posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 12:04 PM
IF, and I stress the hypothetical-
IF Obama were not a natural born citizen, then the only action I would be willing to take on his part is to write a letter to my representative in
congress to suggest that a constitutional amendment should be proposed and voted on. And if the people would not tollerate their congress making that
amendment, then Obama could not be president. Period. That's why it's called the LAW of the Land, and not the "quaint outdated tradition of the
land". In democratic nations you have to do things right- even when you're certain the other side is wrong.
However, I am confident that Obama does meet the qualifications, and I have reason for believing this beyond what is usually discussed. I believe that
powerful individuals conspired to make sure that both of our candidates in this election were born outside of the CONUS, who are qualified to hold the
office but whose qualifications would always remain suspect in the minds of some.
I believe this is an attempt to undermine the natural born requirement so that it will not be as closely examined when a candidate is presented to us
who is unqualified.
The goal, I believe, was to put either Obama or McCain in office under a cloud of controversy that would never be fully examined by the courts (trust
me on this one, the SCOTUS will deny cert on Berg v Obama once Obama gives his response, but the media won't go out of its way to convince us that
the right decision was made).
Then, god knows when in the future, when for some reason they have selected a candidate who is not a natural born citizen, a non-existant precedent
can be cited, in the form of "Well, it's not that big of a deal. Looking back we kind of suspect that Obama might not have been natural born, and he
worked out fine, so don't worry".
This will be done in much the same way that some hardcore conservatives during the Bush administration have gone back and cited Lincoln's suspension
of Habeus Corpus in an inaccurately broad context as an argument in favor of executive superiority to the constitution.
Long story short, the law is the law, period... until it finally snaps after generations of slow bending.