Originally posted by gselsidi
reply to post by all2human
that MAchine is awesome!!! lol
I was actually thinking if by now and when crap hits the fan, to have a couple of million dollars, and build an underground fortress
with fresh water wells, farm land, everything you need to live under there forever if need be, and completey sealed off, no solar panels nothing,
They have these generators i don't want to say the word, but they use magnets that this australian guy made 5,000 a piece they power a home for 10
years off a battery jump!!! no fuel no nothing.
You get a couple of those and your set lol
EMG... Electro-Magnetic Generator.
I know I have heard people here say tha a self recharging power source is impossible, but they are wrong.
The EMG works very much like all those Windmills, with the exeption tthat Pos-Neg Magnets spin the turbines instead of wind.
THe turbines spin 50 - 100 times faster than the wind can spinn the windmill blades& these things can output a great deal of power. they are compact
and easy to make.
I think I have some Linkies around somewhere, to making one, I'll See if I can dig em up. This isn't one of those gimmics that ask you to paay for a
set of plans..lol the plans for these things are already free and findable online.
They do work, I have built one before for camping trips. They do need to be shielded though. Electro Magnetic Generators give off the same sort of
Radiation/Energy as those Huge powerlines that ppl keep saying cause cancer.
That all said, this situatuion has me worried (even down here at the Arse end of the planet). If the US goes into Revolution, it means all ties with
your allies could be temporarily misplaced.
This could give Indonesia or Malaysia & even China the Excuse & oportunity they need to move South..
If AU were forced to go it alone & fend off an invader atm, we would be hard pressed to win the day. Tech is no problem for us, but manpower is.
I can't see the US Dollar pulling down the Aussie dollar though, that could be the only up side for us down here.
But the fact that AU is surrounded by Islamic States & Communist Countries that would love the oportunity to extend their reach across the region, is
very firghtening, if you realise you will have to go it alone.
[edit on 11/13/2008 by Ironclad]