posted on Nov, 5 2008 @ 08:10 AM
I just dont understand some people.
It is clearly not a plane or a helicopter??????
Ive lived very close to an airport, where planes approach my direction facing forward, and for a start you dont usually see all 3 lights in a row, and
when you do the lights have an equal space inbetween them, the OP's video clearly shows the middle light is not in the middle, not only that, it
would not appear to be in the same place for 20+ mins!!!!!..... planes come in to land literally one after the other, they dont 'sit in the sky'
motionless before quickly vanishing??
Jeez, im all for debunking a video and filtering through the hoaxes etc, but the OP has given you 20+mins of footage, he kept his hand steady, he gave
you a background and landmarks and he continued filming until the UFO left....
Anyway OP, great video, thanks for sharing it!
[edit on 5-11-2008 by cosmicstorm]