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Jim Marrs Interviews - ATS MIX Shows 106 & 107 - NOW UP!

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posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 09:54 PM
reply to post by ItsTheQuestion

Howdy ItsTheQuestion,

Gold has been sought by humans since the beginning of recorded history. To me it obviously has some importance much more significant than wealth, although as a rare metal that may have played a part of its worth, particularly in modern history. For its true significance, please read the latter part of my book Rule by Secrecy, which details the possible desire for gold by the people who tweaked the DNA of early Earth primitives and created kingship here.

Jim Marrs

posted on Oct, 29 2008 @ 01:44 AM
reply to post by Dave Rabbit

Excited about the book...I want a signed copy!

My question is a bit out of the norm, and possibly better answered by others, but here goes:

What is the relationship between aliens to one another? I am interested in the dynamics of their social interaction, domestic interaction, governing interaction, etc. Not along the lines of their interaction with "US", but betwixt each other. Thanks in advance for any insight you may be able to share.

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 04:59 PM
I just LOVE Jim Marrs books. I have given them for Christmas and have a few sitting here wrapped to give again this Christmas.

My one question ... AM I IN THE BOOK?!?

Just teasing!

My post is really this - Jim Marrs books make great Christmas gifts, holiday gifts, birthday gifts. I can't tell ya' how many people I've given his books to and who have been amazed. That sounds like a commercial - but it's true.

Most comment about the Bush connection to the Reagan shooter and his family. Shocking! Second biggest comment - the Bush name showing up in Lee Harvey Oswalds papers.

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by DOHC

Howdy DOHC,

As to what percentage of UFO sightings are real and what percentage are man-made craft using secret technology, my guess is that in the United States about 70 percent are man-made (USAF, NSA, MJ-12, New World Order, Nazis, who knows?) while about 30 percent represent non-human technology. But in other parts of the world this 30 percent number is probably much higher.

Jim Marrs

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by Good Wolf

Howdy Good Wolf,

Don't worry, relax, no one will hold you down and force you to take a chip (unless you are rounded up when martial law is declared). No, they won't physically force you. At first it will happen like it is now with Club Med. You will be offered incentives, like skipping to the first of the line or getting discounts on merchandise or maybe a free cell phone. Then later, it will be a matter of protecting against identity theft ("Don't leave home without one") and your personal security. Finally, after everyone is accustomed to the chip, it will become mandatory. You won't be able to get employment or open a bank account or buy food without the chip. And if you raise hell about this, they will turn yours off.

Jim Marrs

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 09:39 PM
reply to post by larphillips

Howdy larphillips,

Here's my two answers:

1) Is there an organized group that has an agenda that counters that of the NWO, OWG crowd? Do the secret societies have a nemesis? Is there something like a Justice League to fight their Legion Of Doom?

Unfortunately, the Justice League is only in the comics. There does not appear to be an organized group standing in opposition to the New World Order. At least, I haven't been able to find one...and I have looked. There are many different organizations working on various ways to correct the wrongs of the world but they do not have access to the corporate mass media and so, fight an uphill battle as well as feeling like they are in the battle by themselves because there is no way to bridge the communication gap between the various like-minded groups. Perhaps AboveTopSecret can change that.

2) What is the ultimate endgame for the NWO, OWG folks? What do they hope to accomplish and then what do they do after they get it?

The answer to your question may have been voiced by Nicholas "Nick" Rockefeller, who when asked that question by the late film producer Aaron Russo, stated, “The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world.” Rockefeller must know about the globalist agenda as he a participant in the World Economic Forum, member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and the International Institute for Strategic Studies. (See my book The Rise of the Fourth Reich)

Jim Marrs

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by drock905

Howdy drock905,

Good question. Please my response to AlexG141989. This more openness regarding UFOs has little or nothing to do with disclosure by the government and everything to do with the fact that our visitors are making themselves seen more often than ever. It may well be a conditioning program preparing humans for contact.

Jim Marrs

[edit on 10/30/2008 by Jim Marrs]

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by Fuzzy Wabbit

Howdy Fuzzy Wabbit, (Where do you guys get these names?!!)

I am one step ahead of you. I not only think the collapse of the US economy will tip us into the New World Order, I believe it was all planned that way many years ago. Please read my books Rule by Secrecy and The Rise of the Fourth Reich and you may agree with my assessment after learning the names, dates and places of this conspiracy.

I can only hope it will take 10 years to realize the NWO. I will be quite surprised if we do not see it firmly in place by 2013.

Jim Marrs

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by nfotech

Howdy nfotech,

I'm with you. It does seem a bit premature to ask questions before reading my new book done in conjunction with AboveTopSecret. The title, by the way and oddly enough, is Above Top Secret. So all you thinkers out there, read the book. You just might find some of the answers you seek between those covers. If not, hey, this is what the Forum is all about.

Jim Marrs

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 09:46 PM
reply to post by machinegun_go_go

Howdy MGGG,

Don't get lost in the morass of arguments over right-wing and left-wing -- the globalists are Socialists first and foremost. Why? Because it is easy to sell Socialism under the rubric of helping society, especially "the children." This sure sounds better than "Hey, gimme all your rights and I will tell you what to do." The globalists know that every social program requires central administration and they have the wealth and power to control such central administration, hence they will control the world. It's the oldest goal in history. They have become masters at such control, as typified by the 2008 election -- you can vote for Barack Obama and you will get left-wing Socialism or you can vote for John McCain and get right-wing Socialism. Either way, the globalists win. As for eugenics, you can read all about that in my book, The Rise of the Fourth Reich. Why do they preach "oneness" but practice eugenics? The globalists, whether they actually are members or not, nevertheless subscribe to the old Illuminati adage - the end justifies the means. Therefore, they will pretend to be liberal, conservative, Democrat, Republican, communist, Nazi or all the above if it will further their plan to bring the world under Socialism with them in control, of course.

Jim Marrs

posted on Oct, 30 2008 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by Lyrian

Howdy Lyrian,

Don't try to get me into that trap. I have no idea if the British Royal Family are reptilian shape-shifters or not and, if I did, I don't think I would win many converts from the mainstream by publicly calling the Queen Mother a 200-year-old Reptilian cannibal. Just study all the available evidence and decide for yourself where the truth lies. The evidence does suggest that Princess Diana was assassinated but probably because she was pregnant with a baby of color rather than knowing shape-shifting secrets. But, then again, you know, George W, Bush looks kind of Reptilian, doesn't he? Hmmmmm?

Jim Marrs

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 05:26 AM
reply to post by TheBorg

Howdy The Borg,

Here are your questions and followed by my comments:

1) With the world in the situation it is right now, do you see a way that the People can break free from the oppressive hands of those in power?
Only by regaining the ability to think for themselves and determining the direction of their lives for themselves. Somehow this means regaining control over the mass media which is now in hands of only six giant multinational corporations.

2) If so, what method do you think that we'll use to get control back? Will we fight with guns as we have for eons? Or will we finally evolve past the need to use weapons on one another?
I do not advocate armed rebellion. Once that ball is put into play, there is no way of assuring who will come out on top or even that the rebellion will not be taken over by the most violent. Instead we should try to educate our fellow citizens to the truth of the situation in America and act according. After all, there are more decent people in this country than bad eggs. We just have to get together rework some of our institutions so that they better serve the people rather than the greedy psychopaths and Nazis who wish to gain total control.

3) In your opinion, do you feel that the NWO could be in any way a good thing? Could they have an auspicious goal? And if so, what might that goal be?
Philosophically, I have no aversion to a New World Order. After all, we are one world, one humanity. I can foresee the day when someone is asked, "Where are you from?" and they will answer, "The Earth." But we cannot afford to allow a handful of people, members of secretive societies which have wrecked havoc for centuries, to set the course to globalization for us through deceit and secrecy. Their track record over the past few centuries has been abysmal -- world wars, regional conflicts, depressions, starvation, disease, tyranny, etc. A true New World Order devoted to justice and rights for the individual must come through men and women of good conscience working together for a better future, not corporate Socialists who believe that a ruling elite is best qualified to bring in a new world.

Jim Marrs

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 05:56 AM
reply to post by Jim Marrs

Dear Sir,

Have you come across anything in you research efforts about the use of monoatomic elements (specifically gold)that may indicate such elements were/are used in space travel- Perhaps by the Annunaki? Or currently, by the Secret Space program?

Since monoatomic particles lose mass when heated and gain it back upon being cooled, they could be used in a space-based propulsion mechanism:

A chain of ten monoatomic gold particles fired whilst superheated into the deep cold of space towards a point of impact (on a spaceship perhaps) would impact upon the impact point with the mass of 12 or more monoatomic gold particles.

Given that this could be repeated thousands of times per minute with millions of m-state gold particles, this would make an excellent propulsion system - far better than our current ion drives (and without bending any laws of physics more than m-state particles already do).

*I believe Sir Laurence Gardner knows about this potential use of monoatomic gold. I think he might share what he knows if the right person asked him.

[edit on 31-10-2008 by TruthTellist]

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 07:29 AM
Hello, Jim Marrs. I don't have a question, but I do want to thank you for the valuable research you have done, and for the chances you have taken bring this information to the people. I have just read your book, "Rise of the Fourth Reich," and man you hit the nail on the head with that one. I am trying to get "Alien Agenda," but my library is having trouble getting it. They told me it's always that way with any book with the word "Alien" in the title. Keep up the good work, you are a true Info Warrior.

posted on Oct, 31 2008 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by autowrench
I am trying to get "Alien Agenda," but my library is having trouble getting it. They told me it's always that way with any book with the word "Alien" in the title. Keep up the good work, you are a true Info Warrior.

I had the same problem. Went to one branch that was supposed to have it and it wasn't on the shelf like it should be. A librarian checked and the last time it was borrowed was five years ago. It had been missing that long. And the libranan said the same thing, ie., anything on Aliens gets stolen. I've had the same problem on the Library of Congress looking up VRIL information. Missing stuff galore. (Only stuff written in German is still available.) The librarian there said anything Occult disappears. I jokingly asked if it might be the Senators stealing the books to keep the public dumb. She didn't laugh.


[edit on 31/10/2008 by Matrix1111]

posted on Nov, 3 2008 @ 10:24 PM
Heya Jim, hope your enjoying the community, and thank you for joining us.

First question/s I have, if it hasn't been asked already is;
What brought your attention to ATS, and how long have or did you know of this little hidey hole before registering?

Second, which I'm sure has been asked in one forum or another is, how possable would it be, to get a signed copy of the new book?

Thank you for your time, looking forward to seeing the publication and gazing upon it's entirety.

posted on Nov, 6 2008 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by Jim Marrs
reply to post by larphillips

Howdy larphillips,

Here's my two answers:

1) Is there an organized group that has an agenda that counters that of the NWO, OWG crowd? Do the secret societies have a nemesis? Is there something like a Justice League to fight their Legion Of Doom?

Unfortunately, the Justice League is only in the comics. There does not appear to be an organized group standing in opposition to the New World Order. At least, I haven't been able to find one...and I have looked. There are many different organizations working on various ways to correct the wrongs of the world but they do not have access to the corporate mass media and so, fight an uphill battle as well as feeling like they are in the battle by themselves because there is no way to bridge the communication gap between the various like-minded groups. Perhaps AboveTopSecret can change that.

2) What is the ultimate endgame for the NWO, OWG folks? What do they hope to accomplish and then what do they do after they get it?

The answer to your question may have been voiced by Nicholas "Nick" Rockefeller, who when asked that question by the late film producer Aaron Russo, stated, “The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world.” Rockefeller must know about the globalist agenda as he a participant in the World Economic Forum, member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and the International Institute for Strategic Studies. (See my book The Rise of the Fourth Reich)

Jim Marrs


Thank you for your answers! I read my first book of yours last month, Rule By Secrecy, and now I'm hooked. I'm buying your entire catalogue the next chance I get.

posted on Nov, 7 2008 @ 01:07 PM
Thank you for your time....

I just have to ask. Is DATS (Drunks Above Top Secret) Bar and Grill mentioned in the book?? I am asking because just in the last 2 weeks alone we have had over 2000 posts. Although at first it was a slow start it has suddenly taken off like wild fire.

I guess I am just wonder if conspiracies are the only thing covered in the book. Does it include the online personalities of the posters here??

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 05:25 AM

posted on Nov, 10 2008 @ 06:32 PM
Hi Mr. Marrs!

I just found out you have the answer to every question I could ever think to ask-sort of.

Did you ever have cause to view or obtain a copy of Abu Zubaydah's diary? Is it obtainable? I have an alternative view of his rani 1-rani 2- rani 3, self identity designations, but they are a little over the top for the board-so I'll U2 them sometime!

Thank you thankyou thankyou for existing. So....

Did you ever see it? I doubt it is in the public circuit--but is it viewable?

Thankyou very much!

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