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2012 totally debunked!

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posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by fleabit

Well remember how nobody believed in global warming... give it time... It will have to happen, unfortunately before they will wake up to it...

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 05:36 AM

Originally posted by Amenti
The title pretty much says it all

Google Video Link

or if you prefer YouTube, here is part one, and part two

you can download it in WMV format here
feel free to upload it anywhere.

I have been hearing this stuff for so long I thought it was true too.

I did a lot of research for this one and I was surprised to find out what i did, which is that most of what we are told about 2012 has no basis in reality..seriously.

Here are a few points I hit.

Solstice sun galactic alignment
actual galactic alignment
pole shift
planet x
mayan calender
mayan "predictions"
possible reasons for the deception.

Here are some of my references

References:The Sun's motion perpendicular to the galactic plane

Earth's Inconstant Magnetic Field

The Planet X Saga: The Scientific Arguments in a Nutshell

Response to Counterarguments Appendix 5 to Maya Cosmo genesis 2012 by John Major Jenkins

Texas A&M Oceanographer Challenges Plate Tectonics As Reason For Poles' Shift

What is that pole shift thing?

The Myth of a 12th Planet:
A Brief Analysis of Cylinder Seal VA 243

precession of the equinoxes

Our Galactic Plane


Great Celestial Conjunction Crosses

The World Age cosmology of the Maya calendar end-date in A.D.2012 and its basis in a rare astronomical alignment of the solstice sun with the Milky Way Galaxy

Planetary Alignments: Fact or Fiction?

The Platonic Year & the
Maya Long Count: Fractal

Confused about 2012 (yes, another one!)

Planet X? Nope, an admitted hoax!

positon on galactic plane

music from

EDIT: fixed links

[edit on 1-11-2008 by Amenti] [/quote

Heh. The bible stuff is BS. Sure, all the ld testaement prophecies were fulfilled, seeing as how the writers of the NT had acess to the OT. not impressed.
that and most of te new testament wasnt even written until after christ had allegedly died. about 70 years later infact.
the christian concept of God is just one of many thousands of "Gods" that have existed throughout history, used by eons to try and explain things they didnt know or cope with the fear of death.

christ tels his follows, numerous times, also, that his second coming would be during their lifetime. did it happen? no.

[edit on 2-11-2008 by NavalFC]

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 05:44 AM
reply to post by ElectricUncleSam

Why would they? There is a series of events over the last 20 years that could be attributed to global warming. It's kind of hard to miss melting glaciers, ice shelves falling off, and holes in our ozone. There is absolutely nothing that points to any event in 2012. Why would anyone become aware of it?

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 06:00 AM
Well, you get a star and a flag from me.

I for one am rather tired of hearing of all of this Nibiru nonesense, and the pole shifts etc. I actually recently destroyed the arguments that one of the proponents of the above nonesense had for the whole 2012 idea. Using a little reasoning, and sensible communication, the case for 2012 falls appart. The proponent was waffling on about how there was so much evidence for it, and stated a few 'facts', which when put up to real facts and figures, the sums just did not compute...

I did enjoy your little twist at the end of the video, and didn't acutally anticiapate it. Very well done.


posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 06:05 AM

Originally posted by fleabit
reply to post by ElectricUncleSam

Why would they? There is a series of events over the last 20 years that could be attributed to global warming. It's kind of hard to miss melting glaciers, ice shelves falling off, and holes in our ozone. There is absolutely nothing that points to any event in 2012. Why would anyone become aware of it?

So the fact that the glaciers in the North are much bigger now than they were in the 1970's means nothing to you does it not? Do you not recall that in the 1970's the 'scientists' were predicting 'GLOBAL COOLING'?

So what series of events are pointing to global warming?

Could it be the fact that snow has just fallen in many Southern African countries? How do I know this? Simple, a friend of mine lives down there and has recently sent me pictures... a school trip which has never encountered snow fall before had to be rescued by helicopter, because 1 inch of snow cut them off...! Go figure. It must be all that global WARMING causing snow fall, during the Southern SUMMER!!!

Damn, I hate it when common sense and empirical evidence are wrong...

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 06:07 AM
When will you skeptics understand that you cannot possible "debunk" something that hasn't happened yet? Your desperation is quite extreme but it makes no damn sense. When 2012 comes, if nothing occurs, then we'll KNOW, it's quite SIMPLE.
but what's funny, you're trying to debunk something [that hasn't occured yet, last time I checked we were in the year 2000 damn 8] with YouTube videos... PLEASE... the irony.
The ONLY thing that I learned from this thread title, is that by the obvious implication, people don't know what year they're living in, or can't read a damn calendar.

[edit on 2-11-2008 by -zeropoint-]

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 06:13 AM
reply to post by -zeropoint-

The most amuzing thing though is that you seem to be a proponent of the idea of 2012, by your remarks. If you aren't do accept my apologies.

Now, the fact that we "skeptics", do not agree with the premises offered by 2012 doom-merchants, changes nothing. The alleged 'evidence' provided by these people just does not stand up to common sense, or empirical evidence (i.e. FACT).

So, what I would like someone that is a proponent of 2012 to do, is show me how they know that the doom and gloom predicted will occur. What evidence is there (and I mean real evidence here) to show that these events will happen when predicted?

I have a suspicion that most people will shy away from answering that, or give a blind and vague answer.

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 06:21 AM

Originally posted by dampnickers
reply to post by -zeropoint-

The most amuzing thing though is that you seem to be a proponent of the idea of 2012, by your remarks. If you aren't do accept my apologies.

Now, the fact that we "skeptics", do not agree with the premises offered by 2012 doom-merchants, changes nothing. The alleged 'evidence' provided by these people just does not stand up to common sense, or empirical evidence (i.e. FACT).

So, what I would like someone that is a proponent of 2012 to do, is show me how they know that the doom and gloom predicted will occur. What evidence is there (and I mean real evidence here) to show that these events will happen when predicted?

I have a suspicion that most people will shy away from answering that, or give a blind and vague answer.

Many people actually believe that something else will happen than doomsday, or whatever. Maybe you didn't research more. I DON'T believe in the doomsday prophecies. There are many theories and ideas of what's going to happen, and there are many "proof" that is out there. Although the proof is not definite to modern man, you either believe in its truth or not, and that can only be determined when the time comes, in the year 2012 as said.
There's the proof, but there's going to be some who don't understand in a way another person does, some who throws it off because they simply don't believe in it, which they call "debunking". I'm not going to waste my time offering you "proof", that is what Google is for. I don't believe I should be reiterating many information that has been posted a million times over, in light that you did "research" this right? "Empirical Facts" - that's quite funny, how would empirical facts which has nothing to do with 2012 involve it?
- If you require facts, Mayan Calendar, National Geographic, Iching, kali yuga, Bible, etc.

[edit on 2-11-2008 by -zeropoint-]

[edit on 2-11-2008 by -zeropoint-]

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 06:27 AM
Ok, now I've seen the videos and I read all the freakin replies as well. Now I will talk:

Commonly Dismissed Fact:
The so called "end date" of the Mayan calendar is the 28th of October 2011 while the last transition of Venus is set on 2012.
Thus is the first date (281011) the date for the shift of paradigm and 2012 being like the final "seal" but has no specific occurance tied to it.

True is, no matter what, that the Mayan prediciton does not tell the tale of an apocalypse-like scenario, this is very important to know. And I personally think that many Mayan elders are very disturbed by this misconception. I know I am. I think that the date discussed is a good thing and will not harm the world (keep in mind that I consider an eradication or severe limitation of mankind a good thing, not saying that will happen...but I would like it to).

Still, and this I must point out: The Mayan predicitons have all been true so far and we do live in an age of great change, unpresidented in history. We are in for a new dawn and if you chose to deny this, it is your loss, not mine, or ours (we who are aware).

I will gladly admit that this phenomenon has been so infected by false claims and distorted ideas that you easily fall into a pit of lies unless you keep your inner eye open and research with both sience and spirituality.

Originally posted by common-sense
I wouldn't mind seeing a list of all the Bible prophecies that supposedly were 100% accurate and included not only the exact countries in the wars but correct names as well...

Yes, me too. Nice input.

Originally posted by
"Satan" succeeded in TRICKING YOU ALL,
who would have thought such stupid trick would work, unbelievable!

Devil gave you your Bible, Torah and Koran pretending to be your god - it is ONE and the same "GOD", its one and the SAME BOOK, you religious fools!!

you were actually given the THREE BOOKS of WAR, three KILLING MANUALS - have you not noticed your god is murderous psychopath, full of REVENGE and VANITY ?!

--- Score in Bible / Torah / Koran ---

GOD: ~1,400,000 KILLS
(not counting flood, fiery serpents and other mass-murders)


have you not noticed your GOD, ALLAH and YAHWEH... have all the attributes of the DEVIL?!

welcome to HELL

I am willing to agree with what you are saying. Still, I might like to advise you to show a little more manner and by that gaining more respect and attention because I feel you are right.

Keeping in mind that this is a little OT.

[Edit to add: The production of the video was great. Even though I don't agree at some points I always support those who follow their heart. Greath graphics, great narration, great everything. Wish I could make something of that class. Still, I think you are partly wrong.]

[edit on 2-11-2008 by Raud]

Mode-Note: Offensive screenname removed from quotes.

[edit on 2-11-2008 by Skyfloating]

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 06:27 AM
Not that I know but it would be interesting if before 2012 we see a certain hidden planet?

if not? Well then maybe there was no planet to begin with?

But then again are we going to continue with these side tracking debates on what ifs? Because it is a waste of energy until that time anyway?



posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 06:30 AM

I agree, the Golden Age is about to come. After many research and personal facts and spirituality, I can confirm this to myself.

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 06:58 AM
OP... two big thumbs up for your work! I wish there was a lot more of this than there already is.
It's time to level out the need for fantastic "front page" stories, and your work has the capability to do that. Keep it up

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by -zeropoint-
I agree, the Golden Age is about to come. After many research and personal facts and spirituality, I can confirm this to myself.

Cool man. We are not alone in our conviction. Even though we already know it, and at least talking for myself, I could even live with being the only one holding this insight. Luckily I am not. That is nice.

Returning to the topic of discussion:

One more thing adding to the validation of the Mayan calendar:
It starts at the creation of earth, back when it was a firey ball of chaos.
From that time on, the calendar has been correct.

The bible, on the other hand, starts at an arbitrary point in time. And since this video has clearly stated that that book is correct and the rest to be subordinates, I say that is incorrect and ignorant. As with alot more coming from that source.

[edit on 2-11-2008 by Raud]

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 07:29 AM
upgrades, eh?

soon you will feel my true power.. but meanwhile let me repeat:

"Satan" succeeded in TRICKING YOU ALL,
who would have thought such stupid trick would work, unbelievable!

Devil gave you your Bible, Torah and Koran pretending to be your god - it is ONE and the same "GOD", its one and the SAME BOOK, you religious fools!!

you were actually given the THREE BOOKS of WAR, three KILLING MANUALS - have you not noticed your god is murderous psychopath, full of REVENGE and VANITY ?!

--- Score in Bible / Torah / Koran ---

GOD: ~1,400,000 KILLS
(not counting flood, fiery serpents and other mass-murders)


have you not noticed your GOD, ALLAH and YAHWEH... have all the attributes of the DEVIL?!

welcome to HELL

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 07:31 AM
- "... And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance, coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission.

How did this happen? Who's to blame?
Well certainly there are those who are more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable. But again, truth be told... if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.."

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 07:32 AM
Yes it's kind of hard to say something was debunked when it hasn't happened yet,I have my suspicions but will have to wait to see end result

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by Oldtimer2
Yes it's kind of hard to say something was debunked when it hasn't happened yet,I have my suspicions but will have to wait to see end result

... And it's as SIMPLE as that. PERIOD.

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by -zeropoint-

Right on the money dude.
This must be the biggest waste of time and most bitter example of negative energy so far.

I think the main reason some people are so eager to debunk this is because they are afraid to have change to their neat little square of existance.
I understand though and I won't judge anyone for being scared. It is pretty massive, I agree. But I personally find great comfort in it. More comfort than accepting a hollow reality based on "science" alone. That is just sooo depressing.

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 08:04 AM
Thinks we know2 are due to happen in 2012.

Solar pole reversal (happens every 11 years)
Transit of Venus June 2012
Eros will pass the earth - they have already said not close enough to hit/affect us.

To be honest i do believe the polar reversal theory. This does not mean it would happen in 2012 but there are some things that suggest this happens approx 26000 years although an event like this hasn't been recorded in our history due to the time scale. i would guess (and it is a guess made on facts) that some megalithic structures may be used to indicate this but as we know little about them or the people that built them that might be very hard to prove.

posted on Nov, 2 2008 @ 08:04 AM
Thinks we know2 are due to happen in 2012.

Solar pole reversal (happens every 11 years)
Transit of Venus June 2012
Eros will pass the earth - they have already said not close enough to hit/affect us.

To be honest i do believe the polar reversal theory. This does not mean it would happen in 2012 but there are some things that suggest this happens approx 26000 years although an event like this hasn't been recorded in our history due to the time scale. i would guess (and it is a guess made on facts) that some megalithic structures may be used to indicate this but as we know little about them or the people that built them that might be very hard to prove.

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