posted on Dec, 25 2008 @ 08:09 PM
my situation is the same as many people's in this forum and its starting TO PISS ME OFF!!.
I got the xbox 360 arcade, with memory unit during black friday, nov 27, 2008. I bought my first game which was FIFA 09. Played it to death with no
problems. I played it online with no problems. Played for FOUR HOURS STRAIGHT, online and offline,with no problems. I rented Unreal Tournament 3
from blockbuster 2 weeks ago and PLAYED IT 6 HOURS STRAIGHT online with no problems. I decide to get gears of war 2. I buy the game new and play it
on my xbox. After about 45 min or so(it happens randomly) I get the dreadful "unreadable disc" error. Tells me to clean my disc, restart, or contac
xbox support. It can't be the scratches cause its brand new. I play again and about maybe 1 hour later I get the same thing. Just to let you know,
I'm playing this thing online. THis happens over and over again. Sometimes it takes 30 mins, other times it takes 10 min until I get that stupid
error message. I take it back to replace it and the same thing happens. I decide to play a solo campaign and I get about 1 hour through and the same
error pops up. I countinue playing the solo campgain, the next day...and I can play it for about 2.5 hours without the error popping up. It seems
happen more when I play online. I don't know what to do.I already exchanged the game 3 times. I bought it from gamestop. It can't be my system,
cause I can play other games fine. It has to be gears of war 2. It has to be. Does anyoen know if there's going to be a patch to fix this or