posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 01:18 PM
Jim Marrs,
I'm confused about the whole Conspiracy Theory phenomenon. Most of it seems to be just an updated version of the Protocols of Zion. Throw in some
Madame Blatavsky and Hitler alien and occult stuff and you have the Shadow Government/Alien plot for a New World Order.
The fact that consipracy theories seem like Nazi propaganda makes me wonder if that's not what they are. Your "Rise of the Fourth Reich" indicates
that through Paperclip, Nazis have made their way into mainstream corporate America. It seems logical that they would re-package the Protocols of Zion
for a new generation. And they do so using the same tactic that Hitler used to come into power: Turnspeak. (
Yesterday, I came across "Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism, and the Politics of Identity" by Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke online. The book
basically says the allegations of a NWO plot is really just a neo-nazi psyops plot to drum up support for the overthrow of the US government.
Goodrick-Clarke even connects Icke to neo-nazi militia groups saying he's being used by them. Also that Nexus Magazine is owned by the same neo-nazis
people and is being used to infiltrate the New Age and Green Peace movements.
Considering this background, isn't the real conspiracy that those who spread the Illuminati (aka. Jewish) NWO conspiracy are the true conspirators?
In other words, it's neo-Nazis that are spreading the rumors of a NWO conspiracy. And the real NWO are the Nazi diehards?
Confusing, I know. But that's the nature of Turnspeak.
[edit on 28/10/2008 by Matrix1111]