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Is this the Jersey Devil???

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posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 09:46 AM
Machinegunjordan, it looks like you linked the wrong pic. 1068

I live on the edge of the Pine Barrens also but have never seen or heard the Jersey Devil. There is/was something there for sure. January 1909 had too many sightings to be dismissed. I personally believe it's a critter which generally keeps to itself but is seen occasionally. There is no reports of any human attacks, only small animals like chickens. There was one attack on a small dog that was witnessed by the pet's owner.

*Quote* The most infamous of these incidents occurred during the week of January 16 thru 23, 1909. Early in the week reports starting emerging from all across the Delaware Valley that strange tracks were being found in the snow. The mysterious footprints went over and under fences, through fields and backyards, and across the rooftops of houses. They were even reported in the large cities of Camden and Philadelphia. Panic immediately began to spread, and posses formed in more than one town. Fear and intrigue grew even greater when it was reported that bloodhounds refused to follow the unidentified creature�s trail in Hammonton. Schools closed or suffered low attendance throughout lower NJ and in Philadelphia. Mills in the Pine Barrens were forced to close when workers refused to leave their homes and travel through the woods to get to their jobs. *Quote*

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 09:47 AM
i had the right link but it changes everyday so it hust changed on me but thanks for updating it.

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 09:55 AM
I was wondering if it changed from the page being updated or such.

Anybody who looks at that link, you may need to go up or down to find the pic.

People who claim to hear the Jersey Devil say that it's an absolutely blood curdling scream somewhere between a woman's and something not human. Some have claimed that a rabbit's scream is what they're hearing.

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 01:30 PM
it is possibly the jersey devil in some sightings but the jersey devil has a larger body than that anyways how could the jersey devil get off the ground with all the sightings and pictures that i have seen and heard that thing could not get off the ground it has the wrong bone structure so the bat is the true j.d. ....but thats my theory.

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 02:24 PM
I think this explains both the Jersey Devil and the Moosehead phenomenon...(as well as the mystery picture, as it's obviously the same kind of bat)... The other attributes were likely originally to embellish the stories..and later became part of the "official" description... Most accounts I've read of the Jersey Devil put it at between 3 to 4 feet tall, with those of man sized being in the minority....

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 02:27 PM
actually, there have been attacks from the supposed jersey devil on humans. Of course the attacks are few, there have been deaths involved with it.

Either way, that bat is friggin ugly

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by B. Goode

People who claim to hear the Jersey Devil say that it's an absolutely blood curdling scream somewhere between a woman's and something not human. Some have claimed that a rabbit's scream is what they're hearing.

So does anyone know what sound this creature makes?

I once lived on a mountain in NY about an hours drive from the Jersey border. The first year we moved in I was awakened one night by a sound that I have always described that way "absolutely blood curdling scream somewhere between a woman's and something not human" though I actually say a woman being stabbed to death, except no one could scream that long. It was so blood curdling I was unable to move for quite some time basically just paralyzed with fear (went on for at least 10 minutes) even afterwards. I asked people who had been on the mountain decades what it was and none of them knew what I was talking about but one suggested this creature from my re-enactment of the sound. Anyway, for days afterwards none of the cats (mine or neighbors) were right. Hiding & refusing to come out, though if they did they were startled by the slightest thing. I asked all kinds of people in the area. A local bird expert was sure he had a recording of a particular bird that must be the sound - but that wasn't it either - not even close.

The next year, about the same time it happened again, this time my husband heard it too. Still, not a clue. Finally, the third year when it happened (always in the middle of the night) the next door neighbor heard it too. It was moving from my property across to hers then off somewhere else. She actually looked out and swears the other two houses that were in the vicinity also turned on there lights when this was going on. Here's the odd part. The other neighbors denied hearing it or turning on their lights that night. Always the same reaction with the domestic animals, especially the cats.

To this day no one knows what it was or admits to ever having heard it at all, but I don't believe them.

Guess I'll never know.

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 06:30 PM
the eye witnesses will over exsagerate, evryone does when there telling a story, they want it to sound cool, "this bat was like 8 ft tall!!!" see...

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by machinegunjordan
well how about this picture here

Yeah, I immediately thought of this thread when seeing that picture.

The new url for that pic is right here

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 11:18 PM
The new url for that pic is right here

The girl in the pic looks about the same size as the animal in the tree.
I am banking on it is a loose monkey.

If it made a noise the then the photographer could verify the sound.
Has anyone tried to contact the person who took the pic?

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 09:12 PM
It looks like it, but could it survive there? We need to answer these two questions:

1) Nourishment: It eats fruit. Do the Pine Barrens contain edible foods to support a small population fo these bats?

2) Weather. This thing lives in places where it doesn't get cold, let alone snow. Can it survive a New Jersey winter? If not, and it migrates, why is it only spottd in the Pine Barrens?

However, the fact that it makes a loud call reminds me of the train sighting

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 09:21 AM

actually, there have been attacks from the supposed jersey devil on humans. Of course the attacks are few, there have been deaths involved with it.

Where have you seen or heard this? It's interesting because everything that I've ever read has stated the opposite.

Relentless, the sound this bat makes is described in the quote box on Nottoohappy's original post. It's described as a pondful of frogs. Doesn't sound like the scream that is thought to be the JD.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 03:01 PM
The bat is a possibility and there are many variations of bats that could possibly fit the bill , ive seen fruit bats in captivity having a 5 foot wing span so they could scare the hell out of anyone stumbling across one and of course your recolection of the encounter would be embelished a tad. It got me to wondering how many mystery creatures might just be normal animals out of thier normal enviroment.

The above photo which they think is a Chupacabra sure looks like an opposum

Pygmy marmoset = mystery solved

I had a cat that did this , it looked like it had 3 tails , it was where the cat would shed and the hair matted up so much it looked like an extra part.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 03:12 PM
Looks like a wombat with wings or small hippo with wings

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 03:13 PM
well we debunked all of that a long time ago the winged cats are real its not hair its a wing that is a mutation its born with.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 08:41 PM

Originally posted by B. Goode

Relentless, the sound this bat makes is described in the quote box on Nottoohappy's original post. It's described as a pondful of frogs. Doesn't sound like the scream that is thought to be the JD.

Okay, so someone tell me what the hey is the JD scream coming from? Something mating would make sense, but where I lived, there were bobcats, coyotes, bears, owls... nothing comes close to what is described, what I have heard. Would love to someday get to the bottom of this sound.

Hey, I live in FL now. Have to watch out on every step for alligators, snakes and insects that look benign but - everything bites here. Then there's hurrican season. Nothing compares to the fear this sound creates in man & beast alike. Has anyone ever come across any explanations of the blood curdling screaming?

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 10:33 PM
Err....Somebody said earlier that it was a face only a mother could love? Well, u guys DO know the lengend of the Jersey Devil right?

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 10:36 PM

Originally posted by Yasuhiko23
Err....Somebody said earlier that it was a face only a mother could love? Well, u guys DO know the lengend of the Jersey Devil right?

Yes but, I think you're the first one to notice the unintentional pun.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 11:05 PM
I did too. lol. Because if u are familiar with the legend, the mother was really the only one who loved him. But I forgot whether or not she was the one who killed the him .

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 11:23 PM
U should have heard the recording of it's "voice". It makes your spine tingle. Sounds like the cross between a lady shrieking, and machinery. These paramedics on a show went to track it, and recorded it's noise multiple times. Freaky thing is, after they started investigating it, and despite the fact they each live in seperate locations, they started finding hoof prints near each of their houses. I'll link the site when I find it.

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