posted on Oct, 28 2008 @ 02:59 PM
As I have been reading several posts here, I find my view of the events happening in the EU and globally a bit different from most. Maybe its because
I have been watching the EU, WEU, UN, Aliance of Civilizations, Tony Blair's faith foundation and several other entities for quite some time.
Europe's goal is not as innocent as some would like to believe, reading the entire Libson is a good start in seeing what the ultimate plan is. Other
good documents also include the Barcelona Process(if you care to see who really has the power in the union), the European Neighborhood Policy(this
will show europes agenda better than most other docs). The NWO many are looking for is under their nose and they don't even recognize it. The
governmental structure they wish to have is Democratic Socialism. Look at the UN charter and many of the laws that have been passed that delegate
power to the UN. Democratic Socialism is a smoke screen in itself, the "war on terror",Patriot Act, and subsequent war in Iraq have all been
stepping stones to turn the US towrds this style government. Democratic Socialism in itself is a government that appears to give power to its people
via voting and paliments, or congress, or senates, when in actuality there is no real choice. You are given candidates who once elected do not fairly
represent the people, taxes are approved without permission, all under the pretence of a democracy. Where the world is headed is tantamount to turning
the reigns of the entire planet over to someone like a George W Bush and letting him run over the entire planet instead of just his one country. Or if
you can imagine, we could end up with some one far worse(and I suspect we will), and they have made the entire globe so "interdependent" that the
populace could not stop it now if everyone knew and was willing to do something about it. This financial crisis is a prime example of this. Almost
nothing is actually produced in the US anymore, so we have become dependant on others to produce for us, this way if there is a hiccup in the market,
the whole world catches the flu. None of this is new, it started with the birth of th UN, and has slowly come into effect over the years. Now that
everyone can see the calls for an actual global government start, they are scared that they will lose their freedom or their money, and you should be.
The problem is the NWO is not coming, it's here, look at what they have taken already from the liberties you once had. This applies to everyone not
just the US. All countries short of Iran have central banks, all have pledged alleigance to the UN, all have taken steps to demilitarize themselves
and arm the UN. to quote UN Secretary General Ban Kai Moon "We will have global governance, its just a matter of when and by what means"