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Filmed 2 UFOS last night, here's the footage.

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posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 08:04 PM
Here is a five gig possibility I did not know about.

Link to site.

I think this is a case where a single line post is justifiable

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by pirateman

That is a dangerous site. Don't use it. McCafee won't even let me open the link!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 08:20 PM
I hope some people here know how to download torrents. HERE IS THE FULL UNCOMPRESSED VIDEO

Be patient as i am currently the only uploader. your download speeds will vary.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by pirateman

Hi pirateman.
I have put a link to this thread on one of my threads.
Hope that was ok to do.

Great footage and well done on the camera work.Better than most,myself included.

If it can be confirmed as the real thing,get ready to be abit more popular.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 08:39 PM
no problem.. a torrent file has to spread around to 'seeders' so you guys can get faster downloads.. the more people sharing it the faster you will download it, if you do download it please share and 'seed' it to others even after it is finished.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 09:56 PM
reply to post by pirateman

Hi pirateman and all at ATS.
Here is something I think you may find interesting.Looks familiar I would say.
The newspaper it is from isnt the best.But the video in the last part has the same kind of 3 lights.

Same kind of craft,different place.Click here.

[edit on 5/11/08 by gallifreyan medic]

[edit on 6/11/08 by gallifreyan medic]

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by pirateman

Awesome! I'll help seed. Thanks!

BTW, "The Coward" turned out to be right in a sense. Look at all the debunk attempts this has gotten so far:

Plane - it appears stationary for too long, unless it is coming directly toward the camera and then banks sharply. Still, it doesn't get any bigger or the lights don't change direction until the end when it appears to turn into one big bright light.

Helicopter - well, seeing as it doesn't make any sound, it would have to either A. be really huge and far away, or B. a silent helicopter.

Tower - this is from people who haven't watched the whole video.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 11:01 PM
Nice video

looks pretty stationary to me, not getting closer and pretty much same scale while the helicopter under it is moving around..even on a long approach the lights will change, get a little bigger, and the spacing between the lights will change..these stay pretty consistent until it starts to move.

Its clear you move to get a better angle to shoot it, and stabilize in time to see it zooming off; the speed at which it does this is pretty impressive.

Hard to be 100% sure its 'alien', but I'm pretty sure its not ordinary. I look forward to more detailed analysis.

You said it was brighter in the original, could you make out a shape on it at all?

Also, given the proximity to the airports and the busy traffic in the area, you can hear numerous other craft flying; has anyone called the local towers or ATC to see if there were any reports? Maybe MUFON is good at getting that info.

posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by pirateman

The lower one is in trouble.
Vertical charge control must be the way save the day.
You can find them in daylight.
Lights around the side is a more sophisticated craft than the Foo or
Billy Meier types which might have only one directional Tesla 'bulb'
moved by a joy stick.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 02:34 AM

Originally posted by cosmicstorm
Ive lived very close to an airport, where planes approach my direction facing forward, and for a start you dont usually see all 3 lights in a row,

Aircraft are required to turn on their landing lights when they go below 10K feet, so it depends on the approach pattern and altitude that the aircraft is flying. This will vary between airports.

Originally posted by cosmicstorm
when you do the lights have an equal space inbetween them, the OP's video clearly shows the middle light is not in the middle

It depends whether the aircraft is pointing directly at you or the nose is slightly one direction or the other:

Of course size and distance also determine how far to either side the center light will appear. This reinforces the fact that it is an aircraft, not a UFO.

Originally posted by cosmicstormnot only that, it would not appear to be in the same place for 20+ mins!!!!!.....

We have seen these exact same kind of videos before, and yes they can when they are filmed over a long distance using a camera zoom. The terrain also is a factor, when you are filming from a high altitude, you can see them from further off, same if you are filming over a large flat area like a desert or body of water.
You can find where FrozenThought had the same kind of footage, also identified as an aircraft, here:

[edit on 11/6/2008 by defcon5]

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 03:29 AM

Originally posted by pirateman
a. The lack of flicker, blinking or movement for 17+ minutes

Why should the lights flicker, they are not strobes, and as I have already shown in the picture of the aircraft wingtip the strobes point aft, not forward. You might get some slight twinkling from atmospheric distortion, the same as we get with stars, but no reason for their to be any obvious flickering.

The reason why this would appear to remain stationary is the same reason that I and other posters have mentioned:

(sorry that did not come out as clear as I drew it)
Florida is extremely low in altitude, we used to set our altimeters to 13 feet above sea level flying out of airports on my side of the state. So an approaching aircraft (in my drawing above, I put one coming in from across the ocean and one from the Northern US), will begin to slow and descend for final approach from their cruising altitudes/speeds well before entering the TCA for final approach into the airport. I believe that the approach speed for most narrow body aircraft is somewhere around 180Knots. If you saw this aircraft, especially out over the water and through a zoom lens, you could observe it standing still in the air for an extremely long amount of time. The aircraft is of course not stationary, but the movement is heading in your direction, so it appears to hover from your perspective. In reality its an optical illusion.

Originally posted by pirateman
b. The object did not get closer to me before it banked NORTH/SOUTH

It moves in coloration with commands that it receives from ATC as to when it is to turn to enter the TCA for approach. The hand off has to be at a certain altitude, position, and speed to allow the next controller (approach control) to know where to expect it to enter his airspace and compensate for it. Approach pattern factors are determined by runway positions, ground obstacles, weather, construction, noise dissipation rules, etc.

Originally posted by pirateman
c.Was the pilot drunk? maybe he forgot where the airport was, why would he go north then immediately south, and how did he turn his plane around in ~10 seconds?

I don't see this in the video at all, it appears that the aircraft is approaching the camera, then does a bank to head off less then 90 degrees in another direction. Why don't you draw us a map showing your rough position (keep your exact location private) then what you feel the aircraft did in correlation to your position. I am just not seeing a 180 degree turn in that video, especially with all the camera movement.

Looks exactly like a plane with his nose a bit more to the left to me:

[edit on 11/6/2008 by defcon5]

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by defcon5

Looks exactly like a plane with his nose a bit more to the left to me:

[edit on 11/6/2008 by defcon5]

But in the video the lights are moving slowly to the right, so the green light should be closer to the right pinkish light, so the plane will be with the correct facing. Unless it had a hell of a crosswind.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 05:54 AM
reply to post by defcon5

Hmm. The blue light should be on the right wingtip, the red on the left.

I will help seed the torrent BTW.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 06:48 AM
Hi Pirateman,

Sorry for insisting but a few questions I have asked before still remain unanswered, not all of them but thx for answering them as well :

1-Your exact geographical coordinates (using google earth or a GPS)
2-the type of camera you used
3-the exact time it was filmed
4-daytime pictures of the same place (we got them)
5-which floor did you film this from ? (is it a building or a house)
6-Where were you when you filmed it (on a balcony or behind a window) ?
7-azimuth and angular height estimates
8- avg size of the three lights together (your hand measures approx 20 °)

Thx for answering right next to the numbers. (I love methodology

This is very important, I told you earlier that this video is interesting imo, why ?

Because I did measure the spacing in between the three lights each time you set your zoom to the max (it is a wild guess but numbers seem to work well, I'll explain that later )and the spacing does not really change over a period > that 7 mn.

That sure is a long time but better than words, I'll have to demonstrate this when I'll have some time. Regarding the second event (2nd "UFO" ?), it 's another story and I want to work on the first one for a start.

ps: If you have any questions regarding my questions, do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

Europa aka Buck

[edit on 6-11-2008 by Europa733]

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by BaxterBis

It depends on the wind, and how the aircraft is trimmed. Aircraft seldom fly in a perfectly streight line with respect to the body of the aircraft. Trims are set according to the weight distribution of the aircraft, the wind, airspeed, and power to each engine.
reply to post by nablator

The wing lights on many aircraft are in a tinted piece of glass that they sometimes share with the nav lights, while the nose light is normally not covered with anything but the clear glass lens of the light itself. Thus the nose light is whiter in appearance.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by Europa733

1-Your exact geographical coordinates (using google earth or a GPS)
2-the type of camera you used
3-the exact time it was filmed
4-daytime pictures of the same place (we got them)
5-which floor did you film this from ? (is it a building or a house)
6-Where were you when you filmed it (on a balcony or behind a window) ?
7-azimuth and angular height estimates
8- avg size of the three lights together (your hand measures approx 20 °)

1. 26*,12,37 N
80*,06,55 W
2. Canon GL-2, shoots on Mini DV tape, resolution is 720x480
3. 6:50-7:25pm Nov. 3rd.
4. Posted it
5. Was on the ground with my camera resting on my car for most of it.
at the end of the video i run up on the 2nd floor to film the flare.. this part is pretty obvious, as i say "I'm going to the second floor"
6. Was outside, no obstructions in my way.
7. Is this the angle i was facing? I would guess 280 W/NW
8. Not sure how to measure this..

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 09:30 AM
Defcon, review the video again at 17:00. The camera does shake a lot as i was caught off guard when it moved suddenly. The object goes north and behind the building, "It''s moving" then about 10 seconds later comes out from behind the building and i got it going south.. this is where I say "Is that it going left"

This being said, can an airplane turn 180 degrees in that amount of time?

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 11:30 AM
I can't wait for the experts to take a look and help us if they can.

I can find it quite fair to have opinions that it's a plane but a tower...?!
Please people,watch the whole video first.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 11:46 AM
I think the only possibility is a helicopter.. I have spoke to one pilot that said all helicopters must have a flashing beacon... so maybe it was just turned off, or broken.

Then my question would be, how did this helicopter stand so still in the air for over 30 minutes? can helicopters do this? is there video of a helicopter doing this anywhere?
My video clearly shows this UFO does not look or act like the helicopter directly below it.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 01:57 PM
Great Catch on the video!!

For all of you folks interested in capturing photos and videos of any curious phenomena, please consider making or buying a cheap spectrometer. You can tape a camera or camcorder to it and prove without a shadow of a doubt what is the nature of the lights you are seeing.

If someone had a spectrometer pointed at the World Trade Center where the molten metal was seen pouring out of a window, you would have seen spectral lines that would indicate what elements were present, roughly how hot it was, etc. If you see an unusual bright light in the sky, a spectrometer will instantly tell you if it is an incandescent light bulb, a mercury vapor lamp, low pressure sodium lamp, or ... something else ;-)

I don't think advanced civilizations capable of interstellar/intergalactic spacetravel would stoop so low as to use such a plebeian and inefficient lightsource as an incandescent lightbulb.

You can easily make a spectrometer out of a shoe box and an old CD disk:

Or you can buy a surprisingly useful one for only $30(you can even calibrate the scale on it):

You know the Boy Scouts motto: Be Prepared! The more we can shine a light on the NWO troublemakers or our friends from other worlds, the less in fear we will be.

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