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Obama's "change" and the road to slavery

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posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by Zenagain

To the OP: Did you think he was going to pick regular "Joe Sixpacks" off of the street and pick them for his Cabinet? I personally prefer that people with experience are elevated to Cabinet posts.

Ah, yes, people like Rahm Emanuel, for his new Chief of Staff. What a fine pick:

Emanuel is said to have "mailed a rotting fish to a former coworker after the two parted ways."[7] On the night after the 1996 election, "Emanuel was so angry at the president's enemies that he stood up at a celebratory dinner with colleagues from the campaign, grabbed a steak knife and began rattling off a list of betrayers, shouting 'Dead! ... Dead! ... Dead!' and plunging the knife into the table after every name."[6] His "take-no-prisoners attitude" earned him the nickname "Rahm-bo".[7]

Actually, not a bad choice. In addition to being his Chief of Staff, he can also be his HIT MAN. I wonder if he'll get paid by the hit, or will it just be a really BIG salary?

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 10:04 PM
Republicans are constantly talking about how weak and spineless Democrats are, then Obama makes a pick of a hard hitter for his Chief of Staff and ya'll say what? "Wahhhh! He's scary!!!!" I think he's an excellent pick for the post. Would you prefer some whiny little douchebag?

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by Zenagain

I think he's an excellent pick for the post. Would you prefer some whiny little douchebag?

Nah, we REALLY like ballet dancers!

Rahm Israel Emanuel, who turns 49 on Nov. 29, was born on Chicago's Far North Side, with his family moving to Wilmette when he was a youngster. He is a graduate of New Trier West High School, with an undergraduate degree from Sarah Lawrence and a master's in communication from Northwestern University. He is a ballet dancer and a swimmer.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 10:26 PM
Ok. Make up your mind, is he a scary hitman type, or a limp wristed fairyboy ballet dancer? (This is a rhetorical question as I understand the sour grapes because your party didn't win)

Also, be careful about judging people based on their pastimes. I played the FLUTE!!!! in high school but rest assured that never stopped me from knocking someone the :bleep: out.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by Zenagain
Ok. Make up your mind, is he a scary hitman type, or a limp wristed fairyboy ballet dancer? (This is a rhetorical question as I understand the sour grapes because your party didn't win) Also, be careful about judging people based on their pastimes. I played the FLUTE!!!! in high school but rest assured that never stopped me from knocking someone the :bleep: out.

Come on man, are you high right now?? Have you not heard of the 'knife incident'.?? The guy has a few screws loose to say the least. Are there going to be any Americans in the white house this year???

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by Zenagain

Ok. Make up your mind, is he a scary hitman type, or a limp wristed fairyboy ballet dancer? (This is a rhetorical question as I understand the sour grapes because your party didn't win)

My party didn't win? Did I ever tell you what my "party" is, pray tell? If you had read my posts over the last few months, you would understand that my position is that BOTH major parties are exactly the same, and that all other are not given a chance to win, because of the ridiculous rules put in place to prevent any real third party challenge. There are NO winners here. The American people lose. Period.

As for the "hitman", if you could not detect the tongue in cheek regarding my comment about him being the hitman, then you REALLY need to lighten up. As for the "limp wristed fairyboy", you said that, not me.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 11:03 PM
nor have you apparently! but that is beside the point thee is more than enough interviews from obama's past which i have listen too that give me more than enough insight into the man. Aside from that I have listen to people who have read directly from his book. So whether I read it or it is read to me, what is the difference? the hatred is the same that he has toward America.

You can believe what ever you want apparently the fair dust is still in your eyes. He will dismantle America him and his group and they will do it in plain sight and with you astounding compliance. Take for instance the take over of our 401k's. Now congress wants to confiscate them and allow Bankrupt Social Security run it for us. A guaranteed plan provided by your friendly neighborhood government. So now that most of the useless Republicans are gone from the house and the Senate and The useless Democrats are in the majority, Who will stop them from doing what ever they want? WHO?



posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 11:04 PM
reply to post by Graystar

Yeah, we Democrats sure are evil. WE'LL get the middle class stronger again and we'll get the economy back to work and we'll get people to respect us once again.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
reply to post by Graystar

Yeah, we Democrats sure are evil. WE'LL get the middle class stronger again and we'll get the economy back to work and we'll get people to respect us once again.

Name one job u provided for any body? That is the problem with your line of thinking. It is not the Government's Job to get jobs for people. How about we try getting off our asses and acquire some marketable skills that others may want need or desire. Those who are unemployed deserve to be, either because they are useless or redundant; so learn a new skill and move on that is simple supply and demand. If you're not needed as an "administrator" then find something else to do don't just sit on your ass watching soap opera's waiting for uncle sam to help you out!

working is a privilege and if you're not good at your job then you should be fired. It is not the Government's job to make sure you get a paycheck that is soley yours!!

Democrats and Republicans like to talk about helping the economy. The real problem lies with the whiny bitching lazy Americans who can't get off their fat asses to do a damn thing for themselves with out big government doing it for them... Chew on that!

Unfortunately for me my Grandfather's Generation built this country and you lazy f@@@'s are running it into the ground- good job!

[edit on 7-11-2008 by Graystar]

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by Graystar

We provided a surplus to the economy way back when Clinton was Pres. And then Bush ruined it. Isn't that proof enough that we're good on things like the economy and stuff? When it comes to national security mostly conservatives are better but when it comes to the economy we pwn.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
reply to post by Graystar

We provided a surplus to the economy way back when Clinton was Pres. And then Bush ruined it. Isn't that proof enough that we're good on things like the economy and stuff? When it comes to national security mostly conservatives are better but when it comes to the economy we pwn.

YOU didn't supply anything! so get off your horse. By the way during the magical Clinton years there was a Republican majority in congress. During Bushes tenure there was a Democrat majority. Do I have to spell it out for you. Do i have to do your homework for you? or are you going to just keep repeating that sound bite. you obviously dont know how laws and policies are passed or all the other bull# that these "SAINTS" in congress hide in what should have been straight forward packeages. Instead they are leaden with # to feed their fat asses with; mean while, you brain washed stooges just keep repeating their mantra. I don't belong to any party I can think for my self. And i can provide for my family as well I have an immeasurable amount of skills to fall back on without our uncle sam's aid

[edit on 7-11-2008 by Graystar]

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 11:30 PM

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
reply to post by Graystar

Yeah, we Democrats sure are evil. WE'LL get the middle class stronger again and we'll get the economy back to work and we'll get people to respect us once again.

That'll be the day. I'll be the first to throw some Amero's on your porch when that happens, hehehe.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by MetatronCubensis

Originally posted by Frankidealist35
reply to post by Graystar

Yeah, we Democrats sure are evil. WE'LL get the middle class stronger again and we'll get the economy back to work and we'll get people to respect us once again.

That'll be the day. I'll be the first to throw some Amero's on your porch when that happens, hehehe.

you quoted the wrong guy

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 11:43 PM
reply to post by Graystar

Yeah, and during our magical Clinton years, Bush communicated very well with the opposing side. Something Bush couldn't do!

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 11:02 AM
every one of those advisors for Obama are members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

And Obama promises us change ? The CFR has controlled this nation since the 1940's and apparently Obama will make sure they keep the CFR's foot on our neck

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by Graystar

working is a privilege and if you're not good at your job then you should be fired. It is not the Government's job to make sure you get a paycheck that is soley yours!!

A star for you. Someone here finally has the guts to tell the truth. In fact, I'll go one further. It is NOT the government's job to save corporations and companies that have failed to properly assess the marketplace. That includes companies like GM, Ford and Chrysler, who continued to produce large gas-guzzlers, when it was clear that nobody would buy them. Let those companies fail, and let the workers retrain themselves in new technologies. We don't need a Welfare State that Obama is trying to introduce. Even Clinton realized that welfare was not the solution, and to his credit, he curtailed it significantly, under his administration.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by Frankidealist35

Bill Clinton came to power during the tech boom, something he and the Democrats didn't have much to do with. BTW, Barney Frank and Bill Clinton are more responsible for this mess we're in economically than Bush. They're the ones who repealed the Glass-Steagall act, removing banking regulations. Frank also kept denying there was any problem with Fannie and Freddie even when repeatedly told there was. These are the people who demanded that banks approve sub-prime mortgages because of "fairness" to minorities and other people with crap credit. We all know where that went. Maybe Frank was so vehement because his partner/boyfriend/whatever was in charge of these at Fannie Mae? So please don't tell us how the Democrats are going to save our economy when everyday they find a new nail for the cofffin.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 01:59 PM
I wonder what is going to happen when in 4 years we are still in Iraq, the economy isn't any better and we are paying 5 dollars a gallon for gas. I'm just asking because was it just me or did Obama seem a little shaken after his top secret briefing with Bush? I think he found out that maybe Bush is doing the best possible job considering the circumstances and his campaign slogan "Change" is going to backfire on him.

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 02:22 PM
I must admit I rather uninformed about this matter but I'm not going to jump my guns. Honestly I hope you guys are very wrong. I have a few questions:

1) Don't you think that if this took place that there would be large groups of people with lots of guns very upset and unwilling to commit to this "mandatory servitude" .

2) Isn't this a little far fetched? Yes like Bush he's a puppet but to throw this all in one four year term seems rather unlikely.

3) Is this fear mongering or do you all have well documented facts on this matter? So far I've seen very little facts, all I've seen is a lot of opinions that give the tone of a matter of fact.

Please if I'm wrong I'm wrong and I'm always open to new information. Please state some facts so the more reserved bunch can see the truth.

[edit on 8-11-2008 by oconnection]

posted on Nov, 8 2008 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by Zenagain

Boy George picked his cabinet from his dads old cohorts, why?... well maybe because George Sr. has been running the show for many years. Boy George and Clinton and Reagan were all just fronts for big George.

Obama was not elected He was first selected then emotion and confusion took its toll.
We just had a election where were the qualified candidates.
There is still an issue about the birth certificate of B O. It may well be forgotten.

Could we all be seeing the things wrongly?

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