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Economic Apocalypse USA, Day 8

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posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 08:57 AM
Today's prediction:
DJIA -76
Nasdaq -12
Oil 53.40
Gold 725

[edit on 12-11-2008 by MOFreemason]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 09:08 AM
No more bets, we are heading down today!

Wed 12 Nov 2008 | 9:59 EST
DJIA 8,563.02 -130.94

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 09:39 AM
DAY 8: My Thoughts

Modern Financial War, and coming "Polar Shift"

Its so easy to say, that "all those bankers, are just the same!" In reality they are not, and even if their common long time agenda is, their interests are totally different, without common vision.


"War Of Banks" came to daylight when Lehman was driven to bankruptcy. It hurts many of different interests inside Europe and Russia, and it wasnt widely forehand warned to Elite in Europe. After Lehman episode, broke between Elites we have been spreading fast.

Basically, battles in todays markets will not change the outcome of this war. New World Order is in our doorsteps. But I see that there is great number of Elites, witch want to resist that near timing, or dont share the vision whats behind that coming new "time" ... And how influence will be shared after "polar shift" in future global economics.

Nobody can hide this war, witch has cost already more than ten times, just in couple of months, if we compare this to ordinary war on Iraq and Afghanistan... "Where will be finance center of New World Order, witch currency is taking, or losing value, and what are the regions witch will pay the bill from this war? Who is taking the lead, and how?" These are issues and reasons for this war, what we see in markets today.

There are maybe those 300 Illuminated people, but there is also 300 different interests making their voice out loud: Thats why there is war raging, and peoples around are suffering. Even those god damned bankers suffers in time of changes, when there is no common vision from future!

Presidents are only puppets, we know that for sure, but something we can understand from their public messages... There is also placed propaganda, witch is directly pointed toward other Elites: War is spreading to newsrooms, and Elite is threatening each others with their means.

G-20 is coming next weekend. Presidents will gather together, Elite around the world are gathering to Washington behind their puppets... Then we see something great will happen... Is it truce, and common vision, or widening war in front of two, or many different agendas?


Situation is coming clear every day. EU and Russia are handing common proposal, and China backs them, because Russian efforts in SCO. In other hand, USA has made hard days work to separate EU and Russia from each others. Is that just political game, or does it have any value, or true background?

Long time there has been great obstacle to make any global financial centers to Europe. Elite has fighting on those borders for long time, and still France will not see Germany as Capitol of NWO, or England either, and english will not see it in both of those. There is just no room in whole Europe for new capital, and Brussel is already capitol of EU.

Why not London? You can ask. But it is already the capitol of politics, just like Washington is for war and crusades, and Vatican and Rome is for religion and churches. Its same if someone try to put headquarter of all religions to Vatican, no one would accept that outside Anglo-American states! Jerusalem could be new capitol, but its too weak and fragile, to carry that task as new "Global Financial Center".

In Middle East there is structures, in places like Abu Dhabi, and Qatar... But now is way too early to those kind of polar changes, because those borders of religions... Also I guess there is Singapore and Tokyo in table, but NWO is first place Anglo-American project, and headquarter must be inside Christian state... Thats part of the "The Order"

USA is the sword of Christian states. Its made to go wars: Its made for future expansions. And now has come time, that greatest war machine has been build so huge as possible, and its very expensive to upkeep. "World Police Force" is too expensive only for USA to maintain, and its time to give that mighty weapon for use of One World Government.

In agenda, USA has no right to keep its own currency. Near of the crashing dollar, and that Mighty War Machine combined together, gives very dangerous axis to all human kind. Bankers knows the outcome of running down US economy, witch is inevitable result in this change from USD to Amero, and in continue forward to North American Union: Civil unrest, strikes, crimes, maybe we see even civil war... Capitol of world economics has to move before the crash! So they are bailing out New York.

Here is the reason for war with USA and Russia. Washington and US elite knows, that only secured place for new capitol of global finance is in Moscow. Giving NY Capitol status to Moscow is hard bite to swallow for US Elite, thats why they now resist their own agenda, and gathers forces to fight their owns.


In many ways from European point of view changing capitol from NY to Moscow is natural move. When in US only 10% of population back ups their government, 95% back up their government in Russia. Capitol of NWO has to build to hard ground, not to swam of threats witch are facing now in USA.

Socialism was product of NWO. Russian Tzar is great model for future Zionist King and world president. Its largest country in the world, so its only natural to build One World Government to its largest state. President of Russia expose many facts witch back up this situation in his "State of Nation" speech last week.

Italy has been many months in bilateral talks with Russia. We all know how huge fortunes are behind Vaticans walls. Italy is Russian main partner in EU, and France has back them recently more, and more. China and Russia is together at the table, and even Rothschild has taken public steps toward with Russian bankers and goliarchs, thats all exposed in "Yahtgate" what has been out in english media. Many country is now lobbying their self in Kreml these days, fighting for their place in future headquarter.

I have witness huge evidence, how "Double Headed Eagle" is taking lead on NWO agenda. When USA attacked against Russian interests one more time, and try to harm Russian and EU bilateral relations with war in Caucasus, giving afterward fabricated lies from Russian activity in Georgia, it was enough for many in Europe, and result from that, 8 days of war turned against the real aggressor USA.

Russia has also large potential grow in sight, and huge natural resources. Russian population is well brainwashed in era of USSR, by the same bankers, so why they will not obey NWO as their favored savior? And they will, and wealth they get, will give them great times ahead. China backs this Russian proposal, so do EU now. So, who is still backing USA and its Elite?

Is it only USA who resists now...

For USA this NWO is more threat, than savior, for its public, or many ways, to its Elite too... Those of Elites, who still love their country, are now challenged to accept their doom. Why US has kept world divided, its because then its more easy to control. That will be their destiny in future too.

NWO just cant put to work in US, before its divided, and totally destroyed first. US population will resist the movement from United states to North American Union, they know it, and because the coming troubles, Elite of USA has to bail out them self too, just accept the fact...

"Time has come" European leaders will say together in G-20> And result of that, we see huge war in near future, or Elite bailing out from US markets and its soil in huge numbers. Btw. Someone asked why not Switzerland?

I predict, that after all, when there is One World Government, and New World Order, there is still one country outside from it: The Land Of The Cross.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 09:45 AM
Paulson almost yawned during his speech on CNBC this morning!

Just after he did this the Dow hit -300....!

Just a crazy observation.

Its at 275 now.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 09:51 AM
Treasury Sec. Paulson: $700 Billion Bailout Fund Won't Be Used to Buy Troubled Assets. (story developing)

From cnbc. no link as the story is developing.

My thought: Go figure. Not like you didn't know this already!

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by whiteraven

Seems that today is really a doomsday... Doesnt look good at all. Government has put all their hope to this speech, and there is no positive sign in markets from positive turnout so far.

I think someone will raise up some aid package to GM before end of this day. They have it ready in pocket for total collapse, or to manipulate numbers in end of the week... Without ((( Boogieman ))) this situation can move to freefall crash today.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 09:58 AM
TARP won't be used to buy illiquid toxic mortgage assets. He decided against that plan when the bailout was passed.

That freakin' Skeletor ripoff stood in front of Congress and demanded they pass that abortion of a bailout so the gov't could get the toxic assets off the banks' books.

But, oh, never mind now! Oh and we're going to fund ]non-banks too, by the way.

But almost as soon as Treasury received the money, it decided that giving capital to banks in return for preferred stock is a better use of the funds. Some of the money saved from not buying mortgage assets will now be used to shore-up the market for credit card receivables, auto loans and student loans, Paulson said. This market has ground to a halt, he added. Treasury would also consider giving some capital to non-bank financial institutions.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 10:00 AM
US Treasury

On November 10, 2008, the Federal Reserve conducted an auction of $150 billion in 17-day credit through its Term Auction Facility. This was a forward auction designed to provide term funding over year-end--the awarded loans will settle on December 22, 2008. Following are the results of the auction:

Stop-out rate: 0.528 percent

Total propositions submitted: $12.629 billion
Total propositions accepted: $12.629 billion
Bid/cover ratio: 0.08

Number of bidders: 16

My friends, we have a liquidity trap

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 10:06 AM
There will be freefall crash today, nor one in the future. as far as I can see it from looking at things objectivley and not from just pure pesimistic side, is that it is very possible that the market found it's bottom when it hit 8000 last month.

Im ny opnion only we will see the market bounce around for the next month like it has been, with a smaller decline in Jan. and then a steady but very slow increas and top out at about 9500.

I'm sorry but i just dont see the total economic collapse and doomsday people are seeing. I did at the begining, but i just dont it anymore.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 10:07 AM
reply to post by anachryon

Total Socialism! Straight from handbook of USSR... And that is the land witch support free trading, and capitalism? The change have been huge these days!

... And no government involvement in markets? Yeah, right. That can call robbery of Tax payers money, straight to some bankers and corporations pockets!

I just wait what is Alex Jones reaction to this... There will be volume limiters in high alert in that studio!

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by whiteraven
Paulson almost yawned during his speech on CNBC this morning!

Just after he did this the Dow hit -300....!

Just a crazy observation.

Its at 275 now.

Haha. It seems whenever Paulson opens his mouth the market responds by going down the toilet.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by Trayen11

I really would like to see with your eyes today...

What indicator still give you your hope, what I havent seen long time anymore?

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by Trayen11
I'm sorry but i just dont see the total economic collapse and doomsday people are seeing. I did at the begining, but i just dont it anymore.

Then you're not looking at the big picture. Stop paying attention to just the stock markets. Those are indicators, and trailing ones at that.

Look at the rest of the story. Look at other factors.

The situation is getting worse. Six weeks ago it was Wall St. Today it's Main St.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 10:19 AM
News reports from Paulson speech...

Treasury Secretary Paulson Says Government Won't Buy Troubled Assets

WASHINGTON--Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said Wednesday the $700 billion government rescue program will not be used to purchase troubled assets as originally planned.

Treasury backs away from plan to buy bad assets

Paulson, in an update on the Treasury's financial rescue efforts, said his staff has continued to examine the benefits of purchasing illiquid mortgage assets under the so-called Troubled Asset Relief Program.

Paulson says troubled assets will not be purchased

The administration decided that using billions of dollars to buy troubled assets of financial institutions at the current time was "not the most effective way" to use the $700 billion bailout package, he said.

- I see one message is clear here, "We dont know what to do..."

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by anachryon

I agree.

When Main Street goes down... Wall Street goes down first, when Bankers will suck out all their wealth from markets, before they leave the street.

Who will be last in there, and shut the lights, Mr Paulson?

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 10:33 AM
All other stocks, but GM is heading down in Dow!

GENERAL MOTORS 3.21 0.29 9.93 30,751,143 10:57
INTEL CORP 13.66 -0.27 -1.94 15,814,336 10:57
WAL-MART STORES 53.68 -1.07 -1.95 9,048,240 10:57
MICROSOFT CORP 20.76 -0.44 -2.08 22,025,849 10:57
EXXON MOBIL CORP 71.07 -1.58 -2.17 12,680,636 10:57
IBM 80.75 -1.99 -2.41 2,183,786 10:57
JOHNSON&JOHNSON 58.10 -1.45 -2.43 3,384,113 10:57
KRAFT FOODS INC 27.32 -0.72 -2.57 3,429,505 10:57
BANK OF AMERICA 18.19 -0.50 -2.68 25,588,266 10:57
VERIZON COMMUNIC 28.89 -0.83 -2.79 4,290,835 10:57
WALT DISNEY CO 21.12 -0.66 -3.03 4,022,420 10:57
COCA-COLA CO 43.09 -1.35 -3.04 3,540,352 10:57

Take a look!

Aint this another great sign of Apocalypse?

Company witch is most in troubles, are only one witch is going up?

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by JanusFIN
All other stocks, but GM is heading down in Dow!

Aint this another great sign of Apocalypse?

Company witch is most in troubles, are only one witch is going up?

The DJIA/S&P/other stock markets are too broken right now to take as major indicators. They're epileptics rolling around on the floor in the throes of a grand mal seizure. This is not where we should be looking for indications of what's going on.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by anachryon

That I have keep also saying all the time, but Dow is no save heaven.

The real Apocalypse is behind headlines from job cuts, from bankruptcy, cuts in budgets... inside in real life stories witch will soon take affect everywhere.

Dow is just forecast center in this storm, but it still hook the time, and show us the mood of future. Thanks from reminding this, but when all stocks are in red, think it like this... How much wealth is now leaving US soil, and its markets every second?


Wed 12 Nov 2008 | 11:50 EST
DJIA 8,390.50 -303.46

-300 Broken again... "Who will stop the rain"

[edit on 12-11-2008 by JanusFIN]

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 10:56 AM
You are kidding right?

A thread for each day, with the same title but incrementing the day?

Forum moderator please. This is ridiculous.


posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 10:59 AM

Originally posted by JanusFIN
reply to post by anachryon

The real Apocalypse is behind headlines from job cuts, from bankruptcy, cuts in budgets... inside in real life stories witch will soon take affect everywhere.

They already are.

I've just had the nasty task of laying off ten more people out of our shop . . . right before Christmas . . .

In my position, I am privy to information showing that most of these folks are living paycheck to paycheck and some of them will, shortly after the holiday season, face the fact that they are losing their homes right smack in the dead of winter.

My daughter had a friend over yesterday. She's a talented little singer and was, up until a few weeks ago, taking singing lessons to the tune of $15 a week.

She is no longer taking those lessons because her family can't afford it.

$15 a week . . . these elected representatives, bankers, corporate executives and the like spend more than that on their triple mocha frapadoodledinkdong drinks on a daily basis . . .

My best friend was laid off from this workplace . . . he had to move to the other side of the damn continent to get a job . . . . his wife and kids are still here and he can't afford to fly home for Christmas . . .

A friend's sister lost her job a few months ago . . . she'd living day to day on credit cards, awaiting the inevitable foreclosure and day that she's got no more credit to use to feed her and the kids . . .

Need I say more?

This is real and is serious as death.

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