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PARA: What You Should Know About Lower Astrals

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posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 11:41 AM


posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 11:51 AM
Moderator-Note 2:

ATS and especially this Forum (The Gray Area) are for discussing and presenting notions most people are unfamiliar with.

Skepticism is alright. Ridicule is not and will not be tolerated.

From this point forward attempts at ridicule will be handled as T&C Violations.

[edit on 10-11-2008 by Skyfloating]

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by chickenshoes

I checked out the video and it was of course similar, yet the ones I saw were more human looking rather than blobs. Perhaps the ones I saw were more developed and with flesh? Also they skimmed along pulling themselves with their arm stubs, I never saw one rise like in the video.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 11:56 AM

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 12:08 PM
Ah please, as a collective we have the chance to ALL state our opinions and ALL are welcome here, needed here.

Please dont break the rules and loose your voice. Stay within the limits of respect and be heard.

I will continue.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by CepheidVariable

heh I'm far from "old school" and know what you mean. But if "they" can manifest concepts from the AP, then so can we, and everything that's dark runs from the light, and even some who are in the light run from the light, and the lower astral entities that can wield the light themselves don't like being smacked with the light, so...

That's not to mean complete disrespect of course, I'm just stating something that our deep-dark "friends" already know, step too far out of the shade, and you're going to get lit up by someone...

reply to post by antar

So I want to get this straight, badies from the AP are already spilling over to this realm?

Heh if that's the case don't worry people, they're all cute & cuddly....they may hate being called that (especially if they don't resemble those remarks) and get enraged when you say that...but an enraged entity only things one thing, destroy it's perceived source of rage, so you know what it's next move is then don't ya!?

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 12:16 PM
Antar and everyone,

As some have mentioned here, I too believe that there is a fight for our souls going on.

I have seen some of my friends lose the fight and become overcome by darkness. It is painful to watch. I have felt angry and helpless.

Stay in the light, and remember that even though some that we know and love lose the fight, and even others still actively seek to bring darkness, all come from the same source, and very soon, all will be redeemed.

Stay strong, take care of yourself, and live to fight another day.



posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by mystiq
Love works. It really does.
But I know, I would make a bad gate keeper. I would be too concerned that they aren't growing down there, and that God needs to straighten out this whole mess of judgment and punishment and that they needed to be redeemed. So, I have to rely on prayer a lot, and visualization (always remembering to thank the Creator for every tool). I'm always concerned about not claiming any victories for me, kind of a need to do things humbly.
I'm not tough against them, just want them to be happy and growing too, like I wish for everyone.

[edit on 10-11-2008 by mystiq]

Love and white light does really work, but some things coming through are so strong they even fight this.

I too like you feel I would make a terrible gate keeper. I wonder if many are chose but only a few make the grade?
I would like to congratulate antar on her courage in speaking about this subject, I know I would not have the courage to lead a thread on a subject so openly attacked by many. It is something that has been on my mind for a while now...what am I feeling and seeing? Are they using me? What do they want and how can I protect myself from them? My worst fear is not working out Im being manipulated and allowing dark forces to enter. Many have told me entities in the lower and higher planes can be very manipulative. I do really worry Im dealing with dark forces posing as the light, however I take comfort in the thought that all in the end is one, its just some are taking a slightly different route to get there. I also read on this thread that its impossible to corrupte good souls, darkness may manipulate them and take them away from the light but in the end the light will re claim them. As long as we all remain true to our hearts and souls these entities trying to enter our dimension will not win. Nothing is stronger than truth and love.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 12:36 PM
I set out to find a Shaman or a Wise Elder, a Medicine man to help me know what to do, how to proceed. It was taking the responsibility off my self and placing it on some one, anyone .

After having spent the time with the old kind man, I had decided to leave after he received several calls from relatives who began to have problems, from injuries to arrests, I could not help but feel it was my being there that was the cause, that my fight was somehow affecting the good man who was there to help.

He tried to keep me from returning, he even attempted to convince me his families problems were not my fault. I could not agree and the pull to return was growing stronger every minute I remained.

Packing the car and accepting the gifts of money and food, I set out in my broken down car to return to the place where the gates were again calling me to a final destiny, a living hell on earth unseen by anyone who could help.

Hours flew by in minutes and the passing scenery was like a fast motion rollercoaster. I stopped only to refuel and to eat some of the gifts the old man had shared. Time was moving in its own dimension and soon I would be back where I started.

I could not help wondering if I was driving to my physical death, if the friends of the Dark Man were going to be there waiting to devour me and my soul into a blackened pitt of lifeless horrors, would I end up at the building with the Giant 'working' on me? Was my fate a crate somewhere on the side of the building with the rest of the tortured, decapitated disembodied forgotten?

Stopping as the sun set to recharge my body mind and soul, I found a beautiful hillside by the side of the interstate and threw a shawl down on the earth and began to meditate.

A portal opened starting at my third eye region and in an instant I was transported to a third world country and became a young pregnant girl hiding in the bushes with her Mother. I was giving birth, and the canal was not large enough to pass the child! The pain and the fear was overwhelming.

I was trying to not scream, to keep my beloved mother safe and to give birth to this child from a Father I would never know, why was I raped at only 11 years old? Why were my male family members hacked to their death while being taken by more than a dozen armed forces?

I was a religious girl, pure and innocent. we were as happy as could be, we had a small farm, water nearby. We shared and were descent people, loving people. In in the face of a world gone mad, we were the salt of the earth my father used to tell us. Why did our blessings however small turn to tragedy? Why God! Why this PAinnnn!

I could not help it, I screamed out and they found us!

I pulled myself out of the horror still grasping my now dirty clothes as I writhed on the ground clutching my womb. Tears streaming down, hysteria overtaking me I cried until dark, lying on the cold hard ground, knowing somewhere in another part of the world a sister suffered at the hands of the evil which MUST be stopped. I was not separate and what happens to one happens to all in the eternal flow.

Returning to car I got in and headed back.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 01:29 PM
I am continuing to send pure white light in your direction antar, i manifest only the best of intentions.

did i want to be alone
was my home made in the midst of the masquerade
a cruel charade in the shade of the jacob tree
flee thyself and make a home in the mangroves
i was betroved to the cloven hoof judas
not a man of negative intention
a single grain of sand abandoned
act as a unit prudent
help me turn the tables against all of aesops fables
jaded monkey flunked out of school
watch your compatriots drool as they sit on their stool
goodbye cruel world churlish
furnish my apartment with incentives
i want to make money
i want to cut my wrists
come to me brother
let us shudder together
i was born in sudan
with a boorish masterplan
a final solution master the equation for the remainder duration

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 01:35 PM
My mind had returned to the night before I left, something I had rewarded myself in not acknowledging since my swift departure.

However the memories came flooding back like flashes as I remembered the events which took place the night of the party, the gathering.

The guests began to arrive in all sorts of newer vehicles, many of them black and big and shiny. Hoots and hollers as they stepped out of the vehicles dressed in the best of attire, arms being draped with some of the best looking women like trophies.

From sunset until well past midnight they streamed in and parked all over the property. None venturing close to the abandoned buildings regardless of the overcrowdedness of the drive and the surrounding areas.

Laughter could be heard and shrill screams of delight from the female guests as the music and pounding of feet to the rhythms took over the night. The lights never did go on out where the Giant did his work, and I felt like this might be a good time for me to sneak over with a flash light and take a peek.

The first thing that hit my senses as I rounded the corner past the end of the roses towards the buildings was the smell. It was as strong as ever and I had to take a portion of my sweater and cover my nose to avoid vomiting.

I felt for an instant that I should just turn and run, that I should go back to my room and pull the blankets over my head and wait for morning to do this. Yet it was too late, my feet were driving me and the direction was chosen. I more than expected there to be a lock on the doors to keep me from entering, but to my dismay, no lock was on the first building, the Giants workshop.

Looking back behind me, trying to forget what lay at sunset between the rows sent chills up my spin and the smell which caused fear to rise made me begin to shake uncontrollably as I quietly opened the door and stepped inside.

Stepping on something slick, the first image that came to mind was that of the Half human creatures, experiments. Pointing the flashlight down it looked more like a stream of semi dried and bloodied semen.

The smell was the strongest as I stood shaking in the room and vomit rose into my mouth and I swallowed rather than to leave any part of myself abandoned here in this God forsaken place.

I was most appalled when where under the window which I had on several occasions seen the Giant working, was a long metal bench or table. It was at a slight angle and there appeared to be straps connected.

That was IT! I was out of there! I could barely run out of the shed fast enough as my legs were shaking so badly I could hardly move forward without falling.

I had only been in there for a couple of minutes but now as I looked at the direction back from where I came, a huge bonfire had been started and many of the party goers were gathered around.

I attempted to slip past unnoticed but they saw me and yelled "There she is, catch her!"

As if running for my life with adrenaline threatening to close off my heart beats, I ran back to area behind the building, to where the rows of crates were kept. Finding some bushes I hid, hoping the pounding of my heart into my ears could not be heard. Holding my breath as they walked closer, closer.

Laughing as they grabbed hold of me and pulled me from the bushes They drug me to where the bonfire was now raging and began chanting hatred and vile words of threats against my life both here and in the under world. They actually thought "I" was evil, I was the lower element bent on the take over of 'their' earthly plane.

Tossing me into the fire I knew that this was it, that this was how it was going to end. So not wanting to grant them the satisfaction of my screams, I went into meditation and concentrated on the light, of God, of my Guardian Angel, of all the goodness In Light.

I did try to jump out a couple of times and they would throw me back in and block my access out, I recalled doing a fire walk some years before and began to repeat, "I am one with the fire".

The Dark man with an amused voice and crazed satisfied look came forward and said, "Let the pet Go..."

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 02:03 PM
Hi Antar,

Very interesting story.

I should say first that I don't believe anything you have said regarding what you initially saw is impossible based on my own experiences. I would go so far as to say that I've even been to the dimension you mentioned numerous times as well as a few others. I know that there are buildings hidden from the eyes of man, and not just buildings but equipment set up around us as well. There are even additions built around the homes of some in that dimension for various purposes both malevolent and benevolent, if you can understand what that means. Beyond that I will remain silent.

I contemplated telling much of this and have tried in the past, but after being here this long I see it would serve no point other than to get it out in the open or off my chest. You will be spiritually attacked when you do, of course. You will feel it in the center of your forehead, or your face and lips like pin points as your energy is drained from you. Yes they steal your energy, yes they manipulate thoughts to cause emotional reactions as well as actual bloody carnage to do this.

The script must be played out.
It will keep playing out until everything is done.

Some villains are playing the role for a reason and are not at all evil, some saints are venomous monsters that will not give you salvation just reincarnation, and all things we think we know are not at all what they seem.

Now...I have a few questions for you regarding your story that I didn't see asked so if they were please forgive me. Although some would consider your story unbelievable, I actually consider some of your actions and the actions of those around you as such.

Your parents believed the alleged lie that you were on drugs. They didn't even consider the possibility that you were not. I have had intense disagreements with my family, some of which regarding issues along the lines of what you mention here with other dimensional interaction but if anyone came and told them I was smoking crack they'd laugh them out of the room then call me and let me know. They would at the very least require some sort of proof. Hearsay would be disregarded.

Why would they accept such a thing about you at face value?
Do you have a history of drug use that they are aware of and thus consider such an accusation as possible or highly probable?

Similar to the above, any court that removes the parental rights of one parent does not do so frivolously. They would have to weigh in all the evidence and then draw a conclusion based on it and rule that one parent is indeed unfit. Rumors alone aren't good enough.

Do you have a criminal history involving drug abuse, child abuse or mental instability that would make the case for an unfit mother to lose her child much easier to believe?

In spite of the horrors you believe you witnessed at this particular location, horrors that would possibly end the life of anyone with a weak heart, you had no issue with not only taking employment from this strange man and his dark dealings, but taking up residence in his home as well.

Is there desperation that great, that would make you return to and stay at a location where you saw a talking disembodied head, mutilated men/women and genetically altered mutant children?

Why would you do this?
Because some said they didn't believe your story?
Were these the same people that believed you were on drugs?
If so, why didn't you agree with them that you were?

From your story it seems as if you are or were lost and confused about your life and path. I say again that the things you claim are possible I am not sure it is possible that you saw them because your actions seem very peculiar.

If you indeed saw such things then I hope you get things on track spiritually and realize we have lessons to learn that don't require us to sleep in the lions den.

This is not our job.

- Lee

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 02:05 PM
I ran from the fire to the only place I knew I could find comfort, protection. I flung open the door to the carriage house like a wild animal, hair flying as wildly as my eyes, and saw him surrounded by 3 beautiful women dressed to kill in scantily clad dresses. Every curve of their perfect bodies displayed, almost naked in their exquisiteness.

I pushed past the barbies and threw myself at him and begged that he protect me, he acted cold and indifferent as he pushed me aside and turned to continue on his sculpture. "I am working bitch. Get Out!"

The women all started laughing and cat calling, making fun of my presence as if I were a rat in the kitchen. Shocked and in tears I ran to the side of the house and through the kitchen where groups of the guests were gathered drinking laughing and conversing. Silence met me as I walked past to escape to my room. Locking the door I flung myself on the bed and cried myself to sleep.

Dreams came and went like hallucinations and in them I was always being pursued, chased and caught. Each dream ending in a different horror of death, of torture to my physical body.

I woke with a strange man standing at my bed. He was begging me to sleep with him, as if I was something to pity, to be shamed of by most, but taken in by him alone. I continued to tell him no, and that I loved only one. He laughed at me and at some point invited 2 women in and had them undress and lay on the bed as he proceeded to show me what he wanted to do to me.

I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. there I stayed until all the noise of the party subsided and as dawn approached I knew I just had to escape this hell.

You know what happened the following morning as I jumped into my broken down car.

I will continue...

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 02:26 PM
reply to post by lee anoma

Thankyou for your comments, they were most expected. As I have said before what is done is done, and what I share now is from a base of strong Spiritual insight and a deep feeling to expose the hidden truths about a reality which coexists with all of us here on this earthly plane invisible to most, and well kept from the public eye.

If what I suspect about you is correct than you also know we have a huge task ahead to keep the lower astrals from permeating this plane of existence, this dimension before the final ascension or evolutionary process is complete.

Attacks are happening world wide and it is always the innocents who will suffer. This is not only out of balance but must be corrected in order for the proper rise of both ends of this shift.

As the lowers rise so too do the uppers. It is natural and within the balance of nature. However the lowers have been slipping in and cheating their way to their full disclosure and that disclose cannot happen until the time is ripe. It is not yet time.

I watch as people frustrated call for their desires to be met in a childish manner, they want things to happen now and not when they are supposed to naturally. Perhaps we all have responsibility in the chaos we as a human race as a people of this beautiful planet are suffering from.

Please share what you know as this is a process, a wave which will send ripples out into the cosmos, the thread will continue to reach individuals from all walks of life. The time has come for us to stop this insanity which is like a disease. The out of control wickedness is reaching beyond the boundaries of the critical.

Our very birth rites are at stake, our enlightenment and an advanced state of being are on the line.

Take it to our Masters, feel the light of eternity spreading like a wildfire. One small flame becomes a burning Forrest. The light will always win.

Love and light

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by antar

Science has discovered at least 11 dimensional levels of reality which coexist with us here in our 3rd dimensional realm.

How did we arrive at this point in the dimensional process and where do we go as the levels continue to move forward opening newer more complex dimensions as we push forward in this eternal flow? What about the dimensions which have yet to reach this dimension we know as our reality? How do identify them and become wise to when they are manipulating us and those we love and care for?


Is as close to the truth as any other possibility as it not only speaks of the origins, the base, the beginnings of this evolutionary patterns which move from the base to the highest, it can be understood from both the physical and ethereal perspectives.

We naturally strive to rise to higher planes of existence whether it be Heaven, Moksha, Nirvana, Enlightenment, and not to just arrive but to have earned our place in a higher order where we coexist with others who have risen to the next levels as well. And as we here in this dimension prepare to make the next level a constant reality, so too are the lower astrals making their way into our 3rd dimensional plane.

Unfortunately for us the highest order of the lowers are preparing and in the process of a soul take over of our planets occupants.

I will attempt to share from my perspective and experience as a Gate Keeper, what will come to pass and how to see gates when they are present and what you can do to keep them closed.

I will also share with you what I have seen while in close proximity to these gates and the nightmare which waits to engulf our planet in the near future.

As a Light worker I have walked in the midst of the darkest and most vile of evil, my story is a profound testament to the trials many of us face here on this earth which goes unnoticed by most, and debunked by the rest while doing our part to keep this matrix working so that others and ourselves can attain to the next level and not be sucked down with the coming human cataclysm of the body and soul which the lower astrals have developed a plan to do.

In the continued post I warn that it will be graphic and disturbing, I will be as blunt and honest as I ever have been in the telling of what I have seen next to gates, waiting to enter.

There will be a few minutes wait as I need to attend my work before I write more.

ha nope they do not they can only find five or so and they dont even know what they are, plus as far as im aware the fourth is time

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by

Originally posted by antar

Science has discovered at least 11 dimensional levels of reality which coexist with us here in our 3rd dimensional realm.

How did we arrive at this point in the dimensional process and where do we go as the levels continue to move forward opening newer more complex dimensions as we push forward in this eternal flow? What about the dimensions which have yet to reach this dimension we know as our reality? How do identify them and become wise to when they are manipulating us and those we love and care for?


Is as close to the truth as any other possibility as it not only speaks of the origins, the base, the beginnings of this evolutionary patterns which move from the base to the highest, it can be understood from both the physical and ethereal perspectives.

We naturally strive to rise to higher planes of existence whether it be Heaven, Moksha, Nirvana, Enlightenment, and not to just arrive but to have earned our place in a higher order where we coexist with others who have risen to the next levels as well. And as we here in this dimension prepare to make the next level a constant reality, so too are the lower astrals making their way into our 3rd dimensional plane.

Unfortunately for us the highest order of the lowers are preparing and in the process of a soul take over of our planets occupants.

I will attempt to share from my perspective and experience as a Gate Keeper, what will come to pass and how to see gates when they are present and what you can do to keep them closed.

I will also share with you what I have seen while in close proximity to these gates and the nightmare which waits to engulf our planet in the near future.

As a Light worker I have walked in the midst of the darkest and most vile of evil, my story is a profound testament to the trials many of us face here on this earth which goes unnoticed by most, and debunked by the rest while doing our part to keep this matrix working so that others and ourselves can attain to the next level and not be sucked down with the coming human cataclysm of the body and soul which the lower astrals have developed a plan to do.

In the continued post I warn that it will be graphic and disturbing, I will be as blunt and honest as I ever have been in the telling of what I have seen next to gates, waiting to enter.

There will be a few minutes wait as I need to attend my work before I write more.

ha nope they do not they can only find five or so and they dont even know what they are, plus as far as im aware the fourth is time

That's the problem I have with these "higher dimensional" concepts. The '11 dimensions science has found'...well, they're not actually 'dimensions' in the sense that people live there, and they're invisible. They're mathematical constructs that are only hypothetical. As for these other dimensions that 'science' supposedly has found, the only hypotheses regarding their sizes have all been supposed to be extraordinarily small, coiled up, perhaps. Not like, huge vistas, other invisible universes. The 'dimensions' that are being referred to here are actually more accurately described as 'other planes, other worlds, alternate universes, parallel universes, etc.', as in mathematics and science, 'dimension' simply refers to a measurable aspect of a thing, not the place that thing resides.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 02:49 PM
This is not I remind you about me. It never was, I am just observing as life looks through my eyes at best. Yes the attacks are coming stong and without conscience, the more I write the heavier the burden. This alone tells me to continue.

Some may think that I have paper cuts from the cut and paste, the plagerism of others lives and imaginations, if only that were true.

I am doing my best to try and put an end to this thread, to move on or back to before I began to write.

I will attempt to get to the point and then end this for you to take responsibility, to cut it any way you see fit.

The end, next...

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 02:55 PM
You mean your story is ending or you are ending the thread?

I took the time to respond in a civil and responsible manner of course, so can you at least answer my questions before you end this?

I think they are valid and I would appreciate it.


- Lee

[edit on 10-11-2008 by lee anoma]

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 03:01 PM
Thank you for your courage, and for sharing these experiences and bringing this message up during these times, because these are the pieces of the puzzle many need to know why things seem so crazy at this time, and to formulate the best strategies. And we're all tied into one as well, so the losses and the gains, and the actions some are taking to help us all enter into a higher dimension, or even just a better, more enlightened era, is felt by all on a soul level.

The dimensions are mysterious. I see it different than science can explain in any case. I feel they're all overlapped and layered here, and they're like our dimension, but on different frequencies, higher or lower, and on different timelines even. Even while mathematical forumlas have been developed, as in String Theory, to deal with these possibilities, the indigenous people have been dealing with them all this time, throughout the world. Between science attempting to define something in its box, or a history of people mysteriously working with this throughout the ages, I'd run with the wisdom of the natives.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by lee anoma

I did respond to you Lee. See above posts. Please do not attempt to derail the thread with political tactics and accusation which has nothing to do with truth.

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