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Obama's "change" and the road to slavery

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posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by jd140
I think he found out that maybe Bush is doing the best possible job considering the circumstances and his campaign slogan "Change" is going to backfire on him.

What are these circumstances that the public isn't aware of?

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 03:42 PM
He wants to have volunteers helpo out with Headstart???? What an idiot! That program is so incredibly corrupt it's unreal! I should know having worked there previously.

For any parent here looking to put their kids into headstart. DON'T! I used to work with a lot of the teachers and all of them, including my immediate supervisors, agreed that the program is a sham to try and get more money out of taxpayers, while at the same time, pay crappy wages to anybody working there. My parents being public schools teachers tell me that A LOT of other teachers DREAD to have kids from headstart in their schools because the headstart teachers do not teach the children a good structured curriculum, and instead, simply allow the kids to do whatever they want, and I can attest to this being true having worked as a family partner close to the teachers and the students. Now this idiot is trying to get people to volunteer? support this sham of a program and get people to work for FREE????

No Mr. Obama! Read my lips and look at my middle finger, I will not support nor volunteer even if it IS mandatory, kiss my *Snip* As far as the constitution is concerned, I still have the right to do as I please (as long as I don't do anything illegal or ifringe upon the rights of other americans), and if I don't wish to volunteer, you can't make me!

[edit on 8-11-2008 by Question]

[edit on 8-11-2008 by Question]

MOD Note: Please Review This Link: Please Do Not Evade the Automatic Censors.

[edit on 11/9/2008 by semperfortis]

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 05:06 PM
I find it a little frightening when I click on a link re tapes telling me about constitutional ideas held by Obama and the link disappears- almost dissolves in front of my eyes. Is there an innocent explanation?? But then yesterday I clicked on a link on youtube (tinyurl) where proof re Obama being a Prince Hall freemason was supposed to be. I am open minded and like to assess the evidence for myself. But the person who posted it on youtube suggested it wouldn't stay up for long. And lo and behold after a matter of hours not days it had "swiftly and suddenly vanished away"; yes, it is like hunting the snark and happens far far too often to be coincidental and not to indicate that people are keeping very busy with censorship nonsense. If anyone doesn't believe me try for yourself...

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 05:35 PM
reply to post by Question

I worked at headstart and various pre-K programs, while I TOTALLY disagree with FORCED slavery for young people, (isn't that in the 13th amendment, no forced labor?)
headstart IS NOT (at least in Georgia) all-day FREEPLAY.
The children have targeted curriculum of the complete alphabet, 1-100, Months of the year, days of the week and physical accomplishments(hopping on one foot, etc,..)
In fact, during some of my headstart training, one of our instructors partnered to draw up the high-scope kindergarten curriculum and she said it wasn't right that the high-scope, kindergarten curriculum was instead used for headstart students and that it was too advanced for 4-5 year olds.
By the time they start kindergarten, many students have already learned a LOT.
NO FORCED LABOR for young people by government!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 03:01 AM
never have i been so worried what the new day holds for this nation. this may be a planted ruse just to install fears into fanatics for an up rising. the thought of being "called" to serve the common good of America rings of a history lesson i learned about Karl Marx's doctrine. it scare me that this may be the path of the nations government. idealogies our country fought to supress and undo to give the people of the world a better way of all seem trivial now.
pray to what ever gods you may believe in for we must work to insure we still have the liberty set down by our founding father for ALL AMERICANS and the future generations.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
I find it a little frightening when I click on a link re tapes telling me about constitutional ideas held by Obama and the link disappears- almost dissolves in front of my eyes. Is there an innocent explanation?? But then yesterday I clicked on a link on youtube (tinyurl) where proof re Obama being a Prince Hall freemason was supposed to be. I am open minded and like to assess the evidence for myself. But the person who posted it on youtube suggested it wouldn't stay up for long. And lo and behold after a matter of hours not days it had "swiftly and suddenly vanished away"; yes, it is like hunting the snark and happens far far too often to be coincidental and not to indicate that people are keeping very busy with censorship nonsense. If anyone doesn't believe me try for yourself...

hmmm have you considered perhaps from now on trying to download these videos off of youtube so you can keep them on file? Type in youtube "downloading youtube videos with firefox" it'll be a good way for all of us here trying to keep the evidence together

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by ProfEmeritus actually believe the elections were true and above board, that the people's vote actually counted? You are sadly still asleep if you do. The result of this election and the leader in office was decided a long time ago. Obama has been a President in waiting for many years. The people have absolutely no say whatsoever in who is "elected". If anyone actually went out and voted, you wasted your precious time.

Drafting members of the public is a very dangerous thing and completely goes against any human rights whatsoever. Big Brother and the Orwelian state is here, and has been in plain sight for a long time, it's a darn shame so many are still living in a dreamworld.

posted on Nov, 9 2008 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by wakeup29

Why don't you keep the same member name, instead of changing it every time you post? Don't you have the courage to stand by your posts? I'm sure that ATS doesn't appreciate these one-post throw-away id's, and they have been getting more and more frequent.

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 06:50 AM
Does anyone else here find it a complete Oxymoron that he calls for what amounts to mandatory VOLUNTEER service? Is he really that dense that he can't even udnerstand that? I swear it's like those that don't understand what the word Illegal in Illegal immigrant stands for.
Although I'll be honest, I'm not surprised that the "community organizer" would try to flex his presidential muscles to try and pull something as ridiculous as this, just so he can tell the world "Hey! I'm actually doing something! Yay!" Idiot! a complete buffoon!

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