reply to post by noobfun
Man would I love one of those giant kiwi's but they are a little small besides they can't fly... LOL..
Now a Moa would be a little faster but they couldn't fly either guess they made the wrong decisions in evolution, and unfortunately they got eaten
into extinction. Hell can you imagine the size of those drum sticks when the Moa stood 15 feet high. How would KFC staff cook em?
Now about these Optical Computers. We call them this, because they rely on sight and the communication is geometric in nature.
Much Geometry is used as well as Letter forms or fonts but it will take a few months. but if you are inquisitive I suggest you contact me through U2U
and give me an email address where I can send the required Geometric drawings and information you ask about.
There is so little known about psychology, don't get me wrong, I am not intending to throw insults, as I fully realise there is, what humankind calls
an abundance of experience in this area, but in reality humankind has only scratched the surface, compared with what will be known and understood in
say another 2,000 years time.
So you see no matter what stage we are at in Evolution or history we will in reality still know very very little compared with what will be known in
another 2,00 years time.
We should Not discouraged by this thought but accept this in the context of reality it should be.
Let us Not be ignorant or arrogant about this truth!
Consider how many other civilisations my exist in your own universe, let alone any other universes or worlds, that don't represent anything at all,
that we can understand at present.
Human primates are so insignificant, when you travel a couple of so called light years, if they in fact exist and look back and try and see the
Now this is reality, instead of being conscious of only the Earth, wouldn't you say?
Anyway back to these Optical interfaces.
It is very easy to make up a device that allows you to observe the Geometric workings of (what was referred to in Ancient days) the Soul.
Look, the Identity of what was called the Soul, was lost many years ago and the imagination about such a thing as a soul, is B.S. today.
Religious bigots have No understanding at all and only pretend to in order to manipulate others.
Actually The Soul is nothing more than a giant machine, that is constructed of light, that manifests what you believe to be a Universe, in the form of
a Holographic Geometric Experience.
Humankind is terrified of such a possibility today, and in their terror, reject any possibility of this, or even possibly being the case.
What I call The True Mind and what Psychology accept, as being the so called human mind, are entirely two different entities.
The human Brain is a Decoder/Encoder of a biological robot that is controlled to some degree of the Geographical inner mind, and is Directly
Controlled by the Geographical Outer True Mind, and nothing more and nothing less.
The brain interfaces with an entity, that is an observer and I am Not speeking in the spiritual sense or anything like that.
The observer is that, which is aware of the human body, as you are aware that the human body is not aware of anything at all.
But the "Life Force" or Consciousness if you like to call either of those, or by any other name, that is aware of the human body instead.
The Human Primate is a Biological Robot whose boundaries are controlled by genes and the DNA Program that is within the Genes.
Try and deny that DNA is Not a Chemical Program?
We both know the answer don't we?
So yes, a human Primate is the result of a program.
And there is something, that has structured this Program, and it is certainly Not a person, sitting on a cloud playing with monkeys or primates.
There is in fact a Program, that both controls DNA Structure and its processing behaviour.
This is only one of the areas I have ben involved with.
So these Optical Interfaces, Interface with what I call The True Mind.
I have Not invented this system, but many have been involved with "back-engineering" a very ancient system, that can be traced back 5,000 years or
You can hardly call it a new technology.
The Roots of this system can be traced back to the very ancient Zionic Language that was before The Ionic Language (Greek).
You can find in Government buildings all over the planet, in Palaces, Temples, Churches, and mosaics in walkways and arcades.
The historical Remnant of the Geometric Language that has can be found has been corrupted by religions and the Like.
This knowledge was replaced, by Religion in order to bury this, but even their writings are full of this knowledge in parable form, as Human Primates
are Not very good at hiding anything.
Even those who have degrees and the like, in theology and Religious studies have no idea at all, regarding this technology.
You need knowledge, in this Mind technology first, to be able to recognise it in the writings, and then it takes many years of research, to even
slightly understand the simplest functions and processing languages.
What others and myself have achieved in this technology, can only serve as an introduction.
It will require a huge number of people to explore all the possibilities and we believe, even at the end of the next 1,000 years, we will have only
scratched the surface but this knowledge will transform humankind's understanding of themselves and their universe.