posted on Nov, 18 2008 @ 11:55 AM
I had this same problem. I have one of the older 360s (I think premium) and I purchased Gears of War 2 at Walmart because Gamestop was closed at the
time. I kept getting the unreadable disk error about 30 minutes into the game in campaign and multilayer. My 360 worked fine with every other game I
had, so I was almost sure it was the game.
After VERY closely inspecting the game disk, I found a small black spec inside of the plastic near the center of the disk. I tried to remove the spec
by buffering it, but I had no luck and ended up ruining the disk. I went to Gamestop, which I think just got a new shipment, and I purchased a new
copy. The new copy was perfectly clean and has worked fine for hours.
If you are having this same problem, you might want to inspect your game disk closely or exchange it out for a different copy that just arrived at a
store near you. By the way, that spec was really hard to see, but it was there and it wasn't just a scratch on the top of the DVD image.