Be prepared for a lot of negative feedback here. But, I read everything I can about those who are pleiadian contactees. I like the overall messages,
so I will not be asking for proof but prefer to hear as much as you can tell, hopefully more, and examine it as a whole. I do like this kind of
message, as I said. Have you ever gone to Sleeper's forum? The reason I ask is, John Lear is particularly partial to him, many people are impressed
with his material.
While I don't know for sure if he's really sharing true experiences, or if he is, how they may be manipulating his feelings to mislead us, I reserve
judgment again on that. Because there are so many differing experiences, and I have my own feelings related to mine.
The things I don't like about Sleeper's is that he talks about the Renegades that are controlling the governments for thousands of years, much like
what you're talking about. He talks about other ets, such as greys and nordics and how many are renegades or negatives themselves, and some are
postitive. That many are visiting earth. But that there is a much higher level, a sort of hierarchy of souls and ets that govern things, and that
the others really don't have the power to do things that they think they do, and that earth is a prison, school, assignment or vacation. What I find
wrong with this is that the third world countries are continually brought up as an example of souls who are suffering strict prison sentences. So, in
short, we live in a perfect world, a perfect prison, a perfect school, being watched over by pretty reasonable hierarchy. To me, the only thing third
world countries represent is the evil agenda of luciferean corporations, and represent tragedies that must be righted by the world, but not by
America, a joint world effort that doesn't bomb civilians to do it. We need a fair, and equal world.
Also, the thing I didn't like about the bible was all the depopulation of people via a big flood, wars where they were instructed to kill all the
women and children, so as not to pollute their religions (like that ever matters. The people are inviolate expressions of God and their thoughts, or
religions, merely secondary to the primary thing, their lives, happiness and well-being) God was too primitive for me, and this punishment concept is
alive and well in many people, including Sleeper's Milton.
Imagine taking someone like Hitler or another psychotic person's soul and having them reincarnate into a loving, middle class family in Norway, and
being taught normal caring values with a wonderful warm family behind you. You wouldn't turn out the same, I guarantee it. Healing is the answer,
not punishment. If there really is a heirarchy up there like that, then I'm going to be handing in my report on the crap I've witnesses along with
giving my own recommendations when my life is over to the real loving, super Intelligent God that exists.
Lastly, our family has experienced this as well, and we were left with the impression something is going to happen in the future and that they were
very concerned for the state of affairs, very concerned with sharing and developing a moneyless resource society either futuristic or (this would be
the worst) a reset button. We've been worried but hopeful because they seem to be working with native cultures and my native friend and I have been
sharing notes. Sleeper considers groups that are doing this, and working with natives, to be catering to the niave and gulliable, I guess anyone who
wants to change this perfect world that is hell for so many. So, by his definition, the pleidians dealing with you are negatives, or renegades
That just went full circle didn't it? Only now your group would be considered renegades by some. Theres way too many theories and differing
stories going out now, and some of it makes me really upset.
So the question is, how do you know for certain that they are not misleading you? How do we know what makes sense? If people ask for help and wish
to be helped, are truly good races going to show up and show themselves to more and more people so that they won't be ridiculed for stepping out?