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Is Barrack Obama a communist?

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posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by Lucid Lunacy

Why wouldn't communists take over through peaceful 'democratic' means, instead of torches and guns in a revolution? Because someone says that they are 'Constitutional', does one not look at their character?

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by Lucid Lunacy

But get off your high horse.

Now that you have said that, do you feel better? It just seems that you can't resist with the wise-cracks, can you? BTW, you DID tell me that I didn't answer your questions. That seemed to me, to be an invitation. I only intervened because it might not have been apparent that your question could NOT be answered. I'm sorry I tried to clarify things. I don't ride horses, and if I did, they wouldn't be high. I prefer to walk.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by Clearskies

So then did you suspect Bill Clinton of being a communist in disguise too?

I still don't see the connection you are making? Just saying it could be, doesn't make it any more likely...

What I see is a member of the Democrat Party. And historically they have been consistently Big Government and Big Corporation. I see no reason to believe he is not himself. Just because he knows people that are influenced by these political theories? That's quite the stretch.

Just so you know I am a libertarian socialist. Or, a social anarchist. The way you outlined 'communism' shares more with my political position then it does not. If I believed Obama supported this then I would have voted for him.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by Lucid Lunacy

Didn't Bill Clinton go to Russia in the 70's, when he wasn't protesting in a tree, disgusting passers-by?
Didn't Hillary revere many communists that have surrounded obama?

Let me get some links, so you don't think I just heard a rumor.

[edit on 10-11-2008 by Clearskies]

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus

Now that you have said that, do you feel better?

Speaking of which, how is your caps lock feeling? Out of breath from the temper tantrums I imagine.

BTW, you DID tell me that I didn't answer your questions. That seemed to me, to be an invitation.

Oh come on! Please.

I asked Clearskies.

reply to post by Clearskies

You didn't address any of my questions.

And the very next post was yours which said:

Originally posted by ProfEmeritus

Well, let me address you questions.

Clearly I was asking Clearskies
Clearly you invited yourself. Again, leave your horse in the barn.

[edit on 10-11-2008 by Lucid Lunacy]

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 10:53 PM
Which would_be vice president saw Russia from her window?

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by gordonwest
Which would_be vice president saw Russia from her window?

Was there anything to that?
What was all the fuss?

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by Lucid Lunacy

There was a story about it in the japanese press, but, it's so old, it's gone.
Here's an interview of Gary Aldridge with Chuck Baldwin in 1998;

Chuck Baldwin: Have we ever accounted for Bill Clinton's time spent in Russia?

Gary Aldrich: Not really. But my research tells me that we don't know how he got there. In other words, we don't know who paid for that trip to Moscow but while he was there meeting with other Americans who were being hosted essentially by the KGB. Coincidentally, that same weekend there was a peace rally in Red Square to honor all the worlds anti-war protestors including many prominent people from the U.S. And so on the weekend Bill Clinton was in Moscow in Red Square there was this organized award ceremony for all the leaders of various countries who had protested the U.S. presence in Vietnam.

Chuck Baldwin: And what happened to all this documented material on Bill Clinton? What has ever become of that? Is that just sitting in a file somewhere tucked away?

Gary Aldrich: I don't know. Of course the information you're talking about may be found in State Department files, CIA files, FBI files or may be not. It just depends on who's been rooting around the files and what has happened to those files since. I don't really know. I can't say.

Clintons are communist 'lackeys'.
I'm trying to find more.....

[edit on 10-11-2008 by Clearskies]

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 11:28 PM

Originally posted by Clearskies

Originally posted by gordonwest
Which would_be vice president saw Russia from her window?

Was there anything to that?
What was all the fuss?

Sorry, I saw the title of the thead AND read a few posts. And I responded about what Sarah Palin said, that she seen Russia from here home state.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 11:31 PM
reply to post by gordonwest

That's okay!
I thought you might've been on to something.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 08:09 AM
I would have to agree with that. I having been praying that he backs off a little and we don't end up living in a country that "spreads the wealth" i.e. communism......... You would think that because he has worked hard and came from nothing to be President that he would believe in hard work and making your own way. He is not like that though, for some reason he thinks people should get free rides. Our taxes should pay for ILLEGAL immagrants to have healthcare, people that have broken the law to get free healthcare. What the hell is that? He wants to abbolish the coal industry..... So that all the people paying for their heating bills have to pay more and the people sitting home on welfare get more of our hard earned money. What the hell is that? He wants to start a "civilian force to take some of the national security burden off the military." You know who did that?????? HITLER! Communist, I think so. I just hope that it is not that extreme.

posted on Nov, 12 2008 @ 03:22 AM
I like as little government as possible, abolishment of the 'income' tax on paychecks, a return to basic services only, strongly against US military (global police) involvement in the UN, I supported the war against Iraq when everyone else did and now a constructive exit, and (with 90% of messages to congress) am against the bailouts.

The Republicans have strayed far from their original goals of small government and low taxes which are similar to Libertarian goals. Democratic goals have always been to tax and spend, thinking government control of how money is spent and large bureaucracies are good.

I think it's natural for the country to elect a socialist at this point in history. The stages of the Weimar Republic are similar to what we're experiencing, and extremists will attempt to rally the people and take control. Obama associated with those with far left opinions which has to have some influence on his opinions and decisions he will make. I don't believe Obama is malicious, but he will make decisions for the good of the people, decisions influenced by earlier associations and conversations. I think Obama will crush the economy by making it easier to nationalize industries, and raise taxes on businessmen, those who create jobs. If Obama does lean heavily left, then the national reaction will correct itself heavily to the right. We don't want the welfare state to return, we can't create a foundation built on the weakest links in society.

Communist countries who never reached the ideal of a classless society, where all have equal wealth, claim that they are socialist countries. Socialist countries distribute wealth through social intervention and state ownership of industries, both to varying degrees. There's no doubt we're headed towards socialism.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 12:58 AM

I just saw this 70's video of Yuri Bezmenov.
It makes one want to be mindful of what's going on.
Thanks to anonymous on this thread for the video.

Here's something;
Is America becoming communist? 2004

[edit on 13-11-2008 by Clearskies]

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 09:47 AM
To answer the original question, No, Obama is not a communist.

To go to more depth, the "pure" forms of communism, socialism and capitalism have all been shown to not work effectively.

The pure forms of communism and socialism have not worked out well historically, and we are right now at the early stages of watching the collapse of a (more or less) capitalist economy.

So historically and implementationally, none of the "pure" forms work.

My own personal belief is that the failures of these various economic/political systems are due more to the quality of the people implementing them, rather than the theory of the systems themselves.

Does anyone really think that the big communist economies are really egalitarian? N. Korea, China and the former Soviet Union are/were egalitarian cultures? If so, please U2U me, as I have a bridge and some beach-front property to sell you.

Some forms of economic/political structure are more resistant to corruption and manipulation than others. I personally prefer a representative republic form of government and a free-market economy, but we have seen that this form of government is also vulnerable to corruption, and as noted above, we are even now witnessing the failure of a (again, more or less) "free market" i.e. capitalistic economy.

So it all comes down to the implementors of an economic or political system. And sadly, it seems that the individuals most interested in that kind of power are those that are in general least suitable to wield it.

Any form of government/economy can work. There have been benevolent dictatorships, with fully controlled economies that worked well for the population as a whole, and "representative republic", "free market" systems that are a disaster.

So, no. Obama is not a communist. He may prove to be a person deserving of the power he will have as US President, and he may not.

But it is clear that pure capitalism, like pure communism or pure socialism, is not a guarantee of a well-run country or economy.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by Open_Minded Skeptic

So, are you saying that, aside from his APPARENT, LONG history amongst various communist activists and supporters, he is not communist, because communism doesn't work?
That he means well, so he isn't?
Spread the wealth, anyone?
Stalin went into power stirring up the poor, saying how he was going to make everyone equal.

You don't even want to consider any of my info on page one,
discredit it or shed more light?

He attributes almost all of his current world views to his mother, Frank Davis and his grandfather, not to mention he said he agreed to Ayers politics.
Just look at it, please.

posted on Nov, 13 2008 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by Clearskies

Actually, I have looked at it. And yes, I guess my opinion on his 'communistacy' can be summarized as "he isn't one because it doesn't work".

Above all else, he strikes me as severely pragmatic. If an approach to something does not work, I do not see him as a person who will continue to apply that approach in the hope it will eventually start working.

I don't have anything to discredit your original information... I have no doubt he knew Frank Marshall, who was suspected of being a communist... in the 1950s, when almost everybody was so suspected that was in the slightest outside the ordinary... and there is no doubt Frank was that.

I see him as someone who recognizes that unrestrained capitalism also does not work. And he may move in a direction of more government control of industry, as has already begun in the present administration.

I do not believe he is a full speed ahead, unrestrained capitalist, and for that I am grateful, given the continuing collapse of that model.

But a communist? No, I do not believe he is.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 12:10 AM
No communist country ever claimed to be communist, they only claim to be socialist since none have ever reached the ultimate communist goal of total equality.

I don't believe any communist person can claim to be communist. Only that they discuss and promote socialist ideals and revolutionist change.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by Dbriefed

Thank you for acknowledging that!
It's so aggravating that people just think these types of politicians would come out and say, "I'm not just for equality, socialism and forced labor, I'm a marxist!"
That's why, with any politician, you have to look at their RECORD!

Are you from the U.S.?

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 09:44 AM
well of course he is...that's why 52% of the voters elected him president. i was hoping you didn't find you'll have to be put into the re-education camp. please leave your name and number, so this whole thing will go down much easier for you.

posted on Nov, 16 2008 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by jimmyx

The majority(or Diebold machines)
can be wrong. But, it doesn't matter, because with McCain, we may have had just a different flavor of tyranny.
I don't worry about my name on a list, because it's probably already there.
I had SERIOUS problems after I started getting political back in 2005.
Shouldn't we know who's wearing the boot that might come down on our faces?

On this WHOLE thread, no one has debunked my information.
But, few want to acknowledge it either.

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