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Treated like a dog,used as a punchbag:The life and death of a baby boy called 'Smiley'

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posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 04:59 PM
I could not even finnish this article. I just want to cry and scream for this poor baby! OMFG how the hell can anyone do tihs?!!!
I'm not usually the type to say this but I really hope that someone does the same to these sadistic lowlife.... well i cant say more without breaking the terms of use.

Unbelievable!!! how the heck could she let somone do this to her own child?!!

I havn'r read the rest of the thread yet but i really hope no on emade escuses for the so-called mother.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 05:06 PM
This is so sad.

It is just horrible to see something like this. My parents and BF just got back from Florida looking for Caylee Anthony which is another sad situation.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 05:09 PM
What are we to do with this small minority of idle, thick, uneducated, filthy, chain-smoking dingles? These people have babies, not because they want a family, but because they're too thick to understand what contraception is.

They can't even be responsible for themselves, let alone a beautiful little baby.

What the god dam are the social services doing? Does it always take a tragic incident to initiate a review of procedures?

And her, and him, They deserve everything they get in Gaol. They're scum of the earth. There is no hiding place for people like them.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 05:11 PM
This is a disgusting tragedy.Sick in the highest order.How a somebody could do this is beyond me.Whatever is going on.Did anyone watch the report on the bbc news at ten.The photo of the toddler reaching up with a back drop of what i suppose were the kitchen floor and white chequers.Any symbolism there perhaps? This black and white chequer symbolism has appeared before in british child murder cases.I can only pray that the poor boy is at peace.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 05:13 PM
dont worry read this is the paper today have a relative in a certain prison in london just hope that he gets sent to the same one, even if he doesnt tho trust me in uk prisons child molesters and peadophiles get daily abuse from other prisoners,but the sick thing is they tell the screws and they get transfered to a wing especially for these type of people.

my country is really going down the pan its so hard to watch you should read the papers everyday here it sounds so bad but sometimes i think we dont deserve to inhabit this planet, prove me wrong

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 05:14 PM
This was horrific.

I used to do respite for the Ministry here for Vancouver Aboriginal.

Most kids in care sadly are better off. Many though are returned to parents and or family members through Inclusive Fostering regulations, and those people are NOT prepared, skilled or otherwise equipped to have children at all.

They meet the most minimum requirements possible to get their kids back (and believe me the standard is only getting lower for many) and the kids end up in seriously harmful, neglectful and unstable situations. many end up back in care to be cycled through the system again.

I've seen these kids come into the system so damaged that even with love, attention, proper medical and mental health attention...still go on to continue the cycle of abuse.

It's frustrating.

The system failed this poor little one...and the community of doctor's, family, neighbors, social workers, police etc etc failed this baby too.

I had a hard time reading the many people SAW this boy and should have seen what danger he was in. Nauseating to see and read of how many injuries old and new this little suffered before he died. I can't imagine the type of animal mind that could do such things.

Both had histories with police...the mother had history with Social workers and was the product of what she too became. There must have been some preventive measures someone could have taken???

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by jakyll

Too bad the perps couldn't be hung. Hanging seems appropriate.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 05:19 PM
This kind of thing always makes me think about the death penalty.

But seriously, both the mother and her boyfriend have to be total psychopaths. They seriously lack some functions of normal human beings such as basic empathy and any maternal love for the child.

Disgusting. I think you couldn't call it the death penalty if you executed these people, they are not fully human as they are not capable of any empathy, so it would not really be executing real human beings if they were electrocuted, would it?

Really I'm against the death penalty, but psychos like these really make me consider it seriously...

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 05:21 PM
That is so heartbreaking. That little fellow is an angel and a true hero. May he rest in peace...


posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 05:38 PM
There is so much hate and anger in the world. That is what killed that small child. Try not to be angry too, hate only breeds hate. Love conquers it. Try not to despise these people we are all on a path. They will spend the rest of there lives reflecting on what they have done. We will all learn

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 05:46 PM
When I hear about something like I try as hard as possible to understand the people who could do it.

What happened to these people?

How did they become monsters?

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 05:47 PM
It's a shame England has no death penalty. I can only hope that the criminal code of conduct for those who are incarcerated is the same as back here in the states (Crimes against children are not tolerated amongst the inmate population). If so, those two should be dead in about a year. If the liberals in the courts can’t bring forth justice thank god the criminals can (Ironic isn’t it). Hopefully I can say JUSTICE SERVED sometime next year.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 05:47 PM
What has ATS come too, swallowing stories like Pavlovian happy-pills and mindlessly spewing conditioned responses?

Most of the English posters here will tell you their government is a voyeristic control freak, putting cameras everywhere, wanting everyone's fingerprints, eager to control every aspect of everyones' lives.

Not knocking you here, England. Australia and England seem to take it in turns to be test-cases for whatever techniques America wants to employ in the future.

We had the Port Arther Massacre, in which little children were shot dead, and there is good reason to believe that was a false flag to bring in stricter gun regulation. America had 9/11...

There are powerful people, (not necessarily the elected puppets,) who do what they want to mould society and make us complacent and easy to control. They would think nothing of smashing up a baby, or standing back allowing a baby to be smashed up, if it helped further their aims.

First understand, and then react.
This might have been done by the people accused, but we will never know that for certain. It could be the result of evil, insanity or stupidity, or it could be even worse.

One thing we do know is that whoever did this lacked the ability to empathise.

The only punishment that fits the crime is for the perpetrators to be hypnotised into believing they are innocent babies having these things done to them. -Day after day. That might teach them empathy. Once they knew shame and could feel in their hearts for the child, just living would be punishment enough.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by purplemer
There is so much hate and anger in the world. That is what killed that small child. Try not to be angry too, hate only breeds hate. Love conquers it. Try not to despise these people we are all on a path. They will spend the rest of there lives reflecting on what they have done. We will all learn

this gets me so anygry i have to disagree with your "turn the other cheek" opinion ,people like you are the ones that dont take any action resulting in the death of "that small child" 50 injuries and 60 visits? nobody noticed? hard to believe keep turning the other one you will surely run out of cheeks

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by ziggystar60
It makes me physically ill to read this...

I am not a very religious person, but I am saying a prayer that this little boy is in a better place now, that he is loved and protected.

I leave it up to Satan to deal with his killers and those who looked the other way.

Agreed. I can't read things to the end like this anymore. As soon as my daughter was born I could no longer even watch Special Victim's Unit because it made me too emotional.

I agree with every one of your sentiments. God bless the child and as for the adults - I dunno about the UK but here in the U.S. I hear that the inmates have no tolerance for those who harm or molest children. They'll make the rest of the lives of these adults hell before they're sent to the afterlife.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by purplemer
There is so much hate and anger in the world. That is what killed that small child. Try not to be angry too, hate only breeds hate. Love conquers it. Try not to despise these people we are all on a path. They will spend the rest of there lives reflecting on what they have done. We will all learn

I hear you mate, but what about the little baby? I can forgive anybody for anything, but killing a little harmless baby, unforgivable. I agree with other posters, it's times like these, where I think I wish we had the death penalty.

The death penalty though, is not appropriate for these people. Death would be an easy escape for these people. They need too live, so they can suffer, like that baby. And they will suffer, physically and mentally.

They're marked, people like them are marked even before they get to their cells. I just hope the authorities can stop them from taking their own pathetic lives, because that's what people like these do.

[edit on 12uWednesday08/27/08 by paul76]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 06:02 PM
Some more reports on the case and relevant information about the state of Britain today.

This newspaper has never shared David Cameron's view that Britain is a “broken society”. But we do believe that this country has broken communities. The story of Baby P provides a glimpse into the colossal failure of community, in which dependency on the State is a way of life.

Such reform is crucial to prevent similar tragedies. It is hardly believable that before the Laming inquiry into the appalling death of Victoria Climbié, there had been 70 public inquiries into child abuse cases in England and Wales, producing thousands of recommendations. Yet children have continued to die, often in horrific circumstances. How many of those deaths could have been avoided if the recommendations had been acted upon? And does this suggest a flaw in the public inquiry system?

Harry Ferguson, professor of social work at the University of the West of England, said: "The striking thing for me is how the social workers failed to touch the child, to examine him, and the skillful deceit by the mother and cohabitants to conceal the injuries ... I think it exposes structural weaknesses in how we are failing to prepare professionals."

It is not very difficult to predict the outcome of the official inquiry into the death of Baby P, the 17-month-old child who, like Victoria Climbié, died a horrific death in Haringey despite being well known to child protection services there.

The report will note with asperity the number of opportunities lost, many of them obvious even to non-specialists, to save Baby P. It will discover that procedures were not followed and forms were not filled in correctly. It will draw attention to the lack of communication between all the agencies involved in his so-called care, and point out the imperative need for better communication between those agencies....

A baby who was beaten, bruised and left to die by his guardians was seen 60 times by social workers but was never taken into care. The child was seen 18 times by council staff, 37 times by health workers and five times by welfare officers, yet no one rescued him from his abusers before he died.

[edit on 12-11-2008 by jakyll]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 06:06 PM
This is just horrible how can someone allow that and harm there own child? Why with so much eveidence of abuse was nothing done? It sounds like there are many people that could have done more to stop this and didn't. This poor baby seems like he had no one there for him. His mom and her boyfriend should be tortured everyday for the rest of there lives. I hope that the baby is finally at peace.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 06:08 PM
The UK has become nothing more than a group of indifferent couch potatos, run by idiots, and with a massively increased number of government workers who frankly are largely unemployable in any other capacity. And I say that as one seriously pissed off Englishman.

The thing that beggars belief is that the people who committed this crime will be put in a secure place in a comfortable prison, and when they come out they will be given a new identity and moved to a new life.

If any of you remember the case of Jamie Bulger, the 2 lads who murdered him are now out & have exactly this - new lifes with new identities, and befitting the moronic half wits who run our government, one of the 2 bastards apparently even has his own child now, & the mother of the child has no clue about his past.

Imagine that - but we must look after the poor criminals rights.

[edit on 12-11-2008 by Power_Semi]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by Power_Semi
The UK has become nothing more than a group of indifferent couch potatos, run by idiots, ...
Sounds like my country!

Imagine that - but we must look after the poor criminals rights.
This too!

Ah, the joys of modern Western "civilization".

[edit on 11/12/2008 by prototism]

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