now. They just want attention.

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