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Anyone else notice Obama's tone today @ 1st Press Conference?

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posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 02:37 PM

Originally posted by Jazzyguy
I don't think it's about his grandma. I think it's about the economy, especially the high unemployment issue. There might be some problem with his election promise to raise tax for the wealthy and also some dire news from the intelligence briefing.

Oh yeah, he said he doesn't get enough good sleep.

America is definitely in deep deep trouble.

Its about the economy and foreign policy no doubt.Both are connected due to all nations being connected to the world economy.Most rich folks wont mind paying extra taxes especially ones that are set for life.I know if i was filthy rich i would INSIST on paying more taxes.I remember a youtube video by an American citizen and i quote"tough times are ahead america and now is not the time to selfish".I strongly believe this to true especially with the wealthy.Brad pitt and angelina jolie donated one million to charity recently.Thats not chump change.
Thanks to steven spielberg and angelina jolie,Darfur is front and center on my mind these days.The idea of american military strength to end genocide of africans by the extremist's warlords in Sudan, appeals to me very much.
Omar al-Bashir must be arrested and held indefinetly while Human rights watch gathers information in Sudan.Finally an american leader to use american power to do good in the world!

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by xynephadyn

Amaing. Exactly what I picked up on. Aside from looking extremely tired and drained, his demeanour during his first conference was appeared to read "Disbelief" at maybe some of the things that may be going on that the public is not fully aware of. For a "quick second" I got the feeling that he may have second thoughts....just a thought, but i read the same thing when a viewed the first conference. Hmmmm..

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 03:17 PM
Okay everyone that has said he was hit with the Truth bomb during briefing.

Hypothetically then, in the spirit of conspiracy, what was he told?

The Mayans really are returning in 2012? America's economy is going to collapse in 3 years. California is about to fall into the Ocean? What?

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by Lucid Lunacy
Hypothetically then, in the spirit of conspiracy, what was he told?

In the spirit of conspiracy -

1 - He was told the REAL state of affairs in the world. All his talk about Iran not being a threat ... HA! ... etc etc. What the REAL situation is and his own severe lack of experience scared the pudd'n out of him.

2 - He was told of what is going to happen in 2012. Polar shifts and photon belts, etc. This scared the pudd'n out of him.

3 - He was told the true state of Yellowstone Volcano and when it will probably erupt. That scared the pudd'n out of him.

4 - The Bildebergers and the Tri-lats gave him the lo-down on the fact that he is only their tool and isn't the king of the world. That ticked him off .. and scared the pudd'n out of him.

5 - He met one of the Area 51 Aliens. Shook hands with the critter. (doubt it though - I'm sure 'they' won't brief Obama on the truth of the UFO/Alien situation)

So, in the spirit of conspiracy, any of those first four are possible and even probable - IMHO

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by xynephadyn

I would venture to say you are correct about Pres. Obama getting the low down on something not too cool. Hence the behaviour
I wonder if maybe he wasn't naive about a few things. I don't think I can even begin to fathom what goes on with the real Govt. "Shadow" Gov. I know I wouldn't want to be president. God have mercy on President Obama this term is not going to be easy for him. He may have to compromise certain ideals. that are dear to him and even the American people whew!! glad I'm not him.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 04:34 PM
With Obama being the father of two young children, finding out the truth about some thing that may effect their future,would be very sobering.
We will see how fast this guy burns out from the pressure and stress.He'll be babbling like Bush within a year.

[edit on 8-11-2008 by calcoastseeker]

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 04:46 PM
What? No war on Iran yet?

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 04:48 PM
Add these to the list off conspiracy issues he was briefed about.

He was told Russia and China are blackmailing European and US leaders via Chinese and Eastern Euro hackers. If the US and Europe ( NATO) don't withdraw troops and strategic missle locations from the middle east, the their economies will be decimated.

UFO disclosure

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 04:53 PM
? his Tone... ?

yep, i noticed the folds of his face/neck were darker, as if he was getting 'dark-skin' treatments... probably for reasons only He knows.

Of course. it may have only been the results of the press-room lighting conditions.
~ergo- no conspiracy or cleverly designed image projection~

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 04:54 PM
My god. this is pure stupidity..a man looks tired and your explanations range from hoax and fringe things such as planetX to NWO BS as "he found out he doesnt run the country" and calling his presidency a ticking time bomb all because he looked tired?

Am i the only one here who is saying what the # are you pople on?

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 05:02 PM
thats interesting, I started a thread about his acceptance speech and his face and the overall tone of his appearance.

I thought he was far to sullen for being a man that was just honored with the highest office in the U.S.

odd. i thought.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by NavalFC
a man looks tired

He didn't 'look tired'. He looked distracted ... upset ... ticked ... perplexed ... preoccupied ... and he looked like he was thinking about something that was unbelievable to him. He looked any of those things - but definately not tired - IMHO.

your explanations range from hoax and fringe things


Am i the only one here who is saying what the # are you pople on?

Yes. And if you keep saying that F-bomb, not ony will the censors nail you but the mods will slap a few warnings on you as well.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by NavalFC
My god. this is pure stupidity..a man looks tired and your explanations range from hoax and fringe things such as planetX to NWO BS as "he found out he doesnt run the country" and calling his presidency a ticking time bomb all because he looked tired?

Am i the only one here who is saying what the # are you pople on?

No, you're not the only one.

People around here are quick to make stuff up, and make up stories with no facts to back them up. I've watched the entire video, and he just looks tired. Nothing else. Most likely from lack of sleep. I look like that when I've had only a few hours sleep, just like most of the rest of us. Does that mean we've been briefed about UFO's, and are hiding it from the nutters amongst us who have nothing better to do than assume that everyone who is hiding something is in on the conspiracy?

All Presidents say things that give hints as to what they know. Bush did it, Clinton did it. Previous Presidents did it. Obama gave no hints whatsoever in that video, so I assume he doesn't know much right now. When he actually knows something, trust me, everyone will pick up on it. Till then, for the love of God, stop making s*** up.

[edit on 8-11-2008 by JasonT]

[edit on 8-11-2008 by JasonT]

[edit on 8-11-2008 by JasonT]

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 05:17 PM
He found out who the real power is.....I'll be damned, could it be the same real power that allows you low college pudding heads to babble on & on & on here about the same tired things day after day after day. Cause if it is then what are all the worries for? Could it be that there is still real freedom of speech & the press, & in general no real threats at all? cause I dont see any of you coming up missing or threads leading anyone to believe that anyone here has been intimidated for speaking their mind(HA) I see the only real threats here as paranoid delussional attention seeking BS that comes from some form of "Look at me" syndrome. Other than that y'all be cool.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 05:29 PM

Originally posted by smokehouseslim
you low college pudding heads to babble on & on & on here about the same tired things day after day after day.

Then why are YOU here - complaining about 'day in and day out tired things' and yet it's your first day here?

BTW .. 'low college pudding heads'? Never heard that one before.
My BS in Psychology is a fine degree to have. What is YOUR degree in??

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 05:35 PM
I've got to believe that anyone that thinks they have most things figured out is probably a little overwhemed by what the US Intel must brief on. But I think he's probably more frustrated with the fact that the US Eco is in the toilet and he has one hell of a climb up hill to overcome the odds. This, added he has to gain 'buy in' from all sides. So, a bit sobering for anyone at this point.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by Jheysoda

Great at what? He found out things to tell that black panther radical wife to be careful of, and he found out his Jihad buddies are not as secretive as he thought. He was told things he thought only he and some of his Muslim buddies knew about. He will be a bust, bust ignorant people will try to vote him back in after 4 yrs unless a young black republican shows up and challenges him.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 05:45 PM
From what I saw of the presser, he didn't look too bedraggled. Obviously he has started to receive the briefings on National security like the President does, I am sure that would sober up any of us. It's entirely possible that something he thought was a "wild Bush idea" was actually backed up by intelligence reports.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 05:52 PM
no he just got the treatment every president elect gets.

he is led into a dark smokey room..
big fat tycoons puffin their cigars in the dimply lit gentleman's lounge.

a projector turns on.. up comes the JFK Zibruter film.

and a particularly staunch tycoon looks over and goes... "any questions?"

Obama responds: "just one...."
"What's my agenda?"...

(courtesy of Bill Hicks)


[edit on 8-11-2008 by prevenge]

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 05:55 PM
Top Five Reasons Obama looked tired.

1. Maybe he just received his 401k statement. I looked like that the other day when I got mine.

2. Maybe Bush's dog Barney bit him and he is just feeling the effects of being a WereScottie. We will see on the next full moon.

3. Jeremiah Wright is giving interviews again.

4. He stayed up late to watch Robot Chicken reruns. They had a Bush Bash Special.

5. He found out that Sara Palin is right, Africa really is a continent.

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