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The Pleiadians Sent Me, A Message To The World.

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posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 01:18 PM
these pleiadians are a bit........annoying, i mean, if they want to help how's about a few suggestions regarding stable, cheap and clean energy supplies or a cure for the common cold, AIDS or cancer. i mean actual suggestions meditations very nice and all but it's hardly constructive or top of the priorities list.

and how exactly did they get so advanced in the first place, sitting around in nature isn't likely to get an intergalactic space ship built.


posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 01:23 PM
When is someone just going to make a movie about it? I think it's time. Best way to get out a message these days..... Eating a plant is killing it too right? ALL life must be protected.....even rocks?

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 01:24 PM
Is your name Munson Failchild?
maybe one of these others?
Flotsam Bloomchild
Shull Bit
Fuller O. Crappe
Tote Lee Nutz
Kaupp E. Katt

I seriously can't take anymore of these "i was contacted here's the message" threads. Some woman in England did it for publicity to sell books. You guys are just trying to get attention.


posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 01:26 PM
Ok guys

Lets not feed the trolls and hopefully this thread will die a slow painful death like the other pleadian ones before it

Im done here....who's with me?

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 01:27 PM
We don't need the free energy everyone raves about. We can reveal if the government or non-elected powers actually do have a higher level of technology, if we make them en-mass. But we can also evolve our science at its natural rate. We have many alternatives to fossil fuel, such as solar, wind, wave, and geothermal. We could already be turning the desert into a food growing oasis, if those countries were open to it, we can purify ocean water for irrigation if necessary. We have electric batteries but GMC is sitting on a patent for a powerful one that does highway speeds. Currently Japan has developed a prototype for such a thing as well. But watch them drag their heels on that one. They don't want us to have renewable clean cheap electric and then be able to plug in our vehicles for 160 kilometers of speed and power.

[edit on 7-11-2008 by mystiq]

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 01:32 PM
In fact, I don't think there is a free energy out of the void. The author of Alien Mind's talks about that kind of advanced energy that ets use as only being used for certain things as it actually clocks the life of the sun, solar system and galaxy. He talks about an aggressive et federation that is taking over many not so advanced systems like ours and exploiting them for their energy gains to its own hierarchy. So they're the fat cats. And the true older wiser races that control things just blame the ones taken over, and when they suddenly have to move because their sun is finished, they don't get to. They die. Anyway, it certainly gave another slant to the problem.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 01:36 PM
You have a different definition of trolls. You think your bias against freely discussing anyones unusual claims in the grey areas means you can dictate its demise. Thats censorship. The trolls are the ones trolling the thread and trying to control it. If you hate this kind of message, don't read it.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 01:42 PM
I really don't get it, if you guys are so sick of this posters why don't you just ignore them? Whatever is the agenda of this people posting here at least it's a good message after all, I wouldn't put my judgement on someone's experience because it's too personal I'd rather try to extract the best of the message that fits between my beliefs and the rest has little or no importance, that's how I discerned all the information I'm able to reach, please everybody has a right to express freely and everybody else has the right to choose to listen to it. BTW sorry for my bad english.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 01:52 PM
mistiq, the point is that these alien races don't ever actually tell us anything that we don't already know, i mean, all they do is feed us this spiritual crap.

from where i'm sitting these races don't look like some benevolent race only interested in our well being, they sound like the missionaries that took themselves to the various parts of the world to convert the barbarian races in the 17th and 18th century.

if they want me to spiritually awaken let them tell me something that leaves me witht he free time and resources to allow me to head off to the countryside for a spot of communion with nature and meditation.

i mean seriously, they looked at earth and figured the one thing we really need is more unsubstantiated spiritual advice? give me a break already.

why do all of these pleiadian type communications sound so much like the philosophy that the autumnal hairy hippy women that they choose to channel it through.

maybe they could start channeling this stuff through GWB now that he doesn't have much else to do, if he can sell the idea that iraq has wmd's he's bound to be choice A if you need someone to sell the population a shaved monkey while telling them it's a hobbit.

[edit on 7/11/08 by pieman]

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 02:13 PM
I'm experiencer, but even so, I've never had direct face to face contact with nordics, but instead flashes of memory recall with other indicators, so I still don't know what to think about all of the experiences. It makes me more willing to hear them, however. If nordics are contacting different people around the world with a similar wake up call message (though often its a different disaster) I am going to examine it. Because many have the same message stirring in them that the natives have received, or other messages about needing to save the planet (ie. from Jim Spark's, Miriam Delicado, the Hopi myths and legends, my native friend and her information about natives here in Canada, as well my own feelings that coincide with this. There are going to be similar messages if its happening. I've read in the Dulce papers, that the government was sided with the unholy six, and that they shot down positive ets because they didn't exchange the broken technology given by the negatives. So my feelings are that, they probably wouldn't just be able to show themselves to everyone. That, unlike Blossom's invincible mothership, they wouldn't be invincible.

This would change if a large number of positives showed up, and yes I think their technology then would protect us from bad things happening. Here's my take on many many different accounts I've read, and threads from different forums, correlating things to my own feelings. That like most ets, there is a protocol they follow that is in various filters of organizational hierarchy. That we are write offs! That so far, while certain patroles in our area exists, that certain attempts to disallow more renegades or negatives in happens, that we are considered too violent or too much sheeples to take seriously in protecting. Though, they havn't truly decided to write us off yet either, and there are some who hope that we can be jolted (hence the various sitx stories, and like the boy who called wolf, it would come as a surprise if one of them was true) into making changes. I believe we can shine our lights and do things that will change the overall level of love and compassion and awareness on our planet.

I believe positive groups exist. Read Seentoomuch's thread of her experience, and its very very compelling: I believe her completely and am really impressed with her level of integrity. Positive organizations do exist. Overall, Jack the Ripper is used as an example for our planet with their children, but they do patrole this area, and they do work here as well somewhat. Its not unbelievable that groups would be working, relatively low key, to get us to act, in order to get more help to come and stop a situation that may be very bad for us, that they are aware of.
I don't expect militia, scientists with top secret protocol as these ets must have, to tell us the absolute truth.

If this is occurring, then I would wish that more and more and more people would come forward until the good guys would just show up.
I do keep in mind Sleeper's account of things too. In fact, I'm wondering if Milton would do housecalls for just about anyone who questions some of his stuff.
, like me, cause I have something I'd like to discuss with him, like the third world in general.

[edit on 7-11-2008 by mystiq]

[edit on 7-11-2008 by mystiq]

[edit on 7-11-2008 by mystiq]

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by mystiq

“So the question is, how do you know for certain that they are not misleading you? How do we know what makes sense? If people ask for help and wish to be helped, are truly good races going to show up and show themselves to more and more people so that they won't be ridiculed for stepping out?”

I could never know for certain but they have uplifted me in a very positive way, they are so full of energy and seem to effect me in a good way. It seems everything they have told me is only good and positive so I believe them but with such an advanced people anything is possible. They look just like us almost but seem to be way more in tune with the universe spiritually. They can put things in my head and thoughts they even showed me something in my near future that is personal for me. They told me if you ever need answers to search inside yourself and that you can know inside you the right answer. They always tell me to feel with my soul and let my soul guide me in all decisions I make.

About the flood I was told that the earth was horrible even worse than now at that time and there was lots of wars and famine and no crops would grow because creation wasn’t happy with what was happening and very many great destructions taking place, I was told that the reptilians were cross breeding with us and even using us as food and everyone was fighting and killing each other and people even turned cannibal which is one of the worst things against mother nature. Because of that the Annunaki who created us they allowed the earth to be flooded to get rid of the hybrids and evil people because the earth was going worse and worse. I was told that even now the Annunaki are watching us but will not interfere either unless we change just like at the time when they flooded the earth. The Annunaki are the Sun Gods from Ancient Egypt and Sumeria but have only communicated with few of us at that time. I was told that the Reptilians want to do the same thing again and live among us and that they are working for that.

[edit on 7-11-2008 by StarMessenger]

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 02:31 PM
the difficulty i have with these messages is that they ask for complete change on our part before we can receive any help, but once we have changed i fail to see why we would require help.

their message is one of hope, but the difficulty from my point of view is that it allows people to project the outcome onto an outside source. this projection diminishes both the requirement for action and the achievement once it is realised.

just as an aside, mistiq, i find your posts interesting and compelling but it requires a lot of concentration to read them because your paragraphs aren't spaced. i find it difficult to absorb everything your saying easily because i find i lose my place quite often. if i'm missing something please forgive me.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

“We aren't really kept apart by languages, because if i dare say.... Most people speak english, so the communication barrier isn't such an issue these days.”

They told me because of the world being kept apart from each other through news and media, countries telling one story and others telling another this was part of the deception to separate us. They told me they purposely are misleading groups into hating other groups so it’s not so much because we don’t communicate in languages even that may be part of the problem but that the media is telling everyone in every country a different story, they told me they use religions in the same way, they told me that they try to cause racism problems, drug problems, gangs, suicides, prostitution abuse, starvation, illness, sickness to make the world harder so that we do not spiritually evolve and to keep us from finding out who we really are as a species. They said that we have such great potential if we only focused on creation and nature understanding the true creator.

“What about killing life? Why is it okay for a lion to kill a deer then? Why is it okay for a venus fly trap to kill a blue bottle fly? What if we accidently stand on a spider?”

What I was told is that hundreds of thousands of years ago animals did not hurt or eat each other and we did not eat animals, they said at that time we lived to be very old age because we were in tune with the singularity of life and one with earth and the universe. They said that because of the reptilian beings that came they taught us how to, hunt kill and fight and this lowered the vibration or frequency in our existence to a level that effects all life on earth. They said when we started turning against humans and animals and killing them that it affected everything and we were thrown out of tune with each other and the singularity of life or mother earth and creation. They said that because of this animals also fell like we did and started becoming ferocious and fighting and eating each other as well. They said that the earth is one being and we are part of that conscious mind and so everything we do effects how the earth acts and how nature, plants, animals, weather and everything acts, even how plants grow. They said we once lived to be more than a thousand years old and animals also lived much longer but because we turned against nature and became destructive this effected everything on the planet. They said that the more wars, suffering, starving, pollution and everything on earth the more the earth will cause great destruction through earthquakes and famine and weather problems and so on. They said that is the creation and earth speaking to us trying to make us aware of what we are doing. They said that the earth is conscious of everything taking place and alive just like we are and it can help us or hurt us depending on our actions against the natural growth of creation.

“Why is being omnivorous wrong? We wouldn't be HERE now, if our ancestors hadn't left the caves to go killing deer, or stabbing fish in streams.... so why is it suddenly wrong to eat fish/deer?”

I think what I wrote above answered this question. I was told by them that if we needed animals for survival as a last resort then it was acceptable but only used sparingly but that if we did not need it then not to use it. I was also told that there used to be many more fruits and vegetables on earth and that if we lived by laws of nature and did not kill animals that earth would produce what we needed. Crops would become bigger and more plentiful.

“What about staying outside as much as possible.... Didn't we build houses for a reason? Y'know to raise families, have a place to eat and sleep and stay warm and dry.... why is that a bad thing?”

When I wrote staying outside the house I don’t mean it literally as in don’t live inside the house but that we need to attach ourselves back to nature, that we have been led away from this attachment to the earth and understanding nature and creation, I was also told because of some of our electronical equipment that these aliens have allowed them to be designed in such a away that they drain us of positive energy and bring low vibrations to our bodies and spirit. I was told that we need to try to reconnect with life and the earth and nature. They also told me not to use cell phones much because they are using this technology to send signals into our subconscious minds without anyone knowing.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 02:43 PM
I am tired of the aliens are going to save us. Do you think there is a bag limit on pleiadians? If they are real and we get a chance we should appropriate their technology. Not from personal experience mind you but with a few bud lights you can drive anything, right?

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 02:45 PM
reply to post by mystiq

"The problem is what is happened with my family involved both greys and nordics, and seem to approve primarily of natives over any other group."

They told me that most greys that are living on earth are not good but there are some greys from other planets that are not bad but they are a different species than the one‘s living on earth working with reptilians, they also told me that Nordics are related to the Aryans on earth through DNA and that some of those we consider to be Nordics left a long time ago from earth at the time of Atlantis and separated themselves from earth because many of them came from this planet. Some of them live now in other places in the galaxy but most of them we see originally came from earth. They told me that some of them have been working for good and some of them are not but they are much more evolved than us physically and spiritually. They even told me that some of there own people have been working for good and some also did not. They told me on their home planet that those people who choose the wrong path were not allowed to stay and so many of them have gone to many different places but that there were not many of them. From most of my messages from them I think it really comes down to being in tune with creation and nature which is the most important of all things. Tuning into the vibration or frequency of all life on this planet and connecting with the earth and universe in consciousness only using the positive of earth and rejecting the negative. They also said to be consciously aware that we are connected to the animals and life on this planet so we must always consider them in our minds and not take nature and the earth for granted. They said that earth has a mind of it’s own and knows. So watch the way we think and if you do eat meat just be understanding and appreciate thanking nature and creation. But for those who understand this message I hope they connect with it.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by pieman
these pleiadians are a bit........annoying, i mean, if they want to help how's about a few suggestions regarding stable, cheap and clean energy supplies or a cure for the common cold, AIDS or cancer. i mean actual suggestions meditations very nice and all but it's hardly constructive or top of the priorities list.

and how exactly did they get so advanced in the first place, sitting around in nature isn't likely to get an intergalactic space ship built.


They already told me that all of the answers are found in nature and beoming one with earth and creation. Free energy has always been known but kept back from us intentionally by those who control us. Every cure of disease is solved by us living naturally how we were intended to live and connecting one with each other and all things. The diseases were not all created by nature but by those who rule us in secrecy intentionally. They said that if we go back to the time of adam and eve all the technology of the tree of life would be given to us if we understood this.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by seagrass

“Eating a plant is killing it too right?”

They said that eating a plant is different then eating a human or animal because it was meant for the use of man and created for that purpose. Humans were not meant to eat humans or animals. They said animals were not created for humans to eat but were just as important as humans for the evolution of the whole earth. But if we had no other choice for our survival it was accepted as long as we used them sparingly and with understanding and respect knowing that they are part of the creation just like we are and we are one with them in connection to the creation. They also said the answer to curing all disease is going back to living the laws of creation and eating naturally as earth intended fruits and vegetables, that if everyone did this the earth would bless us and help our species further evolve and fix ourselves.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Velvet Death
I am tired of the aliens are going to save us. Do you think there is a bag limit on pleiadians? If they are real and we get a chance we should appropriate their technology. Not from personal experience mind you but with a few bud lights you can drive anything, right?

Alcohol, cigarretes, drugs and all those things were created to work against our evolution and to further harm our bodies. This is one way they have kept us back from connecting with the creation and creator. I don't watch many boxing matches now either because entertainment of fighting and brutality sinks deep in the minds of those who watch and more effect than you think on our consciouns minds. I was told that those who secretly run this world have done everything they can to bring down the human spirit and keep us from connecting with our true selves and evolve to a higher level. Even religions keep us back in many hidden ways, we need to connect back with the earth, nature and creation. Meditation can be a good start for some people.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by StarMessenger
the Pleiadians contacted me on March 18th of this year and have visited me 16 times since then

Ask them for details about their planet and the star around which it orbits, then post it here.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by pieman
the difficulty i have with these messages is that they ask for complete change on our part before we can receive any help, but once we have changed i fail to see why we would require help.

I think you have realized one of the big secrets, not just of Pleiadians, but of many things in that once you have achieved the goal, you have surpassed the goal.

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