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Anyone else notice Obama's tone today @ 1st Press Conference?

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posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 06:28 AM
I've seen many presidents over the years, and it is interesting this idea that Obama was shaken to the core by being exposed to classified information.

Never have I seen a President elect, D or R, have this excuse made for him......interesting.

Shall I get my freshman college speech professor to contact the Chosen One in regards to how annoying the "uhs" will become after 3 or 4 years?

This guy either A. has what it takes, or B. doesn't have what it takes.

Glad I ain't in his shoes!

[edit on 8-11-2008 by smokenmirrors]

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 06:41 AM
I think the man has been given a lot to chew on over the past few days and that accounts for it.

With the briefings he is being given; if he weren't somber and thoughtful, I would be far more concerned.

Ultimately I think we will find that the Presidency is too big for one person. The Romans discovered the Imperator was too big a job for one man and divided the empire into manageable blocks to deal with it... it gave them a couple hundred more years as well as contributed to their downfall.

Massive power can only last for so long before its own weight tears it apart.

[edit on 8-11-2008 by grover]

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 06:49 AM
Holy crap! The new leader of the free world has things on his mind. That's a real shocker. What did he expect a briefing on state secrets to be like?
Yes sir, and over here is the presidential foos-ball table.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by Jheysoda
I agree. I mean how many of you would look so hot after going through this campaign? Not only that he's coming down from the election and being forced right back up with the presidency. Give the man sometime to recover...he'll be great!reply to post by Frankidealist35

He asked for it, rather he demanded it. He set himself up with so much hype and hoopla. Their is no time for the Messiah to sleep lol

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 09:34 AM
He seemed fine to me

Nice to see some intelligence up there in front of the microphones
Makes a nice change

Fancy having to respond to questions about dogs and the obvious.
Must have made him feel as if he were being required to be polite to a grade-school teacher and a classful of not terribly bright, grinning kids

Let's not analyse him to death. He's a guy, he's human, he gets no privacy and everyone wants something from him.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by Graystar

He made a 30 minute speech without a teleprompter. He did not look down once. Bush couldn't do a 1 minute speech without one. This guy is very intelligent. It's too bad he is being handed over a country that falling apart due to bad economic policy of the republican party.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by xynephadyn

I mentioned it to my husband afterward. My theory is that he's in new territory and isn't quite sure of the tone to take. A press conference of this size and import is new ground for him. It's not as formal as a speech, but not as casual as a non-televised meeting and I think he was trying to strike a tine somewhere in between.

PLUS, the campaign is over, so after 2 years of hard campaigning, he's suddenly shifted into a new gear and then there's the matter of the security briefing... Imagine what he was told! I think he probably is getting less sleep than during the campaign. It would be nice if he could take a few weeks off to come down, but just the opposite is true. Now the real work starts...

Originally posted by antar
Here you go, he apparently got in much trouble and had to apologize for the seance joke about Regan and Nancy.

He did not "get into trouble"! He's not a second-grader! He offered an apology on his own.

Originally posted by Atlantican
Obama will be WHITE haired by his second year.

I've thought the same thing myself. He's taken on the crappiest job in the world! And he TRIED to get it! LOL It's going to wear and tear on him.

Originally posted by grover
With the briefings he is being given; if he weren't somber and thoughtful, I would be far more concerned.

Exactly. I really expect him to go through some changes as he moves from the campaigner to the President. I look forward to it. I think he's up to the job. And apparently so do 90% of the world.

[edit on 8-11-2008 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by xynephadyn

Yea, he realizes he no power and has to play the game or else.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 11:15 AM
wow, i don't know why the usa even needs a president or government for that fact. when we have a group of people like those here on ats who apparently know everything! ats could just take over control of th4e nation and everything would be great!

[edit on 8-11-2008 by Animal]

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 11:21 AM
reply to post by Animal

Oh dear god help us.

I think I am going to get ill.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by Animal
wow, i don't know why the usa even needs a president or government for that fact. when we have a group of people like those here on ats who apparently know everything! ats could just take over control of th4e nation and everything would be great!

[edit on 8-11-2008 by Animal]

ATS isn't specifically American. (FYI)

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by Animal

Of course ATS will need a leader and as MsSmartypants I am obviously the most qualified. I choose me!

You're welcome!

[edit on 11/8/2008 by MsSmartypants]

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 11:55 AM
This is really just speculation. Sure, it's plausible that he's shocked and he probably is, but it's more than likely a mix of the security briefings detailing the extent of the economic problem and the little sleep he's been getting during the campaign, i.e the last 2 years. Not to mention the death of his grandma.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 11:59 AM
It's Martial law either way. A. Either he submits to it or B. They break out the fake skin head mind control freaks who do their staged Turner Diary thing; inciting real, staged or provoked riots & violence (probably all 3). Choosing the dog will be one of the few decisions he's allowed to make.

[edit on 8-11-2008 by Amelie]

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 12:01 PM
He was probably brought into a secret "for your eyes only" room that contained two 55 gal drums; one labeled "KY", the other "Vasoline". and was told to "Pick One" because hes going to use it up till theres nothing left.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 12:08 PM
We here on ATS love believing the worst of everything and we jump on anything that reinforces that belief. I too noticed how tired and drawn he looked but now that I know he had a CIA briefing the day before.... all sorts of conspiracy theorists oriented scenarios are going thru my mind. (say that three times real fast)

[edit on 11/8/2008 by MsSmartypants]

[edit on 11/8/2008 by MsSmartypants]

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 01:13 PM
Actually what probably shook him up is being informed that along with his new personal security arrangements that the FBI is monitoring several hundred white supremacist groups who may or may not be actively plotting to take a shot at him because of his skin tone. Id say that's more likely to shake him up than being informed about obvious things like the failing economy, world powers hungry for our collapse, or even the presence of little green men in a box somewhere in the desert.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 01:46 PM
Maybe the CIA briefing explained how the reptilian overlords want us to have nuclear war soon to reduce the population numbers by around 99% And if we don't cooperate they threaten to just wipe us all out. And that the military must scare away any benevolent approaching ET ships, and prevent disclosure as part of this agreement. Something along those lines would scare the hell out of anyone! Either make a deal with the devil or die, not much of a deal lol.

Or it could be intel that means war with Iran and probably Russia is weeks away. Or Islamic extremists have possessed a nuke and whereabouts is unknown and it could be on a ship heading there. All of those would scare anyone.

I doubt he would be too disturbed about threats to his life, as none of these racist groups have the means to get to him. It would take a cruise missile or nuke to get him, a man with a rifle has no chance nowadays.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 02:23 PM
they told him that GM is going to fail his first month in office. and that there is hardly anything they can do about it, unless the gov buys them? 85,000 out of work. also, the unemplyment numbers were terrible. 210,000?!! i know the national rate is 6.4% but there are some cities where it is inching up over 15%.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 02:31 PM
I watched it live and noticed his eyes were puffy, which indicated to me he didn't sleep well the night before. Did it have anything to do with all of his classified meetings? Who knows. Two things are certain though: 1. He stuttered quite a bit and carefully chose his words and 2. He'll be no different, as a President, as those before him and will be grey headed in no time.

Anyone else notice how U.S. Presidents age dramatically in a four to eight year period?

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