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Quit whining losers

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posted on Mar, 28 2004 @ 03:22 PM
In almost every thread I hear repeted over and over how the NWO or the Dems or the Reps are destroying this country.

Also in almost every thread I hear people talking about how they dont vote and dont make waves because it doesnt do any good and they dont want the boogie man to come and get them.

This is not only stupid its cowardly as well, if you are not man enough to speak your mind for the world to hear and to stand your ground no matter who likes it than go ahead and drop to your knees with the rest of the slaves and shut up. I forget who said it but "a coward dies a thousand deaths and a brave man dies but once"

If you are willing to give up your freedom because you are afraid of standing up and saying NO than you dont deserve freedom.

This is OUR country and it was built on the blood and sweat of the common man. We grow there food we build there homes and we fight there wars, WE have the power, without us THEY are nothing but a fat man in a suit.

We have an election coming up and if EVERYONE that said my vote dont count and I am too busy hiding in the woods from the shapeshifting reptiles would get up, get off the computer and vote we WOULD see a change. I would suggest Libertarian or Independent because the big two will not change anything, why should they?

Its either vote and get involved in YOUR government at every level or keep hiding under the bed like a scared little girl.

We are quickly coming to a point where things wont be changed by the ballot anymore but only the bullet. Yall say that you will fight but if you are too scared to act now what makes you think you are going sprout a pair of balls after the # hits the fan? I am not talking about an armed revolt (at this time) just go and vote.

If not get comfortable in your chains your going to be wearing them for the rest of your life

posted on Mar, 28 2004 @ 03:28 PM
I really beleive thsi should be in the RANT section but that's just me.

posted on Mar, 28 2004 @ 03:34 PM

This is OUR country and it was built on the blood and sweat of the common man. We grow there food we build there homes and we fight there wars, WE have the power, without us THEY are nothing but a fat man in a suit.

That's true... What would they do without people to govern? They'd be # outa luck. I'm with you on that little rant of yours, Amuk. Amen, brother.

posted on Mar, 28 2004 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by Colonel
I really beleive thsi should be in the RANT section but that's just me.

Move it if you wish but it is political I am just trying to get people to understand that what we have here is the classic school bully and until we stand up to him (the government) we are going to get our lunch money taken away.

To me if you arent willing to fight dont cry about being bullied

posted on Mar, 28 2004 @ 03:44 PM
Like I said in the other thread on voting Amuk I'll vote libertarian in the local and state level.

A vote on the national level for a libertarian by me right now would help an EVIL democRAT get elected, not something I'm prepared to do.

On a more pleasent note, when the time is right I will support a libertarian that shows a chance of winning on the national level, I like the strict constitutionalist platform better than any others out there. The Republicans that are not christian extremist will have a much easier time adjusting than the democRATS with all their special needs and big government required to boot.

posted on Mar, 28 2004 @ 03:50 PM

A vote on the national level for a libertarian by me right now would help an EVIL democRAT get elected, not something I'm prepared to do.

The sad part about this way of thinking is if EVERYBODY that thought this way would vote Libertarian then we would be sitting in the white house by a landslide.

I myself see no difference between the two parties so if I vote for EITHER than my vote dosent count, the ONLY way it can is to vote my heart.

posted on Mar, 28 2004 @ 04:56 PM
I like about 80% of Libertarian ideology, but that just so happens to be the part that agrees with most Democratic platforms. Personally I'm kind of sick of everyone taking the cop out that BOTH parties are equally corrupt and pissing and moaning for the day some third party gets big, bad and powerful and comes to save them.

That third party will be just like the others then. Anyway I do vote my heart and mind and don't apologize one bit for being a life long Democrat and proud of it. Liberal is only a dirty word to a dirty mind.

I'll be happy to cancel out anyone's vote for a Republican that claims to not really like Repubicans, but the "alternative" is worse... Bah. Ninnies. Almost as bad as the Nader nerds.

At least I'm satisfied when I vote and not making concessions. Change comes from the inside.

posted on Mar, 28 2004 @ 05:02 PM

That third party will be just like the others then.

So you would rather keep two KNOWN corupt parties in power on the chance that the other MIGHT BECOME corupt?

Makes sense to me

But if you are voting at least you are doing SOMETHING

posted on Mar, 28 2004 @ 05:20 PM
I respect your view Amuk, but I'm not quite as idealistic I suppose. (Ironic for a liberal, eh?)

I think EVERYTHING is corrupt. All corporations, all banks, this country, every other country, my cat, my hard drive... and any nut that runs for office collecting millions of dollars KNOWING he can't win. In fact, that's more corrupt. Nader is nut, and I suspect alot of Libertarian leaders are as well.

Sorry man, it's just my belief they're the establishment too or want to be. So all things being equal, I vote with the platforms I agree with that have the highest chance of success AND fight the most corruption I spy with my little eye.

In my life that's mega corporations, Wall Street, pharmaceuticals, for profit medicine, a military industrial complex that buys $400 toilet seats and Religious fanatics making laws. Historically the Dems sing my tune.

There's nothing to be ashamed of from liberal movements like civil rights. I'm proud to have been on the right side of that issue. And I have a long memory.

The Republicans will have to disown many of it's cornerstone icons from the last 30 years before I would even consider spitting on one of their candidates to put out a fire.

But there's nothing wrong with you supporting Libertarians. For the most part they hate what I hate.
I just wouldn't send one any of my money.

[Edited on 28-3-2004 by RANT]

posted on Mar, 28 2004 @ 06:54 PM
As per a request to post on this topic, I'll oblige.

I am disheartened and sickened by the apathy that seems to be running rampant in this country these days.

THANK YOU reality TV for getting people OUT of reality and into constructed "situations".

I'm also a big fan of all the "Hollywood" news. Like we should really give a rat's ass about Jennifer Lopez enough to pay more attention to that than to the education of our kids. Or better yet, let's rant at the watercooler about Janet's breast, then come election time do NOTHING!

This country has lost it's fight. We're like an old fighting dog who hasn't seen action in a while, so while there is still some fight left in us, it is become complacent.

Where is the outrage that we pay to fund superbloated social spending bills through taxes yet nothing really seems to be affected by it and it is REALLY not used effeciently (to say the least).

I am sick of the additude by my peers that politics is something that is not integral in their lives.

We used to be able to pretect our property and our lives by any means neccesary, now you'll get fined or maybe even put in jail should you kill the poor harmless man who breaks into your house.

We live in a land of true opulence. Not always in financial standards but most often in mentality.

If you don't vote then you can just curl up and die because the few remaining folks here who give a rat's ass don't want to be soiled with your languid additudes.

posted on Mar, 28 2004 @ 07:03 PM
Great comments by all.

All I can really add, being someone already said what I wished to...KrazyJ...but Amuk....well said brother and AMEN to that!


[Edited on 28-3-2004 by Seekerof]

posted on Mar, 28 2004 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by Seekerof
Great comments by all.

All I can really add, being someone already said what I wished to...KrazyJ...but Amuk....well said brother and AMEN to that!


[Edited on 28-3-2004 by Seekerof]

I just had to get it off my chest, if the founding fathers felt the same way most feel today we would still be a colony. People want to be free but dont seem to relize that freedom is something you MAKE for your self not something granted by someone else.

Even though I am and vote Libertarian I have more respect for the reps and the dems out there that at LEAST stand up for what they believe in instead of curling into a ball and doing NOTHING.

I myself would rather be a dead man than a live coward, and the sad thing is today, for the time being anyway, all you have to do is vote not stand toe to toe with a real army like our forefathers did.

I think they would be ashamed at what we have turned into.

[Edited on 28-3-2004 by Amuk]

posted on Mar, 28 2004 @ 08:22 PM

If you don't vote then you can just curl up and die because the few remaining folks here who give a rat's ass don't want to be soiled with your languid additudes.

Thanks for joining my thread KJ. Its funny that the three major parties are represented here and all three say the same...........VOTE

I forget what the last voter turnout was but a minorty of people are chosing our leaders and until we take control once again it will remain that way.

posted on Mar, 29 2004 @ 07:29 AM

If you look at a bunch of thread topics on here about making a change, it's really pathetic to see all the self defeatist attitudes we have on this board, just think of how many people we got in the real world.

They can commit themselves to 3+ hours on abovetopsecret, but they can't get off their ass to a polling station because "there's no point"... Well boo hoo!

You guys are the one's that are driving this country into the hands of the greedy bastards that want to control EVERY move you make, take your freedoms away, tax tax tax, and use the good old "if your not going to do it this way" then you can sit your ass in a dirty cold cell block, and rot...

This isn't America people, wake up! You want to keep giving these people your monies, your freedom, your happiness, and just sit by and watch seagulls # on your front lawn??

That's great....

But those of us who do care do us a favor and stop whining......

Either get your ass to a polling station and vote (I suggest Libertarian or Populist)
or sit your asz down and have a nice cup of shut the fcuk the up.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has".

[Edited on 29-3-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Mar, 29 2004 @ 04:00 PM
In Australia you are fined for failing to vote, it is compulsory.

Imagine what the money made from fines could pay for in America if the same rule was in place.

I say fine the lazy bastards.

posted on Mar, 29 2004 @ 04:17 PM
I agree with the majority of what has been said here so far. I have to agree that a vote for Libertarian in THIS upcoming election will be a wasted vote. I do support that party on the local(when available) and state level, however.
What a serious third party really needs is the backing of someone like Bill Gates. I hate the fact that money drives the politics of this(and every other) country but there is nothing we can do about that for right now.
How do you expect the average idiot watching "I want to be a transvestite" to know anything about the other parties out there? They don't care enough to do any REAL research on alternatives. They do what the pretty box in the living room tells them to do. Nothing more.
Welcome to the age of ignorance. Please leave your free thought at the door.

P.S. How do I get those seagulls to stop #ting on my front lawn?

posted on Mar, 29 2004 @ 04:56 PM
For all that say that voting Liberatarian is a wasted vote here are a few facts.........

16% of the people consider themselves Libertarians

There are currently over 400, not 300 like I said earlier,
Libertarians in office.

Libertarians are the THIRD largest party and best orginised of the "other" parties.

The last election was won by LESS voters than the number who consider themselves Libertarians (this one is my rough figures and could be wrong)

If you TRUELY wish for a change Libertarian is the best bang for your vote.

posted on Mar, 29 2004 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by Amuk
I am just trying to get people to understand that what we have here is the classic school bully and until we stand up to him (the government) we are going to get our lunch money taken away.

To me if you arent willing to fight dont cry about being bullied

That's right. Go get 'em, Amuk! Take it to the MAN! I'm right behind you....................................................................................................................very far behind you

posted on Mar, 29 2004 @ 05:05 PM
Free Costs Plenty !

Many men died violently and volentarily, so that we may have the ability to discuss, rant, offer idea's, and Make government.

Anyone that shirks their civic duty to vote, is spitting at the graves of hundreds of thousands of men, that died for your right to make a choice.

posted on Mar, 29 2004 @ 05:12 PM
And came out Libertarian both times.
But I'm voting Dem in Nov.

Why? You have to get the bullet removed before you work on the toenail infection.......more Bush will kills us! That takes voting to win, not voting to make a statement.

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