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posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 01:49 PM
I see that sadly unlike McCain who has been gracious in defeat his supporters have shown just how bitter they really are,the days of mindless flag waving and unilateral bullying is over with and it's about time.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 01:49 PM
reply to post by donhuangenaro

Wealth??? I'm middle class and have earned every cent myself. I have never taken a handout. Can anyone really expect Americans that work hard to just hand over their paycheck to people that refuse to get up of their a_ _ and get an education to better their lives?

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by sickofitall2012
reply to post by whaaa

Yeah, because the whining democrats always call for a recount instead of conceding with dignity. You are not a true conservative and I'm am not a "dude"

Well excuse me sweetheart! I own guns and support 2nd, believe in capital punishment, own my own business, what more do you want?
Mindlessly follow failed policies and wars? Believe fools like Rush L.?

[edit on 5-11-2008 by whaaa]

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by bandaidctrl

sorry to hear

itll take time and maybe by then youll have investors who arent bailing out like that and stand for a good business like you are making yourself

just out of college? you got a lot ahead of you, Good Luck!!!

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by whaaa


I do all of that too...

But I'm a democrat.

Your party is not your lifestyle... your party is your belief system...

contemplate that for a minute

[edit on 11/5/2008 by coven]

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by gizmohd

Where do I run with my family when this guy and his Bolshevik cronies in the Legislature start building the concentration camps? Seriously, we can not go to Israel because bigoted people like him won’t let “Messianics” in. Canada isn’t much of an option for liberty loving people. We are in the same situation again. Babylonia, Persia, Turkey, Russia, Germany, France, England, China,… now here? I hope that all oyu good Christian Americans will stand up against them when they begin to “relocate” us. Instead of Goulags in Siberia it will be “Peace Camps” in North Dakota. Instead of death factories in Poland, it will be “Health Evaluation Centers” in Wyoming. May the Holy One of Israel be with us, again.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by whaaa

That's sad you think the conservative party is just about that. Perhaps you should read up on the subject more and stop listening to the drive by media, just a thought.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by coven

You mean to tell me that after MONTHS of hearing that he is not a socialist, now we have to wait and see if socialism is a bad thing? I truly wish you obamatards would make up your minds.

And I think, since I didn't have a dog in this show, I will whine as long and loud as the dems did for the last 8 years.

And I also wonder how many dead people voted for this "mandate".

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 02:00 PM

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 02:00 PM
It's funny to read about all the doomsayers on here that Obama was a bad choice and all the blacks voted for him so he won, etc. Hey, in the same breath, I can say every white supremacist voted for McCain. Every person who is a little too masturbatory with the 2nd amendment voted for McCain too. Every super-conservative-right-wing-Christian-no-better-than-the-terrorists-we're-fighting-against voted for him too.

I will be fair though, there were people who chose McCain over Obama based on the issues and I'm not ripping you. You chose based on your beliefs and awesome for you. That's the way to go, not the crap I've been reading on here ripping Obama voters.

Look at the rallies on election night. McCain's was filled with a bunch of rich white people. Obama's? Every race, religion, age, and status. It was the people of America, the ones trying to make something of themselves when our previous reign of Bush gave us nothing but unemployment, debt, and war. Seriously, McCain became a puppet for the Republican party which killed his chances. He's not a bad guy... he had my vote until he became a puppet.

Welcome to the rebirth of America, unified across all our boundaries.

Oh yeah, and I'm white in case someone decides to comment on my statements being race driven.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by KnowMore
Hey all, the OP beat me to the punch with a similar post by about 5 minutes. As a result, my post was deleted. After clearing things up with the mods, I got the go ahead to re-post it here in his thread. I want to say I think that he is just about right on most things.

I wrote this in a tounge in cheek format. Hopefully it will not come to the things I have written, but I can see it headed that direction. Here is the content of my original post, have fun with it, and if you like it, please give me a star.

Congratulations Comrades and welcome to the Obama Socialist States of North America!!! According to the main stream media, Obama has won the election. I specifically want to thank all of you who went out of their way to “Barack the Vote”. As we enter the reign of Obama, I ask that you take a few moments to review a few simple items.

1. Safety! Please refrain yourself from resisting the local law enforcement when they come to your door to collect your weapons. Remember the world is a better place without them. The powers that be are only looking out for your welfare, and the welfare of others, that may be injured by such items.

Of course, we do not mention that Uncle Adolph was the first have weapons legislation. And that South Africa became the the crime capital of the world when the guns were taken (although only in the sense of be charged when protecting yourself or your family or your property). Yes, my dearies, Johannesburg is officially the most dangerous city in the world. Take that, Baghdad and Kabul!

"To secure peace means to prepare for war." Without your weapons, no criminal needs to think twice - hey, they don't even need to think, before assaulting/robbing/raping/murdering you.

2. Share the wealth!!! Give your money and belongings to the new regime, willingly and with hope in your heart. Once again, it is all in our best interest to be put on the same level. With no more class levels, we all become equal. Remember this as your paycheck is heavily taxed, and we all can share in your income.

And our economy is strong. So they say - whoever they are. Sharing the wealth either shall turn USA into USSA, or merely increase the robbery/theft/hijacking instances. As Mr Kiyosaki said: "Which is greedy: the one who works for his wealth, or the one who demands a cut/share?" If they want it, why don't they work for it? There is lots of work - people don't want it.
Now you'll see people use their "rights" properly. Especially "the right to have."

3. Healthcare for all! Universal healthcare is on the horizon! Soon we will all benefit the rewards of a unified healthcare system. No more insurance just for the wealthy or employed. We will soon have all of our medical expenses covered. Since everyone will be on the same level, the doctors will be doing their service from the heart, and not the wallet. Even though they will make the same wage as everyone else, healthcare will improve.

Which is why our doctors and nurses fled overseas. And i don't blame them. They did not flee for higher checques - that was a bonus. They fled the up-to-48-hours shifts, the cut in pay and personnel with increase in patients, and the favourite: the gangsters deciding for the doctors whether or not a patient shall survive. If the patient survives, the doctor goes down with him/her.

4. Job creation! If you currently work in the oil or coal industry, I urge you to begin looking into alternative job industries such as solar or wind. Soon the evil coal industry will be bankrupt.

Less Megawatts output X higher demand = MeGaBaRaCkS... Megabucks, baby! Oh, and get lots of blankets for those cold winters....

5. We can help them! If you have not already done so, please create a “Facebook” account. This will help the new regime keep track of who the people really are. After all, you have nothing to fear if you are innocent, right? Privacy, internet or otherwise, is a thing of the past.

Sadly, that privacy-thing is true.

6. Watch others! For everyone’s security, keep a watchful eye on those around you. If you even suspect any wrongdoing, or even thoughts of it, please notify your local authorities. Even if no crime has currently been committed, you could help to prevent one. Don’t resist if they come for family, friends, or even you. After all if you are innocent there is no need to worry. An organized effort on this front may not however take place until our leaders second term.

Let's not forget the whistles to blow when you see a crime actually being committed - it is supposed to do something. And the charges filed by the perpetrators against those who injured them in the attempt to stop them. Or even the libel-cases to come, for stopping a crime that was obviously not about to be committed.

Are you sure you don't live in South Africa?

All these and many more great things are to come from our new great leader. And just to think all this from a man who may not have been born in our country.

BE POSITIVE. If that is true, maybe the Governator can be your next president....

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by bandaidctrl

No offence but I don't believe you, not for a second. If your so-called "investors" bailed on you overnight because Obama won, then I highly doubt they were going to give you any money to begin with.

Come on, at least make it look believable.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 02:05 PM

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Preamble of US Constitution

All of the fearful should contemplate those words. All of the hopeful, too. Those words are the idea of America expressed. Clearly we still have not come to understand what should be the result of those words that we hold sacred. We should be brave and reasonable. We should also remain humble in the face of our endeavor. We are not perfect but remaining mindful of the idea of America will bode well for our future.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 02:13 PM
Hopefully Obama can actually make a change your all chopping him down at the knees when he hasn't even done anything yet. Talk your bogus BS if he turns this country to mush. On the global scale the world is pleased and happy about our choice maybe this should speak higher then even the american populations opinions because the USA is actually the world.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by TXPatriot38
reply to post by coven

You mean to tell me that after MONTHS of hearing that he is not a socialist,

He's not... He's a democrat. we have a socialist party in America... He was NOT on their ticket.

now we have to wait and see if socialism is a bad thing? I truly wish you obamatards would make up your minds.

No you don't have to wait. you can get off your lazy butt, and go visit a few of 'em. Canada, France, Norway, The Netherlands; and any of the hundreds of other socialist nations. And then you can see first hand how f'd our current system is. Socialism is Democracy... Just improved upon as our founding fathers suggested (but we were just too lazy to do). Socialism is NOT communist, fascist, or dictatorial

Oh, and this Obamatard is dancing on your lost vote right now

And I think, since I didn't have a dog in this show, I will whine as long and loud as the dems did for the last 8 years.

*shake Pacifier* you mean I have to use this? I thought you ALL could act older than that. One would hope you don't whine the entire time... I worked on getting my party organized, and we won an election. Might be a better route than bi*&%ing...

*tsk tsk*

And I also wonder how many dead people voted for this "mandate".

I would assume the same number of votes cast early for McCain by people who died before Nov. 4th.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 02:15 PM
To the thread starter, see this movie :
All the 20 parts if you like. The "American Dream" is a dream. It cannot last. Wake up ! 100 years are nothing. For your dream to continue you need another planet.

What Obama will do : make new laws to make people use less energy. "To save the planet" he will say. In reality all this environmental speech is beacuse peak oil is here.
Same reason you are in Iraq : to secure the oil supply.
Same reason the FED engineered the financial crisis : to make people use less oil.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by donhuangenaro

And there shall always be a minority that is more equal than others. If socialists share all, and all are equal, WHY then does a socialist state need a government at all?

There's never been a true socialist state exept for Israel before they decided to let go of God's rule and opt for a king from among them. But that was not socialist. That was Theocracy. Not the Ancient Eastern theocracy where the emperors were considered to be gods; this was the True God reigning over them.

Of course, it is a lot easier for the "wants" to pull the "haves" down to their level, than to actually work and become a "have."

Dogs in the hay. If they can't have it, they won't let another have it. And if they have it, they cannot use it but still won't allow another to have it, even if they can actually use it.


Two words, one meaning.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 02:17 PM
I hope you guys don't mind a little spiritual perspective,

3 Do not put your trust in princes,
in mortal men, who cannot save.

4 When their spirit departs, they return to the ground;
on that very day their plans come to nothing.

This too shall pass.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by nj2day

no, women are not going to get anywhere near that white house, unless it's as a peon of some sort. we are either treated like we're idiots (projection when blood flows south) or butch lesbians (projection blood chills). it's ridiculous, but the truth.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by mike dangerously
I see that sadly unlike McCain who has been gracious in defeat his supporters have shown just how bitter they really are,the days of mindless flag waving and unilateral bullying is over with and it's about time.

No, we've heard Democrats cry about "stolen" elections for eight years now. I would say that your party has hardly been gracious. I have heard Bush bashing here on ATS for years and will glad to finally be rid of it.

After January 20th, your man is up. He has a majority in the Senate and the House. I will therefore hold Obama 100% accountable for all of the ails of America along with any and all of his unfulfilled campaign promises.

[edit on 11/5/2008 by TheAvenger]

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